Criticize a difficult game

>criticize a difficult game
>"git gud"

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>difficult means it is good

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>criticize a difficult game
>it's just a rant about why you can't power trip through it with no effort and shows in every way that you have an abysmal grasp of even the most basic mechanics in the game
>why aren't these toxic gamers taking my criticism seriously?

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t. Someone who's never played a Dark Souls game

>Bad at video games
>Demand people take your opinion seriously
It's like someone who's only read Harry Potter thinking their opinion on literature actually matters. Cute.

>Getting mad at any activity that requires proficiency.

Imagine being this inept?

t. not gud
git gud

>t. NES/SNES games are well designed cause I had Nintendo Power as a kid

this is bait right?

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>Validate my opinions waaaa
Bitch who the fuck are you? You are a fucking nobody, your opinion means shit, kill yourself.

git good or find something else to play. I bought Demon Souls from craigslist and the dude told me he found the game too hard that's why he was selling it.

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Yeah, then artificial difficulty enemies and low damage weapons cause you to see the same perspective.

>criticize an easy game
>"git gud"
pokefags need to stop this shit

>don't even know if OP is talking about a game in particular, let alone which game or what criticisms they made
>still default to 'git gud'
big yikes

>artificial difficulty
And there it is
git gud

it's a universal truth.

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How is she so attractive but so off putting at the same time

>big yikes

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Because she's out of your league

Experienced this for the first time with Hollow Knight, of all games. I beat the PoH with all bindings, but any time I break the circlejerk and say something negative about the game, autists pile on with their metastasized Dark Souls cancer.

>why can't I power trip through everything without any effort?
Have a yike. It sounds like you'll need it.

>be shit at game
>complain about it

>criticize a game
>gets accused of not playing it

fucking fanboys

huge oof

It really ruined any form of talk about a game's difficulty. Or anything really.
>this camera is really wonky
>what's with these floaty jumps?
>the handling is way off
>what is this control scheme and no rebinding?
>the framerate drops are really messing with my timing

>git gud

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>falls for the "gitgut" meme
>even makes a thread about it
beyond seething

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>forced to pretend Sonic 1-3K is flawless in level design because of this shit

Any articles?

>how2quoteposts???? huge oof

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hey nice KYM filename

Is this the atheist high priest?

Well did you git gud?

It has come to the point now where I cant tell if you actually believe in "artificial difficulty". That used the be a joke, but now I see people using that term unironically.

It's this every time and all the asshurt replies prove it.

>even modern 'difficult' games are far easier and forgiving than older games
>zoomers still cry because games are so casualized difficulty is non-existent in most games

ITT: People who haven't finished a Souls game

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>yeah I kinda breezed through the game using X, Y and Z.

just learn to code lol

I understand both sides even though this just seems like people complaining at meme replies they get here in Yea Forums.
I love good IWBTG fangames, part of the charm is that they are actually challenging and beating something is rewarding. But there's also a lot of trash design that makes some of them just unplayable garbage.

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I have, and if the git gud autists respond at all to screenshots of a 100% save, achievements, or whatever else, it's only to ask why I kept playing a game I didn't like, as if the fact that I said something negative about the game means I hated it altogether
They can't think critically about the things they enjoy, that's all

I just had the biggest Dejavu with this thread. It felt surreal, what the fuck?

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well, did you get good or not?

Maybe you just suck at communicating your ideas to others? Like even now you seem to be really hostile for no reason.

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>picks the absolute easiest and no skill options meant for braindeads who can't beat the game any other way
>"lol yeah it was easy"

>I blame the game for my own limitations
>pretend "yikes" when realized that other people don't share my limitation

Egoraptor: the thread

>say a game is gonna be bad from the beta/demo
>someone says "you're playing it wrong" or "I never had problems"
>critically panned by almost everyone when it comes out
>they all disappear

>say that Dark Souls 1 is unfinished
>git gut
These people should die

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>spend hours reading guides and looking up strategies on the internet
>'heh... I didn't even use 1% of my power... I'd like a real challenge next time kiddo'

>the DLC will fix all the problems with the game I s-swear!

>Maybe you just suck...

>mfw Yea Forums is full of shitters
Who would've thought.

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>video of enemy clearly putting his arm and huge broadsword trough the walls no clipping and hitting you while you cant do the same and just die
>git gut

People will cry about anything though, it's lovely. Using the "wrong" builds, items, weapons, strategies. It really fucks with them.

like if you ever get the chance, even if you've never played the games, go into a Nioh thread and say that you played the game using magic. Or say that you played through Dark Souls with a tank build in a Souls thread.

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unironically true for mount & blade
so many chivalry fags give up because they're bad and can only deal with left-click spamming

literally no one says that in response to that specific criticism. it wouldn’t even make sense. you’re just making shit up.


Yes, challenge is the core of video games

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Something hard can be bad, something easy cannot be good. That's why I dumped yer mum.

haha... op is bad at games. unironically GIT GUD fucking faggot. if you haven't 1 cc'd anything in your life i wouldn't even allow you to pay me to suck my cock.

Does normal difficulty count?

You know that some people are just fucking with you, right?
"git gud" is often ironic in cases like this , it isn't when you just say "why enemy is so hard reeee" though.

>criticize SJW game
>"sexist fascist scum"

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>Critique one aspect of a game you think is faulty and should be changed
>git gud
Every single time. I don't get people like this why not articulate what you mean it's not like you're giving me any feed back on what I'm doing wrong or even know if I'm already gud and just think a certain part sucks.

If you don't like tarkov and don't have several hundreds of hours in it you are a pleb

I think tarkov looks like dogshit. Realism is the absolute last thing I want in my video games.

If this isn't bait, and a genuine criticism, you're probably in the wrong area of the game (assuming we're talking about dark souls).
You never have to grind to level up to get stronger. If you're not killing the enemies in a few hits (depending on the weapon) then you're either under leveled from trying to run past everything, dying too much so you never accumulate souls, or you're trying to do something before you're intended.
A lot of new players get stuck in Catacombs, for instance, because they hear "dark souls hard!" And think you're supposed to be fighting a normal skeleton for a whole minute.
Dark Souls is "punishing but fair" as people usually put it. You can't run past enemies or they'll follow you and gangbang you. You can't spam attacks willy nilly or they'll hit you and hitstun you to death. You generally can't fight 5+ enemies at a time because the game doesn't play nice and let you have a turn and let you get free hits off while everyone stands still.
A lot of modern games do things to make the player FEEL like they're in really clutch situations. How many times in BioShock have you hung on by a sliver of health against a horde of enemies? In reality, the devs give you some invincibility or extra health when you're really low, and only a few of those enemies are actually shooting at you. The rest are missing intentionally (not actually shooting, but playing the effects) to make you feel like you're one man against the world. This is an actual technique, and not some conspiracy, look it up if you don't believe me. And it works. But dark souls doesn't do that. If there's 5 enemies, you best believe all 5 are out to kill you.
Another complaint about "fake" difficulty is the traps. You'll see an item at the end of a hallway only to get blasted by fire, or a weak enemy runs away from you to lead you into an ambush. "Oh, this is just trial and error, it's stupid!"
The game is punishing you for letting your guard down.


