DMC newbie user from last night, I beat Vergil! I used Rebellion+E&I and Trickster...

DMC newbie user from last night, I beat Vergil! I used Rebellion+E&I and Trickster, it was really hard but so satisfying. People arn't wrong when they say that was peak video games.

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Congrats user, don't stop improving

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You sound like a total cutie user, good job beating Vergil

Now you’re going to have to do that two more times, but one time he goes hand to hand, and the other time he goes full sicko mode.
Have fun!

Now you're motivated

congrats fren I'm so proud of you

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vergil is a total chump, I had like a dozen holy waters saved up by then

Now do it again on DMD. In DMC the higher the difficulty the more mechnic's and abilities the bosses have. Vergil 3 on DMD is the best fight in video games

>Using Items
Fucking wimp

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why didn't you use them all on Arkham instead

trickster is useless you should be using swordmaster just learn to roll and jump cancel. Also any combo of weapons that isn't Rebellion+Beowulf is wrong.

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>trickster is useless
Idiot. Using Trickster to trick up above Vergil and counter his helmsplits with your own is peak Vergil3

I have one question about DMC3
Is there a trick to the boss on stage 9, or is she only vulnerable 4% of the time

>trickster is useless

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That's what I did

Attached: Nevan Shield Break.webm (320x240, 1.32M)

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Use Cerberus and spam Revolver lvl2 or Real Impact with Beowulf, she's weak to either of those devil arms. You need to break her outer shield (beowulf works best imo), but if you stay close too often she'll either do the twirling blade dance or spam you with electric bats. Also when her HP is below 10% she will purposely break her shield and will approach you and will basically drain your hp. You can break this by going DT. Once you get to know her pattern she's easy to defeat.

Attached: dmc3 i frames.webm (480x320, 2.02M)

This is a blessed wholesome thread, thank you OP and best of luck

>Also any combo of weapons that isn't Agni&Rudra+Nevan is wrong.


>got hundreds of hours in 3 and 4
>never learned any technics, even JC
>today figured out how to JC as Lady in Bloody Palace
>it become much easier but still fun
>Credo isn't dangerous at all

4SE characters kinda OP still, and enemies barely can be compared with 3's bosses.

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I found the Cerberous fight first time harder than the final virgil encounter in DMC3


and journos say there isn't a dedicated dodge button.

there isn't

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I still don't understand how to avoid Berial's wall of fire, outside of staying out of range or entering DT with Nero

Erh, perhaps I should have stated this is my first time playing. But eitherway, I think I get the idea anyway: break her shield then wail on her, and I think I see her orbs being reflected in that webm? Thanks guys.

I miss wallrunning

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so is dante back to only having 4 styles

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you have the choice of jumping, trickster dashing, air tricking or tricking up, walljumping, or rolling, and that's just counting evasion tech from trickster. X is your dodge and O is potentially your second dodge, learn to play the game.

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Cerberus is the literal gatekeeper of dmc3 newcomers.

Dante can't do it in his advanced old age.

this is a cute thread op
good job my man

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This is high quality bait

Almost there!

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A style gives you one, yes.
The others are directional inputs.

keep posting. I wish I could play dmc3 for the first time again

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>jump is a directional input

Attached: vergil quicksilver.webm (1280x718, 2.46M)

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That's the neutral input. It's not a "dedicated jump button", now is it?

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I swear if they add doppleganger and quicksilver as Vergil's new styles in 5

Attached: Brea Trickster 2.webm (480x360, 2.96M)

Good for you, OP; I'm happy for you. I recently tried to get into the franchise with DMC3, but I have a neurological disorder that really messes with my ability to time button presses (I have literally no reflexes, repeatedly tested and diagnosed by specialists ever since I was four years old), and it also makes it painful and damaging for me to mash hard for inputs like Million Stab, so to say it's difficult for me would be an understatement. I really want to dive into it and go on the same journey you're experiencing, but it's physically painful and kind of reckless for me to play that game, since repeated stress to my nerves in an attempt to manually simulate 'twitch reflexes' actively damages my mylin sheaths in my nerve cells and speeds up the progress of my charcot-marie-tooth disease in my hands and wrists. It's a really fun game but I always have to put it down after 20-50 minutes and not come back for a few days, or else it genuinely begins to hurt my knuckle and wrist joints, as well as causing an electrical surging 'burn' in the back of my hands. Blegh. I haven't even managed to beat Mission 4 yet because my hands start to get exhausted halfway through the mission. I can get by in some less demanding action games like KH2, but DMC3, Bayonetta 1 and 2, and Wonderful 101 all do this to me anytime I try them. Metal Gear Rising: Revengance probably would too, but I haven't tried that one.

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anything done with X gives you i-frames. neutral input will jump. directional will jump away. directional + lockon will roll, and so on. it may as well be a dedicated dodge but brainlets can't understand that

Is Joch1 fucking posting webms in this thread?

