Halo MCC on PC

Get hyped

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>Win10 exclusive

I remember buying the first Halo for PC when it came out. Probably the worst shooter I've played.

fpbp as always

If multiplayer is on there, then fuck yeah I’ll buy it

because Gearbox fucked it up pretty bad, particularly the netcode

>Yea Forums I hate gearbox do I fit in

It was a great port with the best custom edition/mod tools ever given to players.


Custom Edition is GOAT nigger

>LAN games consisting of splitscreen console-bros and PC master race
Can’t wait

They are just moving that pile of shit from one toilet to another if they are not going to release a fixed version on pc.

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fuck off randy

Why would anybody be hyped for this? All the Halo games were slow and floaty as fuck.

shut up, boy.

Tbqh I would really like a switch version.
Local wireless multiplayer with gyro aiming would be the absolute fucking shit.
Actually I don't even care about the whole collection, just give me anniversary switch.


gon nammit bobbie

It's broken on consoles for 5 years, what makes you think it's going to work now?

you're right fellow boomers. let's all go back to quake 3 and play. or how about the good old tribes? or maybe doom (1993) any other game... or brood war maybe... or any suggestion?
... oh right, you don't play those old games that are so perfect and good you praise so much. you play overwatch, shitta waifu bait, fortnite and cod while simultaneously shitting on halo for cool points.

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Get hyped for something that will be on the windows 10 store and probably still fucking broken?

If it actually includes Halo Reach then I think it'd be worth 60, but otherwise I can get this game for Xbone for like 20 dollars new

I really hope this game doesn't require the april 2019 update that supposedly enables xbone titles to be played on pc.
I'm perfectly happy with 10 LTSC and I really don't want to have to reinstall a shittier version of win10 just for this.

>mfw can't go fast anymore

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holy fuck
are you ok?

My body is literally not ready. Not sure how to deal with this.

If this is true Iw ill play nothing else any more.

shit's gonna be DRM locked to the windows store and online only my dude. Proton can't save you here.

Windows 10 the most used operating system in the world. Get over it, poorfag, and use kmspico or something if you genuinely can't afford the upgrades

They already fixed it you plebomatic fuck scope.

sorry for the redpill, friend.

>Not using the latest OS makes you poor
Nigger I can pirate that shit without an issue, I just choose not to install garbage on my computer. I've already de-loused my Win7, I'll de-louse Win10 if and when I absolutely fucking have to.

Finally a reason to uninstall Steam, I won’t need any other games

just stop

They should hire the guys who developed Halo Online for the H3 portion of the multiplayer.
Also, they need to add Reach to the collection so I can replay all the good Halo games from the comfort of my desk.

Honestly, as soon as they port it over to the PC I'll buy it day one. I have no investment in the Halo franchise after H4, and I had zero intentions of buying the MCC on Xbox, but for PC, it's worth it after being a fan for so long until they fucked up the franchise.

great now you can play a fully working pile of dogshit

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>as soon as they port it over to the PC I'll buy it day one
This. If they port it over well this could be one of the best selling games of the past several years.

you mean windows 10 store or whats-its-name?

is it bad if I want it to be on steam?

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You did it again user.
It doesn't work if you keep repeating the same mistakes...

Shut the fuck up Nadella, I don't care that you got 1 billion of your fellow pajeets to use your shitty spyware, I am not using it even if you pay me.

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everyone wants it to be on steam, but it won't be.

imagine feeling nostalgic for gaylo and thinking you're any better than codkiddies

Yes, all games part of the Xbox/PC shared game system are Windows Store exclusive on PC.

You ain't right.

i miss pre-cancer TB, after he announced he has cancer all his opinions and vids went to shit.

This can be cracked right?? Now it's on pc it can be cracked?

I swear I've heard this for years with nothing to show for it. If it came I'd buy it since that's the only thing the Xbone has that I care about

This reminds me, time to replay Operation Flashpoint, the superior 2001 shooter.

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>that running speed
>that jumping
>two weapons
>regenerating health ON TOP of a health bar
>wide open but empty levels
nah halo fucking sucks dude. marathon is the only good FPS bungie made.

can't wait for mouse Multi
the Forge was fun as fuck

I can't wait for the fags bitching because of kb+m.

as long as it isn't online only.

Yes but playing online with a cracked version will probably be a bitch to deal with

It will be always online like all of the other Windows Store stuff. That means even single player/lan mods will get you banned, just like Forza.

im an unironic 'haloCE was my first fps' fag you betya im hype. im 22 btw

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I'll be honest, if it only releases on W10 Store, I dont give a fuck I'll buy it, i've waited 5 years for MCC and 12 years since Halo 2 for a main halo game to come to pc.

apparently they're working on making the store better so here's hoping

aw yes

>like all of the other Windows Store stuff

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who's gonna pirate?

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I am better than codkiddies. I don't feel nostalgic for halo, I just want continue playing it like in 2004-2007 except on my personal computer.

TB was always an opinionless, bandwagoning shitstain who believed himself more intelligent than he actually was.

Of for fucks sakes. Theyre most likely going to go with the crossplay meme, and instantly pc niggers get easy baby mode aiming with the mouse. Thats bullshit.
Im not good at Halo anymore as is, but now I'lll have to contend with fags that have an advantage over me simply because theyre playing on the pc? Wheres the skill here?

