It's over boys

it's over boys
>tfw you didn't buy into the vr meme

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Other urls found in this thread:

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks

The real reason is because the Oculus Rift is just shit compared to the HTC Vive.

When it was released, Facebook tried to be cunts with it and paid devs to make games exclusively for the Rift.
Naturally Valve shrugged and did what they do (which is make VR stuff now). Fast forward to the present time and the HTC Vive now has more games, more owners, and more third party tools/support since it was developed on an open shared platform; while the Oculus Rift has absolutely nothing despite trying to leech off of what Valve and Steam Devs have made.

Every Oculus Rift owner now has likely asked themself, "Why didn't I just buy a HTC Vive?"

also occulus had exclusive games shitting on HTC killing VR for everybody

do do dodo do do doodoo
it all comes crumbling down crumbling down crumbling down


ruh roh

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They announced that they were focusing purely on mobile VR a while back. Not sure why this is a surprise.

That's what Carmack deserves for betraying the community like that, public humiliation.

Perhaps the system is good that it actually sold out everywhere.

They're trying to quietly kil lthe rift off though so they can have their own standalone device with a closed ecosystem.
Meanwhile, Mixed Reality will creep its way into the void the Rift has left being a good value option, and the Vive will continue to be the Vive for better or worse.

I bought a Vive two years ago, and all I've ever used it for was drawing my mom a happy mother's day card in 3D.

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Meanwhile nintendo just release the switch VR made of recicled wiiu boxes

At least they invented the controllers, was stupid to sell the headset with xbone gamepad at launch, good thing that the industry doesn't make wands anymore

I hope she liked it user

Nintendo if some company knows a toy gimmick when they see one.

Reminder that Abrash is the main scientist, Carmack is a code monkey

damn op, yeah, it's over

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>PC gamers dont actually give a fuck about this hardware because 80% cant even use it
>The only dominant VR gaming headset comes from a company that already had an established reputation with 90 million potentional buyers for their cheaper hardware and focus on games

rift is dead, long live the rift

She looked at it for all but five seconds before taking the headset back off. I don't think the animation where it actually renders the picture had finished yet. I wish I could undo my purchase of a virtual reality headset.

what a nice thing to do
did she like it?

Abrash also did the main work on Quake that Carmack got all the credit for.

No you dumb cunt.
They financed those games completely, so that the devs didnt have to take a giant risk for making a high budget game for a small user base.

Without oculus those games wouldnt exist

there is a simple word for that : denial

Rift S is going to be a lukewarm refresh, their focus is on the mobileshit.
Microsoft and Valve will have to save us now.

This is a load of bullshit. There are very few games that are Vive only while there are quite a few that are Oculus only (not to say that's a good thing). And the only accessory that matters, the wireless mod, is available for both.

All that actually matters is the hardware and both are pretty much identical in regards to the HMD. If anything the Rift has an edge with its vastly superior controllers.

then why are there numerous rumours flying around about an upgraded Rift to be released this year?

vr is a meme i can't believe people were spending 600 on vr just 4 years ago I remember when the fucking gtx980 was the vr go to card

We haven't even gottan a fucking triple AAA vr game just ports like re7 and skyrim LMFAO

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Did the Rift ever finally get two damn tracking cameras? Because not being able to turn around properly when playing Robo Recall is the most annoying shit ever.

Fuck off Mark, your shitty jewing has ruined a product.
Go back to stealing and leaking personal information, it seems to be all you're good at, Mr. (((Zuckerberg)))


Just finished my daily vr jack off session, stay mad.

>vr is a meme

No, it's the only way I was able to look at a beautiful naked 3D girl at any angle

rift + touch bundle ships with two sensors.

>muh facebook
they are the reason the rift + touch bundle is half the price of the vive bundle.

Do you think Carmak regrets his decision?

That box looks pissed.

Not yet. But when he comes with his nect big thing and gets compared to the "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING" man, he will.

>they are the reason the rift + touch bundle is half the price of the vive bundle.
And is just as worthless lmao

He still isn't sorry for being a dick to Romero.

Why does every single thing on Yea Forums need to be some kinda shitty tribal warfare?

You didn't buy into VR because you couldn't afford it, Pedro

Why should he feel sorry for being a dick to Romero. Romero thought he was a rockstar and Carmack was focused on pushing the medium of gaming as well as tech.