Games used to be way harder, and there wasn't videos to teach you how to play.

>>criticize a difficult game
>>"git gud"
if your problem can actually be solved by getting better at the game, and plenty/the majority of people don't have your issues then yea...

>I'm already gud

You make a dumb assumption that you're safe and get punished for it. You should always be on your toes and if you fall for it, it's your fault. After playing a while, you come to realize and because suspicious of things like this. Signs on the floor also help you with this.

The game's difficulty is all there to condition the player, not to be some stupid grind.
I could just be wasting my time and replying to bait, but I wanted to give some genuine discussion for once in this board.

OP here to say "thank u, next" to the frothing autists who could help but illustrate my point
Couldn't have done it without you lol byyye

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>see game is renowned for "insane, bullshit RNG difficulty"
>buy and play game
>it's easy

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Guys, a friend only just pointed this out to me and now i'm seeing it everywhere. Why are interracial couples in media always black male-white female? Why isn't it the reverse, or other races involved?


>limited time to play vydia
>getting gud
Just give me something i can play and not waste my time on one single really hard boss. That the devs made just to make your game longer

>the person complaining about games being too difficult is a roastie
really makes you think

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Sounding pretty salty there, perhaps even assblasted.

I see white dudes with latinas a lot.

>complain about game being too difficult
>0.1h played

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This is valid though. Remember when Xenoblade Chronicles 2 came out and all these retarded casuals, including Dunkey, were complaining that battles take too long? Yeah it turns out that battles only take long if you're playing like a shitter that can't into timing and combos.

That's just one game, but the same thing usually applies when someone complains about "bullet sponge" enemies.

Lol just fucking grind for 100 hours farming the 0.0000001% chance droprate mythical sword then look up a guide on youtube restart the game and do that build then they die fast lol

No idea, fellow anonymous.

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>the autist with the communication issue is an /r9k/ crossboarder
It'd make me think if it wasn't so obvious

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The game isn't difficult enough to require that.

Hello pseud

Well I did and first of all I don't go on 4channel and make a thread with LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE everytime I die to a boss and then complain how mean the elitist Souls community is.

I’ve finished every souls game. I bet you’re a twelve year old who thinks the first DaS is the hardest because you played it once

Being ironically wrong is still being wrong.

dark souls is just abusing iframes and memorizing movelists. hardly the pinnacle of challenge

>Criticize a difficult game because of this, this this, and this reason.
>Nobody else has a problem with this, that, and those reasons.
>No, its clearly the game.

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Daily reminder that people who crave extra hard difficulty in games are the ones who sit home all day and have no other sort of challenge or accomplishment in their lifes

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>thinking any game is difficult
git gud

I get what the OP is saying,
but this was a genuinely retarded place to discuss it, do to the concentration of dark soul kiddoes.

I haven't played it yet but a 100 hour JRPG with slow ass battles even against random fodder enemies sounds like a real nightmare.

I feel like many problems and challenges within said video games can be solved by just acquiring skill in said game. Is this way of thinking incorrect?

It was already obvious from the image in the OP. No one but a woman (or tranny) would start a thread with that.

Nah. I always crave a challenge. Woukl you read books aimed at 5 year olds or go to the gym and do sets with 5 lb dumbbells?

>hardly the pinnacle of challenge
imagine even typing this ironically

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X Com? Because from what I heard I refuse to play that shit.

usually it's
>criticize something generic and say other thing is better
which is saying nothing about the mechanics behind the generics, ie "this game does combat better than that game", which is meaningless

>the book is finnegan's wake

Tarkov is objectively bad right now with the game design and massive amounts of bugs and issues that nearly make it unplayable. Maybe on release it will be good

>comparing physical exercise where using higher weight amounts to bigger muscle growth and mental stimulation with specific agegroup in mind to fucking videogames lmao


Absolute truth.

>Try and error

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>Criticize a not fun or tedious or grindy section in a game
>Git gud
listen listen listen listen listen. I know you're the next red barron and you're a master ace and all that bullshit.

I want more than 10 minutes to shoot at an oil refinery before i have to do sandstorm bullshit. Everything is exploding like ATHF, and i'm having fun. Stop fucking limiting me.

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Yes. Games are also mental stimulation. Train the reflexes keep the brain active. I also hike interesting trails instead of just walking around on mainstreet. Challenge is good ease is not.

Didn't see too much of that on hollow knight threads but guaranteed le ebin git gud xd spam on every criticism about cuphead, even though that game is an objectively worse alien homonid with amazing graphics and I've beaten both games multiple times solo.

Based as fuck

This should be like
>book is full of typos and grammatical errors
>lol why dont you just try and read it fucking casual xdd

>game isn't isn't tailored for my idea of fun so game is designed bad

did you just use Digital Blackface? thats a big no no on resetera hope you self-ban

Games are never too difficult, they are just "overtuned". The fault is external to me and therefore my ego is protected.

>What the fuck it's missing 58 pages and half the text is just backwards and misspelled articles from Wikipedia?
>lmao git gud and deal wit it casual ;-)

Lol biting satire, incel

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I wanna impregnate Eleanor

Learn to read. It's only slow if you're bad at vidya. So basically you're saying you're a casual

>chess is difficult therefore bad

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>Fighting my way through Ruiner felt like work, and if I weren’t obligated to finish it for the review I probably wouldn’t have bothered. It’s too bad it focuses on being difficult over being fun, because the combat totally works when you’re given access to the full range of weaponry and gadgets and can finally stand up to the nearly endless waves of varied enemies thrown at you.
>Okay - Ruiner's stylish, frantic, twin-stick action only starts to feel good once it's all over.
>6 out of 10 - IGN
>expecting me to take game jornos seriously anymore after GG

>all the casual losers ITT
just git gud mate

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Films are the let's plays of books

Go finish a game that is actually difficult unlike the Souls games faggot.

>I have to be a contrarian to get attention and spout opinions no one could ever possibly stand behind
you don't believe what you're typing, you're just lonely and need attention, so here's some:
You're disgusting. You have no merit as a person, that's why you're as unpopular as you are. I have no pity for you.

