enchanting nerf was a mistake edition
Enderal thread
finished it today
it's good mod, i cant wait for Sureai's next project
which porn mods work with it?
AI detection needs fixing. Making telepathic enemies was a mistake.
Should I take the gameplay overhaul for a first time ? Seems like there's a lot of difficulty for nothing tweaks.
What is calia wearing?
Dont do it to yourself. It fucks up gameplay bigtime.
but does it work with Sexlab?
>min/maxing balance in singleplayer game
why do devs do it? it's not an MMO, if players are clever to become allpowerfull in your SINGLE player game, let them
Leave Skyrim to that pursuit.
Sexlab, sexlab defeat work at least. And the light version of sos.
this game is tooo edgy for me
Some user said that this was going to be Sureai's last project.
>not 'everything is nerfed' edition
What's the gameplay overhaul? Combat seems pretty fine to me (though I'm only level 9) though
Why? Humans, other humans and elves are boring.
I finished Enderal now, and without me to make 90% of the posts in these threads they'll die off soon, see you guys.
How accurate is this?
Tiers of what, difficulty? If so, probably yes, accurate.
Best bro.
Does ELFX work?
it's accurate