>But Muh Level design
Yes Doom and Quake 1 are wonderful games. John is a legend for a reason. But Carmack knew Multiplayer was the future with Quake 3. ID's only downfall was not realizing how important digital distribution would be and not tackling console gaming properly.

Or you could go fuck one in real life

Its not all bad.

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That's truly pathetic

How the fuck did you niggers got baited like this? OP didn't even post the link

It said its sold out, not removed. Jesus christ

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The vive is better in every way. Stop buying into the facebook meme.

>just bee urself

I even edited the text, but I guess Yea Forums hateboner for vr is too strong to even bother checking for fakenews ;)

>if you only knew how bad things were

Thread theme

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If everybody bought Mixed Reality there would be no need for brand wars.
Because devs would have to get their shit together and support all three formats.
Most games you can get working with Mixed Reality but there are quite a few games that have issues when they really shouldn't.

not really since there has been consistent VR threads that isn't full of poorfags

still, thanks for making this thread to make an ass out of them :)

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its alright if you find a group of friends, and they have full body with skimpy anime avatars

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I don't even understand the VR meme. Retards bought a tech demo thinking it would have games any time in the next 10 years?

>be really depressed about uni and shit
>seriously considering dropping out
>get into pixelart animation
>decide to make my mom a looping desert scene
>spend a week adding animations, shading and correcting every little detail
>send it to my mom on an email so she can put it as a background on her office's computer
>that same day she calls me
>"when are you going to get a job"
>no mention of the animated background

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Vive has been the same way for months. Both camps are producing the Gen 1s basically 'to order' while they gear up for Gen 2.

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California tech industry thought this would be the new gold mines. Instead it's a dead end for gameplay since it turns everything into walkin sims and all in first person. Not to mention how anti social it is to have a VR headset.

Augmented Reality is better and will have better applications, like assisting firefighters/doctors/etc. VR is such a joke, lol. They all deserve to have the VR industry come under them.

>What looks to be styrofoam
Seriously? That's just begging for sweat and stink

Making devs support all three is ridiculous. That's like asking them to support every keyboard and mouse individually. Oculus, Valve, and MIcrosoft need to get their shit together and implement OpenXR.

>few years before that incident
>editing photos I get into digital drawing
>my mom is always bothering to paint a portrait of her
>have always been an abstract artist because I fucking suck
>try to make her face adding details like her green eyes in original ways that aren't just green dots
>do this really quickly in front of her because I was inspired
>"okay now put some effort into it and make me a REAL portrait"

Attached: 1551715537150.jpg (256x256, 49K)

Someone who works there need to spill the beans.

Several detailed pictures of the headsets looks like enough beans spilled already.

>Any game with a female in it
>Can't stop touching and groping her
help, i'm getting blacker by the minute

Only if you are an amerilard of a pajeet

It seemed more like
>company gets consumer interest in devkits
>retool the devkits to be somewhat affordable
>other companies notice the attention and start hyping up VR and sell their own models
>AAA studios talk about how their games could theoretically have VR maybe
>retards start buying what are still retooled devkits thinking they'll be playing AAA games
>Its the tech demo they were promised
>Retards start throwing a bitchfit because they are uneducated and did not understand what they were buying
>start chanting VR is dead when they hyped it up to be something it wasn't themselves
I just can't look at anyone who talks about VR being dead as anything but a retard. They sold tech demos and that's what people got. Do research next time?

how do I stop myself from getting hyped for vr and just wait till it gets better
every once in a few months i see something cool and I get obsessed with it and it's getting harder and harder to quench

you poor bastard

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>Exactly 5 years have passed.

I'm looking foward to these games coming this year (hopefully)
Puzzle game, not too unlike The incredible machine of yore.
Because i'm a sucker for calm exploration games, so i hope it'll be better in VR
>MechWarrior 5
Nuff said, it's MechWarrior
Crazy action game, sorta like Just Cause (the good ones) from the looks of it

>no bonerworks

That's cute man

How come no one calls him Cuckerberg

>tfw want to get vr just to erp in this game
>tfw the community is full of elitist assholes, e-thots with orbiters, and little kids
Not to mention people crash your game the last time I played.

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they're the same thing

How's that buyer's remorse going, John Carmack?

