This dude killed the MK franchise. The last good MK was Mk4. The reason it was good is because John Tobias...

This dude killed the MK franchise. The last good MK was Mk4. The reason it was good is because John Tobias, the real father of MK was still around. Since he left (~98) there were no good MK games.
Debate me. Tip: Don't even try.

Attached: ed_boonjpg.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything after 3 sucked until 9 they were experimenting with 3D gameplay trying to get it right

Shaolin Monks

MK9 was a good game too but it didn't feel like a MK game. It felt like a fighting game that tries to be MK so bad but fails in the end. Well, at least they tried with MK9 (because it was based on the originals AKA the Tobias games), everything else sucked a log of hard shit.

Attached: 121015_interview_johntobias_featured.jpg (646x359, 52K)

This is the future of MK games - WHAMEN who look like men and are fully clothed: (Booker T?) (That jew nose)

if they were trying to get it right, why didn't they stop with DA?

Are you saying DA was good?

Fuck off nigger, trilogy is the best game in the franchise and deception and deadly alliance was better than 9.
MKX is pretty good but cancels, armour and long ass combos ruin the flow.
Hopefully 11 will finally even everything out.

>Fuck off nigger, trilogy is the best game in the franchis
Stopped reading there.

Counterpoint: MK was never good and SF was ALWAYS better.

>unironically linking IGN
Fuck out of here zoomer newfag

Whats wrong with trilogy you faggot. Its god tier. It's UMK3 with more chars, stages, agressor and tag battles.
Best MK games.

Seeing as how you know nothing about fighting games, probably know nothing about anything else relevant in this discussion and didnt actually say anything beyond "he killed it", id say youre retarded and anyone "debating" you automatically won

Seeing as how MK's claim to fame was its presentation ever since day one, id say it has only gotten stronger as a series since then. If anything, NRS has the most impressive cutscenes out of any VIDEOGAME on the market right now. Injustice 2 and MK11 are literally games that come with a 4-5 hours long CQI movie packed in

>Zoomer thing
People are overusing the zoomer meme. A zoomer would say MK 11 looks like the best MK game ever.

Cancer. It was played for a time because there were no fighting games at the time. Then they milked it.

>It's UMK3
Here's the problem. UMK was a broken nerfed piece of shit game. Trilogy is better but it's only good for 2 player gaming.

You calling MK cancer? Because I'd agree. Fighters are a competitive genre. There's no room for casual story shity with garbage gameplay.

he's dead inside watching these non binary freaks rape his baby

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No a zoomer newfag would unironically like IGN on a Sudanese sex doll appreciation forum.

>UMK was a broken nerfed piece of shit game.
UMK3 is known by most MK pros as the best game in the franchise so wtf are you talking about
>Trilogy is better but it's only good for 2 player gaming.
Wtf are you talking about, whatelse do you do with a fighting game.
Dont be telling us you are that much of a faggot that you play MK alone to play against the broken as fuck input reading AI
FYI you could play 4 players in MK trilogy
Apparently 8 player on the N64 though I never tried it.


>Injustice 2 and MK11 are literally games that come with a 4-5 hours long CQI movie packed in
The last sentence proves how retarded you are. And clearly an underage. No normal fighting game fan wants to watch a fucking 4 hour long movie you retard. I want good characters, classic gameplay (not this super unrealistic 100 hit combos where animations take just 5 seconds and you can't distinguish the moves like it's a anime type of a fighting game) and somewhat good, but basic storyline. MK since MK DA only brought 2 good characters into the mix.


also the series lost the soul it had in 1-3
they should do a new one with HD sprites and really high framerate cameras, so they can do smooth slow motion

>Fighting games are only made for 2 player gaming.
Nope. Try again.

>The last sentence proves how retarded you are. And clearly an underage. No normal fighting game fan wants to watch a fucking 4 hour long movie you retard.
Im the only "fighting game player" in this thread and I appreciate the movie exactly for that reason, it took me weeks until I finally sat down to do it for Injustice 2 and it was great for one night

Nobody is fucking forcing you to watch the movie retard, the impressive part is that its there

> I want good characters, classic gameplay
woah...almost like....MK11

They all looked like men before

Attached: kitana-mka-face.jpg (200x200, 10K)

Last good was UMK3.
After it there was a lot of trash.
Then MK9 was a really good step in the right direction, perfect roster and decent gameplay mechanics.
Then MKX turned the game into a pile of shit.
Now MK11 looks worse than MKX and I've lost any hope in Boon.

Also, his lies about port quality was the last nail in the coffin, fuck MK series.
Also, fuck this degenerate who invented shitty guest characters, I hope he gets a painful death.

Attached: facepalm.gif (300x212, 989K)

>Then MKX turned the game into a pile of shit
>Becomes the best selling MK game ever

In defence MK is the only fighting game that I care about the story, it has a good story and deep lore. Injustice brought the compelling story to NRS games (though idc about capeshit story) and MKX carried it on with a great conematic story.
It's not a 5 hour cutscene like that faggot suggests. It's a cinematic story with you fighting the fights yourself. Some shitty QTEs too.
First thing I do in fighting games is play the story and MKX was fun to play through. You get to play as nearly every char, well the good guys, while playing the story and unlocking chars too, which is better than just going to training or playing single matches against the AI to learn.
I just put the AI on or below normal and learn moves and strings while playing the story. It's a fun way to get a taste of the game.
I never play the story again after that.
Injustice 2 I replayed the chapters for the multiple choice parts to 100% the story, but injustice 2 has an impressive amount of single player content with the multiverse, which I expect to be in MK11 too as both of the games encourage grinding for shit.