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No reach no buy.

it's not going to be crossplay, don't be retarded

would be funny though

>implying mouse aim isnt skill
>implying console niggas dont have heavy aim assist

>discussing playing games online
>posts cracks that only work offline

on eldewrito console babbies unironically handicap themselves with a controller because they say kbm "feels weird"

it was a mistake to expect Yea Forums users to be able to follow a simple conversation.

that's an awful lot of opinions about someone you don't like and therefore probably never watched

It works perfectly now, they updated it half a year ago. Yes it's disgusting that they fucked it and left it to die. But the only reason they're updating it is to release on PC and to rebuild consumer trust for infinite.
Crossplay on customgames only with the option to enable/disable. Everyone should be able to play fucking jenga or fatkid together.
Reach 99% will be shown at E3, zoomers love reach.

How do you know? Fucking MS is always talking about the crossplay meme. Here they'll have another opportunity to implement it between games on their own services. And It'll be bull.
If PC MCC had no crossplay, then whatever. Knock yourselves out shitbuckets.

>If you don't like something you never experienced it
I'm so very sorry you're that used to people just shitposting about things they've never experienced first hand.
TB flipflopped on opinions all the time and had a blatant disregard for the people that paid his way in life. His inflated ego revealed him for the cunt he was behind the faked accent and rehearsed scripts.

Don't get hype, the disappointment will be massive if they say they're not working on MCC for pc.

>Windows 10
>Windows Store
Oh nevermind, it's just Babby's First FPS. Carry on.

Probably MCC PC shown on Tuesday, with a June release date. E3 will announce Reach and 5 as DLC for MCC, for an August release. Halo: Infinity will be shown, but isn't coming out till 2020.

It better fucking happen

I would actually be willing to downgrade for it.

I'm gonna take your purse

i've been trying to brainwash myself to love reach although i havent played it since the 360 days and have basically no nostalgia for it like halo 3

the biggest issue i had was forgeworld/campaign maps in matchmaking and the boring ranking system, but I think I could really get into it on pc without the 30fps cap. I do miss the thicc female spartans.

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What will all the little zoomers think when they see Ninja playing Halo?

>Complaining about KB&M when the game is an already an incredibly dumbed down arena shooter for consoles
You'll be fine the majority of pc players won't even touch it since it's a windows store exclusive.

I feel like I keep seeing this article every now and then over and over for the past 6 years

I might actually put up with the windows store just to get a chance to play reach again if they put it in. I've had a craving to replay that for a while but alas haven't had a xbox for a long while.
Now if they also bring Gears 2 on PC I'm happy, though I doubt that's every going to happen.

Ninja will prob get shit on by the oldfags that have been playing MCC for the past 4 years.

>halo on pc
literally an average pc player could kick his shit in

if you don't like something you probably shut up about it or critique it fairly. if you have a raging hateboner for anything while using buzzwords to shit on it you probably have a mental illness and not an "opinion". that said yeah he was an ungrateful cunt sometimes but that's irrelevant to the content he provided

>Windows 10 only

I unironically play ED with kbm and I unironically disagree with you.
the thing is, kbm has a clear advantage, but I've lost some fights I'd have won easily with a controller. the opposite is also true.
it's really a mixed bag.

really? I'm still of the opinion that controller is a total meme in ED, it's just pure delusion/placebo. It just doesn't make sense. KBM will always win, it has to.

meant for

Listen and look at the Thunder and lightning
It's clearly reach. EVEN THE VIDEO TAGS SAY IT

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Xbox exclusives like Fable and Halo were babby's first garbage

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halo is a zoomer game

it's more of a late-doomer game

Hopefully it's both

>inside XBOX announcement
I fucking hate brainlets. Its Reach.

>Win10 exclusive
>why isn't it on win xp!!!!

the hell is a zoomer? I can't keep up with all these buzzwords

Literal garbage opinion

>Master Chief collection
Neck yourself.

Brad Sams says otherwise, also, fuck Reach.

God just put it on steam and include reach.

Fuck just put all halos on PC and I'd you sync your xbox gamertag you get extra shit.

Why are Microsoft so allergic to making good decisions

>probably Windows 10 Store

while possible, im sure that microsoft is stil aware of the Popularity CE had, as well as the efforts of ElDewrito, after all, Microsoft decided to hire them and making ElDewrito ALMOST legal.

i would wait until the announcement before judging, i dont believe Microsoft would be THAT evil to deny modding capabilities to this game, even tho Halo was moddable before.

zoomer is someone under the age of 20, millenial are scum and under the age of 30 and boomers are 30+

and what is a doomer





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Maybe it's because all arena shooters are tiny little games that never get any advertisement, and because people don't know about them they don't want to play them. Remember Quake Champions? Remember how everyone was excited for that, then dropped it like a sack of bricks when it turned out to be as real of an arena shooter as Overwatch with no teams and respawns enabled?

Stay dead.

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Why doesn't Valve put their games on the Windows Store?

Because nobody likes UWP.

It just won't feel right on PC...

