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Will we finally find out what Mad Milk is?
But nothing happend..
Whats happening?
What community cooperation?
Invasion update ruined any chance for the community to have imput
Wasn't the Frontline update almost completely ready and the team said no?
What the fuck is he talking about? Community does all the work for these updates.
He means community patience. Yes, I know how stupid that is.
lmao why would you want heavy to be in that dogshit? are you 12? or gay?
Welcome to Yea Forums - Smash Bros and Smash Bros related discussions.
I remember the engi update here on Yea Forums
Man those were fun times
I'd be satisfied if they just finally finished the fucking comic.
It's happening
How would you guys feel about game mode where its just the game but without anything that was added after 2007?
People have tried oldschool vanilla servers plenty of times, but they always die out because in the end it's just nostalgia after all.
who the fuck is this dude
>No airblast
>Can't pick up buildings
>Demoman even more OP
>Lots of unpatched bugs and exploits
>No alternative mediguns, lots of good sidegrades lost
No thanks.
A competitive player who couldn't make the transition to Overwatch, so he's clinging to TF2 for dear life because it's all he is good at.
The dude just likes TF2. What's your deal?
>wanting to play Overwatch
unironically the best and last tf2uber
Seagull and the others are making actual salaries playing an easier game while b4nny is stuck playing Badlands for the tenth year in a row.
wow king of the shit mound, what an achievement
dunno man you're a literal who playing with a shit mound
how do you feel about that
Yeah exactly, if players like fucking Muma can make it onto an overwatch team then I highly doubt b4nny wouldn't be able to. Man just likes TF2 too much, it's not too hard of a concept to understand.
that was really bad user
I miss the old community, but not the old game so to speak.
what's the lore behind this?
but user think of the SOUL!
the worse it is the more SOUL it has, user!
lots of infighting
almost no organization
Daily reminder to give Heavy the Soldier's banners.
fffffuck no
are you fucking stupid?
It would give Heavy a viable alternative to the Sandvich. Instead of self-healing and keeping your medic healthy, you charge up damage for 10 seconds of either minicrits, resistances, or self-healing/speed. When you think about it, they're actually perfect for the Heavy. Just imagine a team rallying around a slow-moving Heavy, pushing an objective. Soldier can jump away, as is his job. Heavy fits the role of "team anchor" with the banners much better than Soldier does. If them being OP is your concern, then just realize that getting 600 damage built up without dying as heavy can actually be pretty tough if you don't have a sandvich.
so that he can spam it even more than the fucking soldiers with a pocket medic?
ok so you are stupid
Go play normal heavy without a sandvich or banana, and then get back to me.
Just because heavy doesn't fit in the autistic 6v6 5CP only comp meta doesn't mean he's a weak class.
It’s already thursday, and Valve seldom works on weekends. If it’s imminent, it’ll be next week or later.
>Go play normal heavy without a sandvich or banana, and then get back to me
Is that suppose to be hard mode or something?
how it feels to play heavy?
>damage based buff to a Tank class
Nope, you are a dingdong
You're embarrassing yourself here. Go and build up 480-600 damage without a self-healing tool.
>inb4 pocket medic
Every class is OP when you have a pocket medic on you, that's kind of the point.
He is. Demo and Soldier can outplay him from far, Sniper can 1 shot him and on top of that a spy can stab him whenever he's facing the rest of the team
Damage based buff on a slow moving tank class for 10 seconds at a time with a difficult to fill rage meter. I fail to see the problem here.
>community making entire updates for valve is not enough
fuck this retard
Imminent in valve time is less than bimonthly but I'm sure it's more than a real month.
>but no miniguns, shotgun only
could work
>You're embarrassing yourself here. Go and build up 480-600 damage without a self-healing tool.
What exactly are you trying to say you moron?
>h-heavy's so hard without constant healing guys pls buff
Get the fuck out of here gibus shitter
It'd suck. TF2 has improved massively since 2007, the only people who say otherwise are the ones still butthurt about hats.
>6 maps
>no payload or koth
>no airblast or moving buildings
>essential items like sandvich or ubersaw missing
Heavy wins 1v1s against soldiers unless the soldier is in a position to corner strafe him. Sniper and demoman kill everyone "from afar," spy can backstab anyone when they're facing the rest of the team.
"with another update imminent"
i dont think he knows anything, hes just going off rumours and people like tyler mcvicker
As usual, not an argument.
Kick YoS on sight
>demo's first iteration of winbombs
It would be nothing but all meds and all demos today
Maybe occasional sniper if he's real good
When it comes to new possible heavy weapons, what would you all like to see?
You're the one defending your shitty idea so you present one first dumbass
>b-but heavy is hard without a medigun up his ass
Unironically get good and leave your retarded buff ideas on your sub reddit
this baby
single shot gun akin to dragon's fury
You're so wrong, soldier can deal more damage to a heavy from any distance further than point blank not even counting the direct hit. Sniper has an even easier time shooting the slowest moving class, demoman has an easier time hitting pipes spy can backstab the heavy easier since the minigun covers up sound.
Let's look at this objectively. We already have Soldier, who is able to rocket jump and close distances for 1/5 of his base HP, has the escape plan so he can run and scoop up health kits with ease, and is a much stronger generalist class than Heavy. How many banner Soldiers do you see stomping a pub by himself? Now let's compare Soldier to Heavy. Heavy is much less mobile, much more vulnerable, and much less productive in most game situations. The only thing he has going for him over Soldier is an extra 100 HP. Do you really think that extra 100 HP will make him having banners be overpowered, especially given the downsides I've mentioned that he has compared to Soldier?
Hey, Yea Forums.
Heavy is more powerful when paired with a medic than a soldier with a medic.
All I want for a Heavy update is for any Heavy who crouches with his melee out for more than a few seconds to hl2.exe crash from the game.
Yes, but that's not the argument I was making. A heavy + medic combo is marginally more difficult ot beat than any other pairing, but a large reason for that is the fact that the Heavy can toss a sandvich to the medic after he takes some damage. With the banners replacing the sandvich in that slot, the primary goal of taking out the medic to weaken the combo actually becomes easier.
More shotguns
Or play around with giving him smg, or other side weapons. 300 hp wall of flesh with a syringe gun might just be viable, even if just for the surprise factor. Or imagine heavy with force-a-nature.
Something that replaces minigun - think sniper with huntsman, something that is still in the spirit of "heavy weapon" but that enables a different playstyle than standing almost still and shooting. The biggest problem would be how to balance it.
Hell, any primary that doesn't require spinning, even if it can't do damage. Worst part about heavy is having to play green light - red light as you shoot baddies. Nobody likes walking slow in an fps.