>pretend to be a fag
>"go away fag"

dont forget to dilate

>making a thread over a shitpost
git gud


>it's only slow if you don't play it this very specific way
I don't buy it. That's like saying Dark Souls isn't long because you can beat it in an hour without taking a single hit.

i mean if the shoe fits


>critisize game for being unreasonably difficult
>some tard responds with a youtube video of someone whos obviously spent hundreds hours practicing style on a hard boss with a weak weapon

Fuck me, I share this board with some bona fide retards.


Yep, you're a casual. Stick to Fortnite, kiddo.

None of you souls kids have played quarter munchers in arcades

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>criticize a meme """""difficult""""" game
>"git gud"

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That's literally what video games are supposed to be, retard. They're supposed to be frustrating unless you learn how to actually play the game right. That's how vidya was before everything became boring hallway participation trophy simulators.

>DS games are hard

>gets btfoed
The average "git gut" fag everyone


>Have you tried not being bad at video games?


>game pushes propaganda
>if you point this out you get called paranoid

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1337 tranny
then everyone clapped

Frustration is a feature not a flaw

You've spoiled it

Blame the devs for putting that shit in the game then, not the players for using them.

It's not up to the players to balance the game.

Artificial difficulty is real you dumb zoomers.
Arcade games were designed to be as unfair and "hard" as possible to eat your money up.

>thinks any games are hard
If you're getting frustrated by childrens toys maybe git beter kiddos

*cracks open monster can*

I remember when it was normal and acceptable to be bad at a video game. Nowadays kiddies are so used to be told they're perfect and good at everything that they get mad when they get stuck in a video game so they blame the game itself instead of their shitty vidya skills.

*turns on AC/DC*

Can you beat the game on a single credit?
Then git gud

overrated post

>Waahhh he used big words
t. Brazilian

git gud

>That's literally what video games are supposed to be, retard.
That's not true through, not then and not now. Good game design usually involve having different playstyles and letting the player find their own ways to tackle challenges.
If you think video games are supposed to be these fucking rigid exercises in faggotry where you just bang your head against the wall in frustration until you stumble upon what the dev WANTS you to do you're just an idiot with shit taste.

yes but you can't possible know that

it just means you suck

this, this is exactly why the term got popular.

I quit playing a while ago because bugs and lack of stuff to do when "max" level. It's just a treadmill and bugs ruins a lot of fights. I still like the game tho.

Somebody missed the times when people here treated casual as a worse word than nigger or faggot.
Amazing how the sentiment actually shifted to whiny cunts and faggots essentially spouting "just a game bro" in recent years.

This response got ignored because it's true. You guide readers should be ashamed of yourselves

Can you survive cancer?
Then its not lethal.

Criticizing a difficult game for being difficult is retarded and 'git gud' is just the BM version of 'practice makes perfect'. If you don't want to git gud then play something else. No shame in it you thin skinned baby.

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any game is good if you're good at it

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>have a fifth grade reading level
>critize lord of the rings for being too hard
>people tell me to stop trying to read above my level

'git gud' is a way of handwaving all criticism as though it always stems from frustration at the difficulty of the game
>Criticizing a difficult game for being difficult
Like you just did

You just can't handle the banter, casual.

>criticize /pol/

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To be fair, in the case of dark souls where this meme became popular, it WAS a case of git gud because the PC infants couldn't handle the traps or enemy layouts. It was pathetic. Most of the bitching about DaS and difficulty came from the cucked PC players.

>game doesn't push propaganda
>4channel still shoehornes politics in

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Ruiner is dogshit though.

>Not being able to beat a game is equivalent to dying from cancer
Jesus you kids are whiny.

Well it's true, Dark Souls isn't remotely hard. The game autosaves everything you do, you can co op virtually the whole game, the enemies have predictable hitboxes and your can run past everything that isn't a boss. Meanwhile those bosses are nothing compared to monster hunter g rank .

DaS' only issue comes from it being unfinished. Would have loved to see a better demon ruins.

stfu casual

If you're only bitching about it being difficult, git gud is the only appropriate response.

think of it as a litmus test to expose these kinds of people so you no longer have to associate with them. If they can’t sufficently counter your criticism (provided its a measured rationale) then they are not worth adhering to.

>Criticize sexual degeneracy of 2D girls.
>"Libtard, tranny, kike"

>Criticize sexual degeneracy of 3D girls.
>"Incel, neckbeard, virgin.

>Defend sexual liberty of 2D girls.
>"Incel, neckbeard, virgin.

>Defend sexual liberty of 3D girls.
>"Libtard, tranny, kike"

>"I like Dead or Alive, because the girls are sexy"
>"Incel, neckbeard, virgin.

>"I like Life is Strange, because the girls are well written"
>"Libtard, tranny, kike"

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Only retards complain that magic breaks Nioh. The sloth spell that people cry about is useless on any difficulty beyond the first one and the later difficulties expect the player to use buffs.

>You: "This media is pushing propaganda!"
>Me: "Shit, really? What did they do?"
>You: "They're depicting black men and white women in healthy relationships!"
>Me: "...."
>You: "I see you're a SJW libtard, so let me explain. According to these statistics...."

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>criticize a difficult game
>explicitly shows that you failed to learn most of the mechanics of the game
>people reaction is a condescending meme
Sounds good

"Git gud" is a co-opted Reddit meme now, anyway. So, why does Yea Forums continue to use it?

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user did you suck a dick for demon's souls?

I think you have a skewed perception of difficulty., from the perception of a first-time player or casual these games are difficult.

Breathing is a co-opted reddit meme too.

>The reason I'm losing is of no fault of my own, no... It is the game's fault!

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epic comeback
mind if I post it on r/Yea Forums?

>letting Reddit steal memes you like
I bet you hate pepe too, fucking newshit

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It's like some sort of autistic tick they always resort to. Even when you are as good as you can be at a game and jumped through every hoop; even when the criticism isn't even tangentially related to difficulty, they still continue to use "git gud" as a crutch. And it makes no sense.

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Not him, but I hate pepe, because his image is overused. It takes me back to when quoting Austin Powers was popular. And for like 5 years after goldfinger came out, people were still dropping Austin Power quotes. They just didn't know when the joke was stale.

Retards now think they can perpetuate their shitty jokes forever, because they redrew it slightly differently than before.

What else would you expect from a socially retarded user? Can't even process the basic perspective-taking skills that a even a toddler would have.

>This games boring and way too easy. You can beat this boss by just sitting there for an hour firing arrows.
>"Well of course the game is no fun when you use such a tedious method to cheese the boss. Try a melee build instead and it'll be more challenging and reaarding"

Sometimes people hate a game because they're bad at it, see DSP or Arin Hanson. Sometimes people will just impulsively use the git gud meme to defend a shitty game like WoW or Meatboy. There's no rule to it.