Those graphics look like Halo 5 stuff. Probably just adding H5 to the collection, which would be lame. Both games are on the game pass anyways. Adding Reach would be lame too.

Dumbest post ITT

you could literally just google it you know

>Its a "Halo is definitely coming to PC guys" episode.

Prepare for the same disappointment as the last 10 times.

except there was news leaks already, leaks so convincing that forced Microsoft to delay the announcement.

so yeah, MCC is coming to PC, whether you like it or not.

A 22+ year old who's disatisfied with what he's doing yet does nothing to change his ways

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It's been "leaked" before every announcment Microsoft has made in the last 5 years.

If it was true I'd be very excited. Now go back and look up the past few years of "Leaks" and "Rumours" that have popped up about PC announcements, also take a note of how close these things happen to any other Halo game release date.

You're an idiot, this happens so often its not even worth following anymore until theres something concrete.

Taking the nostalgia goggles off, the 04 PC port by gearbox had trashy netcode and forced 30 fps for character animations. Halo 2 Project Cartographer however, is the real deal.

No, it's because arena shooters, the way people remember them and the way they want to play them, takes 1000 hours. Everybody sucks at arena shooters until they got over the skill wall. That's the moment arena shooters get fun but nobody wants to spend 1000 hours sucking. CS, Mobas, Overwatch, BR games, CoD, BF even fucking rocket league, are fun from the word go. At worst you spend 2-3 games learning the mechanics and maps but then you are knee deep in fun. That's how you build an audience, that's how you keep an audience. You can make your game as hardcore as you want but you're only shrinking your already very small audience and over time people will stop playing. You know what that means? Your game will die and no significant number of new players will come in. It's a self-made problem. Casuals are the future, if you want your game to have one.

i remember when halo 3 was a millenial game and underage millenials needed to fuck off from Yea Forums

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Based. Fuck contrarian boomers on this board. They're eternally angry that the shitty arcade shooters Quake 3 and Unreal tournament died while halo lived on.

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if they put this shit on steam I really think it could be most revenue raising game of the year. On windows store? Not a chance.

I'm going to play the fuck out of the Halo campaigns, it's been years since I've played through them

right version is unironically more soulless and looks worse

I hate them for ruining the warthog too. Is it so hard to remaster a game without changing the look of the assets?

>Master Chief Collection
>maybe adding another game with the Chief
How is that dumb?

Right looks like what left is suppose to be without visible low polygon textures. Quit being retarded.

The trick is to be easy to learn but hard to master. Successful multiplayer games happen because any random person can drop in and within 15-20 minutes of playing understand the game well enough to just play and have fun. Then there's enough depth for players that really like it to dig in and improve. It doesn't even have to be a lot of depth, just enough to differentiate between good, mediocre, and bad/new players. The community then forms itself if you did it right.

>Halo Infinite is going to be an Ubishit Ghost Recon style game with Halo

primitic 2d battle damage markings aside, left has more realistic metallic shine, right looks like fan-made cosplay

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I'm not a zoomer though.

Wow little zoomer you're right, even though I do still play natural selection 2, quake 3, and tribes I should stop playing those because they aren't popular anymore. I should just play these simplistic console games that have regressed the genre mechanically for ten years. Actually playing games is for boomers I'd rather just watch a twitch stream and donate all my-I mean my parents money.

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more like Doom is back while Halo is dead and buried

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They won't add Halo 5.

>gets a brand-new suit of armor
>paint is already chipped

too late, nobody cares anymore

I care

Windows 10 is fucking free you dumb nigger.

I don't give a fuck just give me Rare Replay for PC already Microsoft

youre nobody

Armor was tested before the Chief got it.
And you know this because your friend's dad works at Nintendo?

microsoft is an abusive husband for PC bros. i keep coming back to halo

Aside from the sniper it's not like it's THAT hard to land shots with a BR on controller. The sniper however is just stupid when you use a mouse.

no one cared who i was until i put on the mask

stand back user, *I* also care

This, I hate Quakefags.

is anyone else going to use a controller if it's supported in the PC version?

yeah a ton of xbox babbies who have a gaming pc for fortnite will try playing this with a controller and probably end up uninstalling after a few days.

Why the fuck would you need a PC for Fortnite when it runs on Xbox, retard?

>Armor was tested before the Chief got it.
then repaint it lmao, it's not like they didn't have time

Oh boy a mediocre, forgettable series of shooters finally makes its way to the one platform it absolutely has no business being near! I can't wait to completely avoid it and continue playing shooters that weren't made for retarded children.

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I swear to god if it isn't a PC a announcement I'll collectively kill myself with every other Halo fan.

Halo is the greatest video game trilogy of all time and there is nothing you can do about it

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>Halo is the greatest video game trilogy of all time
lol that's not tr-
actually I can't think of any other trilogy that compares. It really might be the best.

Why are zoomers so offended by people who like games that aren't console babby's first shooter?

bros imagine how satisfying it will be to use the battle rifle with a mouse

The absolute worse thing they could do for their sales would be to not release this on Steam

they put KI on Steam, so maybe?

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There was no point, as the Chief was going to get it chipped again. Besides, it looked cooler that way anyways.

Wish it was on win7 but good news nonetheless, and I only really care about campaigns.

