
what went wrong?

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It was over when "gg ez" got wordfiltered


The same thing which went wrong for HOTS, designing a game around having to completely rely on teammates.

it's an online game with disney-like, what do you expect?

of course it's a cuck luring piece of software.

The devs know what demographic to market the game to and it makes a crap load of money



Everyone wants to play DPS but the best characters are tanks and healers.

Almost nothing, if you have a group of at least 4 friends. If not, it's got all the same problems these games always have.

blizzard cant maintain games for shit

theres 0 blizzard games that didnt go downhill after they were launched

some imploded quickly (D3), others just suffer a slow death getting more and more pathetic each year (WOW)

blizzard is also extremely terrible at over- balancing (SC2)

Source: my ass

the devs don't know who to pander to

SC2 is pretty good right now in terms of balancing

Lore progress got slower and characters ideas are running out for them. Original plan was for 40 heroes and we are already at the 30th. We fucked up big time

why do people post about this game daily, hourly
Yea Forums is so tsun for this game, no one ever even talks about the game just shit surrounding it, if anyone ever does talk about the game its quickly followed up by a bunch of
make up your minds lads.

Attached: Overwatch 2019.03.06 - (540x302, 2.91M)

>why do people post about this game daily, hourly

this is the 1st overwatch thread ive seen on Yea Forums for a while



even by blizzard standards, the rate of drastic patches and huge changes for such a large cast is too much. after around 700 hours, I just can't be bothered to completely relearn the game once a month because it's someone else's turn to be the obligatory pick. on top of rapidly changing basic gameplay mechanics like armor, shields, etc. you have to play every day to keep up.

I moved to destiny, where sure there's the power creep, but at least all of my guns do the same fucking thing if I skip a week.

It was a lightning bolt of a game. It was the first team based first person shooter by a major development studio in a long time. The bright colors, abilities, satisfying hitmarker sounds, the ults are all meant to give you a rush of adrenaline and make it satisfying to play and got people hooked and had a shit load of fun playing. Problem is, it wore off for a lot of people and once you don't get that rush anymore and you just play to play, you realize just how bland and mindless the game actually is. It's still popular today, but saying it's anywhere near the status it had in it's first year is a fucking lie

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Your WebM shows one of the biggest problems of OW, which is the high survivability of the heroes.
It's too fucking high for a """MOBA""" FPS, so the impact of a single player is too low.

That results in frustrating gameplay and a forced MMR-system, which only let's you rank-up if you farm your stats and play asocial.

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uh huh

not that i disagree and that is becoming the main issue at the highest level, but that isn't really my point.

3 threads about this game up right now, it's 3 years old and generally detested by Yea Forums, but there's still discussion about it constantly. Whether it be the porn, the shitty balance, whatever.

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3 tank meta

>being this delusional
It lost the magic because they barely update the game and when they do it is just the same shit, they are still using the same modes for the events after 3 years. And also the focus retarded focus on esports, this guy gets it

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Archives when

Awful meta that forces people to play as a six headed ogre where display of individual skill is pointless if not detrimental. I don't know if the game was just that different back then, or if people hadn't figured it out yet, but it was some decent fun when you could play the 200 HP dps heroes, make individual plays, have duels and so on. Now it's just shields and regen and ults countering ults.

Same thing that's wrong with Yea Forums, 12 year old american bisexuals wishing they were "gamers".

>blizzard balancing
>blizzard can't make a map without over-reliance on chokes
>recycled events with no meaningful changes outside of archives
>matches are 90% stomping/getting stomped and 10% decent matchups
>dumb fuck community where every gold/plat thinks they belong in top 500 and blindly follow metas with no idea why or how they work
Even the dumb lorefags got shit on because it practically never progresses.

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>slow gameplay and ridiculous TTK that just keeps getting higher along with balance more interested in making a new meta than actual balance
>poor map design with lots of dead space and heavy choke focus
>anemic updates

They did it as a joke though. Get some sense of humor.

I can't honestly think of another game like overwatch that has tanks and healers. Tf2 doesn't have tanks and medic's healing is pretty low. In mmos healers have mana pool that limits fight time, and tanks are rarely seen in pvp. Mobas, again, supports have limited mana and tanks are more brawlers than tanks. Holy trinity of mmo doesn't work in fps format.

I love Olivia!

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Blizzard can't balance for shit, and with a game that has hard counter picks as a core mechanics it creates insanely stale gameplay where despite all the theoretical possibilities, very few ways to play the game are actually viable. It's boring as hell.

Paladins? LawBreakers?

Healers are in Overwatch just to give something "meaningful" to do to players who are not good in FPSs. All they contribute to the gameplay is prolonging combat.

What went wrong was Activision, and turning the game into a lazy hero shooter with very minimal updates instead of making it the action MMO it was originally planned to be. The team PVP shit should have just been side content.

>no aim skill needed
>No movement skill needed
>Just mash Q when your teammate mashes Q
>No depth to any of the hero's playstyles, not even torbjorn who I had high hopes for

I'm gonna be honest, when I first played the game I expected more people to be utterly disgusted at the training wheel angle actiblizz took towards overwatch. It could've been great, but it was just like HotS. Watered down.

Forced meta enforced by a delusional man that does not play video games. If you claim to me that Jeff plays video games, you are lying.

>let's make an fps balanced like an assfaggots game

Wow great idea

They made the hottest girl in the game a lesbian.

they killed roadhog the only fun hero in the game

Are paladins as stale as overwatch in terms of ttk? Shit like attacking team pushing the cart to the first checkpoint without anyone dying on both sides.

Widowmaker isn't a dyke, though I would say that making Tracer a carpet muncher was foolish indeed. Zarya should have been the obvious pick or no one at all. No one would care about her ugly, manly ass snacking on clams. Meh, I still draw Tracer in a heated affair with Genji either way.

my most played game ever and there's nothing you can do about it, you faggot

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D3 clawed itself back and is going steady since then.


diablo 3 has permanently lost the ARPG crown to PoE, a game that is even more akin to diablo 2 than the titled successor.

If I wanted to play the second point of Hoodoo 1st, I'd play fucking TF2. I don't need every map in the game having that kind of fucking chokepoint.

>blizzard has still supported Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3
>has servers STILL UP for Diablo 1 and it's now even sold on GOG, not even on battle.net
>WoW has been going steady for 15 years
>Diablo 3 has been active since its disastrous launch despite everyone hating it
>even the games they've actively announced to be DEAD like Heroes of the Storm get major updates

I get it, you dont like blizzard, but you cant just lie and not look like an idiot.
how fucking wrong can one person be

And? You sound like those people bickering what game has the most twitch viewers.

>he thinks WOW or D3 is not a joke in its current state

a AAA studio with billions of dollars lost its fucking golden goose and signature genre to some indie company from new zealand

all my fucking KEK

PoE now earns GGG $12 million annually

Those games are still shit though

The clip is one of the most extreme examples you could find in the game though, also if the Winston really wants to threaten moira, he only has to pop his forcefield and simply be on the other side of shield for Moira to not be able to selfheal, his aim is also not very good.

Maybe he wanted to zone her out for a while, but since they both blew ult for this I'd assume they are pretty shit