Attached: IMG_20190307_093145.jpg (650x395, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>he paid $300 for PSVR
>this comes out
oh nononono indeed

20 e-shop bucks have been deposited in your account

holy fuck, actual YIKES

>ur a shill!

Attached: labo camera snap cringe.jpg (464x459, 43K)

I'm gonna get this and have fun putting it together, stay mad Yea Forums

Just imagine the resolution per eye

OculusFags BTFO
ViveFags BTFO

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Attached: just fuck my switch up.jpg (650x395, 53K)

It was over before it even started.

Attached: 1551514766057.jpg (225x225, 10K)

I can see nintendies wearing this shit on the bus

Attached: IMG_20190307_095609.jpg (3154x2484, 879K)

get your filthy fiat Yikes away from me and come back when it has actual value backing it up

why is he looking into the wrong side?

Nintendo is saving VR, and errybody gettin' mad

Attached: 1508086246608.gif (245x213, 962K)

Man, for 20 bucks a post, I would happily shill things.

Holy fuck that's bad

VR is already shit enough with one of the higher end headsets and good hardware behind it

As you stare into the abyss.

What the heck is top left? A smellnocular?


Attached: 1545401422334.png (407x275, 181K)

Attached: 1551920906392.png (324x417, 254K)

Nice trips


>640x720 per eye

big yike

it's like nintendo want to see just how far they can push consumers

Attached: wiiaddons.jpg (300x225, 16K)

Attached: cardboard pachter.jpg (945x1033, 218K)

i actually cannot believe they keep producing all this cardboard shit and roms and "services" and mobile apps, but the switch games are nowhere in sight and even being restarted from scratch because theyre trying to cut as many corners as possible and it blew up on them.

nintendo needs serious clean up of their management and executives.

Attached: 1545620015431.png (693x720, 964K)

Holy shit that's hilarious. It's gonna sell like crazy regardless of being shit though.

>a piece of cardboard toy for kids

what am I missing?

Is that fucking cardboard?

Attached: 1528063605616.gif (187x155, 1.87M)

You're right, anyone who buys nintendo products is a fucking child

Attached: IMG_20190307_102639.jpg (1008x556, 112K)

What I don't get is why complain about cardboard VR headsets now when Google has been doing it for awhile.

So it's Google Cardboard for your Switch. Okay.

So, will Metroid Prime 4 be VR compatible?

So, can I watch VR JAV on this?

I knew they were gonna do this

stop posting my image

>it's a "Yea Forums complains about an edutainment product for children" episode

No internet bowser

Only if you are ok with N64 graphics


Because nintendies pretend nintendo has done something revolutionary. Most phones have better displays than the switches hand held mode in the first place so Googles headset isn't a bad thing. Also the promo images for this shit are a massive meme

Attached: IMG_20190307_102710.jpg (1440x2003, 317K)

>it's a "nintendogaf defends shitty nintendo products while shitting on everything the competition releases" episode

Attached: 1513022235458.png (810x807, 87K)

Attached: cardboard-evangelion-3.jpg (600x804, 131K)

Yea Forums how do I filter these retarded OH NO NO NO NO threads? They are all absolute garbage.

but what if they release a new pokemon snap

The image beside it looks like a sextoy.

nintendo literally does not, has not ever, nor ever will care about your shitty opinions.

>more cardboard


Well we never did get an n64 metroid game.

In the age of cell phones and tablets, Nintendo thinks a cardboard View-master is going to impress children. lmao

>Because nintendies pretend nintendo has done something revolutionary. Most phones have better displays than the switches hand held mode in the first place so Googles headset isn't a bad thing. Also the promo images for this shit are a massive meme
point me to a place that is claiming such thing. Even Nintendo Life is like "yeah, this is cool, ok" but that's it.
Everybody interested in VR knows that Google Cardboard has been a thing for a while, if anything, this just shows that Google was right and you don't need a huge ass unit to experience VR.

Getting mad over this? Really?