>newfags get out
>underage faggots first fps

They're gonna make it so that you can buy the game itself on Steam or Windows Store and play with other PC players only. Windows Store purchases will have crossbuy with Xbox. Then they will have the Gamepass option which is subscription based and Windows Store Exclusive. The Gamepass will give you day 1 access to all MS first party and support full crossplay.

lmao that fucking webm

They are entitled little shits that can't handle the fact how small and insignificant their experiences are yet.
There is also the fact that the current industry is a shithole extraordinaire and are bitter at those who had a genuinely good time with videogames.

will this be better than dewritos?

>The Gamepass will give you day 1 access to all MS first party and support full crossplay

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if Halo Wars is on steam give me one reason why MCC wouldn't be on steam?

I'm sorry you had to grow up playing garbage made by talentless hacks but existence is arbitrary and rarely fair. At least you aren't dead yet, yeah? Gotta count the small blessings when they come.

DMC was a better trilogy and DMC2 is literally an affront to video games as a whole. That's how shit Halo is. Reconsider your life choices.

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eldewrito is halo 3 with hitscan battle rifle and limited number of maps


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Halo 1-3 was obviously made by the most talented men in the video game biz

go home incel capeshitter lmao

Anything will be better than those half assed attempts we have had to settle for.

It would be good if true, Halo 1 was the only game in the franchise I played.

M$ wanting to shill their Windows Store

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Halo wars is not able to convince anyone to use the windows store, but MCC is

Expect timed exclusive on windows store followed by steam release later, just like halo wars.

does the w10 store ever have game sales?

>shitty spyware
ah, spotted the /g/ fag

>Halo will become a forced coop tps
I want a source

>most talented men
>immediately makes destiny after halo
O I'm laffin.

In reality, what are the chances they add ODST and Reach?



t. Winbot10 Micro$hitter NPC

ODST is already in, but I think its a paid downloadable addition.

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It's in and it's free.

destiny was an inside job

>you play overwatch

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Coincidentally he also moved to Clapistan at that time.

I already downgraded anyway... unfortunately I'll also have to install the Windows store too now.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
yeah nice argument /g/tard

Halo is pretty much capeshit of shooters
>go save our earth from warrior ayylmao race mister biker helmet toughguy, oh also there are not-headcrabs enemies too

The accessability version wasn't over?

Already did on El Dewrito. Feels good.

Windows 7 is unironically and objectively awful, and so is Windows 8.

> how small and insignificant their experiences are
didn't expected a zoomer to understand

0.02 rupees have been added to your account

Does Sunset Overdrive and Recore windows store versions work on WIN7 (I know that the steam versions work)?

I never got this complaint. Sure, some of them were lame, but Uncaged was god damn classic and so were the Halo 2 recreations. Not to mention new maps basically every month or so.

Plus making your own maps was fun, no matter if you just made zombie maps, competitive maps, or alternative game mode maps.

Not an argument

Not a loo.

>/g/! /g/! /g/!
Yeah, nice argument corporate cock sucker

>if you think a program isn't spyware you're a corporate cock sucker
mmmmmm spicy memes /g/ but you can't argue lmao

>Calling it a loo

Imagine being an uncircumcized Eurofag

>”Haha u shit in street”

Haha ur wife gets raped by Muslim men

no steam no buy

>if you defend a multi billion dollar company from mean facts then you aren't sucking their cock
>every criticism is a meme
Nice non-argument

>>if you defend a multi billion dollar company from mean facts then you aren't sucking their cock
No, that's not quite right. You've spent a lot of time whining, can you try proving it's spyware instead?

"X is shit" is hardly an argument either

at least in Halo, the protagonists don't need to find a generic "glowy thing" to save the day like in every single capeshit flick

the game balancce doesn't work on a console controller

Yeah instead their just stopping a glowy thing from destroying/ ruling the universe lmao

It's hidden, but you can still free upgrade to Windows 10. It's such dogshit they have to give it away.

You mean these things?

umm no sweetie

name 4 capeshits with abandoned ringworlds ran by ai

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assblasted pajeet
what's it like living on the designated shitting street?

How can someone defend halo while talking about something else being generic? Halo is the epitome of generic trash, with plasma guns that do pewpew and sound like shit overall.

>tfw you'll never have to get used to the constant smell of shit everywhere you go

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Not him but they legitimately did.
Fun fact: Halo CE's pc port is made from the CE beta, not the final version of CE. So many bugs that got fixed before release are present, and many models are flat out worse than the original game. This is before the netcode is even brought into it. It's also why the game has the flamethrower and fuel rod canon, because they were unfinished beta weapons.

Non-optional telemetry exists, therefore it's spyware. Go ahead and try to deny Win 10 has telemetry.

>Halo is the epitome of generic trash
It objectively isn't though, unless you can prove it

First, I'm American, second, lol nope.

Now excuse me I have a white woman that I'm not married to who needs me to fill her mouth with dick

Master Chief is a video game character and feels like one.

You'll first have to prove that telemetry is actually spyware, which it isn't. Telemetry can be anything from diagnostics, crash dumps, to location data, and more. This isn't inherently spyware, it's something used for development and surveying. Simple as that.