Fuck you, crouching with fos on objective is more effective than people expect. Not even demo's traps can kill me fast enough at times.
>crouching with fos on objective
How good is this on Payload offense? I never tried it.
I've been playing shotgun + fos heavy for 4 months now and it's an excellent tactic. People don't consider you to be of any danger if you don't have a mini out, but you're better off collecting medkits because of medigun/disp slower healing.
Its great, even more if a medic crossbow your ass from afar. Still you are not undefeatable, good ol' sticky spam and rocket spam will kill you and sometimes is better shooting that tanking damage
>Imminent Update
Yeah in Valve time that's at least a month away.
it's pretty sad that they save up work just to make the next update bigger when comparatively less work is being done than ever, lol
They haven't even started it and no one want's to.
They do have the script finished.
The artists just don't know how the fuck to draw it and are too busy working on Valve's latest comatose disgracement of their bedsheets.
better idea: move the buffalo steak to the primary slot and remove its penalty of locking you to melee weapons
It's really good if you get good at bypassing the holster penalty of the FOS to pull your shotgun out quickly. Either that or make a macro or alias that switches for you.
>tfw pyro main
>won the war
>got only one half-decent weapon
>got buffed for all of 5 seconds before going back to shit
>airblast feels even wonkier
>axtinguisher back but the sentiment of sketchek's bequest means literally fucking nothing now
>dragons fury was okay until it got nerfed for no fucking reason
spy main here
eat shit lol
literal zoomer game
well it is
How to fix Spy 101:
Remove all damage debuffs from Spy's pistols
Remove the health debuff from all knives except the Kunai
Add disguise kit that turns on friendly fire for 3 people when Spy is disguised, but only spy is affected by status effects
Add disguise kit that allows you to mimic class based things, Heavy gun revving, Engineer taking out a toolbox, Scout double jumping
add a disguise kit that when disguised allows you to pass through enemies, but you can't stab within 3 seconds of passing through someone
based and frenchpilled
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Who gives a shit about this game when overwatch is better.
Man tf2 needs to fuck off and die already
>community cooperation
yer nan
You know what REALLY killed TF2? The lack of fun community servers with varied and fun maps. Back in 2012, I could load into any server, and get RTD, RTV, and Good map rotation, I could play on all the default maps on a 16v16 server, plus wacky ones like Balloon Race, Mario Kart, Portal Maps, ect. along with cp_orange and several other more "serious" maps.
Lack of these servers has basically killed this game, it's not about weapons, or community, its about the servers. Right now, all the populated servers are shit tier jailbreak, 24/7 dustbowl/2fort, or trade maps. Those aren't fun or wacky, those are boring as fuck. That's probably why the Partyvan is fun, it's because it feels like old tf2 with varied maps in a server ranging from serious to wacky as fuck, which made it fun as hell to play.
>pistol/knife buff
>friendly fire ever
are you fucking stupid?
>disguise kit with more elaborate actions
giving spy scout-tier mobility with a double jump is asking for trouble. also, spy's disguises aren't meant to be used for more than a couple seconds to get past sentries and momentarily unaware opponents. it wouldn't work.
>disguise kit that lets you pass through enemies
best idea you've had so far. however, I was always of the belief that it should be a cloak.
>phase through enemies
>small chance for enemy projectiles to phase through you as well
>lose a bit of health with every pass through an enemy. (something insignificant like 5 health)
>get telefragged if you run out of cloak while inside a player
>halved cloak duration
>remain entirely visible while cloak is activated
>no cloak activation noise
I don't relate at all. I still have way more fun with just vanilla TF2. Never thought any of the meme maps were fun at all.
have your (you), now fuck off
The problem with Spy right now, is hes countered by how most gamemodes work, KOTH and Payload specifically, it's not any fault of these gamemodes perse, but the spastic retards like Pyro and Heavy who flick their mouse 24/7 with no consequences make Spy invalidated. Couple this with the fact that outside of the Ambassador which needs headshots, he has no good damage dealing item, and all of his knives that would give him an advantage nerf his overall health by 25, which means hes a 1 shot vs anything at close range.
Spy is a class not about getting big kills, but about making big picks like Uber ready medic on the Cart, and retreating to do it again. His entire character is invalidated when a fucking pyro is just spinning his mouse slowly because thats what counters him, and hes so easy to pick out from the rest of the crowd because you aren't punished for FF in this game, so you can do whatever you want and an entire class can go fuck itself.
>easiest class in the game for furries and women complaining they don't have a good sidegrade for their overpowered stock weapons
Don't you have some cosmetics to dye?
you didn't even need to write this seeing as you could just say sniper does spy's job with half the effort
>overpowered stock weapons
>anything in pyro's kit being overpowered in any capacity
i can smell your gibus a mile away, r/tf2 fag
Was this a comment on ideology?
Svetlana: A large, two shot shotgun that does more damage at the cost of less rounds and fires slowly.
The Russian Railgun: One shot per click railgun weapon. Self explanatory. Hold down the right click to hit an entire group, but with a cost of your ammo being reduced by 50.
when did we start talking about soldier
I support this idea.
At the same time, Pyro should also have Sniper's SMG.
It would be great as a secondary short/mid-ranged weapon with Pyro's after-burn.
Spy is a garbage class but believe it or not he doesn't need any major reworks. In fact all he needs is two changes and he'd be okay.
Wanna here it?
>Give the spy actual fucking support tool unlocks instead of just sapper
>Rework the sapper to have the ability Sap health/ammo kits to only be usable by your team
Congrats, he's an actual support instead of a shittier Sniper.
Fucking amazing idea, this needs to happen.
esports autism killed the soul and fun of this game
tough shit and meet your rage is proof that "pros" dont actually know whats best for the game
>turn Spy into Sombra from Overwatch
Spy just needs more items to deal damage, and counter spastic retards on the point, so he can do in and do his fucking job.
how to fix pyro:
>make flamethrower a tighter cone of hitscan instead of dumbass, buggy particles
>up pyro's base speed to match medic's, reduce pyro's health
>make thermal thruster's switch-to/from speed faster
>have hot hand act like disciplinary action in that it speeds up you and teammates on hit
>fix flamethrower damage ramp up mechanics that were added in blue moon so that they actually fucking work
>give degreaser its old properties back of across-the-board weapon switching
>give phlog a speed boost + mini crits instead of full crits
>remove detonator self-damage penalty, there's literally no fucking reason to nerf detonator jumping
>make it so reflected projectiles don't mini crit the PYRO TOO
and he's decent again
Spy is never going to be a better pick class then Sniper or even Scout unless he becomes totally broken. Better off making him a offensive support that focus on giving debuffs and harassing the enemy.
your never going to be a better pick class
i've been in casual queue for like 20 fucking minutes, for fucks sake update the game valve
>queue in casual
>Find game
>Games over
>New Map
>everyone leaves
>Find game on Harvest
>Hacker is killing everyone
T-thanks valve
>literally just got in a game
>get sniped
>game crashes
fuck this shit i have other games to play
What were they thinking with that
Is there a single person that uses it anymore? Does the reduced afterburn impact axtinguisher? What even is supposed to be that weapon's niche now, when it's worse at w+m1, worse at reflects and I think worse at comboing too?