This alone proves how much of a kneejerk reaction it is. They're way too dependent on the meme and don't know any other tricks.

>Stupid argument gets BTFO
>Gets actually mad
Come on, don't put so much stock in Yea Forums "debates"

Are any games you can git gud at via trial and error actually hard? I feel that any game that is supposedly “hard” just means you need you need to set aside an additional couple of hours for each hour of gameplay. There seem to be only a small number of games that are challenging in a fashion that allows for a better player to be better regardless of time put into it.

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I liked cheesing with arrows in the Souls games. It felt like I was outsmarting the game.

>game design is so bad you can cheese it with certain strategies
>this is somehow the player's fault

In some cases it's a valid, like said. Some games have hard to grasp mechanics and people here will literally complain that they're too hard to figure out. They blame their lack of ability on the game instead of just saying they dislike the game (CS is a good example of this).

If someone is criticising a game and is clearly unable to grasp, the mechanics of said game then "git gud" is a completely valid remark.

You literally improve at all things by practicing and doing them wrong initially.

>There seem to be only a small number of games that are challenging in a fashion that allows for a better player to be better regardless of time put into it.

Investing time to improve is "getting good". A game that allows a new player to beat old players is either a shallow game or the new player has a lot of experience with the genre.

What do you mean "A better player to be better" being a "Better player" almost universally just means having the ability to follow the rules in an optimal fashion minus things like disparate reaction times.

Sure are a bunch of salty faggots in here that never learned to git gud.

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if faggots can beat the whole game:
>without getting hit
>level 1
>no armor
>no weapon
>fists only
you're the one that sucks,

The Redditors who still say the git gud meme are the same people who throw themselves at an obstacle over and over again without changing tactics. But unless your playing absolute shovelware trash, there's always specific strategies to get by and get better. These dimwit faggots really think that games are all just dumb luck who just "gib gub", when you can improve in a quarter of the time by simply being aware of what the fuck you're doing. If it truly was dumb luck and pure trial and error where you can just flail around and get random results every time, then the game in question would just be garbage.

name a few then, you absolute retard

Git gud at what exactly?

>doesn't know how to play the game
>"git gud"

what constitutes fair criticism

based kristen
and her based HUSBAND

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It's appreciated, user.

good post

Learn to defend games better, you stupid fucking nigger

In an effort to turn this thread into something decent, let's discuss difficult game design vs bad game design.

she is so hot

I feel as though an activity can only be objectively “challenging” if it proves to be a difficult task regardless of how much time has been invested into it. I understand that things will gradually become easier the more time you put into a game, but in video games it always seems that even the hardest games become as natural as breathing to people who spent time learning and memorizing the patterns. Things that genuinely strain the mind and body, as opposed something you can memorize. A better player is the player who has better reflexes, mental capacity, motor function on the whole or even the ability to plan ahead (in the case of more) fundamentally.

>difficult game design
hard game i like
>bad game design
hard game i dislike

Classic Simpsons, still fucking funny to this day.

Sounds like someone needs to git gud

I can only think of hollow knight for being an artificial difficulty game

it looks like a fucking neanderthal wrote this,
but it's absolutely true, nicely done tarzan

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>play a game in the most optimized way to win
>lel, fucking guide reader, you're playing the game like a braindead
>play the game any other way
>lel, what a retard, why didn't you use the best build with the best items with the best strategy?
There's just no pleasing some people, they want to complain and that's it.

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The only way to stop that from happening would be to put humans on both ends, to keep the parameters changing. Under your definition, only PvP could ever be challenging, and only PvP against people equal to or better than you.

>criticize a game's arguably uncomfortable controls
>"git gud"

thank, user

>"I can't design a level so i'll put spikes everywhere"

A difficult game has to be fair. If a game has cheap, unfair stuff in it (like I wanna be the guy) then it's poorly designed. A player has to have a fair chance of beating something on their first attempt, if it requires trial and error or RNG then it's artificially difficult.

You don't know what artificial difficulty means.

Either that or mentally/physically taxing to the point of being extremely dangerous that practicing it would be a death sentence.

I get that this sounds like nonsense, but I’ve heard people describe Celeste and Megaman as challenging when I’ve played those games just fine. It just meant I had to play them for a while before I could beat them. But there are literally activities out there that I could never do or “be good” at regardless of how much time I spent as a person because of my limitations as a human being. It just doesn’t seem logical to place prestige on achieving something by funneling more time into it as opposed to something where you have to be actually better than other people fundamentally (like a singing contest or something).

>criticize Dick Vitale's "Awesome Baby" College hoops
>gets arrested for trying to cause public unrest

Based retarded poster

I feel like once your standard fro challenging is "Literally insurmountable by myself" you are kind of fucked. Sure, there can be games with constant reacting-time checks of sub 150ms to weed out 99.9 percent of players that play it but I wouldn't call that "Challenging" so much as "Punitive".

I'll be honest, I only clicked on this thread because I've had a crush on Kristen Bell for the last 10 years.

She cute as hell.

>Daily reminder that people who crave extra hard difficulty in games are the ones who sit home all day and have no other sort of challenge or accomplishment in their lifes

Let me guess, the most challenging thing you do is trying to open a drink.

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>You don't know what artificial difficulty means
>Bosses are sponges
>Dream bosses are even spongier and require some autistic manuvers or a shitty meme charm build to beat it without being fucked in nano seconds since healing is trash
>Dude, spikes everywhere for dream levels, lmao
Was so shit i didn't even finish it
Also inb4 git gud

>the last 10 years
Didn't know she had been famous for so long. I get you, though, total babe.

back to the youtube comment section

She was Veronica Mars.

Yeah, I accept that my viewpoint is fucked. Challenge is sort of incompatible with objectivity since it is naturally subjective, so whenever people try to talk about it objectively I start to think at these sort of extremes.

>tfw I haven't done exercise in so long I actually had trouble opening a bottle normally so I ended up having to break the ring manually

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Well, you have good taste.

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>Bosses are sponges

They're not, they all die within 5 or so minutes of playing.

>require some autistic manuvers

Like dodging? What do you even mean

>shitty meme charm build to beat it without being fucked in nano seconds

If you used the defender crest to beat the dream Lost Kin then you really can't comment on anything.

>since healing is trash

A large chunk of bosses get stunned just for you to heal, there's time to heal in like 90% of boss fights. There's also a charm that literally protects you so you can heal.

>Also inb4 git gud

If the shoe fits.

