>In 2016-2017, the biggest YouTuber/streamers played hundreds of different games
>In 2018, they played *28 total*
The age of YouTubers/streamers making your game sell millions is well and truly dead. What happened?
>In 2016-2017, the biggest YouTuber/streamers played hundreds of different games
>In 2018, they played *28 total*
The age of YouTubers/streamers making your game sell millions is well and truly dead. What happened?
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Why the fuck are they calling them "influencers"
There are none. Just graphs.
Because they influence a lot of normies?
Literally have over 50k faggots watching them play videogames on that twitch site at all times.
What they do, the mindless drones follow.
Simple - the "influencers" (lol) were still going through the older games that were there long before their channels or perhaps even before they were born. Now that there's nothing worthwhile left in the backlog, they're back to playing new stuff.
TB died for one. He was always digging for obscure indie titles.
Also youtube outrage has become a full time job for most gaming youtubers now. Meaning they are so busy making endless videos about failures like Fallout 76 or Anthem that they don‘t have time to actually cover different games anymore.
These days, people buy whatever their favorite YouTubers and Twitch streamers are playing. They're called "influencers" because they're the strongest influence on what people buy.
Most fedora tier post I've seen in months.
Are you telling me you're not ''influenced'' by people you admire or interact with? Fucking hell, user.
Well it makes sense, if you want to appear in the top page on twitch you have to play one of the top games on twitch...and with content migrating from youtube to twitch this was bound to happen
>influencer plays new game
>attracts curious people looking to see the new game
>numbers quickly drop as interest for that game drops
>move on to new game and repeat
>influencer plays new game
>attracts curious people looking to see the new game
>for some reason, people can't get enough of it
>streamers stick with game for a long time
>have little incentive to stream other games
>new games is released with marketing push
>creates incentive for streamers by literally purchasing their streaming time
>smaller streamers are pushed aside by big streaming platforms to capitalize on big name streamers
>this kills the open streaming industry
>literally purchasing their streaming time
Got a single fact to back that up?
TB died and nobody took his niche
everyone else is either an reviewer (angry joe), newscaster (yongyea) or a mix of both (jim sterling)
nobody is mr 'hey look at this cool indie game'
That's because Fortnight was all anyone fucking played that year. The day battle royale dies will be a global fucking holiday
Like everyone else they started to branch into other markets after making it big in games. There is more money to be made from a general audience than there is from a small one.
Not really.
Since RTS genre is dead and there is nobody to be influenced by.
And most people I admire on the internet only make gun reviews, and even then I make my own very extensive research before spending a dime.
I'd say I'm not influenced at all in my purchases.
Now go back to playing your fotm zombie game.
That's terror.
Are you telling me you do? Fucking NPCs I swear
Streamers literally admit to being bought to spend some of time playing a game, it's no secret, they do it for the sake of "transparency", I've seen that lirik guy do it, literally says Sponsored on the title.
They must be so high up their asshole to see the harm it does I guess.
fortnite happened
>Got a single fact to back that up?
Dansgaming said he was getting 5k+ an hour for sponsored streams.
I think this is an important point, but normie streamers only have a limited reach...I remember an old piece that estimated from steam sales statistics that the real market for a indie game on steam was around 100000 hardcore people only, everyone else bought games indie games only sporadically and any "streamer" bonus was more anecdotal than anything
In the end is similar to the "50% of the gamers are women" stat. It's true, but they are old ladies playing candy crush, no matter how many games you try to offer they will still continue to play candy crush since it's what they are used to
yongyea is pretty shit nowadays imo, recap that drags out almost 15mins of the video. reading along the lines, never miss a beat. Little to no research, tells people what they want to hear to be safe from backlash.
And here I thought I couldn't hate that industry more.
>I'd say I'm not influenced at all in my purchases.
Everyone thinks that, but there's misconception as to what that means. Influenced doesn't mean brainwashed, though. It just means maybe you'll think of the mentioned product next time you want to buy that type of product. Even just wanting to research it later means you were influenced. But no, I'm sure the words of someone else have never entered your thoughts at all, and all those people that WatchbYoutube are mindless zombies that will literally buy something simply because they were told to buy it. You're so much better than them, and so special.
Get off your damn high horse.
Because the only way Wall Street types can comprehend streamers/LPers is if they imagine them as a new type of PR. Their minds are broken.
A normal person would call them something like "entertainers" since that's their main function. But these fucking Gordon Gekko wannabes don't understand that, they only think of money.
Here's one of them literally telling you how much he makes from various sources:
Aside from streamers revealing it themselves there are multiple articles from indie devs complaining how expensive it is to get influencers to pick up their game.
it's spelled "shill"
>On that twitch site
You're either legitimately 60 years old or are trying way too hard to sound disconnected to fit in
it just costs more to hire them now
so only big companies like EA can afford it