I can't breath ... PFFHAHAHA

that image
you mind if i save it?

Well, Nintendo was never a particularly revolutionary company.

Can you shove a joy-con up its ass?

>Look for Nintendo fans shitting on Sony threads, find none
>look for the opposite and find thousands this year alone.
Suprising result.

>it's a "nintendo fan pretends that bad nintendo products are made for children but literal party games are made for mature adults" episode again

It's a feature
Its a feature

COPE harder, fag

>the "nintendo fan has no arguments and uses ad hominem in an act of desperation" show is starting again

Only ones coping around here are you nintendo fans
>i-it's just a kids game

Attached: 20190307_095828.jpg (1067x1235, 625K)

fuck off back to

SEETHING hard, COPE by spamming more threads and wojaks

The prophecy is being fulfilled!

Attached: 1516302205982.jpg (1773x1096, 832K)

>snoyboys mad they paid an extra $300 for their wowee

party games are at their best when you are high and pissed and playing with a girl with big tits and that is all that matters.
I only play videogames when i'm at a party or hanging with friends. When i'm on my own i just shitpost on Yea Forums.
I've long stopped caring about what is and isn't for children.

In terms of marketing Nintendo products are made for women. Since women drive the most consumer spending.
Nintendo purposely makes female friendly products so that women will go out and buy or convince their husband to buy the cardboard for their child. Whether the child wants it or not.

If you think Nintendo Labo(ur) isn't marketed towards women you must be blind.

>VR is the futur user it will domintate vidya
>the next VR gen with HTC and the super Steam VR machine they have been preparing for 50 years is going to be a blast
>Meanwhile Nintendo releases some fucking cardboard VR

Attached: 1515785653806.png (258x544, 105K)

Worst part is, there will be NO good games for this thing.

>nintendo loyalists will unironically buy this
>its literally even overpriced for what it is
>mfw im a nintendofag

Attached: 1551469961333.png (300x300, 45K)

tbf rather labo vr than actual vr attempt with the switch. This just shows how much of a gimmick nintendo thinks VR is and it would've been a more massive and commercial failure to launch actual VR for switch. Perfect demonstration of switch's capabilities while not fully committing to this horrendous early gimmick.

It has become more entertaining watching developers stamp all over video games than it is to play video games

Attached: PAIN.png (237x277, 152K)

>toy-con 4
where's 3?

>This just shows how much of a gimmick nintendo thinks VR is
>He hasn't played vidya in VR
>He hasn't browsed the internet in VR
>He hasn't streamed porn in VR
It's only a "gimmick" to you, because Nintendo won't let you do the cool things VR has to offer. So you'll find ways to shit on it until Nintendo eventually does something interesting.

didn't they release a vehicle kit?

Hopefully it works for DOA Xtreme Scarlet

>Buying either of those things

Did Yea Forums have a fit when Google did this?


More labo is enough for y’all to have a crazy fit?

Why the hell are people defending cardboard?

Cardboard is a common material for crafts.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will get a patch, right?

Why does anyone care? Google did this shit years ago.

this looks fucking sick
based nintendo doing /vr/ right

$20 for a shitpost? Man, shilling for Nintendo pays well.

LMAO this will sell more than real VR. Based Nintendo

I would never touch a Rift Vive or PSVR, but I'm getting this day one.

You only get the $20 after 100 shitposts, sorry. That just happened to be that user's 100th.

>make VR affordable to everyone
>hurr durr Nintendo is deaaaaaaad
Meanwhile Switch selling like hotcakes and sonybros seething as usual.

so if it sells well the switch remodel will have a front facing camera and built in gyros on the tablet for AR? its kinda interesting

Of course you can, you have Nintendies living in your head rent-free.

Attached: (You).png (1170x836, 564K)

It's not real VR, retard. It's not even affordable. Putting cardboard on your face and telling yourself it's VR is delusional.