Because he does the cucking
[lying in front of Congress intensifies]

This is what you get to look forward to when you buy a vr headset.
>nearly every AAA vr port gets turned into a teleport simulator
>400lb weebs role-playing as lolis in vr chat
>streamer bait like rick and morty vr and job simulator
>shovelware like surgeon simulator VR(the goofy youtuber bait one) will be recommended to you unironically because that's the bulk of games available for VR
>screen door effect
>a sweaty face and a stinky headset
>needing to have a high-end pc to be able to play VR games at an acceptable res and frame-rate, and if you don't have one, you will need to purchase one
oh, and the "budget" vr options are all fucking garbage and are equivalent to strapping a phone with a gyroscope to your head.

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Dunno, but Palmer leaving and Carmack staying were both specifically due to the focus on mobile first.

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why fight it

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>facebook paid people to make shitty shovelware tier games
They were still in the wrong

Palmer was driven out solely due to wrongthink and ORANGE MAN BAD
It's Iribe who left because of Rift 2 being canceled and a focus on a "race to the bottom"
Funny how the Facebook acquisition turned out exactly as bad as the doomsayers predicted.

you're wrong and all but thanks for the bump.

Sure, but that's been spammed for a few days, don't think anyone don't know about it by now

it's a 4k image. zoom in, stupid phonenigger.

official announcement basically has to be sooner than later, at this point. we're going to get *something* at GDC in a couple weeks. there are games confirmed coming this year whose knuckles integration is a major selling point.

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>buying a tech demo
I'll wait the extra two decades like everyone who isn't a mindless consumer drone that only buys shit when it's popular

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So it's even worse, actual cotton

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Man, ressentiment were pretty great until the axe came down. Remember the thread dumping volume 1 years ago. One of the best threads on Yea Forums

>I'll wait the extra two decades

Attached: wait_for_vr.jpg (699x3305, 356K)

>I'll wait the extra two decades

>official announcement basically has to be sooner than later, at this point. we're going to get *something* at GDC in a couple weeks.
My body is ready.

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Why wait? It's so easy to buy a cheap WMR for a few hundred and enjoy VR as it grows.

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>tfw bought both a vive and oculus rift
I ain’t mad

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Say it with me, folks!

>implying tech demos are bad

how come the guy wearing VR stays so young?

user, they are releasing a new Oculus and that's why the old one isn't available

The guy getting older is actually a VR character and the player is playing a game about playing VR.

the Vive controllers are fucking terrible compared to the Rift

>Wanting to buy unfinished games

you probably only ERP in fullbody like a fucking loser

neck yourself, stupid /vrg/ goer

>buying games


don't. it's still Valve. they absolutely could and probably would let games like boneworks hang in the wind without knuckles available until years after release. they absolutely could and would decide in the final months before presumptive reveal to just cancel it all. this is what Valve does, now. kills their babies.

we're going to be getting *something*, in that they're talking about hardware. it won't necessarily be anything that they ever bring to market.

VR is not the only tech he jumped on, dead guy was also waiting on anti-aging pills to become better. Or they are simply different people.

you cute

I'm surprised the box isn't plastered blue with a Facebook logo and like button slapped on it

should have chosen better

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Do you think those guys regret getting bought by Facebook yet?

>black hands

Yeah you should have chosen PC

Aside from Carmack who's even left out of original Oculus

No one from the looks of it. All gone.

I tried this turd at a friends house for 5 hours, it was pure garbage I couldn't believe it, you can't even turn around without it yelling at you for being out of the playspace, it reminded me of eyetoy more than it did my rift that I had a year ago.
I'm glad it exists, but I'm afraid it probably drove more people away from VR than more into it.

>no results for quest

you know they've got a new headset coming out in the same vein as Oculus Go since that proved to have better retention right?

Attached: Oculus-Quest-2.jpg (2000x1125, 169K)

i have a rift and am salty that i cant play robot rescue and tetris effect.

I'm just gonna wait for the third revision.

Shadow Legend is finally out if any of you buyfags are interested
I'm just going to keep an eye on it until I hear more news.

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>standalone android hmd
this board is for video games, user

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The second it gets to the fourth picture is the second I’ll buy one.

>Yea Forums - Video Games
>expected to talk about standalone headset gimmickshit

>Facebook VR Console
no one here is talking about it because nobody here is that fucking retarded (but you).