Btw ax is still screwed, puff and sting can't reach any respectable damage numbers to warrant switching to it instead of finishing with w+m1. It's literally more efficient to hit someone with a flare and then hit them.
This is why I only strictly play on the Partyvan, because atleast if my game crashes, I know everyone else did too and its funny as hell.
Well, I'm not in the game so you're technically not wrong.
I just wish we had 24/7 partyvan again. Fucking wagies and their weekends.
Pyro is the designated training wheels class. Any playstyle other than W+M1 is not allowed.
Partyvan works best on the weekends though, 24/7 Partyvan inevitably leads to its death, better to have people not get burnt out by it and have a constantly full server when its up, then have barely any advertising for it and have it die.
pros will tell you it's still the best but don't believe the memes. stock is more viable then ever, these days, but all for the wrong reasons.
it made sense to nerf it when airblast had the stun mechanics, since puff/sting back then was actually unfair to play against with no way to get out of the stun
but with the airblast getting nerfed, the thing that made it so lethal in the first place was no longer that powerful, but people whined so hard that pyro's only viable manuever outside of m1+w got nerfed to the point of being unusable and downright unfun to play
puff and sting getting shat on makes flare gun pretty useless, not to mention flare punching just doesn't exist anymore. nerfing combos basically just made the whole m1+w problem infinitely worse, seeing as that's legitimately his best option now
>inb4 b-but sketchek does cool tricks!!!!
yeah, entirely situational and gimmicky tricks that are in no way a consistent and reliable way of killing people as pyro.
Stun airblast was honestly better than current airblast. The knockback is ridiculous. One puff and you go flying across the map.
worst thing pyro ever got changed, was that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MEME THROWER has airblast. Remember the good ol days, when Backburner gave literally free crits but took away airblast? Remember when that was a good trade off? Remember when they removed that and now every fucking flamethrower has airblast besides like 1?
to be fair, backburner is absolute crap with the current state of flame particles
you think spy backstab hitreg is bad? the crackburner is inconsistency to the max. it's a good concept - having pyro think about positioning and flanking, I mean. but holy fuck it sucks at registering the crits, not to mention turning around is a thing
dragon's fury airblast is a joke and not even worth talking about
degreaser's whole thing is combos, which airblasting used to be a big part of, so I see why it's there (though I don't understand why there's an ammo penalty for it now, considering you're giving up dps for utility, which AIRBLASTING IS)
really, the airblast is one of pyro's few unique tools. hell, lack of airblast is what makes the phlog one of the worst flamethrowers. I say let him have it.
Yeah I could at least aim at the fuckers before, now that it's inconsistent and stronger it's extremeley disorienting.
>pyro aims at your torso
>teleport to a random spot in front of it
>pyro aims at your feet or head
>fly to mars
>tfw no way to get a Gibus back after you've traded it
I unironically love the way the Gibus looks, but I regret trading it back in 2009.
b-but stuns are unfun
dumb huddaposter
I love Pyro!
You can trade for it tho
Spy Disguises Ratings:
God Tier:
Your own team
Good Tier:
Mediocre Tier:
Fucking Why Tier:
Old airblast you could counter by crouching, it reduced the vertical knockback significantly.
>good tier
>and yet, pyro is in why tier
bad list. let me fix it for you.
God Tier:
Spy, Pyro, Engineer
Good Tier:
Medic, Sniper
Shit Tier:
Soldier, Demo
Heavy Tier:
Meme Tier:
Your Own Team, Friendly Heavy
>god tier
I know its good but except for the one time the engies on a supply run, which for me is every fucking time for some reason
>implying Heavy and your own team isn't advanced mind games tier
>frontline update never ever
>Community does EVERYTHING for Valve
>They still refuse to add it
best aesthetic and theme we've seen in a while
passed up for fucking what.. jungle maps?
>god tier
>anything but the worst possible one
>medic soldier
>pyro scout
>implying bad disguises
I don't even play spy and even I know you're bad at this
Spy with gun and a mask on is one of the most alarming things in existence. If you remember to switch to knife it's a little bit better but still very attention grabbing.
Heavy's speed first thing, second is that his face instantly reveals you. His expression is wide eyed meanwhile real heavies always have their eyes half-closed and scowling slightly.
Medic EVER not healing is an instant giveaway, and everyone on both teams keeps track of the medic if he's alive, who he's healing and at what percentage he is at.
Soldier is too slow, and if he's not jumping/esc planning/whipping he's suspicious
Pyro can be anywhere and has good speed, granted not frying everything is suspicious
Scout is excellent if you're jumping or running backwards which is what you should be doing anyway. Small frame too.
I know it's unrealistic but I hope they go like "well shit it's time to balance and update heavy but we just can't think of a good update theme so let's take uhhhh frontline or something yeah, let's just pair them up and throw them out there." and then we can all be happy for a few monthss before returning to business as usual.
Guys, can you please promise that you will keep playing this game with me until the end of time?
It's already been 11 years for me. No reason to get off the train at this point. As long as there's servers with people, I will be there. Fret not, user.
Now and forever!
Im on and off again but TF2 is always gonna be installed on my PC
You did thank your engineer for that teleporter, right?
fuck no because he always leaves it at level 1
I would if it didn't take me to the fucking intel room
I didn't need ya help, ya know
Post ancient fucking tf2 memes
No what killed TF2 was EVERY fucking third party server started injecting ads into the HTML pop up and even disabling it and using the blacklist blocker didn't work most of the time
So Valve stepped in to create MYM on their own servers and it killed the sense of community and by extension a lot of otheir soul the game used to have
Not to mention the current state of gaming means no one remembers that you have to fucking fill servers, you can't just stick one up you need people playing it and that used to mean you and your clan would spend 15 minutes on whatever server until it was full so people would join then you'd fill the next one
But clans no longer exist in the current gaming climate and 6v6 players overlap less and less with 12v12 casual player than ever before
All the old TF2 pro's sold out for the Overwatch prize money, not one would play OW if it didn't have it Blizzard are pouring in money to desperate keep a dead game a live artificially through tournament rewards and literally paying streamers directly
Did anything change with the spy backstab hit reg in the last 6 years? I remember backstabbing being a lot easier before
Heavy's update should be based around the Russian side of the Cold War aesthetic.