>I have no friends
fuck off tard

It sold because of the MK9 success. I personally pre-ordered it and never even thought about Boon making another bad MK after perfect MK9.
Screenshot that, after MKX disaster MK11 will not be able to reach MKX sells despite industry growth.

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>It sold because of the MK9 success
Or because it was a good game, hell Yea Forums said it would never sell because of how SJW it is. If the game sold only because the last game was good then we'd see that with Banjo Nuts & Bolts or Mass Effect Andromeda

Your opinions are shit.
MK trilogy is better than UMK3
DA and deception were better than 9, but yeah 9 was a good step by copying Street fighter by abandoning 3d for 2.5d
MKX perfected what MK9 was trying to do, but dropped the ball with armour, bounces, cancels and long ass combos. Turned it into an utism simulation.
MK11 looks great, a mix between 9 and X with the variation system of X, but custom, and the pacing of 9, without all the autism that X added.

>invented shitty guest characters
It's after the WB takeover. It's a fun way for them to add extablished IPs into the games. Same how NRS are able to make an MK vs DC, or just DC games they are owned by WB
Though I know you are a Yea Forumsirgin so you don't like having fun

youre right. they have ruined the series since mk trilogy. mk9 was decent, but thats like 1 out of 10 tries. these faggots are worthless now.

MKX is a good game, it's better and more fluid than MK9, just has other issues
MK11 will sell even bigger than X, the franchise has grew in popularity since going back to 2d and esports making it popular.

I did like Tobias' ideas for the plots and charcters better. You can tell he cared about the MK universe in an autistic but truly passionate kind of way.

>pacing of 9
>no dash cancel and nerfed jumps

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honestly all the twitterfags shilling the game in here is so noticeable
they probably dont even know a word like fag is a term used here to refer about everything and everyone

I've been out of the loop with the upcoming MK. What the fuck happened to their designs!?

>no dash cancel and nerfed jumps
I don't remember dash cancels in MK9 it has been 10 years since I played it. The cancels in MKX are cancer and they said they are toning it down in 11.9 had shit jump, X has bounces, 11 has full jumps, small hops (like KoF) and bounces are move specific for certain chars, like scorpion has one but it costs a bar.
Amd year, no run button and cancels anymore, so the pacing of 9

Go ahead and tell us to google your futa shit already

Unironically correct. Mk4 was fucking great, none have been as good since.

>all the twitterfags shilling
Or you know, there could be anons here who are over the age of 18 and have liked a 20+ years franchise since they were children.

Also because you are clearly new, look at the bottom of the bage on your phone and look at the amount of replies to posters ratio.
How many of those 16 posters are the twitterfags you are talking about
Go back faggot

mortal kombat was never good

X was literally the best in the series though. 11 looks like shit

11 looks fun, Johnny is God-tier

Im sure thats why youre still playing it instead of being the typical completely irrelevant secondary mouthbreather who buys fighting games and "plays" them against bots for 2 weeks

>I want my clown fiesta instead of a character
And into the trash your opinion goes.

Attached: mk3 toasty.png (113x110, 5K)

Johnny is and has always been a clown go home gamergirl

Not that user but im still playing MKX against my friends. I dropped it after the nerf patch that fucked all the armour moves, it
destroyed my main for me too, then when injustice 2 came out I stopped playing completely. Though been playing it since the VGA MK11 reveal in preparation for MK11
I stopped playing MKX online after having to learn a new slower char (kotal kahn sun god) to play online because of the shit netcode, grinding ranked 1v1 for the noob kombat kard, 500 wins, got to 400+wins and my stats got fucked up just for WB to tell me stats aren't saved to servers but local...
Whats the point of having ranked if ranks aren't server based, anyone could hack their rank.
I only played ranked for the 10 wins trophy in injustice 2 because of that shit.
I don't expect MK11 to be any different

How to spot someone new to the series 101.

The game was laughable in comparison to 3, imagine being this retarded.

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Imagine being such a contrarian that you think MK4 of all things is the pinnacle of MK lmao

Your game sucked John go to bed.

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not into futa

>The last good MK was Mk4.
Sometimes, you tadpole brains take your contrarian shitposting too far. Your parents were probably 12 when that game came out and it nearly killed the franchise due to how bad it was.

3 was good. 9 was ok, 10 is trash 11 is more of the same

animations and the gameplay suck ass, but the story mode is good and the fatalities are neat

not using a phone either lmaooo why is your asshole so sore, did i actually get it right and now you are shitting all over the floor? :)

there are 22 posters on this thread, and a few of them could be from any other woke site trying shilling the game, hell, even one of you could have started this thread even.

you guys could also just be a very small group but pretend to be many by spamming shit and then posting it to twitter, i mean it wouldnt be the first time you do it anyway

Its not even that you dont know anything about fighting games, you literally have no eyes or brain if you think MKX and 11 have anything in common gameplay wise

figures. those guys ruin everything

mk is like sonic: it has always been shit. it only became popular was because of the violence.

Game looks like soulless trash.

I hate that faggot on the right so much.