Oh boy, a closed dead on arrival walled garden ecosystem with none of the games that actually held my attention like H3VR, Doom3VR, Alien Isolation or Onward with a mid range for 2017 fucking phone processer.

We don't even have sufficient power for good VR on our high end desktops, I'm not buying a phone without a phone in it.

What are its killer apps user? Superhot?
Come on now, if Zuck is going to force everyone into his restrictive standalone ecosystem he could at least have some sweet exclusives ready to go.

Fuck facebook for killing Myspace.

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Get that cute ass in my lap

Yeah and it's mobileshit closed garden garbage, Go was a glorified netflix watcher.

>but I'm afraid it probably drove more people away from VR than more into it.
It sold more than it's two biggest competitors combined
Sony is doing more to fund and publish actual VR games than any other company in the world

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Both of those things are good, and I'm glad.
But fucking hell couldn't they have spent more time on the hardware? Did they have to reuse the playstation camera and the fucking playstation move? THIS IS NOW WHAT PEOPLE THINK VR ACTUALLY IS

>3 million
Isn't that a flop? By like, all metrics?

>playstation move
PSVR has more viable controller options than any other headset as well
the DS4 is what most VR games are developed around,
the aim and move controllers are secondary

Attached: psvr astrobot.jpg (2048x1152, 986K)

What's a good racing game to get my feet wet? Asetto Corsa is 50% off, does it run well?

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>PSVR has more viable controller options than any other headset as well
don't think so, bud
stop posting like a retarded marketer, PSVR sold more but it's the budget experience, you get what you pay for

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VR is a completely new industry
and PSVR is a peripheral for existing hardware
there aren't really metrics for success other than what Sony's expectations and budgets were
every PSVR headset is sold at a profit, and Shuhei has stated PSVR surpassed their very conservative launch year estimates easily

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That's too much work

Why not both?

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you do know you can use wheels in GT Sport and Driveclub VR right
Ace Combat 7 vr missions support flight sticks
can vive and rift track standard controllers?
what options do they have similar to the Aim Controller

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Not when you're trying to establish a new product line

>No Sega VR
>No Daytona USA VR
>No Time Crisis VR
>No House of the Dead VR

Does Sega know something we don't? Do they want to make them in VR but are waiting?

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If the iphone sold 3 million there wouldn't be anymore iphones.

>what options do they have similar to the Aim Controller
How about a gun with proper recoil?
I'm there there are dozens of other mounts or custom controllers for the common VR APIs too.

As for the other stuff, just pick your poison.
And that's only counting the VR-specific devices.

PSVR is decent for the masses but doesn't push the medium in any way other than funding the occasional game.

>Does Sega know something we don't?
they just have their priorities straight
they know which games to start with

Attached: SC5.jpg (1200x674, 209K)

Sony already stated they will continue with VR and that they consider PSVR a success
they are still funding and publishing games
they are clearly happy with it, or they would have dropped it like Vita already
your iphone comparison doesn't work

Attached: FromSoftxSonyJapan.jpg (2048x1408, 596K)

My faith is now restored, and more excited now.

>it won't be roomscale
>can't put your head up ulala's skirt

reminder Rift was originally released WITHOUT controllers

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>Striker VR’s Arena Infinity solution is more believable, but it costs at least $2,800
I said viable options dumb ass

Rift 2 confirmed

How do you feel when you are done with it?

At $599 too, that pricing shit was so infamous there are still people thinking VR is "too expensive" even though you can get a full HMD + controller set for less than $300 when people easily pay double that for a fucking phone or a monitor.

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I didn't even know that until I read the book about Oculus founding that came out recently. How the fuck did people defend or even process this?

Goddamn, he really got fucked over. But apparently he's making tons of cash doing defense contracts now. Good on him.

There are about 30 options for gun rigs, that one costs 3K because of the force feedback while others are very cheap and still better than that piece of shit wii feeling thing that I tried.
PSVR cannot compete on the peripheral side, we are saturated at fuck.

Attached: Caps-Position-Oculus-Rift-gun-adapter-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 176K)

>How the fuck did people defend or even process this?
Don't think anyone defended it, maybe some sim autists.

I gave you the most interesting thing, there are a bunch of Vive-compatible guns on Amazon for more reasonable prices.

I think it's a bit silly though since you can just emulate a gun with the usual two motion controllers setup, a niche peripheral for a niche peripheral will never be very popular.