Spy's hitreg has changed a fuckton in the past 6 years, from really good to really bad. Right now it's really fucking horrendous thanks to how new lag comp that they added in Jungle Inferno works.
Heavy should be a support class and be more about buffing and debuffing with banners and status miniguns instead of dealing dmg
I been playing for 9 years there is no reason to stop now
Ohh so that why I feel harder to hit backstabs now, I thought I was just getting old
It wouldn't be a bad idea for an alternate playstyle. Heavy has like one actually "viable" loadout and one (1) meme loadout. Every class at least has side grades that gives different playstyles both serious and meme based. That's one of heavy's big problems: He's boring. You play heavy the same every time you play him, offense or defense. Even engie has mini-sentry combat engie as an alternate playstyle. Fat scout just doesn't cut it unless if there was a minigun replacement that actually builds into that playstyle.
On another note:
Who's looking forward to b4nny's experiment of no restriction 6's just to see what comp tf2 says is "true"
nobody ever questions a gibus sniper hanging out in the back of the line being worthless
steam down on a thursday
thursdays are usually update days
holy fucking shit tonight actually is the fucking night
>one actually "viable" loadout and one (1) meme loadout
Stock and fat scout?
Give the heavy ability to equip a meal on the primary slot. Shotgun heavy is suddenly somewhat viable (In casual). Not sure if we should limit it to only one lunchbox item per loadout.
Did the servers die?
Steam is literally down now.
Viable loadout is stock, sandvhich (Or banana really) and FoS.
>steam is actually down
Thursdays aren't update days though, tuesdays are.
Here we go, it's happening.
I won't believe it until I see it.
that's wrong for tf2 ya schmuck. wednesday/thursdays are usual valve updates released. go through the patch history.
Not 24/7, but I will never officially stop playing TF2
>arena mode
fuck these kind of (((community servers)))
>Join server
>Close the menu
>choose my class
>Suddenly this plays SUPER FUCKING LOUD
>disable motds through console
>get kicked out of server
>cannot join until I re-enable them
Hitler was right
Pick one
>it was 10.5 years ago
pyro was the go to disguise for so long that everyone instinctively spy checks them
>community cooperation
If by that you mean "exploiting the free labor of your obsessively loyal lapdog fanbase" then yeah.
Dead game
Yeah but TF2 has always done that. You wanna know the last official map the TF Team made? It was Manhattan for MVM, which was like 6 years ago. Even first map ever added to TF2 outside of new gamemodes, was a community map.
>You wanna know the last official map the TF Team made? It was Manhattan for MVM
They actually made Mercenary Park too if I'm not mistaken, but you're right, almost every post-2013 map is a community one.
dead launcher
still more players then artifact though
>45k playing in the last 24 hours
what the fuck do you mean?
Merc park is pretty alright until the last point. The chokepoint and spawn position is a little too much.
how about Boots of the Heavy like Soldiers Gunboats but make Heavy run faster but its on primary slot so no miniguns brings a new meaning to "fat scout"
>Valve servers went down
I find none of the new games are as fun or have as much freedom as TF2. So I will because one day it will be gone.
Almost every pre-2013 map is a community one as well. Turbine was community made, Fastlane, Steel, Watchtower, ect. were all made by the community.
I only play with the Partyvan cause all servers are shit, and the only fun to be had in casual is with a full party of friends.
>item servers are down
What's going on?
routine maintenance
>steam is down
>their routine maintenance is on tuesdays
>today is thursday
w-whats going on
Steam maintenance is normally on Tuesdays I think, but I still doubt this is the result of a new patch
How would a secondary for the Heavy where it gives him a speed boost anf increases his melee speed, but restricts him to melee only be?
Nor do I. I find vanilla TF2 to be even more fun than ever before. I won't ever understand how some people could've found the meme servers to be fun, I feel like those where always the ones just full of children. Spending hours on those servers is equivalent to "friendlying" on 24/7 Hightower servers 10+ hours a day, which this guy seems to deny, but then again, he also claims cp_orange is a serious map.
Valvecucks are the worst. You let them spit in your mouth for years now, and when they finally throw us a bone, everyone freaks out.
The Joker was right
Literally what is the Buffalo Steak Sandvhich?
I relate much.
Idort's Revenge, Fortress of Faptitude, Spengboob's Fightatron, Toycave, etc.
cp_orange was made to be a serious map you fuck, but it blew up in popularity and started getting different versions
I mean, it would be the same, except you get an attack speed increase instead of the mini-crit
It wasn't funny a year ago and it's not funny now.
Steam's up! No updates.
steam is down, that means update right
>killed TF2
soul, soulless, who gives a shit? Those are just some worthless terms with which you measure the amount of nostalgia you had for something; all it usually implies is basically "old=good, new=bad". Oh, and you implying clans don't exist is quite funny too. Have you ever even played Casual? Every 3rd match I play I see some people with coinciding, specific prefixes or suffixes.
Casual is still fun and you should try it out, seriously. You'll be surprised to see how fast you'll find a match (unless you live in South America or Africa).
My favorite clan is the #RemoveCrits clan.
>Oh, and you implying clans don't exist is quite funny too. Have you ever even played Casual? Every 3rd match I play I see some people with coinciding, specific prefixes or suffixes.
Those are S&M e-relationships, they're meant to be collars
cp_orange is just a community-made, control-point map made in 2007. It's not built to be competitive and therefore definitely not serious. It's really badly made, actually. I really wonder where this "it was made to be serious" comes from, it has incredibly long capture times, is an orange map and so on -- it literally encourages a "deathmatch" kind of playstyle, which isn't really serious but more fucking around.
>implying "FURRY OWO" is a clan
>Casual is still fun and you should try it out, seriously.
Nah, I think I'll stick to custom maps you cocksucking cumguzzler. Enjoy being pozzed by the shitfest that is automatic matchmaking though.
tonight is not the night, though
next major update is months away. all hands are on deck to push out something (ie. HLVR) to go with their HMD and knuckles (and the HMD/Knuckles themselves). there won't be anything until after that
TF2 long term support really is winding up, and the fanbase has nobody but themselves to blame for their denial over this fact. this might be the first full calendar year with no real major themed updates aside from 100% community-content holiday event updates (smissmas and scream fortress).
They have the planned successor in development, at some level, to be sure. All of this winding-down is the 'gap time'.
I'm rather referring to abritary characters in brackets.
It was always shit.
>people got banned for having halos
>people got banned for having merc badges that aren't old enough
All hands are on deck for Source 2, HLVR, and Brainchips.