You're wrong but okay.

my niggers

>1 cc'd
Okay, I looked up what this faggot shit meant and I'm here to tell you if you play MOBAs you don't ever count


no, but just as not many people beat cancer, not many people can beat an arcade game in 1 try

>willfully ignoring the downsides to multiculti and equality (equity) acceptance pushing just so you can feel morally superior about not being a meanie racist

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If five people all contracted the exact same cancer with the exact same progression and three survived it through their actions, the remaining two probably made some bad choices.

Applies to everything

>criticize difficult language
>"git gud"
>criticize difficult field of study
>"git gud"
>criticize difficult job
>"git gud"
>criticize difficult to drive car
>"git gud"

nobody else gives a fuck how hard something is, they expect you to deal with it. This expectation applies to video games too. Otherwise, someone else who is gud is gonna replace your pansy ass.

I mean, that’s not necessarily true. One of the ways in which we improve society is by making certain activities easier. We have dishwashers.

Now there’s a very fair point, provided you can even call that deliberate trolling attempt a ‘book’

You are all my brothers.

Worst was RE2 remake recently. The unsatisfying gunplay of the game and the risk and reward for headshots isn't fun. Even when I've already s+'d everything I still hold that view.

Yes, and some people use trainers on video games.

>but just as not many people beat cancer, not many people can beat an arcade game in 1 try
did you even read what you just posted? jesus christ, just stop doing shit analogies about cancer and git gud faggot

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Making things easier is OK, but dishwashers can break. If someone tells you that they don't know how to hand-wash their dishes, are you gonna go do it for them? Or will you tell them to bust out the soap, a sponge, and start scrubbing?

Get. Good.

lol @ dishwashers making a society good. The other guy is right, within reason. Scrubs like you want all games to be easy and boring. Hard for the sake of hard isn't the alternative, but neither is overly easy due to whiners. Pls stay away from fighting games.

>Be good at Souls games
>Criticize them for things that don't have to do with difficulty being high and sometimes on how so many bosses are easily raped throw aways.
>Get told to git gud because Souls drones think I must be lying despite being able to go into detail far more then them on what they jerk to

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dishwashers that were made by people who got gud, so shitters like you could wash dishes without crying like a baby

>difficult game
>in 2019

>game isn't even difficult
>still can't git gud

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What's the downside about portraying healthy relationships?

Are you trying to sound as stupid as possible? Are you serious or just being a memer? I hope you're only being ironically retarded, because for every one of those things there's a method and a set of things you analyze an learn. You would have to have subhuman observational skills, literal dog level self awareness to think you could just point at a car and say "git gud" or show people fucking bra-ket notation and say "git gud". The world doesn't work anything close to what your oversimplistic fucking caveman logic would suggest. You fucking swamp water sipping "git er done" simpleton hick. Just fucking off yourself if you have such an inability to pay attention to details..

What about wheelchairs? An amputee could theoretically get good and avoid using one, but challenge for the sake of challenge isn’t necessarily to the benefit of society. I’m criticizing the notion that challenge is inherently a good thing. It is great for video games, but as a general concept, the principles fall apart.

It is amazing how many people struggle with classic sonic games.

Like nigga, roll into a ball and use your momentum.

>believing that as a casual who hasn't put in time to learn the game, that you're opinion is somewhat valid

It's not. I loathe when people who clearly haven't learned how to play dismiss the game as difficult, and then proceed to give their opinion on how to fix it.

You're the problem. You want every game to be a casualized hang out spot.


Oh man, this is a great example. Whenever I criticize Mania, all the git gudders come out. And then I have to spend 1-2 posts explaining that the game isn't even hard for me. And they still don't believe me. What's the deal with that? Maybe Mania just isn't the second coming of Sonic like everyone made it out to be.

So if someone ends up spending the time to “git gud” and doesn’t feel it was worth it and would’ve rather they simply made the game easier, does their opinion matter? Since we’re applying set conditions to when opinions become valid.

It really is that simple user
If you can't do something, and aren't willing to get good enough at it to do it, it's not a matter of being told you can't at that point - you LITERALLY cannot do it. There's nobody else telling you to "get good," it's the world itself saying it.

have an anecdote

>brother wants to learn to drive manual car
>offer to teach him
>say he can use my car whenever he wants and I'll show him how to drive it
>he agrees
>typically, the whole first day is spent with him stalling and being frustrated with it, starts improving towards the end though
>next day offer to let him use car some more
>"Hey bro, you wanna practice driving manual or what?"
>bro no longer wants to, says he's given up because it's too hard and he'll never get it

I'll offer to teach him any time he likes, but if he doesn't want to "git gud" then I'm not the one stopping him from doing it, it's simply his lack of skill right now.

The thing is that the skill developed by throwing yourself at something over and over again sticks with you.
Lets take Super Meat Boy as example.
Sure you can just brute force most of it to make it, but while doing that, your muscle memory improves, you get more precise and learn a lot of subtle movement techniques without realizing.
Once you come back to the older worlds you start to realize how much you improved and have the skill to approach the same stages in a different way.

I guess good difficulty should be in a way that a good player could theoretically beat something first try, but how can you prove that if the skill needed to beat something first try can only be gained by playing the game?

A game that allows better players to perform better from the start often just means that you can transfer skill from other games to it, like lets say sequels of existing games.
This creates the problem, that players seeking difficulty will find it too easy though and want each sequel to be harder.

What I always found strange is that it didn't even need to be a criticism of the actual gameplay for people to tell you to git gud and that you are only criticizing it for being bad at the game.

I fucking loathe the area design of at least of quarter of the souls games. Anor Londo was pretty but the path was retarded, Chaos Ruins and dragon butts were stupid design and the actual entrance should have been where the pale spider was with areas reshuffled and that entire dragonbutt area redone. Dark Souls 2 would require far too many paragraphs to go into. Arch-Dragon peak looks interesting but the way you go through it is terrible. Catacombs of Carthus were mostly boring and the Demon Ruins should have had a much bigger role and its layout changed.

None of these are matters of difficulty yet people will still scream git gud.

It's not a flawless game but I'd still consider it one of the best Sonic games period. All the Genesis games have bigger flaws.

>criticize a piss easy consoletrash movie
>"git gud"
Never change, Yea Forums. Fucking casual pleb central.

At that point it'd be like sport where even with a lot of training, you might just not be born with the genetics required to perform well.
Good difficulty in games shouldn't come close to the actual physical limitation of the player and should only be limited by practice and aquired skill.
Unless we're talking about highly competitive fighting games and stuff like that

>beat dark souls multiple times with multiple builds just so i can say i hate the game and faggots cant say get God
is it autism?

This is the worst part. You can't say anything bad about how a game is handled without people screeching.

nothing about the difficulty was artificial. the games were in fact, actually hard.

I feel like that should be a requirement if you’re intending to lord over other people. After all, otherwise, all you are showing is you have a lot of leisure time.