Attached: DMC3 SE Nevan Kisses Lady.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

Any tips for someone new at clawing? I put the DT on L1 and the guns on X, with sword on Triangle and Jump on Rectangle for JC. O is style button
Is this good enough?

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Looks like playing the piano.

The invul frames on jump is massive in 3. it made using the parry in royal guard pretty easy if you cancel the jump into parry, you either totally dodge the move from the invul frames of the jump, or get a free parry since it starts up in 1 frame.

OP here, jumping into DMC4 now, hopefully I can finish it before tomorrow.

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it's doable as long you have nothing but free time. it's definitely not the hardest one.

Blessed webm user. There are so many little details and tricks in some of these that I never knew about or thought to try.

Fuck, how, thy always break me.
I've learned some basic enemies timing, also Vergil's ones, but these dudes are tough.

Not op, but i'm genuinely sorry to hear that user.. Hope you find some way you can comfortably play those types of games.

>Fuck, how, thy always break me.
perfect guards don't get broken. have fun learning those 1 frame timings.

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By this logic, DS also dont have a jump buttom because roll shares a button with jump too

exactly, iirc you can't air dash after a style switch in mid-air in 3. if style switcher was more fluid, I'd totally be jumping into a parry then airdashing, it would be a fucking wall of i-frames.

>perfect guards don't get broken
I know, but almost can't use RG on A&R because of these timings

Is it a place lasers can't reach you?

Major tip to avoid starting RG too soon and taking chip dmg
If you jump or roll (any move with i-frames), you can, technically connect with the attack without taking dmg. As RG activates in one frame, going from invulnerable to RG will guarantee a perfect block
You need RG2 to air block

Yeah, it doesn't. The jump is conditional. It would even make more sense saying you have a dedicated jump button in DMC, at least it corresponds to the neutral input there.

I think vergils crouching animation to attack genuinely makes his hitbox smaller, so he can dodge

u can do it
bosses might have some gimmicks that will take some retries tho
one big advice
put Nero's gun on R2 and get used to charge it
also practice Nero's exceed mechanic asap, because it pays off big to get the perfect timings

>not sticking with Cerberus and Rebellion

I'm having fun with the combat in DMC3 but I fucking hate the segments in between when you just run around solving puzzles and shit instead of hacking up demons.

Also, is it possible to make the it look good in PCSX2? I heard the steam version is trash. I beat Nevan literally years ago but forgot about it till now.

I was going easy on you, user
You are not worthy as my opponent

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You have a legitimate excuse to play easy mode, do it if it makes the game fun

Fuck that's rough. Have you tried the automatic mode? It does all the combos for you so you can button mash, that might help somewhat

>vergil use royal block against Dante, followed by a royal release.

It must sucks to be you, lol

There is no style switch in 3.

>tfw when I can't get my younger cousins to drop their battle royales for a bit and play DMC.
Its pretty demotivating.

Thank you!


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DMC3 Vergil uses RG without release, still don't getting why they cut it from his movelist.
Guess there was no button for it.

He blocks with yamato's sheath, Dante blocks with his bare hands, I could be wrong but I think that's not a royal block

How are you guys playing already? It comes out tomorrow, right?

Never mind, I suck cocks.

>I have a neurological disorder that really messes with my ability to time button presses (I have literally no reflexes, repeatedly tested and diagnosed by specialists ever since I was four years old)
you could try to become a gaming journalist

Buddy, I love dmc3 but lock+side+jump for a quarter roll isn't a really intuitive roll button

how does royalguard work in dmc3? playing it atm and all i really see it doing is "hold O to reduce damage taken"

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It's a parry, you hit O the moment before the enemy hits you to parry the attack. You build up parry damage until you can release it with O and forward.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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If you tap it with precise timing, you negate the attack and build up gauge. Holding it is bitch mode.

I heard the PC version of DMC1 in the HD collection has a lot of missing shit. Is it better to emulate it?

>bought game today, sold Wii U to afford it
>got myself a pizza that I'll cook later
>and a monster for good measure
When we posting pics lads?

It's not really missing any content, but there's a lot of graphical changes and audio tracks that fuck up in the HD edition.

HD version is still playable though. It's not SH2 levels of bad.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

No matter how hard I try I can barely do Million Stabs. I heard the input is more strict on the pc HD collection. Any truth to that?

Only if you play turbo iirc.

>Also any combo of weapons that isn't Rebellion+Beowulf is wrong.
I liked probably all combinations in DMC3SE and there's nothing you can do about it

Nigga he ain't even got Beowulf yet he just dude Vergil 1

Actually no, that was Vergil 3 lol, I went pure autism and used base equipment

Nico is such a fucking treat in this game. I love her character.