Not like Valve hires anyone anyways, they are the most stingy fucking hiring company in existence. They seriously haven't hired new blood since 2004, everyone just leaves and nobody gets hired.
enjoy your 200% volume, 2 minute long, periodic ads and dono perks. I can't even remember the last time I had to queue longer than 30 seconds in casual, and I have a very limited map pool (mainly payload).
I still laugh at the fact people wee butthurt that they got punished for cheating the system and not playing the game.
>playing deadringer spy
This was justified
that's literally just an American thing, though. Playing on euro servers and the last time I have seen some GEWP, #RemoveCrits, #fixTF2 kind of person was literally months ago
>enjoy your 200% volume, 2 minute long, periodic ads and dono perks
What's it like being a complete mongoloid who doesn't know how to properly use a server browser or a blacklist?
Buff Dispenser and Teleporter build/redeploy speeds.
these very much
mariokart, surf, orange, all a relic of the past
see oh and even if you blacklist them, this still happens Plus dono perks still exist
i wish :(
Again, do you know what a fucking blacklist is?
You can blacklist servers with donator perks and ads so you never see them again. You can also use a tag blacklist to block all servers of certain categories or with clantags, if they have them.
Learn to use a fucking server browser you dumb matchmaking cunt.
>mariokart, surf, orange, all a relic of the past
For me it's gotta be habbo_hotel
Yup, don't make 'em like that anymore
How to make engineer more fun:
New PDA that adds Mini Buildings, Dispenser, Teleporter, Ect that build faster, and upgrade faster but deal less damage, heal less and give less scrap, and teleport slower
New Destructopad that allows you to destroy buildings with the force of a Demo sticky or a point blank rocket shot and has a minute long cooldown.
New PDA that allows you to upgrade from afar using metal, but you can only do this once every 2 minutes on one building type and wrenches don't help build it faster.
You can now also choose not to dredge through shit in search of a server that offers the exact same things as matchmaking.
>build up 480-600 damage without a self-healing tool
I do this with soldier pretty much every life now
>in search of a server that offers the exact same things as matchmaking.
Oh, excuse me, since when did matchmaking offer custom maps? Or custom gamemodes? Or custom plugins that're actually fun? Or actual decent moderation that-- on a good server-- prevents actual hackers from spending more than two minutes hacking? Or an actual decent sense of community? Or alltalk? Or sprays?
I wasn't aware that they had added any of those into matchmaking, but feel free to enlighten me you fucking idiot.
they didnt even started it
what cosmetics are these my guy besides the pyro vision?
Tsar Platinum and Warhood. I've also named the Family business "Out Stalker"
Why, what's supposed to happen tonight?
I guarantee none of those servers you suggest have more than 5 people on them or are dead except on weekends or odd hours. Meanwhile I can have a game of upwards in under 30 seconds with populated players with different results. If there is a hacker or something you don't like, re-que. Takes less than 30 seconds. You still haven't convinced me of shit
He knows because Valve only listens to comp now.
He was probably asked for a lot of input from him, so I actually dread the new update. More 6s maps for sure.
Tonight's the night alright
The night of partyvan with the usual password
>I guarantee none of those servers you suggest have more than 5 people on them or are dead except on weekends or odd hours.
Then keep looking, faggot.
>Meanwhile I can have a game of upwards in under 30 seconds with populated players with different results.
It takes under 30 seconds to find a decently populated, no-ads server with alltalk and with sprays if you aren't a complete mongoloid.
>not backburner
Get a load of this guy not wanting free crits
>implying it's even an issue if you know what you're doing
Heavy is literally just target practice for anyone who's even remotely good at aiming. He needs the other 11 players on the team to babysit him at all times while he waddles to wherever he's going before he can even start presenting a threat.
Find me one active arena server, I fucking dare you
Post weapon stat ideas:
New Enforcer
>+Mini-crits while disguised
>+20% more accurate
>-20% slower firing speed
eat shit, pyrofag
your airblasts are nothing if i shoot at the floor
It would make sense, he's supposed to be the teams backbone. Maybe tone down the speed boost.
thats tomorrow
fucking disgusting
Heavy isn't "hard" without a medigun, he fucking sucks balls without a medigun. Too slow and fat to get anywhere and get anything done and any time you spin up your gun to be productive, the enemy soldiers and demos and snipers pincushion your ass like you were begging for it on Grindr. Heavy was designed from the ground up to be pocketed 24/7 by a medic.
Seethe more
Like some others were saying, I'll be on and off but this game is too classic to ever completely let go
>Find me one active arena server
Nigger, you and I both know nobody plays arena outside of Saxton Hale, not even matchmakingfags. If we include Saxton Hale/other custom gamemodes, though, there's a fuckton of them.
heavy isn't that bad without a medic. tomislav/banana is good enough if you are smart about your positioning.
>You're so wrong, soldier can deal more damage to a heavy from any distance further than point blank not even counting the direct hit.
Except no, he can't.
Arguing with that guy was a waste of time. He seriously thinks heavy is viable without a medic or any self-healing sandvich item.
Arena was the best game mode
Heavy can't do shit to a soldier unless they're in a wide open area. Heavy is garbage unless he's pocketed or flanks.
Not him, but Shotgun heavy is pretty viable. Only way to play brass beast.
Right, soldier needs to outmaneuver the heavy in order to stand a chance.
Yes, user, just for all of us, to keep the dream alive.
>free crits
They're not free though. You need to pay for it in massively increased airblast cost.
Pyro also has no way to get in position to use the backburner, and when you're not backburning it's a straight downgrade to stock.
You'd be better off just using the phlog.
Arena mode fucking sucks
Even then unpocketed soldier still wins. And out maneuver isn't exactly difficult. You litterally just need to break los between shots. Heavy is so slow it's impossible not to.
If by best you mean worst then yes, it was.
No you suck!
I was sure it was today but I can't find a reasoning as to why. Wasn't last week's on a thursday too?
>Even then unpocketed soldier still wins.
Wins what? He gets outdamaged in a 1v1. He needs to be in a better spot than the heavy to win.
it was but thats because we just put it up cause we were bored as fuck. All future ones are gonna be from Friday through Sunday at 8 PM EST. Unless another van is already up
OK but how to ACTUALLY fix pyro
>make flamethrower a narrow beam of NON-hitscan particles that have travel time and arc with distance, forcing the player to work for their W+M1
>Increase the flamethrower base damage to compensate, back to the pre-nerf jungle inferno levels
>Keep current afterburn rampup mechanic
Fuck hitscan bullshit
>give the airblast a self-knockback effect of similar nature and magnitude to the FaN when the airblast is performed while Pyro is airborne
This is a much more interesting mechanic than the garbage that is the jetpack. Delete it from the game, it is a symbol of Valve's incompetence.