The car stalls because he did something specifically wrong.

i mean there is a difference between someone who just grinds ranked all day and someone who specifically labs and trains comboes in fighting games as example
There are still ways to get skilled quicker excluding physical abilities alone

This is an underlying problem with this place. These people play games because they are called hard games and then brag about it which becomes the basis for their feelings of superiority in regards to gaming. If you criticize that game in any way you are undermining their sense of superiority and they have to protect it and as a consequence their ego. This kills any dialogue as it has stopped being about what the game actually is and is now about is now about the ego and self-importance beating that game has given some people which they must defend.

That being said though the only games that actually matter are the ones in which you are directly playing against another player and anything outside of that doesn't matter. Being smug about beating a computer which allowed you to win is retarded. Only beating other people matters.

But if it was an NES or SNES game it would be praised

>upset at git gud

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Only one coping is you faggot those two were absolutely on point bitch.

none of you faggots even knows what criticize means

I feel as though “getting good at a particular game” or even “a particular type of game” for the express purpose of bettering yourself as a human being is kind of laughable. If a game is to be genuinely rewarding in its challenge, you have to be able to transfer those skills to something more meaningful.

This of course doesn’t apply to playing for fun and getting better at it naturally.

>dark souls is hard
You arpgfags would never be able to handle a real ag racing game. Now getting gud at those takes real dedication

The fact that Yea Forums are the gatekeepers of gitgud culture yet constantly complain about the difficulty of fighting games will never stop amusing me.

But is it really appropriate to judge one as better than the other if both end up in the same spot? I can’t help but feel pride in this whole affair is misplaced.

git gud

Well maybe OP should've posted what game he's talking about instead of crying about being called a humongous casual faggot

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its fine to criticize, but if you're a "sonic was never good" shitter no one should take you seriously

literally never happens faggot. stop making shit up

>git gud

oh yeah yeah

>I like Life is Strange
you deserve it

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git gud

I don't think anyone in the history of the world has complained that Life is Strange is hard, outside of an ironic joke.

>"I like Life is Strange, because the girls are well written"
Your politics don't matter to me, but you ARE retarded.

It says more about commitment and mindset than free time at least in the context of gamers. There are guys who play a few hours a week but they stick with a single game for years always looking to improve, while there are guys who play 5 hours a day but because theyre constantly switching games and chasing that low effort high they never improve at anything.

I wish I could but sadly there's no gameplay to be found

>criticize a flawed mechanic
>"yeah but it was as bad/worse in the previous game so you're not allowed to point it ou!"

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ninja gaiden black
ninja gaiden II
god hand on hard
metal slug 3
La-mulana 1/2

Lol beta male

It's truth

>difficult game
>video games are for children
git gud faggot

Games are kids stuff, whatever it is its designed for kids (13-23 probably).
So yes, if you cant beat something designed specifically for a kid you are bad. Not an issue in the real life but yes you are bad and you have to git gud.
You can add some numbers for really old games which were designed for a more "adult" public but you can cheat by 3-4 years no more.
If the game is bugged it is the game fault. If not you are bad and you have to git gud.

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mahalo i'm sarah marshall

Is it really impressive though or something to aspire to? Dedication is only really a virtue if the activity is meaningful in some capacity.

Someone who is better than me at say soccer shows that they’re in better physical shape which has actual advantages in day to day activities. Someone who is a better salesman than me shows that they are probably better at conveying certain ideas to other people. Someone who is better at Gradius than me shows that they probably are better at Devil Engine, Galaga or whatever than me. It shows they played a lot of that genre and didn’t instead switch games and play SimCity. But so? It just seems weird to take pride in “oh, well, I decided to play this genre of game well and didn’t care to play other games.”


>dark souls is le hard may may
finish evil within 2 on classic if you are such a pro

It's not flawless but still better than most modern games

Depends, do you value games and skill in them? Most gamers do that's why things like esports are popular, and even ones who say they don't usually get upset when someone calls them unskilled showing they derive some amount of identity from it. But also, it shows serious thoughtful practice and commitment which absolutely can be transfered to other areas of life, even though it rarely is. There isn't that much fundamental difference between practicing an instrument and practicing a game

Every fucking time.

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Its the bitter truth. Its like having difficulty with basic math at 30yr old.

>mfw there are people on the road who can't even beat a simple bullet hell.

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I value games. Skill in them is another facet entirely, which is kind of the point of this thread. As for practicing an instrument, I disagree. An instrument is played for the sake of creating pretty music, not for its own sake. Someone could theoretically dislike the act of playing but love the sound of them playing it or the benefits of playing said sound to others. And while there likely are people who place value of improving their ability to play for the very act of improving their ability to play, I would say they are just as irrational as those who play video games simply for the sake of being better at video games.

Maybe I'm a fucking retard, but I've never understood exactly what distinguishes a bullet hell game from a difficult shmup
Is it just bullet patterns

honestly I'm retarded and I thought they were both the same thing

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I'll just assume Bullet Hells are more focused on dodging and patterns, while traditional shmups are also focused on different kinds of attack types, upgrades and stuff.
Like Gradius, it's pretty challenging, but not because of complicated patterns, but because you have to manage upgrades and stuff

>This is an underlying problem with this place. These people play games because they are called hard games and then brag about it which becomes the basis for their feelings of superiority in regards to gaming. If you criticize that game in any way you are undermining their sense of superiority and they have to protect it and as a consequence their ego. This kills any dialogue as it has stopped being about what the game actually is and is now about is now about the ego and self-importance beating that game has given some people which they must defend.
>That being said though the only games that actually matter are the ones in which you are directly playing against another player and anything outside of that doesn't matter. Being smug about beating a computer which allowed you to win is retarded. Only beating other people matters.

If you truly don't value skill in games then you shouldn't have a problem with people lauding it over others, you can simply laugh at them. People only do it because they know the other person actually DOES value skill and derives identity from it, so they will get offended and become defensive rather than just brushing it off. Also, what you said about music doesn't change the point it's that core commitment and ability that people appreciate, and those core things are just as useful in other hobbies as they are in games. The reasons why people enjoy practicing their instruments also can't be cleanly separated into simple categories they are a mix of personal feeling of accomplishment, end results, reinforced personal identity, social validation, etc.

Maybe you should spend more time gettin gud than crying and possing sassy gifs like a woman, OP.

Bullet hell games : slow dense bullet patterns, tiny player and bullet hitboxes, less focused on memorization with more resources, more rng and less punishing design, more focus on complex scoring systems
Traditional shmups : more sparse but faster bullets, hitboxes that are close to sprite sizes, more memorization focused, simpler scoring systems, often punishing, often use terrain

The line becomes blurry when looking at some mid 90's games, but those are the general trends.

