Wind Waker ruined Zelda with it's baseball bat sword garbage

Wind Waker ruined Zelda with it's baseball bat sword garbage.

Attached: The-Legend-of-Zelda-The-Wind-Waker-large-186.jpg (1100x618, 73K)

You ruin Yea Forums with garbage threads.

Also set the precedent for low-effort low detailed art style with a built-in army of basedboys willing to spring to its defense every time

Yoshiaki Koizumi not being director is what hurt the franchise.

Oh yeah I sure do miss how Revengeance-tier the slices and stabs were on the N64 Zeldas. Those were the days.

Compared with how just as easy sword combat in OOT/MM was?

Aren't even combat centric games, you fucking tryhards.

lmao what a gay

Then what the fuck are you complaining about, "ruined?"

Shut the fuck up, Wind waker has SOUL

Because they took this brain dead, limp system and made it as time consuming as it possibly could be. But even though you know I'm right you're still going to disagree just because you're butthurt.

>time consuming

It's not Dark Souls, you're not dodging devastating attacks just to make one or two meaningful strikes, and it's not DMC where you can just juggle a damage sponge with near impunity if it's just a generic enemy. It's fucking Zelda, combat with most enemies barely lasts seconds as it is in any title.

I always disliked how an increasingly bombastic series of music notes would play when you string a combo, or even fail to play when you regularly attack. I get it, I know what they were doing and it does make the game even more unique, but it's fucking annoying and condescending in a way. Like a chime toy spinning over a baby's crib, mocking their restrictions and insulting their intelligence.

Wind Waker lead too multiple shitty spin off titles.


why would you need to forward ports for windwaker?

For online co-op.

I fucking loved that, really makes the combat for me in WW cooler than any other Zelda. Well, the combat in them never really had much going for it in the first place.
>Like a chime toy spinning over a baby's crib, mocking their restrictions and insulting their intelligence.
I really don't understand how musical notes mean that...

It's always just "whack enemy three times and wait for him to get up". Unconditionally. No exaggeration. You have to realize that this shit, even if it's technically brief, it's still padded out for time while also kept as easy as possible. These braindead fights aren't a rare occurence either. Keep in mind the series grew more and more combat centric to appeal to ADHD kids, and so WW has many more combat sequences than MM, TP has more combat sequences than WW. They're incredibly frequent, and Skyward Sword does the exact same shit but with added motion controls.
Even though BotW gives you more shortcuts and tricks the core of it is still the exact same. Even in BotW, you're still allowed to just whack white enemies and wait for them to stand back up. The issue is that Souls takes an even shorter amount of time than this, while at the same time making it feel meaningful. They should have either done something like that, or just have a game that's mostly puzzle/exploration based with enemies that only function as simple obstacles.

Jesus, imagine getting so little joy from life that all of this is how you choose to spend your time.

It's not just infantile low effort art styles, which have kept me away from most Zelda games since, but there's also the fact Windwaker NEEDED to get re-released to it's playable and even then sailing still sucks even if it's faster on the Wii U. Warping still sucks. Difficult is still embarrassingly easy as it's the easiest in the entire franchise itself. Then you got Nintendo refusing to add the axed dungeons and of course not improving the Character Switch dungeons with Medli and Makar because switching characters is tedious. Also fuck the dungeon where you switch with statues that slowly hop into movement instead of walking like the other characters. Tedious terrible game. That's what Windwaker is and no HD version can salvage it. It's just a bad game. This was the beginning of the end of my love of LoZ. Especially since I'm not a fan of 2D overhead Zelda games (started with 3D games to immerse myself in the world, don't give a shit 2D Zelda is garbage).

Any game design that tries to trigger the reward system of the brain can be dismissed as condescending. This sort of worldview can not be healthy. Do coins piss you off too?

I don't even need it to be difficult. Most Nintendo games aren't. I just want it to not fucking waste your time on purpose and treat you like a retard.

>start up game
>achievement pops up

Is that a deserved reward? No

cool, wanna co-op with me

This. And all of them being Toon Link style was just shitty. I refuse to play the Toon Link games. Never liked the art style and I hate Aonuma for still working at Nintendo so the thread of another Toon Link garbage is still there and Link Awakening's new art style does NOT help. Shitty kiddy Nintendo. These art styles make Dragon Quest look good, I know some people hate Dragon Quest because of the art style, but Zelda's crappy celshaded for kids garbage art styles are millions of times worse.

wtf is a baseball bat sword.

Also TP had finishers so one knockdown was all you needed.

If you don't like Zelda then stop playing it, retard.
Don't be one of those cocksuckers who say fag shit like
>"I've always been a real fan of [GAME SERIES], but c'mon, it's seriously time for it to change!"
cause these faggots are already the reason BotW exists and why it's so fucking bad.

I mean you already did what the vast majority of the world didn't...

Having a dynamic soundtrack and proper sound design isn’t comparable. Rupees don’t need to make a sound when you pick them up, they aren’t hard to get and it isn’t for verisimilitude. Chests don’t have to have a sound effect when opening and its own dedicated jingle. But those are supposedly fine, but the dynamic soundtrack (introduced by OOT) is overkill and seems to be coddling. If you want to be a curmudgeon over game design, you’ll be able to kill any joy that games can offer you.

Just because arin hanson doesn't personally like Zelda games doesn't mean it's okay to start inventing arbitrary reasons to hate them yourself.

First p best p

Uh, I think you mistook my motive for the rant. I’m saying that the guy I am replying to is drawing a line in an arbitrary fashion and allowing it to spoil his experience. And this is despite the fact that all Zelda games and almost all games on the whole operate in this fashion.