>unfuck the degreaser's mechanics
>remove detonator/scorch shot's damage penalty
"No!" How about instead you just make it so that they give you a proper rocket jump instead of the impotent little hop they currently have.
There, THAT is how you fix the pyro
i seem to find myself playing shit loads of spy and payload exclusively now, just seem to can't recapture fun in this game anymore.
Like I said, unless the map is wide open it's impossible not to. And if it is wide open it's a shit map.
>unfuck degreaser
No and I hope they never do.
That's okay. My wrists were a bit long anyways so I'll just go trim them.
Soldier winning only circumstantially against a heavy means the heavy is a bad class?
>Published on Dec 17, 2008
Pyro is the most consistent all rounder. Scout is second best. Yes it's obvious if you are chasing and someone is watching. But then it's always obvious when you are chasing, so might as well get the speed. Optimal play says you uncloak, chase the target for a small amount of time, relying on the fact that you are the correct team color, then stabbing and cloaking before anyone can directly observe you for longer than .5 seconds. In that amount of time, your run speed being off doesn't matter.
Spy doesn't work imo, because you don't want people thinking about spies.
Disguising as your own team is good for when you are moving up to the frontlines, then you cloak out of sight into the enemy team.
well if you do that then you wont be able to play the 50+ maps we added, including mandrill
Or just stand more than 10m away in which case he automatically wins the dps race in 3 rockets or forces the heavy to retreat. Either way, he wins.
t. lime scout
seething. keep coping.
3 rockets don't kill the heavy at mid range. You need all 4 to hit directly.
Good thing that it's hard to hit a fucking spun up heavy who's trying to shoot back, right?
Guys, I have an idea for how to fix the Heavy
Replace his minigun with a gauss cannon.
The cannon fires a precise, laser-accurate beam that does massive damage but only shoots a single shot before reloading.
The range is finite, there is a similar damage falloff to what the minigun has right now.
Heavy gets GRU speed whenever the gauss cannon isn't "spun up" by default.
I'll never forgive valve for the amby nerf
Easy only with the direct hit, otherwise rockets are slow enough for even a spun up heavy to have a chance at dodging at mid range. Also, there's enough time even for a previously unspun up heavy to shoot the guy to death with some luck on the bullet spread.
If the heavy has to drop his gun and run away the soldier has won. Literally the only reason Heavy exists is to stand still and hold ground, if you force him to cede that ground (even if he doesn't die), you have won.
its never the night
stop making this thread
all you're doing is getting my hopes up for 3 seconds before i realize its never the night
>If the heavy has to drop his gun and run away the soldier has won.
What the fuck are you talking about now?
Literally read the rest of the post, retard. If the heavy has to back up and run away the soldier has done his job and the heavy has failed to do his job.
Why are you bringing it up retard?
Because you're pretending like an idiot that soldier loses against heavy when this is obviously not true since rocket spam > heavy because
>a) unless the heavy is facefucking the soldier or lucks the fuck out, the rocket spam will win the dps fight which will kill the heavy
>b) the heavy will be forced to retreat to not die, thus ceding the fight to the soldier anyway
So unless you ambush the soldier in the vents of Turbine or the narrow hallways of Goldrush or Dustbowl the soldier is probably going to win, either by killing you outright or by forcing your retreat. Unless, of course, you have a medic stuffed up your butt in which case the scales not tilt in your favor. TLDR is that Heavy is a chump without a medic gf to keep him alive.
TONIGHT actually is the night. Why else would steam be down like this?
Name the distance at which the soldier outdpses the heavy.
There was basically no real organisation around the actual project and rather than Valve having a good communication flow with them, the community members were mostly left on their own. This lead to two of them, Bang and Ronin taking like 50% revenue credit for all of the content produced, when they actually only worked on select parts of it and it was all just generally a massive fucking shitshow
>Why else would steam be down like this?
because it does maintenance
Last time I played soldier it was like 30 or so feet. Enough for me to stand back and comfortably spam chokes, carts, and points to push the heavies who thought they were cool off it
Ladies! Gents!
The steam isn't down?
I'd be inclined to agree on a Tuesday. But even then it would be too early for their normal maintenance time. You could fucking set your clock to valve tuseday maintenance. It's the one thing that didn't get affected with valve time.
what the fuck are you talking about? if you cant provide distance in hammer units then use map examples
>The Brap Passer actually fits Pyro's area denial role
>make it so it doesn't recharge on spawn
>Thermal Thruster has absolutely nothing on Detonator Jumps
>Dragon's Fury becomes a discount Direct Hit, complete with reflectable projectiles
>playing spy
>go cloak in a hidden spot
>enemy team approaches
are detonator jumps good yet? also remind me why pyro can't airblast himself
>he dosen't move
>playing scout
>follow teammate spy around
>see him about to get a chainstab
>use bat on his first victim to get his attention
>get him killed
play a real class
yes, takes some skill though. to get the maximum distance you have to self det and c-tap.
>haven't played in forever
>decide to check the wiki to see what new weapons have been added since
Haha what, has it been nothing but hats and taunts for the past 10 years??
why the fuck is scouts mom sending him tittymilk to drink
What this image from?
lmao, reminder you fucked heavy for this. All pyromains are scum and they get way more than they deserve.
Chad Scout
Virgin Spy
but seriously fuck pyros who will LEAVE THE FUCKING POINT to chase a Spy to the ends of the earth. I'm tired of losing games because somehow a spy is more important then the point when we're in OT
>pyro does this to me as spy
>kills me and taunts
Caring about objectives as a solo pyro
>pyro constantly running around
>never once spy checks
>engineer swinging his wrench yelling Spy!
>pyro runs off without puffing his flamethrower
I can't wish death upon these retards enough
Two suggestions for fixing the Pyro, fixing the core class instead of balancing unlocks.
If I were to suggest anything for unlocks however, they could affect/be affected by the tiers of afterburn. The Degreaser could only reach 2nd tier maximum, and the Axetinguisher would deal crits instead of mini crits on the 3rd/4th tier. Flare Guns could also deal more damage based on the tier; flare gun could crit on the 2nd tier of flame (which it would deal with its projectile) and the Detonator could do it on the 4th. The Scorch Shot would only deal the base tier of flame, but its damage would be buffed a little bit to compensate for it to keep its role as an area denial/annoyance weapon.
I wouldn't touch the current system of afterburn too much, besides maybe decreasing the afterburn on something like the Scorch Shot. Afterburn would reset its length on new fire damage; once a certain amount of fire damage is reached while the opponent is still on fire, the tier of afterburn would increase.