Facebook is subsidizing Rifts and tossing around fully funded exclusives but can still barely get a market share advantage over HTC which is the most don't give a fuck slack ass company I have ever seen. Not to mention WMR is up to 10% and growing, and thats with zero advertisement and most people mistakenly thinking it's AR.
What a gaffe.

Rift 2 confirmed canceled
Rift S confirmed never
Go buy a Quest goy

They didn't for the most part. That is why a lot of people interested in VR say that the Vive is leaps and bounds better to this day.


history never learns lol

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They were memed on pretty hard.
Then HTC one upped them with the fucking $799 set lmao.

>a niche peripheral will never be very popular.
the aim controller sells out every time it's restocked actually

>used to expensive Vive rigs
>try cheapo VR headset at a coworker's place
>works perfectly fine running off some run of the mill i7 laptop

blew my fucking mind. I love VR but i was firmly in the camp of "needs to cost a lot to be worth it"
thats a big off

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VR gunstocks seem kinda neat at first but how the fuck do you throw grenades and shit? Or switch to pistol?
Seems like it'd only be good for games where you never switch weapons, or tryhard sniping.

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WMR is going to sweep the carpet from under both of them eventually at this rate. Its like 5 different companies making them to MS specs and they are already on their 2nd gen models.
Its the same as Android eating its way into iOS' lion share of the smartphone market.
All WMR needs is out of the box compatibility with Steam VR Vive and Rift games. (Its mostly there but a lot of games need tweaks and fixes still), and a few really good exclusives under its belt.

Fuck FB.
Rift was doing alright compared to Vive, according to steam surveys as far as I can recall. My guess they just want a truly closed ecosystem and rift was too open for their taste.I doubt oculus quest / go are so much cheaper to make after all the time rift has been on the market.

what is the point you are trying to get across?

Valve has been eating through VR devs pretty fast, Chet left in 2017 despite being basically the company's face of VR and constantly shilling the Vive.
I doubt they will give up on it any soon though, I think this is just a typical rotation.

Some come with a sling and are easily detachable, so you can easily switch.

Facebook probably spent an order of magnitude more than HTC on marketing and research so their market share wasn't very impressive.

I bought IT for porn and elite dangerous but mostly fór porn got my money worth

You seem to be extremely familiar with that.

I use a sling. Just let go of the stock
I am really excited for the Forcetube. Force feedback in wheels adds a lot (I made the mistake of buying a cheaper wheel after having a FF one, so I know).

Attached: nevercomingout.png (800x600, 301K)

That is really sad news.
I was hoping Valve would save VR.
Check it out

Speaking of the devil, the company Chet is an adviser at just announced some VR battle card game.

>It sold more
while being more than half the price

and yet still sold at a profit
Sony is an actual hardware company, why buy from Facebook

>Oculus dying
>Valve dying
>Nintendo announces obscene mockery of VR
i-is it over vrbros?

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Enterprise market is doing very well and even if gaming market did stagnate, it would be ready to make a comeback when the technology is more mature.

That being said, even the gaming sector by large seems to be growing.

>Leave VR to me

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all what they had to do is make it more accessible

>even if gaming market did stagnate
VR HMD adoption on Steam doubled in 2018, no game sales data tho.

Odyssey+ should arrive some time today. I have a huge list of games I am going to play.

God I hope not, VR was the only good thing that happened for a long ass time.
It's hard to go back to shooting guns in games coupled to my head.

>knuckles integration is a major selling point.
Can't fucking wait.

Attached: 59c4214233218.jpg (854x480, 133K)

just finally started making functional wireless devices
we got so close this time

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>we got so close this time
Except there's actually a glimmer of light at the end of this dark age.

Valve isn't dying and is not abandoning VR. If anything the total market rejection of Artifact might be the kick in the ass they've needed to stop fucking around and get back to making things people actually want (instead of trying to forcibly shape tastes to fit what they want to make). Tencent Store is a real threat but the battle has barely started.

God I wish we could. A dynamically foveated display like their original pitch is exactly what we need. Unfortunately Varjo seems to have fallen into the 'enterprise market' trap, and all but abandoned their plans for a dynamic display.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Valve HMD will have some kind of foveated display. Even if it's fixed.