So for you to get me to deny it has telemetry, first, you must find a way to deny that telemetry isn't spyware. If you can't, that's okay, you can head back to /g/ with the rest of your disingenuous, non-argumentative kind.

>using deprecated OS
Don't tell me you use windows for anything other than games anyways

Halo is dog shit

>let's put a visor on a biker helmet and some spess marine armor and call it a day
>we need to get the gizmo that will allow us to defeat the warrior_species_cliche
>the flood as just a boring overdone hivemind enemy trope
>the weapons: a pistol, a rifle, pewpew plasma pistol, plasma rifle that is just a pistol that shoots faster, and a copy of the hive hand from HL that is the needler

>Literal bots, AI-assisted advertisers, shilling for Botnet10
L o l

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lots of people still play Brood War though.

I could go for some Zandorum or Tribes 2. CS 1.6 is still popular with surf and gungame as well.
You're right that Q3 is ded tho. Bit of a shame

>Microsoft store
>Win10 exclusive

>let's put a visor on a biker helmet and some spess marine armor and call it a day
and become the most iconic silhoutte in video games
>we need to get the gizmo that will allow us to defeat the warrior_species_cliche
what gizmo? defeat who?

halo 1 = humanatee and warrior species find an abandoned ringworld built by unknowns, accidentally find hivemind enemy, get in over their heads and get the fuck out asap
halo 2 = more stuff happens but this time earth (and also warrior species home city). More revelations.
halo 3 = finish le fight; humans and the redpilled warrior ayylmaos join forces to defeat hivemind enemy and the gay aaylmaos + more revelations (secret devices and forerunner architecture on earth? wtf)

name 5 capeshits or hollywood movies with the same plot

halo 1 is a space opera version of Alien without the sexual undertones mixed with ringworld
halo 2 and halo 3 just extrapolate from there

the real generic games are quake, half-life and doom that all use the same portal meme template. Prove me wrong.

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>most talented men
>couldn't even make a game better than fucking Goldeneye

People with shit taste need to just break the locks on their doors and starve to death, we don't need you wasting our resources.

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how many people are playing goldeneye?
vs how many people are playing halo 1?

checkmate reddit

You mean Perfect Dark you stupid fucking Zoomer. Goldeneye isn't good.

It was only free to people who were unlucky enough to play MCC in the first month of release

>win10 exclusive

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>most iconic silhouette in games
halo fans are fucking delusional, master chief looks just as generic as any other space marine, if not more
the difference is that you don't see doomfags or quakefags saying their games would be fine movies on their own and other outrageous retarded shit like you people do

>no reply
the absolute state of /g/!

Honestly I just want to play Reach again. If it were to come to PC that would be nice, but knowing it'll be on the Microsoft store I don't see me getting it.

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>Going to have Halo parties on Yea Forums when it releases
So fucking based

>take a 100gb external harddrive
>put windows 10 on it

>install windows 10
>get to play games
>paranoid schizos seethe
lol ownaged

what is this?

>PC players finally get all the halo games they've been wanting for years
>It's exclusive to the operating system many hate

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name 5 space marines that look better than master chief. Master Chief is THE definitive space marine. All other space marines are overdesigned garbage from an 8 year olds coloring book.

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They fixed it 6 months ago

Already beat them on 360 my dude.

we've all played them on the 360 when they were relevant, we just want them back because literally no one plays on consoles anymore

>waiting for
Halo has always been a series that was only praised because it was all xbox fans had access to. The things it did were done before and better on PC, and it added plenty of casualization to the genre, regen shields, 2 weapon limit.

It's only "fixed" in that it will put you into a game and not crash 90% of the time.

xp is dead
7 is outdated
8 is the awkward middle ground


1-pic related
2-imperial guards
3-starship troopers
4-starcraft marines
bonus : they all predate Halo and all inspired Halo

Attached: 1546213829369.jpg (850x1010, 158K)

you can run windows games on linux with it don't bother it's still work in progress


seething halofags that were the original fortnite kids

Attached: halo fanbase.png (800x912, 1.67M)

8 is gay as fuck.
>inb4 lelele botnet windows10
During the release of 10, win7 suddenly got soo many cool updates that totally didn‘t add botnet. Also you can turn all of it off stop beeing a fag

I only need one

Attached: Don Ivan Punchatz - Doom.png (1006x1435, 2.27M)

nice bionicle

>1-pic related
>2-imperial guards
>3-starship troopers
>4-starcraft marines
>bonus : they all predate Halo and all inspired Halo

Attached: 1551276583211.png (439x380, 212K)

>He doesn't know about the OG space marines

Attached: Four_Marines-A2.jpg (1920x1080, 693K)

This was Halo 4. Those kids we're literal infants when Halo 1 came out.

For people like me who were in middle school for the Halo 2 hype, we're in our late 20s now. We're the boomers.

He said better.

Attached: 1541362387506.jpg (760x571, 41K)

When you see the opinions of the average halofag you see how much of a pleb magnet the franchise really is.


we can all openly admit that there is only one design that can compete with the sleek aesthetics of mjolnir powered assault armor

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I will shit on ninjas purpled up head while I’m teabagging him.