>a more realistic approach
Ecept thats not realistic at all, because fire changes color based on temperature, not based on time burning. It wouldn't be white unless every merc was fucking coated in aersol spray first.
If you have to go to your enemy as Heavy you are playing the class completely wrong. The enemy comes to YOU.
I put "realistic" in quotes, as TF2 is a pretty cartoony game. Afterburn tier is dictated by how much fire you're putting on the target (increasing the temperature). It's for the gameplay side of things and not the realistic side of things; the different colors dictate to players on how much fire damage is being dealt over time.
>dude just idle on last lmao
>Defense class
>Plays defensively
Mind fucking blown....woah....
it's not happening is it bros...
bros I still can't play tf2 what is going on
I main pyro
im already pyro
good thing you both can be pyro because TF2 isnt a shit game that instills limits on classes
Good, fire everybody not actively making vidya or maintaining Steam
Source ?
Yes, Valve did make source
unreliable and unworthy of a (You)
Yeah, the team said no to a vast majority of Frontline stuff at the absolute last possible second, citing confusing maps and "quality standards" for the accepted submissions. The maps would later be added anyways and they weren't any more confusing than stock maps.
It's based of a reddit post but at this point i wouldn't doubt it
>an entire video on a reddit post
I'm ready to watch Tyler McNigger get BTFO again
>said no a vast majority of Frontline stuff citing confusing maps and quality standards
Sabotage was legitimately suspected at the time and I wouldn't doubt it knowing Valve.
There is literally nothing wrong with Turbine.
Maybe they just don't want to do community updates after the mega jewness of electric boogaloo 2
It's just sad.
>they fired the hardware manufacturers
so its literally nothing
delete this
>it has now been over 500 days since a major update
turbine is a dead simple map to play that, like 75% of maps in the game, is hamstrung by the 12v12 quickplay format.
When was the last comic issue?
January 10, 2017.
What does Valve even do all day? How much effort could it possibly take to babysit steam (which they stay as laissez-faire as possible) and DOTA?
>His mommy doesn't send him milkies when he's abroad
What the fuck, user
I've been playing TF2 almost half of my life, I will be here till the bitter end
Valve just sits there, raking in the money making brainchips
>Shotgun equipped
>Which means Banner replaces the Minigun
remove random crits
>(unless you live in South America
We still play TF2
It's even more hilarious to think that the project originally started and was advertised to be a bi-monthly ongoing comic series. You can see over time how much plot had to get compressed down.
That said, Valve is kinda like willy wonka's chocolate factory, except no mad genius at the helm, there's just nobody at the helm. They probably started the project and got bored of it, now are only committed to shitting it out "eventually"
unironically use stock pyro W+M1 shits better than ever sadly
And CTF gamemode.
>unless you live in South America
You'd be surprised
man, that map looks sweet
Are there no east coast servers, every time I join a game its on the west coast or worst its a euro server is it dead jim
they just sit in their fucking golden covered offices with designated dick sucking chimps and dont do fucking anything but fuck their mountains of money and cocaine until one of them gets high and starts up a new project about "DUDE VR BUT WITH x" or "DUDE CARD GAMES LOL" and then spend 40 years doing fucking nothing but sucking each other off with their shitty fucking ideas that dont get anywhere and go "WELL WE TRIED GUESS WE'RE GOING BACK TO FUCKING COCAINE MOUNTAINS ALL DAY"
fucking assholes, i wish i never gave those lazy faggots any money ever
>how do we buff the pyro?
>well you know the strategy that everyone makes fun of and is holding pyro back as a class?
>let's make it basically the only viable way to play
what the fuck is their problem? do they even playtest their own game anymore?
fuck you dane, random crits are fun and allow me to get the entire team off the payload or point when my team is being atrocious. Without random crits, you'd like 90% of the time, not based on your own skill but based on the skill of others, and playing a game where you have to rely on the skill of others to even remotely win isn't fun, its frustrating.
dead ringer is literal shit now tho
>doing anything but snorting cocaine while taking heroin as they're eating 40 turkeys every day of the week and doing everything BUT working
>It's a Dota update
Oh I forgot, we are Valve's red-headed stepchildren now
>Listening to what manlets have to say
There's a reason god made you as short as women and children, you have nothing of value to say
I can't join ANY servers right now, been like that since I got home.
they (the ~5 people that still work on tf2) genuinely dont play the game, im 100% positive on that
and considering they balance items based on equip rate shows they dont know much about balance anyways
It won't be any time soon.
>What? It was obvious! Its a TF2 update!
>Watch, An update will be queued any second now.
>...Aaaany second now.
>See, Update!
>No wait... That's for Dota
"they" are a team of 15 people, but only 5 of them are actually programmers, the rest are mappers, level designers, artists, and modellers and everyone who works on TF2, when introducing new items, maps, ect. work from the ground up with shit, meaning no 2 weapons are coded with the same code. They start a new project file and write all the code themselves.
Of course this shit is hard as fuck, and inefficient especially when you have 5 people working on a task that needs atleast 10. Plus, since Valve never does any hiring events, they can't get new blood to work on the game, so they are kinda just stuck in this loop.
t. visited valve 2 months ago
was he right though?
I only knew about TF2 based on Gmod animations back in like 2007
invite only bud.
Gas passer really needs to linger longrr and reapply the effect.
>its been almost 1000 days since quickplay was removed
I want it back
Matchmaking has and always will be a fucking mistake. Anybody who defends it is a braindead fucking moron.
>Arena servers never
Is Koth_Harvest the greatest TF2 map ever made? Like even in its hallowen variety, its comfy as fuck and never ceases to be fun.
Weird, I never heard the last faint HAH before
GOD why is the Hammer Editor the most archaic hard to use tool that Valve has ever put out. I just wanna make a TF2 map but making and testing it is fucking hard for no reason.
Is MYM the worst update?
Gitgud. Make models if you need complex geometry.
Invasion or Gunmettle, Invasion was forgotten, and Gunmettle nobody wanted. Atleast MYM put a stop to those furfag diaper servers that kept getting popular thanks to the MM system
Objectively, yes. No other update has done anywhere near as much damage to the community. Not even the F2P update attracted as many absolute fucking retards as MYM did.
Fucking this, matchmaking should only be for competitive mode. I have no idea why the hell they thought forcing EVERYONE to this shit would be a good idea
without a doubt
im still amazed the game is still even going after that fucking shit show of an "update"
>join arena server
>finally get to play
>either die instantly or stomp but don't win because of a fucking cloak and dagger spy
>Not even the F2P update attracted as many absolute fucking retards as MYM did.