>Hi I'm gonna be extremely vague and attach a gay ass reaction image to it so nobody can call me a retard
damn you sure made the people telling you to git gud look stupid

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I’m trash at literally every video game I’ve ever played in my life. The only reason I’ve ever completed a video game is because I’ve played them until I was good enough to beat/100% it. As for discussing the merits of hobbies, it really seems like end result and social validation are the only rational ones. The rest are just fooling yourself. Which is fine but it can honestly be summed up as “because it makes me feel good” and that’s not exactly impressive.

I liked the first season of that show, are the other two good?

Yeah doesn't really make sense. A challenge is a good thing, but a challenge in itself is hardly enough to validate a product. The "challenge" of CS GO's shooting can't make up for the abysmal artstyle, poor pacing, bland weapon design, copypasted maps, shit netcode, and infestation of hackers.

>something easy cannot be goo-

Attached: kirby-star2.png (454x469, 35K)

Well considering how popular vidya is and how tons of people do value skill there's clearly social validation to be had there, and the end result in the form of entertainment. Again if it was unimpressive then someone bragging would be met by indifferent dismissal or mockery but that's not the case people get butthurt and defensive especially online. Also picking your passions rationally has got to be the most hollow bugman like way to approach it and I doubt it's effective either because people who get into hobbies for validation or the end result give up more often than not because the grind of working towards that burns them out.

>Criticize easy game
>"git gud"
>Criticize any game.
>"git gud"

The only defense of Kirby is that you can make it less easy with self imposed challenges. Without that who would even play it?

That game is shit precisely because it's basically press forward to win. Only toddler and manchildren with toddler tastes like it.

Xcom is only difficult when you're developing your squad or if you're not taking care of them. Yes, rookies suffer from terrible RNG but it's not like the enemies start particularly difficult. I'd recomend you try Xcom w/ Enemy Within if you're into turn based tactical games.

I hate people who think easy games have to be bad. Hard games are excellent for a challenge, easy games are great for when you want to relax. It's why so many people still play pokemon in spite of being insanely easy baby games for toddlers with mental deficiencies.

Make it 10x as hard and I'd buy it.

Reddest of redpills

>finds video games to be difficult
git gud scrub

Playing for fun and naturally getting good is obviously fine. The entertainment is obviously the end result, but it isn’t the end result of getting good at the game, it is the result of playing the game. As for people getting defensive or lauding others, that also just seems kind of dumb.


pick one

Saying "git gud" is an easy way to get a million anonymous to agree with you to inflate their sense of hardcore gamer-ism.

I really like your perspective user
A game that is just difficult for being difficult is worse than a game that is difficult for the sake of being rewarding.
Like when a game enables crazy movement trough mastery instead of restricting "normal" movement by design.

Difficult games are the best. You can always tell hold old a person is and what games they grew up playing by how they react to games that don't just just hold your hand through the entire game.

not really. the defense for kirby is that it has a satisfying gameplay loop with a lot of thought put into making new ways to apply it to different abilities, puzzles, etc. on top of that, the presentation, music, and lore are always on point.
there's plenty of room for both challenging games and easy games. sometimes it's nice to just relax, get comfy, and play a game like kirby, animal crossing, rune factory, etc.

the 3DS games were great since they had a lot of creative ideas despite being easy which made them entertaining
The Switch game is just plain out boring on the regular playtrough comparatively
Ironically, its most redeeming quality for me is the difficult endgame which spices things up again

I think the Kirby series are great games and accomplish what they set out to do, but I could never play them for very long, personally. They're just far too slow-paced and far too easy to keep me engaged for very long. I did complete Kirby's Dream Land 2 back in the day, though.

You make weird distinctions. There's more than just fun in games, there's also satisfaction and people will make the sacrifice of short term fun for long term satisfaction which is a deeper feeling and part of why games are enjoyable. Getting good is a satisfying process, and it's also often but not always a fun process. And by entertainment I mean the entertainment you give to others who watch your performance, as I said vidya streams and such are big and people do appreciate displays of ability even in something as inconsequential as games.

git gud


I can't! Maybe when my motor skills and reflexes deteriorate when I reach my 60's and 70's.

>Hard games are excellent for a challenge, easy games are great for when you want to relax.
this. think of it like music. most people have a "pump-up playlist" and a "chill-out playlist." what you want to listen to depends on your mood.
it's the same with games. there's plenty of room for different games that suit different moods. i like challenging games as well, but i'll never understand this "all hardcore, all the time" mentality. all that does is turn what should be a fun pastime into a joyless chore.

hah! yikes

For myself, I only play games to stay engaged. Whether I'm being challenged or just replaying an old classic just to keep my skills sharp. I find that sort of thing relaxing, not games with low difficulty. Recently, playing Tetris 99 has been a nice form of relaxation for me. But I could never find something like Animal Crossing relaxing. Ain't got time for that shit.

Oh. Well, video game play as entertainment is a different thing. Though I personally don’t find that someone playing a video game well (as opposed to funnily) is all that entertaining.

As for “satisfaction” vs “fun”, satisfaction can be either valid or invalid and no one has really made as sensible case for why being self satisfied over playing a video game is valid.

i think it depends on the genre. it's fun to watch a fighting game played at the highest level. but the latest aaa movie "game," on the other hand - who cares?

>satisfaction can be either valid or invalid
Fuckin what? It's personal satisfaction, you pick something you value and then work towards it, and since video games can be quite challenging and require plenty of dedication and effort it's perfectly sensible to be satisfied by achieving your goals. I don't know why this even needs to be "validated" in this way, can you really not get the idea of a hobby and think it's all done for the end results?

The people playing to hear pretty music are as irrational as the people playing to improve their own ability. There;s no such thing as a rational pastime or hobby. If it was rational with a reasonable time investment, it wouldn't be a hobby.

How is dedication and effort towards something that doesn’t help you in any capacity at all worth feeling good about? You can trick the reward center of your brain, but pretending it is something other than that is just being absurd.

You just KNOW this is the kind of person saying it's poorly designed.

Early sonic games did not have the kind of view distance for any human to react to the obstacles while going fast. The level design wanted to be a platformer and "Fast" was only really usable once you've memorized the layouts.

Hardest bits in games I ever played were
>Mega Glalie in Pokemon Shuffle
>Battle Frontier in Pokemon Emerald
>perfect complete of that boat mission in AC3

You really do sound robotic and incapable of understanding hobbies, they aren't done for external rewards but for internal rewards ie satisfaction, sense of purpose and yes short term highs. You set a goal in something you like and proved that you have the perseverance necessary to stick with it and develop ability despite it being difficult. That's something to be satisfied with even if it doesn't give you clear external benefits. You will also be hard pressed to find people with serious hobbies who do it for external rewards, the external rewards come as a bonus but there are so many examples of artists & hobbyists that pursued their passions despite knowing that it'll do fuckall for them in the end, some even did it to their own detriment such as various adrenaline junkies.

