>zombie game
>DG is what Syphon Filter was killed for
no, syphon filter literally only existed because they made bubsy 3D. It was built on the same engine.
Metal Gear Solid 4 has what 8 hours of cutscenes?
its okay when the japanese does it
>le movie XD
RDR2 probably has more than that
Oh boy, so a cinamatic experience with zombie horde shooting. Fucking yawn, why is the west so creatively bankrupt?
Games that will be successful and Yea Forums will buy a copy anyway.
>Days Gone
>Pokemon switch
>Fire emblem 3h
>game has cutscenes
No thanks
It’s over 30 hours long and open world you dumb fucking virgin
30 hours of zombie horde shooting? Wow, now the game looks even worse. This game will be forgotten about a month after release.
No body wants Days Gone, user.
Even Metro Exodus is longer
We all know you're the virgin here my dude
Maybe no one posting in the hate threads.
It'll be a hit, they're marketing it pretty hard and it'll benefit from being released in a period with no real competition from other mainstream titles.
>Days Gone
>literally not enough cutscenes to pass a single day
I feel like this is coming at s time when the walking dead craze is fading.
dude, it faded out a long ass time ago. does anyone even watching the walking dead anymore?
lol ok
Enjoy getting assrapes by daddy, faggot.
>over 30 hours long and open world
That's even worse. Another chore list simulator. Just what the industry needs.
Vaya pesado de los cojones, chupame la polla retrasado
In the end bloodborne is the only ps4 game.
>Yea Forums
>worships RE2, literally the same zombie game as 20 years ago
>hates on Days Gone because it's a zombie game
Never change you dumb faggots
>straight white people getting married
>Yea Forums hates it
This is why no one likes you Yea Forums.
More like Gays Gone
MGS2 had 5.5 hours of cutscenes
MGS3 had 5 hours of cutscenes
MGS4 had 8.5 hours of cutscenes
yet every single one of those games gets their dicks sucked constantly on this shithole board.
fucking kill yourself and your stupid thread
But user, those are good games. Not mindless horde shooters with shallow gameplay.
The protagonist looks uncharismatic as fuck
It's not even out yet and the most anyone has seen of it is less than 2 hours of gameplay
I don't know how anyone can be excited for this sludge, it ticks all the will be a boring uninteresting chore boxes.
>dick sucked
you weren't there when it came out, were you?
MGO2 was good though. Shame it used Konami ID
RE2 has rock solid survival horror gameplay. Days Gone is just another mindless horde shooter.
Nice fake news, you retarded faggot. 24 hours of gameplay and 6 of cutscenes which totals 30 hours which is just fine.
>But user, those are good games
no they arent, they're shit movies
24 hours of boring horde shooting? Wow im totally sold now. How can the Japanese even compete against such ingenious game design?
Zombie hordes are much more in tune with the Romero style zombie where you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume in a war of attrition. Eastern zombie games like the RE series are fairly bland and the "zombies" can easily be swapped out with any other type of enemy and nothing will be out of place (eg, turning a cancelled RE game into DMC1).
good, if I can't beat a game in under a day I uninstall it
>Six hours of cutscenes
>the total game is six hours long
I frankly don't care about this game or most sony exclusives, they have too many cutscenes for my taste, but you're outright lying.
>oh my God I can't even, how absolutely dare you criticize wolfenstein, did it hurt your nahtzee feelings?
>mention cutscenes
>I don't care nahtzee
It died long ago and these idiots are releasing a zombie game with the same premise just now. RE2 was a success because it was a long awaited remake, and a comeback to the survival genre. This days gone shit looks very generic.
No. You say the RE zombie can be swapped out but so can a fucking zombie horde. At the end of the day, a horde shooter is just that, a horde shooter, the horde being zombies does not change that. So i will have to pass on your game.
Not getting the difference between the two makes you an actual idiot.
>Sony always wins
In other news, water is wet
A horde of zombies can be swapped out with what exactly? Random mooks that travel with animal pack mentality? That would look so unnatural. Demons a la DMC? Wouldn't be able to traverse the environments in the same way as zombies. You really cannot seamlessly replace zombie hordes with any other mythical entity but with eastern zombie survival horrors you have things like DMC and fatal frame and silent hill that can and have replaced zombies with demons or ghosts. I can't think of any horde shooter that uses things other than zombies aside from Gears, but I'm not sure 5-20 enemies compares to the numbers you get from CoD or Days Gone.