No, the F2P update attracted just as many, but the difference there is that they either stayed in valve servers or got educated really fucking fast thanks to community servers still being prominent. MYM basically took away the TF2 newfag containment/education system, and it's the reason why we have faggots like Uncle Dane.
>mym isn't that bad because it did something good by pure accident
>not playing both
Uncle Dane joined in 2013, so that's uber's fault.
MYM did much more structural damage though
The funny thing about that image, is that this is litterally how multiplayer games should be designed.
nobody wanted MYM the way it was too
and being forgotten is better than being fucking hated even now
Furrypound was a good server. Save the furfag bits.
It's exactly how TF2 is/was designed, and why REMOVERANDOMCRITSfags and compfags are absolutely fucking cancerous.
>no spy behind him in third panel to backstab
Yes it is only followed up by the Uber Update not just because of the mass retardation flooding servers but the weapons added on release were shitty crutches with some exceptions (Market Garden, Detonator when det jumping become usable, and maybe Quick Fix)
Wasn't Furry Pound basically just THE TEEK but for furfags instead of Yea Forums users?
>disguise as a WM1 Pyro on my team with the Dead Ringer
>go on lazy purple server
>groups rule page clearly states that killing is allowed
>kill anyways and get tons of hatemail on my profile
>admins were so fed up with me to the point they flat out ip banned me
fuck friendlies and fuck jannies
Pyro was in Sega all stars racing
Heavy being in smash wouldn't be too surprising
friendlies are retards
>im going to play a game thats about killing other people and not kill other people
>wow wtf why are they killing me REEEEEEEEEEE ADMIINNNNNNSSSSSS HELP!!!!
thats why you only play on the partyvan
>Join seriousmartin's server
>everyones in it
>Map is literally an earrape map 24/7
>Can't hear
>Map starts shaking and making my screen flash very fast bright colors
>disconnect after 10 seconds
Fuck that shit
ended well for cuckwork didnt it?
SoundSmith is a good tf2 youtuber
Fuck off soundsmith I enjoyed the dupe shovel video
Counterpoint: there's no good tf2 youtubers left
counter-counterpoint: Gmodders
>wrangler is overpowered
>direct shit and luck and load aren't
Dane and Funke are brainlets, is this any surprise?
the wrangler's shield is in fact overpowered.
>"Sentries have too much health already"
>when a scout can strafe a sentry, kill the engineer and kill the sentry without reloading
Holy shit people still play this game? Just play overwatch or fortnite they are better
That opinion is wrong nigger
I want to keep random crits in TF2 because it pisses off discord trannies and youtubers
Today I will remind them
Maybe you should play a game that requires less critical thinking
Protip: The original name for it was Mann Milk but was changed.
That's why I hate """friendlies""", they're anything but.
>luck and load aren't
It ain't 2012 anymore (unfortunately) and the L&L is useless. Maybe the direct shit needs a small nerf, like reduced firing speed.
Thank you for this image, really puts into word what I've been feeling about matchmaking since its inception
t. Normal gamer who had found "his server" but it's long dead now
At least your mode was made official, once...
>thats not TC or HTI
TC had potential but has fucking HYDRO as its main map, and HTI is fun as fuck, but was never balanced so it just promotes 24/7 scout meta.
They need to make a halloween version of Degroot Keep
Or just a new official medieval mode map.
thanks doc
>hear it on engi voice
Let's be honest, was anything actually "fixed" with the pyro update?
No. Pyro is still as fucking useless as ever, and warpaints just fucked the performance even further, on top of being ugly as fucking sin to add insult to injury.
Hilariously they just broke him more
cl_interp + flames = gigantic burst damage
Fire is not a general area of damage that nobody could tell if it should hit or not. Previously flamethrower particles were separated into damage and graphics, and they were vastly different, but now they are one.
Of course this made the skill floor lower and the skill ceiling higher. With the increased damage right on the update and the way it was dealt spinning in place was the ultimate way of dealing damage, but that got patched away. You don't need to do anything to play pyro, but if you mind the way the particles move you can consistently deal greater damage, and win in a holding m1 contest with another pyro.
Danke Herr Doktor
I spent years meming with Pyro puff and flaring. My most used and most fun class. The airblast nerf was so fucking absurd it killed the class.
I miss being able to airblast and flickshot flares in the midst of fighting off multiple scouts.
Public tip for the lameoids that rarely play, a downwards airblast bounces the enemy high up, presumably to avoid the old stun-like effect of blasting into the ground. By the time you can airblast again the enemy should be near the peak of the bounce, a second blow will launch a victim really far.
>killed TF2
>killed TF2
>killed the soul and fun of this game
Protip for self-centered retards: Just because you personally stopped finding it fun after thousands of fucking hours played, doesn't mean the huge amount of other people playing did.
Nothing "killed" TF2, because I can still find a full 12v12 game in under 10 seconds in an obscure country at 1am at night. That's the fucking polar opposite of dead.
what do you mean by "forever"?
Wouldn't touch it. With nohats mod and a config, modern TF2 is pretty much a straight upgrade to 2007.
>You will never have a cute mommy to give you milk for your breakfast
Matchmaking isn't TF2.
Yes it literally is. Besides I play community servers the majority of the time anyway. Fuck off, retard.
what did you have to smoke to make this post?
It's either gonna be the death of the servers or myself when I stop playing TF2.
fucking hell I already fapped
Haven’t found a game that hooks me as much as TF2 I can only pray one day it’ll get major attention from valve again and we can get all the stuff we wanted with a monthly comic strip and community updates
I may take breaks, like now, but TF2 never really leaves you.
I keep hoping that a new FPS comes out that can match it or surpass it, but deep down I know it won't happen. It seems to be the only game that can mix tight and mechanically satisfying gameplay with a unique artstyle, and fun, memorable characters.
it's never the night
This, it's just the best FPS on the market. There really is nothing that has the same level of content, customization, skill ceiling, and nearly perfect game design.
I actually had an idea similar to this for a sapper unlock wherein sappers would be more durable and drain HP & ammo, giving it to the Spy with the disadvantage of a slower destruction speed and damage whenever a Sapper is broken.
'til the bitter end, user.
Medic with medigun out is fucking ace.
>run towards enemy with low health yelling medic
>first idea is that you're griefing them
>start yelling in chat as you jump around them
>pull out amby hit b so medic changes to cross bow
>enemy stands still
New flame particles are definitely better. The new airblast is also pretty fun, specially near cliffs.
>"people" who disguise as scout
your hitboxes don't change, your speed isn't boosted
you just look like a retard when you disguise as me and I push your shit in for the sixth time in a row
are we waiting for the comic? What's happening