This is what college could have been if you didn't play videogames

This is what college could have been if you didn't play videogames

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>sex before marriage
lol no way fag

i went to a commuter school, it was pretty much impossible to get with girls or even make friends

>that pathetic handjob
why are women so terrible at everything?

I play videogames and I'm not a virgin get fucked nigger

>sex before divorce
Eric would be very upset


sex outside of marriage is boomer cancer, just die already grandpa

is he a nigger?

why is his cock darker than his skin?

>prosthetic dick
I don't envy that guy

what an awkward handjob

>dont even play videogames
>didnt even go to college
where the fuck did i go wrong

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how do these fucking retards get to Yea Forums and decide to stay here lol. I mean I guess I'm the retard for thinking it's sincere for even a second

Anybody else love seeing black men breed their gf/wife?

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>Sex in College

In which world do you live?

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hes either asian or spic


Implying that all gamers are virgin losers, great job faggot

Why are you on Yea Forums then?

>Senior in college
>still not attracted to the opposite sex yet
Is it possible I'm just a late bloomer or am I going to have to kill myself

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I did both in college. Go outside once in a while OP.



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It's the other way. You played videogames because no one alive wanted your ugly cringy mug near them.

Unironically based

>You played videogames because no one alive wanted your ugly cringy mug near them.

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>going to college for sex
really now
>that big dick
not me lol

just post your feet

Oh shit is that a 5 I spot?

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>implying my dick's that big
I got my dick sucked once and it hurt

Incel cope.

You mean THIS 5?

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That manga was dogshit


>excommunicating flies
Christians really are retarded.

It really couldn't, I am so destroyed by porn and fapping that my dick cannot stand on it's own.

Oops, I meant THIS 5

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If I'd want to fuck whores I'd go to your mom.

in this specific case it's because even a terrible handjob is still a handjob and will get the job done eventually

>going to college
>having sex with women
>blaming video games for your problems instead of your own ineptitude
it has been awhile since I've seen a post that got so many things so wrong

so this thread gets to stay up but a Final Fantasy thread gets fucking autosaged a few minutes ago? what the fuck.

No Yugi, this 8.

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I had sex in college though. Don't blame games for your failure.

lmao seething virgin

I played videogames AND had lots of sex during college

More porn please

>dark brown cock

lol gross

That's fine. I enjoy my life for what it is. I don't want to be someone else, I only want to be me.

Fuck off normalfag.

I see mods are open to deleting video game threads, but think nothing of this garbage.
Let's just leave the cunny threads up too while we're at it, fucking cuckold mods.

Looks lame. I'll take vidya

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Jokes on you, American women have extremely shrill high pitched voices that give me a migraine.

cringe and manchildpilled

are you attracted to the same sex or just not attracted to anyone? It's possible you're the type of person who needs to get to know someone before being able to find them sexually attractive

Kill yourself you subhuman virgin.

I want love, not mindless sex with some bimbo whore.

You talk shit, but it clearly worked.

whaaa no way dud lawl laik it's cray cray no benius in baginius cuz vidya gaim?das laik no way lol

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Might as well get some use out of this shitpost thread.

I've been having 3s so I'll take that 3 George.

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But I already sucked plenty of dicks

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i bet you never go outside or have only talked to 1 woman