Attached: varjo-pixels-small.jpg (1308x1228, 795K)

Based and finnpilled
Playing on my Varjo™ and 12D VR Chair is the true path transcendent gaming

Attached: VR-Chair-550.jpg (550x646, 87K)

>Tencent Store is a real threat
Not really, the weekly dirty chinese tricks are entertaining though

soon you'll be able to stroke knuckles' knucks in VR

No, I literally couldn't

valve's wacky style of doing team grouping probably left chet on the losing side of a schism
hard to tell if this is a good or bad thing but we'll get the answer when the knuckles come out (if they ever come out)

Tencent isn't just another Chinese company, it is China. Valve absolutely has met their match in them, another, even more 'infinite' war chest. Coming directly for them.

>OG Rift being phased out/not manufactured anymore
>Quietly dripfeed out the remainder of the units until the Rift S refresh is ready at a lower price point

>still thinks the Rift S is coming
That shit was cancelled. Oculus is going to shut down their servers for PCVR next year.

>"Ah yes, Varjo. My old arch nemesis. You cannot possibly think you can claim victory over our superior ChinkoVR"

Attached: pimax.jpg (1920x1080, 356K)

The wireless kit for Vive costs as much as a god damn Rift in Canada. HTC pricing is absurd.

>there are people (retards) that paid money for that oculus rift trash instead of valve's vive headset because they are fucking stupid and went for what they saw being advertised by non-gaming related media

well i got the htc vive and not this shity zuck cock sucking product

That's cool and all but what do they actually have to show for it?
Throwing around money only gets you so far, look at Oculus.

Spare no expense, user.

Shit was 400AUD more expensive, and I liked the controllers more.
It was great, but I sold it when the Valve one got leaked.
One of these fucking aeons it'll be announced

new model is releasing within the next two months

>teleport simulator

WHY? WHY THE FFFFFFFFFUCK DO THEY DO THIS?? It makes no fucking sense. Who actually finds that fun? Just let me move for fuck's sake, literally EVERYONE would rather do that.

same model with slightly better lenses*

Assuming the Rift S isn't cancelled, it's a low-tier HMD designed to compete with low end WMR apparently. NOT a true Rift successor.
Seeing as it hasn't even been officially announced or acknowledged, it's years away or more likely vaporware.
FB simply isn't interested in competition because they have to pretend to be nice when they aren't dominant.

>Buying a Rift
>Paying to willingly put cameras up in your own home so Zuckerberg can watch you masturbate

Good thing most games nowadays don't force you to teleport

what a retard

It's not a Rift successor but a cheaper-to-produce "good enough" replacement. It also speaks to me that they're going to replace the Constellation system in a Rift 2.

Oh, well nuts.

I returned my Vive a while back. Guess it's really starting to show now.

Attached: 1551679216416.png (375x383, 80K)

Ah yes, the cameras that can only see IR light unless you physically remove a film from behind the plastic front.

fbt is great. Lets you be more cute.

Attached: 48325384.000000075_VRChat_1920x1080_2019-03-05_22-13-28.183.png (1920x1080, 666K)

>b-b-but Beat Saber! And Astrobot!!!

Attached: mfw.jpg (500x376, 116K)

>Implying that matters

Attached: 677DA791-386A-403A-8ED2-F030250B8F74.jpg (480x360, 26K)

But what's wrong with Zuck shadow crew watching you engaged in throes of passion with lolis on VRchat and getting off the the possibility that the shadow crew might be getting off to watching you in real time as well. It's a cycle of free love and passion.

>user doesn't know about hardware refreshes

Meh, the only people who think VR is a gimmick haven't played any of the good games.
>From Other Suns
>Robo Recall
>Vox Machinae
>Star Trek; Bridge Crew.
And also got some good ones coming out like Defector if you like James Bond bullshit and Boneworks looks like a VR version of Half Life.

Seethe harder Yea Forums

>Vox Machinae
Man I wish that game was better.
It's a fantastic concept and feels great but there is just nothing deep to it.

I always get this confused with a real person from the thumbnail.

vive works on my machine

>Tetris Effect
at first I was thinking that was just a time exclusive, but now that Tetris 99 came out, it's starting to look like The Tertis Company and Sony made a similar deal

>>have always been an abstract artist because I fucking suck
You can't break the rules until you master them. You'll always be lightyears behind the competition.