Drive flawlessly for 15min

>drive flawlessly for 15min
>barely brush a microscopic rock
>car destroyed
>no rewind button

Despite being a sim-racing veteran this is literally artificial difficulty. Aside from autistics, no one could have fun with this flawed game design in 2019

Attached: DirtRally2_cover.jpg (522x690, 148K)

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I wish real life a rewind button for my fuckups

>sim-racing veteran
>rewind button
lmao fuck outta here zoomer pleb

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FFB isnt still fixed right? ..

But user drifting in horizon 4 is next to impossible without manual and TCS turned off.

rewind button is only arcade game thing and its relatively new. Back then we played everything from beginning, just like you should.
Difficulty was part of first nu-Dirt game and everyone liked it as it is.

there's aworkaround right now wihile they're working on a fix

because it'a typical boomer-core meme-sim, the one where they waste 2000$ on a plastic wheel

You just need to get good

>Despite being a sim-racing veteran this is literally artificial difficulty.
I know this is all bait but....really? Must you?

>be a real rally driver
>drive flawlessly for 15 years
>barely brush a microscopic rock
>car destroyed, you and 15 audience members die in a fiery crash
>no rewind button

So how is it? I watched couple reviews about and it feels like a so so sequel for Dirt Rally 1

>drive flawlessly for 15 min
if you are driving for 15min you aren't driving flawlessly

Dirt rally 1.0 is better and much much more cheap.
Dirt 4 has the same engine as dirt 2.0, is cheaper and has at least stage generator so you get new tracks and don't memorize shit
dirt 2.0 is, it's a ripoff and the always online for singleplayer doesn't sweeten the deal at all.

That was expected anyway. Dirt Rally + Dirt 3 combo is cheaper and even more worth it anyway.

maybe if you didn't make a mistake you wouldn't have trouble brushing rocks.
Just suck it up, you lose one stage but theres many more. Rally is not a sprint its an entire season of combined efforts.

t. 20th place in first stage after getting startos and forgetting to unlock tuning with completely destroyed car

honestly I think its a good sequel, I am quite enjoying career mode and doing daily challenges.
Some issues here there but I didn't come here looking for a sim. Just a more punishing rally game that doesn't hold your hand and shower you with buggattis for losing.

I guess it was to be expected. All the gameplay preview footage was third person and looked like hyper-AIDS. Lens flares and bloom everywhere and more color saturation than wachowskis speed racer.

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I am saying it neither beats dirt rally 1.0 or Dirt 4.

Yeah, they made a less appealing dirt rally 1.0, while not incorporating any of the strengths of Dirt 4. While also making less appealing with shit like always online.
I have to ask "What were they thinking!"

stupid op u die now

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its honestly not that bad, the one comparison video is of console version with shit graphics.
Dirt 2.0 has way better physics and track degradation which is something I didn't know I wanted.
If' youre on the fence just wait for sale.

>Dirt 2.0 has way better physics
Compare to what? Proof? Anything?

compared to 1.0. DR1.0 was well known for moon gravity.

Improved on every aspect (weight transfer is fantastic) but right now DR1 is more polished

Fucking zoomers.
Shit you wouldn't have been able to handle colin mcrea rally games

>compared to 1.0. DR1.0 was well known for moon gravity.
So it's better than DR1.0 because in DR2.0 cars are heavier
Okay, why then not Dirt 4?

pretty sure it's bait

>no rewind button
This always gets me. It's such an intangible fine line between genuine retardedness and trolling, that I honestly can't tell which.

Sir I don't know, I just enjoy the physics. They are pushing some updates out to address the FFB but blowing down roads in MR cars is more fun than ever for me and tracks are quite nice even if the variety isn't that great (new zealand and oz look similiar but drive completely different). If you enjoy DR1 right now you can hold off and get ultimate edition with all DLC.

>Sir I don't know, I just enjoy the physics.
That's what I am getting at, you don't know what the fuck you are "enjoying more" they could make the physics more arcadey to help you drive and pull those skids off easier, and youd go "physics are better"
So in the end it's not about more realistic, but more about "what the specific subject imagines it should be"

As someone who has driven a rally course in a STI before(not professionally) the cars dont just fucking flip for a small reason like that. It takes a lot for you to actually fucking destroy the car.

go play your kart shit then.

its way harder to keep car on road now. Stratos was easier in dr1.0 with stock tune, A110 now actually feels like a car that don't weight shit, FRs and shit are super easy to spin out, any car can snap oversteer if you are bad.

Driving is hard but if you get it right it is super rewardning not only laptimes but you just feel good for doing what feels like balancing with one finger on a tightrope.

Even FWD cars gave me a lot of trouble until I tuned them. Weight shifting matters a lot and it feels good and the deteriorating track channels pull your car subtly. Surfaces can be slippery as fuck or good. Tyre wear and softness matters.

