If this isn't tencent litterally paying journalists to attack steam, i would eat my damn hat

If this isn't tencent litterally paying journalists to attack steam, i would eat my damn hat.
I mean seriously imagine fucking kotaku or polygon reporting objectivly the quotes of the creator of a rape game and attacking steam instead of thanking it for supporting their feminist agenda and removing the game.


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Imagine shilling kotaku AND polygon for free.

There's nothing wrong with rape. I don't see why this is a big deal.

>caring about any game "journalists"

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it's a pretty easy decision
>we are going to lose more money from bad advertisement than the money we are going to make from people buying this game

Based Tencent for calling out Valve's bullshit then

how would they lose money
and don't pretend like the people crying foul buy video games, they get review copies sent to them or they dont fucking bother

>postnatal gayson

>not using archive urls for kotaku and polygon
how many shekels are they paying you, user?

>nathan grayson
oh that takes me back!
thats the little RPS cuck who was one of the guys "sharing a hotel room" with zoey quinn, and I remember how he used to freak out in RPS comment sections when people had issues with his articles

WTF! Only shilling valve is acceptable! Gamerz rise up!

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No, these faggots are just smelling blood because Valve acted on their pressure.
If you give them a finger their next target is the entire arm.

>Nathan G(r)ayson
Like pottery.

Yeah, this is the man who started five guys burgers and fries, and all that it led to.

They're mad because Valve is holding their ground and refusing to bend to their rhetoric. It isn't enough that Steam do what they want, they have to accept the bridle of intersectionalism. They're pushing an ideology, it's about thought control. I'm not even /pol/ but Kotaku and the former Gawker subsidiaries are rank with this kind of shit, to the point even the commentators call them out (as they did in that article)

why would tencent waste pay journalists for something they already do on their own?

>edgelord triggerbait
ho ho i wonder who will be upset about this

>"we want to be able to continue to sell everyone video games so we're going to try not to alienate the 95% percent of people who think rape is bad"
>how could niggers do this to me

>Publishers don't like Steam because its harder to control reviews on it.
>Developers don't like steam because of the community features and they literally hate it when people have a platform to speak on.
>Reviewers hate Steam because there's some user reviewers that legitimately do a better job than reviewers that do it for a living.

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They hate consumers aka "gamers". They have made this clear many times before.

Either way, I'm not getting another fucking spyware program on my computer to play video games, I already have Steam and, at one point, Origin. If they're so fucking weak that they can bullied by strangers on the internet with differing opinions then maybe they should find a new career.

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Yea Forums likes valve and hates polygon/kotaku. This isn't something new you fucking retarded newfag.

It's right wing censorship, like it always was, but when they noticed people were laughing at their attempts to censor games they decided to trick the left into censoring games for them. And it fucking worked.

Someone is certainly paying people to attack another corporation but it isn't Tencent. Maybe it's that corporation you're not allowed to criticize,whose CEO is worshipped like a celebrity and whose competitors are constantly being attacked by shills...

Free Tibet?

Like 99.9% of people don't give a shit about this. Weird how many articles I've seen trying to tell me otherwise.

>linking directly to fucking kotaku

Fuck off retard

I would pick the fat cuck over tencent any time of the day. Fuck china.