That’s fair, but I never considered gaming a hobby. Just a leisure activity. Hobbies are inherently just the usual being silly, but most people don’t pretend that having huge stamp collection is worth being smug over.

People who actually develop skill end up being able to understand the game at a deeper level, which helps them differentiate when it's the game being shitty, instead of the player base being a pussy. Yes, if you get good at something even if it's something not worthwhile, your opinion means far more than someone who doesn't understand. That's literally how the world works with professional opinions.
Games today always cater to the weakest crowd. Take RDR2 for example, recently there was a patch that took player icons away from the map unless you're 100 yards away, instead of always being able to see people. You can only see the players marked as dangerous, and you're forced to see their position on your minimap regardless of how far away they are. They installed a bounty system where if you defend yourself from a player, you still get bounty added onto yourself, basically taxing you just to live. They also made it possible to force a parlay after one kill. All this because the vocal majority of the community can't aim despite having autoaim. Someone who actually plays the game properly would tell you that the parlay buff was enough to avoid people.
Developers should listen to feedback carefully but try to stay true to their vision, listening to the weak crowd only furthers the piss poor quality games we receive now.

>Early sonic games did not have the kind of view distance for any human to react to the obstacles while going fast
I keep hearing people say this, but that was never an issue for me when I was a kid. Hell, when I replayed Sonic 2 a couple months ago, it still wasn't an issue for me.

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i recently hit the point where most of the games i currently play are challenging since i usually enjoy challenging games more, but now i often feel too exhausted for them and lack chill games to play

I don’t really feel that anything you can just funnel time into is truly difficult in a way worth feeling good about.

>but most people don’t pretend that having huge stamp collection is worth being smug over.
What you really never saw collectors bragging and being smug over their finds? What the fuck? It's done to other collectors though not random people with no interest in collecting. Same as gaming, people won't tell their dad that they've mastered underage panty quest 4 but within hobbyist communities there will always be bragging, smug bants, etc.

Speaking of difficulty, I’m playing hard on Bioshock remastered and for some reason I can’t aim for my life. I guess auto-aim ruined me on console.

That's how it works in all hobbies, talent is a modifier it's not a replacement for hard work. You put in the time you get better results and feel better about yourself as an end result.

People get smug over being good at their hobbies all the time. Hell, if they didn't get smug over it, they probably wouldn't get good at them in the first place. Let's say cutting your lawn is your hobby, are you telling me someone won't feel smug that they can cut their whole lawn in half the time of their neighbors with better coverage to boot?

There are very few things in this world that mastery can be gained in any way other than time investment.

I like video games :)

git gud fgt


Well, I already established that my notion of “challenge” from an objective point of view is kind of fucked.

I might but I think it wouldn’t be rational. And it would certainly be something I keep to myself.

This. Git gud was a term devised to counter the long, painful rants that people who suck at things would make. It's why DSP was such a meme back in the day. "Wow, such bugged mechanics" every single time he failed to do a simple task.

I always imagine people who complain about difficult games to look like DSP in real life.

so people picked apart your favorite game and you needed a more efficient way of letting them know that you were plugging your ears

challenge was the core of drawing quarters out of your pocket but go ahead and hide behind "muh difficulty"

Nobody says that about 1

>criticize an easy game
>”git bad”

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>muh strawman
Just because a game doesn't hold your hand doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. Also, what game did I mention? That's right, I never mentioned a single goddamn one.

>game requires skill
>criticize game instead of acquiring skill

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When did we reach a point where dying in video games stopped being expected? Dying is fine. Dying doesn't mean the game is too hard, it just means the obstacles are challenging like they're supposed to be. It should be a part of every game, only avoidable by those who have put a lot of time into it.

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>tell anons to git gud
>watch/read guides/cheat/power my way through games irl
>no one will ever know

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I find dying vs bosses to be acceptable, particularly if I can restart the boss fight right away instead of having to walk through a bunch of shit hoping to not take a random hit from an enemy.

Dying in games nowadays almost invariably results in repeating tedious content.

Honestly it makes me wonder why you even play the games if repeating the same content more than once is tedious to you. I can replay my favorite games hundreds of times, even static unchanging ones because they are well made and offer a ton of avenues for improvement, yet here you (and others) are complaining about having to repeat the same stretch a few times. Why even play?

The game is fun. If it's not fun, why bother?

neither did I
pretty defensive response, considering
seems like I was right on the money with my comment about people picking apart your favorite game lol

>Not lurking on Yea Forums long enough to read through the bullshit

Honestly user, I think it's much less common to repeat games over and over. You're the one that should justify why you enjoy playing the same content repeatedly. I don't enjoy it because I've already done it and I know what to expect. These games are not nearly as deep as you're pretending they are.

I gave up trying to reason with these aspies a long time ago. They will just spew "git gud" at any criticism to avoid having to think critically.

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What's the point in getting gud if the game isn't good?

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I think YOU have a skewed perception of difficulty. A game like mario bros can be hard to a casual or a first timer because it's their first fucking time. Every game can become easy once you understand the mechanics and learn how the game is supposed to be beat. Dark Souls can be easy if you learn your i frames and enemy's move list and how to dodge them. If you want to be ignorant or you just have really shitty reaction time that is all on you.

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Because there is always something to improve and games can rarely be fully mastered? You beat some enemies great, now do it without taking hit, do it consistently, now do it without relying on scrub tactics, now do it faster and more efficiently without luring them out, learn the nuances of their AI and start manipulating it, etc. If there is navigation like in a platformer then you can find better routes, cut out downtime, improve execution, and more. If the core gameplay and kinaesthetics are enjoyable, these aspects make them fun to replay a lot until diminishing returns really set in but by that time you will have long passed any boss. And it's not unusual at all, entire genres are built on repetition, in my case the one I play is racing and I can spend dozens of hours driving on the same course that lasts a minute with subtle variations coming from my execution differences and opponents, as can tons of other people.

Dish washers do away with repetitive tasks and allow people to make their time more useful with other more important things

Modes in video games that otherwise require a lot of trial and error to get good at do the same thing.

I'm using this next time someone tells me to "git gud". I can't stand that phrase. I like difficulty but this phrase just has no substance. And it implies that you really have no knowledge yourself.

These. I love Dark Souls but it has killed game discussion.

I mean...
People probably recommend not using them because they're lame
I personally avoided all attractions and links because they had stupid long animations and look retarded