>. It takes a lot for you to actually fucking destroy the car.
>As someone who has driven a rally course in a STI before(not professionally)
Please keep your "A rally car is a tank" ideas out.
Games are ultra forgiving.

If a buddy of mine fucking fliped his car 4 times and was able to keep driving after with only cosmetic damage then they are definitely built like tanks.

>Despite being a sim-racing veteran

youre not fooling anyone mate

Your buddies experience in videogames doesn't count.

>the cars dont just fucking flip for a small reason like that
they flip for no reason at all often and you have other fun things like wheels falling off and steering rods breaking and brake lines rupturing.

I put my car through two tyre walls and around a tree at a competition on track and I only sustained panel damage and misaligned wheels.

My brothers friend was driving a relatively decent rally strage in an actual built rally car and his steering rod broke just before he went into a jump.

Yeah nah, these modern racing games can fuck right off.
Couch vs was the best shit back in the days of rallisport challenge 2.

was there any actual difference between u1 easy and hard modes, err aside from getting better rewards on hard?

I remember playing the game on both easy and hard as a kid and I didn't notice anything different

no no no non on MY friend said he flipped his car 4 times and didn't even scratch the paint! THis video is FAKE!
rally drivers are the biggest balled motherfuckers on this earth
soccer faggots cry and get broken bones when someone breathes on them
That badass motherfucker there just keeps goin like aint nuttin happen


>>no rewind button
kill yourself

>keeps going
just like my vidya

Thats from dirt rally though, it's a videogame.

slow speed, on soft loose sand, it's possible to keep going.
point is flips happen very easily, and given the right cirumstances(most of the time) flipping destroys the car, and so do many other things.
Games are very forgiving in terms of damage model.


you should have played dirt rally 1
2.0 is much more forgiving since they updated the physics model

I clocked more than 2k hours on DR1 and I'm struggling with 2.0, I fint it more difficult when it comes to wet/mixed surfaces

>american hours
>talking about a game who requies skill
>thread go straight to page 10

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how the fuck do I get gud at driving mid engine cars in dirt rally 1?

To be fair, you need to a fairly high IQ to appreciate rally

I'm using a controller btw. is it worth getting a wheel for this game?

No, use WASD

Looking for a car game where you don't race,just drive around and look at things and shit.
Is there such a thing?

I've been playing this and I only got the 3rd place in one race out 12

>haha, pretending!
you probably think you're smart (since you keep doing it over and over again), but you're wrong

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The tracks in this game look good and it takes like 10 minutes of driving maybe you will get fun with this one.

Test Drive Unlimited and The Crew

What seems to be your issue with them?

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>Managing risk as well as tire and mechanical wear a fundamental part of the sport
>user wants an undo button

They need to fix the fucking bugs. That's what they need to do. The H2 class VW still has an upside down tachometer ffs

fuck eurobeat, let me hear the engine roar, fucking weaboo memesters

Forza Horizon is basically a Truck Simulator with cars and optional races.

>The H2 class VW still has an upside down tachometer ffs
i'll assume it's not a joke and answer it seriously: tachs in race cars are all over the place, sometimes tachs are being rotated so redline is 12 o clock, sometimes tachs are upside down so small steering wheel won't obstruct the view. it's probably based on real car data, they've found some amateur rally golf and it had tach upside down because driver couldn't see it while driving otherwise

for example, those good looking miata gauge faces are meant to be used upside down for small steering wheels

Attached: gauge-fm-na01.jpg (1200x801, 134K)

>fuck eurobeat, let me hear the engine roar
Here you go

Though you have to admit that music when used right, goes well with what is happening and enhances the experience rather than detracts.

another example, some race car beamer e21 turbo

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start with a110.

Mid engined cars have weight in rear, while this gives them very good and fast cornering speeds, better breaking (because weight in rear means rear wheels can help more and weight shifts to front over front wheels when braking) and better accelaration (cause weight over driven wheels and in rear helps more and when you accelarate weight shifts backwards)
Those are the major advantages.

Issue is weight is in rear so if you don't brake in straight line, the rear end wants to be forward. If you dont keep weight on rear wheels through corners using throttle, rear end will want to slide forwards.

It's all weight shifting and using throttle. Also never lift off throttle mid corner cause it causes rear to violently come forward. This is whats called lift off oversteer.
If you corner, get overslide and countersteer and lift off, your ass will violently throw itself onto the opposite direction of steering. That's called snap oversteer or being a retard in car circles.

Basically just practise. A little tune helps as well if you find it too understeery or oversteery.

>t. daily MR

and one more, this one is tilted so redline is exactly on 12' o clock

at this point i'm not trying to prove a point or anything, i just fucking love weird tachometer positions, this is my fetish, this is what race car interiors are all about

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If you say so.

They still need to fix online rallycross practice from kicking you back to the title screen and lower the amount of night and sunset stages. There is a reason 90% of real life rally stages start mid-day. Driving blind is obnoxious.