>Not the phase 1 armor

Attached: Phase_1_Clones.jpg (500x311, 38K)

Looks like I'll have to install W10 LTSB sooner rather than later.

There would be more designs that could compete if not for the need to put huge pauldrons everywhere in fiction. I really hate pauldrons.

>It's also why the game has the flamethrower and fuel rod canon
And the game was better off without them
>Let's make a rocket launcher, but with near-infinite ammo, a larger blast radius, a shitload of screen shake to the target, and the ability to fire 5 shots in quick succession
>And we'll put them fucking everywhere on every map by default
>Surely this won't ruin the multiplayer at all
Fuck Gearbox
And while we're at it, fuck the low-IQ high-ping third-worlders that now run the Halo CE PC community.

Yes. That's the point. Halo is bad and worse than Goldeneye.

Now list 5 space marines that can raise their arms above their shoulders

If Goldeneye had been the phenomenon that Halo was, we'd still have tank controls in every game.

Halo fans already moved on, it's just 343 fags left.

No Reach = no buy.

no, warhammer 40k was always reddit

Attached: twitter frog.png (499x499, 63K)

Perfect Dark is just Goldeneye with a worse setting and lower quality level design

halo sucks and I'm not inviting windows fucking 10 into my home


>i dont believe Microsoft would be THAT evil to deny modding capabilities to this game
Imagine being so desperate that you delude yourself like this.

too late, not interested in scraps, fuck off M$

based, boomers btfo

>i dont believe Microsoft would be THAT evil
>when it turned out to be as real of an arena shooter as Overwatch with no teams and respawns enabled?
damn you're so desperate to shit on arena shooters that you're just completely making shit up now

343 if you put halo on pc i will drive over to your offices and suck every last dick in the building


Fuck off, retard.

Shit, at least Reach has a Master Chief cameo. ODST has no MC at all.

>Halo 3: ODST
Halo 3 has Master Chief.

>while halo lived on
Get ready for more microtransactions in Infinity, bro!

Attached: halo is dead.jpg (940x545, 131K)

Name one MS game with microtransactions

>tfw 5 has a scrapped taint button
Can't wait for fortnite dances in Infinite!

>No Reach
That's a good thing.

Was a shitty apology when it should have been more H2A maps.

Halo 5.

Based Redpilled & Cute

What was the last MS game to have exclusives? Forza 7? Which were removed?

we've been through this hype already.

This time the source is actually good though

>better weapons
>better mechanics
>better missions

this. Windows 10 store is shit. It took me like 48 hours to download Gears of War 4. That was back in 2016, haven't downloaded anything since from there.

Are you serious? The image you replied to is a microtransaction.
Hell, Halo 4 had weapon skins, too! And no, they weren't free.

who cares about 343 halo desu. I mean really do halo fans actually care? are there actual 343i fans?

we just want 1-3 on pc (and whatever maybe Reach/odst) so we can permanently live in 2001-2007 and quit video games for good

Halo 5 is like the only MS game this gen to have MTXs. Forza 7 did have them, but they removed them.
Plus Halo 5's armor was shit so getting them was more an insult than anything

Never played halo, will it still be fun to play in 2019?

halo is fucking shit. regenerating shield and weapon limit. literally what made bioshock infinite so bad.

Attached: 1421908764035.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>when the retard realizes 3rd party software is still made compatible with W7 because a third of the PC world still uses it

Unironicly, there are pros on halo online that use a controller and beat M+KB users like myself, halo is an odd game

I don't care about Forza, I'm talking about Halo. user said Halo lived on but that's not true, it died after Bungie left.

yes, 1-3 aged like fine wine

the multiplayer just werks

>asks for microsoft microtransactions
>gets one
>"who cares"
Ok, well just so your goalposts know, Gears of War also has microtransactions.

Halo Infinite will have no real money microtransactions so Halo Infinite won't have them either.

Probably not, it'll be full of 30+ year olds trying to re-live the old days.
The gameplay is solid but the community won't be the same.

If you enjoy console shooters.








you arent getting good performance in games if you arent on windows 10 sadly

its an absolute waste of most of your CPU cores to not have it unless you're running some bitch ass i5 or whatever

>Died after Bungie
I disagree. It's definitely lost most of it's charm but I still care about it. You do too if you're ITT.

This also Reach was shit so his after Bungie comment makes no sense.

i would sincerely prefer they dont, that way i dont have to play those shitty garbage maps since the matchmaking just gives you random shit that the retards vote on

ive played on my friends console, its only good for the halo 1 and 2 maps mostly imo

>Yea Forums is smart enough to hate windows 10
>but too dumb to know about enterprise LTSC
you guys still exceeded my expectations.

I fucking hate Reach. It honestly is so similar to Halo 4 in it's issues I'm surprised no one talks about it.

me on the far left

It wasn't good in 2001 or whenever it was. It's a slow as molasses, bogstandard fucking console shooter.
Nice soundtrack though, do give that a shot.

It's because most of the people that still care about Halo enough to talk about it are literal Reachbabbies who grew up with it as their first FPS

Then Gears of War came out and popularized slow, plodding third person cover shooters that plagued a generation and a half. Microsoft is truly the worst cancer.