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Wow its almost like people who play games dont want real life or something wtf crazy haha

I'm playing with a controller and it's not that bad

>while this gives them very good and fast cornering speeds,
That's not what midengine cars are good at though.
It's a common misconception.
>It's all weight shifting and using throttle. Also never lift off throttle mid corner cause it causes rear to violently come forward. This is whats called lift off oversteer.
This is a perk for an experienced driver, and a con for a shitter.

The don't play Dirt Rally.
There is a mode in Dirt 2 and 3 called "Trail Blazer" specifically for you.

>>while this gives them very good and fast cornering speeds,
>That's not what midengine cars are good at though.
>It's a common misconception.
They corner pretty god damn well thanks to where weight is located but biggest advantage is braking and accelaration. You can feel the center of gravity when cornering. And it's a damn nice feel.

>>It's all weight shifting and using throttle. Also never lift off throttle mid corner cause it causes rear to violently come forward. This is whats called lift off oversteer.
>This is a perk for an experienced driver, and a con for a shitter.
yeah using snap oversteer to go through S corners is stupid fun.

what i hated the most in DR1 is how the entire field is placed
>last to 4th place all close to each other within seconds
>3rd place has a 30sec lead to 4th place
>2nd place has a 30sec lead to 3rd place
>1st place has a 30sec lead to 2nd
sometimes the lead difference in the top 3 ranks is a full blown fucking minute
even the first racing game i played, gran turismo 3 has this shit
i just want a racing game where all the cars are close by each other

Dirt Rally 2's grid is closer to each other on higher difficulties, even though the 1-2 top drivers still might be tens of seconds faster than the rest of the field.

Also 100% AI in Dirt Rally 2 is fucking insane. Either they are loading the WR times or they are borderline cheating.

> lift off oversteer
>This is a perk for an experienced driver
Until their foot gets tired and they die in a fiery crash. It would be great if the developers put small notes in to the game describing these quirks for gamers that aren't experts on the subject.

>Either they are loading the WR times or they are borderline cheating.
difference between a good driver and pro is 4 seconds.
That's the insane thing, pros can find full seconds in places where you think you are completely at the maximum limit all the time.

>drive flawlessly for 15min
>barely brush a microscopic rock
>car destroyed

Nigga you posted Dirt not the Alone in the Dark reboot.

your stage leaderboard shows exactly how i want it in video games but isnt
yeah, the top 3 is always so far apart like the entire field behind them combined

lift off oversteer is literally how you turn MR in dirt.
If you want to go fast with MR you are in a constant state of crashing and you gotta crash away from things that damage the car.

Kinda like orbiting is falling towards earth but always missing it

>They corner pretty god damn well thanks to where weight is located but biggest advantage is braking and accelaration. You can feel the center of gravity when cornering. And it's a damn nice feel.
You are being imprecise. It does not have "high corner speeds". That is not what MR cars are good at.
They have better breaking, acceleration and are very responsive. High cornering speed is not what it's good at though.

>yeah using snap oversteer to go through S corners is stupid fun.
snap oversteer is what people call it when it's uncontrolled and a mistake. To anybody who is intentionally using it's just another tool in weight transfer and getting the car to rotate just so.

Yeah, but why, why is this important?

>Until their foot gets tired
HEllooooooooo, have you ever driven a car? or raced a car? Are you some kind of 3ton fatty who thinks "feet get tired easily"?

> It would be great if the developers put small notes in to the game describing these quirks for gamers that aren't experts on the subject.
Oh that's a fine thing to wish for, but you have to realize it's normal physics and car behavior.
So while I am all for devs helping newbies learn, it doesn't mean it's their fault things work that way.

>sim racing vet

OP you are full of shit

True, although the AI on 100% has to be the most strict Codies have put in one of their games yet. In most car classes, they require you to be insanely on point, with the sole exception Group B so far, where they seem to let up a bit more compared to let's say, R5.

You can play it on a controller or keyboard. I do fine with a controller because I'm too poor for a wheel.

he keeps making those shitty bait threads on daily basis

You've obviously never driven Rally LARPer, you've obviously never even watched rally if you think this.

Have YOU ever driven a car? Holding your foot in one position strains the tendons, has nothing to do with being fat. Group B was banned because drivers couldn't keep them on the road. Specifically the midengine Lancia S4.

i got it on a key site for like $28, wouldve been mildly disappointed if i spent $60 but for $28 i'm happy with it

This is the first one I've been in, glad to be here.

Did you prefer rally 1 to it? I have 1 and I don't really want to buy 2 if 1 is the better game. I already have 100s of hours in rally 1

>Have YOU ever driven a car?
Yes. I also have repeatedly raced for 10 hours in a row.
>Group B was banned because drivers couldn't keep them on the road. Specifically the midengine Lancia S4.
And it wasn't because their legs got all tireddy-widdey

Wait until it get all of the contents they had promised

Good advice, thanks user

>And it wasn't because their legs got all tireddy-widdey
It's because they weren't not as good as you. Go get'em champ.

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