They really need to fix the maps. Not even the level design, but the fucking aesthetics. I'm sick of these ODST/covenant/promethean bases. Give me more maps like Last Resort or Valhalla

Because Reachbabbies try their hardest to defend it.

Vulkan exists

>You do too if you're ITT.
No I'm just here to make fun of the idiots who won't move on after Bungie did.

>reeeeeeee reach
Like clockwork. Don't forget to mention ODST while you're at it.

It's going to be an absurd download size

You can pick and choose which games you want to download

>Comparing Reach to ODST
Not the same situation buttface

seething idiots can't fathom that halo, which shattered records with every release (of the original trilogy) is still getting support and a release on PC

ODST, there you go.

Reach had absolutely gorgeous graphics that still hold up today. It ran like dogshit on the 360 though. I'd like 4k Reach just to play the campaign again

it wasn't my first fps but I'll still talk about reach--but only if someone brings it up. I'm willing to give it another chance on PC. I think there might be a decent Halo in there underneath all the inane anti-fun shit like reticle bloom. Maybe on PC it can be modded.

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But I want them ALL

>That motion blur that's unrivaled in shittiness
>That framerate
>Those desaturated graphics
>Overly designed armors/enemies
>All that tacticool shit
Fuck off mate

The game takes up 1/5th of the OG Xbones hard drive space

if microsoft weren't retarded they'd sell halo 1-3 separately and they would have separate installers and executables and communities. I don't need or want Halo 4.

>If MS weren't retarded they'd fuck me in the ass
>And I'd take just so I can ignore a game I can already ignore anyways


Literal aids

>Windows 10
>Windows Store
May as well still be only on Xbone. I don't know what the fuck Microsoft thinks they'll accomplish with Win10 exclusives. Anyone who doesn't want to upgrade from 7 isn't going to be enticed with 'UPGRADE NOW TO PLAY XBOX GAME', because either: A. they own an xbox already and thus already can play these games; or B. they don't own an Xbox and weren't enticed to buy a console with these games the first time around.

Just fucking put it out on Windows 7. Or, better yet, make Windows 10 worth upgrading to in the first place and not some horrible abomination with ads in the fucking start menu.

Attached: 0ffd5afeeb038355ffc23c1b63c19381f27058a3.png (700x709, 188K)

>sub 20fps
>terrible motion blur
>film grain
>terrible anti-aliasing
>washed/bland out color palette
>over designed to hell and back
>tacticool modern FPS shit
No, Halo CE-3 hold up far better. If it wasn't for Halo 4 and 5's art style being shit, they would also look far better than Reach.

i'm a zoomer (i think, i'm 25) and i still miss tribes

You know you could just decide what Halo games you want on the MCC right?

Reach had a great story. The multiplayer wasn't great but at least had the best version of Forge.
Frankly, it was fine even if not trying to be a mainline Halo game.

how does mcc work? can you play nothing but halo 3 if you want? does it have all the same halo 3 playlists? Is there any ranking system? Does Halo CE have stuff like lone wolves?

how will they translate the halo 2-3 ranking system into a server browser? just copy eldewrito?

Attached: 1549201421936.gif (570x537, 48K)

Not the point. 343 hasn't earned any hype, and they don't need to be exonerated until they do.

>not knowing windows 7 is not being supported after April

being this pleb must suck

i heard gears of war came to pc but only on windows store or something I wonder if anybody played it

You can play certain Halo games, but not every playlist from each game is there
I also believe there is a unified ranking system, and the armor is all unlocked(?)
It's been a while

More like 2020. Or do you mean something else?

>Reach had a great story.
No, it didn't.
>The multiplayer wasn't great but at least had the best version of Forge.
It didn't have this either.

Halo 3 had best Elites.

Attached: halo-evolution.jpg (1500x1461, 218K)

>server browser

would they even bother to add that into the PC version?

Attached: 1550111232095.jpg (540x405, 46K)

Reach's story was okay. It's mainly carried by the tragedy of the team and Reach, but not the overall writing.
The MP is VERY bad. It's one step over 4, and is the reason 4 is so bad to begin with.
Forge is also the best in 5, and if you're talking about community usage than the best was 3

Alright. I'm defeated.

MS DOS is still in use by not only retailers and warehouses, but the fucking US government; and yet it has been unsupported since Jan 1, 2002. You don't even know what 'unsupported' means, you're just a parrot shill who does it >for free.

eldewrito has it and microsoft was in contact with eldewrito devs after shutting it down and wanted to use them to create a pc friendly experience on pc

i remember reading this somewhere last year, maybe it was all a dream

Yes. Its auto-matchmaking, but you can choose which games you want to play


When exactly did listing out all available servers and picking which one you wanted to connect to stop being a thing?

>win10 store
>still won't be as soulful as eldewrito

Attached: Race3.webm (1080x720, 2.17M)


Attached: 1551388311643.png (259x335, 89K)

Fucking jew niggers

When consoles got internet. Halo 2 was actually the first game I remember playing that didnt have a server browser

January 2020 actually. 8.1 with the tablet shit disabled, Open Shell and security-only updates via WSUS Offline until 2023 is the last Windows I'll use.

Is it finally happening? Can I finally go back to snipers only blood gulch endless ctf?

halo 3 had the best art direction period

except Reach had the best tacticool grunts

Attached: latest.jpg (1500x795, 168K)

>Reach is worst
>2 with the best story
>5 anywhere fucking else than bottom tier
Your list is shit

Attached: 1551313404245.jpg (800x640, 161K)

No argument there.

I wouldn't know or care about how Forge is in Xbone titles.
To speak in meme terms, the campaign absolutely had soul to me. It was way better than what you'd expect from a spin-off. Had a similar feel to ODST, too.

2 Absolutely has the best story, even if it's unfinished. No other game in the series has writing as good as it.

Can someone please explain what exactly is so bad about Windows 10? I've been using it for a few years at work and at home and I don't fully understand the hate.

Ask /g/. Mostly being a huge botnet that literally cannot operate with the bloat removed.
Enterprise and Education are the best versions telemetry-wise but cannot be purchased normally.

That's a bold faced lie. The same people hating windows 10 in this thread unable to give genuine reasons are the exact same posters on /g/ making the exact same shitty reasons to hate on 10.

LTSC is literally windows with the bloat removed and it works perfectly fucking fine. And it's an objective improvement over what this retard is doing

Yet every Halo except post-Halo 3 games have a better campaign than it.

/g/ here.
>forced updates with no reliable way of pushing them back and random restarts
>telemetry/data collection in every program including a keylogger
>the OS overwrites changes you make to hosts file to try and block Microsoft domains
>tons of random junk programs and ads built in that you can't really get rid of

post-Halo 3 as in games released after Halo 3.


the biggest issue seems to be that the windows store is trash.

>not using shutup10

No Reach
No purch

Attached: 1244594965542.jpg (550x375, 190K)

shutup10 is an inelegant solution.
it's advantageous in pretty much every situation to just use windows enterprise ltsc

No. Reach spits in the face of already established lore and 5 is a garbage heap.
4 comes the closest, but I would say that it does too much with the librarian and larger lore.
As far as design, 5 comes the closest after Reach, but does a bad job of transitioning from on foot combat to vehicle combat

youre probably a faggot

But it works right?
i hope so

>No. Reach spits in the face of already established lore
literally who cares in 2019

noble team is fine, who cares if the pillar of autumn wasn't built in space

I'm not actually sure. I fucked with this stuff right when windows 10 came out and all these scripts worked for the most part but there were still some bugs, and occasionally after an update windows would reinstall crap that you deleted. Best strategy is to just use a build of windows that doesn't include any trash to begin with.

>windows enterprise


In b4 doa

>ads in the fucking start menu
Using 10 since forever, I have no idea what you're on about. So either you're memeing or disabling the adds is so trivial that I don't even remember doing it. Git gud.

Attached: 1131946423301.jpg (431x600, 50K)

>windows 10 home
Basic edition, you're M$' bitch boy
>windows 10 enterprise
Meant for corporate environments, has more customization options and settings regarding telemetry and preinstalled software
>enterprise LTSC (long term service branch)
The modern version of windows embedded. Has the lowest telemetry level, no Microsoft store or apps, no edge, and no "feature" updates like the November update from last year. Only gets security updates and will never automatically restart.

Halo on Xbox is dead, who cares

Just chiming in - I really loved Quake Champions at first; but right off the bat I figured something was wrong: I had like a twenty-to-one kill ratio.

>”What the fuck, I’m sick at this! I haven’t played Quake in fifteen years baby but damn have I still go it.”
>Then in the after match summary I noticed the players I played against. They all had non-default characters, meaning they’d paid to unlock characters.
>Something is wrong. Why would shitters playing their first ever match have all these cosmetics already?
>What the fuck names are these? Is this... these are bots. SON OF A BITCH, you let me win and let me think I was good at the game so I’d buy cosmetics, fuck you.
>Next match, almost the same bots join, except this time they go hard because their difficult is suddenly jacked because they need to balance my individual challenge.
>”Fuck, these guys couldn’t fucking shoot last round and now I’m getting smashed.”
>I look up the bot situation online:
>”Q: Can you add bots?”
>”A: Quake Champion had no bots, but might add them in the future.”

Fucking Quake Champions man, basically doing what PUBG mobile did with putting secret bots in that played like ass so new people can act cool in front of their friends.

SeeI knew someone was going to read it as such.

Windows 7 is dead and there's nothing we can do about it

>can't afford the upgrades
christ you're stupid.

that shit looks retarded

Halo 2 was my favourite multiplayer

I haven't seen that image in years

>Doom is back
is this really the current narrative being fed?

I want to go back...

Attached: JUST.png (1877x877, 737K)

Fucking based.

>heh windows xp? you'd have to be a retard to get that shit
>well I have xp very late now but win 7? you have to be fucking stupid to get win 7
>well I have win 7 but you'd have to be an absolute retard to get win 10

lmao every time

>avoids mentioning Vista and 8
>thinking 10 is as good as 7 and XP back in the day
lmao broseph

Software can't die if it's still in use.

Attached: 1551495416108.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

because vista and 8 were never real options wtf lol they were shit and were skipped. Everyone knows you only get every other OS.