Why do I get the feeling that if Sony made labo nobody would talk about it? I don't mean 'talk positively' I mean nobody would talk about it at all.
But since it's Nintendo even if nobody actually cares or is excited about it, you will always have Snoy niggers making thread after thread to shit on it. Kind of sad really.

Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea?
Switch's display is way, way too low resolution for any kind of VR, not to mention refresh rate. Hell, even PSVR hits bare minimum by being 1080p/120Hz.
I can only imagine headaches this will cause.

ITT: snoyboys literally letting tendies live rent free in their minds and getting so wound up about cardboard

Both were just as bad and people shat on it. But nice try

wait, so inside the VR labo is plastic? I feel kinda this is cheating


>nintendo fans are fine with having a 720p screen for vr
Jesus fucking christ.

Attached: 1547483706913.jpg (1000x900, 450K)

You can't expect cardboard to hold large lenses like that by itself.
How long until someone makes a printable Swich enclosure with head straps and Gear VR lenses?


Astrobot will NEVER come to Labo VR

>cardboard cuts your forehead
Psshhhhhhhhhh nothin personel kid.

Huh, Pachter was finally right about something.

>perfect demonstration of the switches capabilities
What capabilities ? A 720p display doesn't look good user

They just don't know any better. Even PSVR's 960x1080 is less than ideal, 640x720 is going to look like shit

>be nintendo
>can't be arsed to compete in the VR craze
>make ""innovative"" cardboard origami system instead
>strangely not enough
>"Wait, I got it!"
>Virtual Boy 2
>fans will still buy it

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Honestly, as nearly 40 year old man with a family, a house to run, career to contend with and other adult responsibilities - I just don't have the time to game like I used to when I was a carefree teen, festering in my bedroom all day. I would often start a game and never finish it. I was really starting to think I had just outgrown the hobby. I just don't have the time anymore.

But the Switch has given me that time back. I can just pick it up and take it anywhere - even just around the house. Whether I'm working in the study, cooking in the kitchen, chilling in the backyard, keeping my baby stepson company while he falls asleep or simply relaxing in bed - the switch is always there to fill in the cracks of my day. And if I get more time to myself, I can drop it in the dock and play on my 60" tv in the lounge.

The Switch is a fucking Godsend. It's perfect for the busy nuanced lifestyles of adults. Bedrooming dwelling teens can't understand the appeal and are no-doubt baffled by its success.

Google made theirs for smart phones which btw have better displays than the switch. Nice try though

this reads like a reddit post, and probably is one

Not defending Nintendo here, but you really call Oculushit VR? We're about a century or two away from real VR. The shit they're selling now isn't it.

They are also terrible. Not as bad as this, but still bad.

Get help. You won't get affirmation on an anonymous, Japanese image board, you sad, sad man.

Based retarded mass replying nintentard

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Attached: muddy water.png (632x430, 58K)

>Palmer Lucky trying to make his "investment" look worthwhile by using a food analogy
No matter what you do, VR is just screens strapped to your face. There is no difference between them all.

Ok incels.

Attached: labo smell.png (472x527, 211K)

>baby stepson
>nintendo switch user

Don't worry man, Yea Forums is just populated by seething teens who are utterly traumatised that the Switch didn't flop like they desperately wanted it too. Everyday is complete mental turmoil for them.

Attached: Lolokbro.png (1080x1192, 1M)

And video game consoles are 'locked down' PC's with controllers you mash buttons on, there's no difference between them either.

>fully immersive Samus braps
take me money nintendo


Was it autism?

>top left is a basic full power smelloscope
>bottom right is not quite as powerful but can easier get to hard to reach spots due to its flexible odor receptor

Attached: 1366179344831.jpg (1269x797, 371K)

>1280x720 resolution
>divided by two

Attached: 1436539577384.jpg (746x500, 102K)

you can tell someone comes here from twitter or some shit because they use words like "yikes"


What's wrong with having a stepson?

top: soulless
bottom: soul

Attached: brap.png (1024x962, 786K)

>he thinks it will actually be 720p
more like 240p for each side at a smooth 20 fps

Attached: 00e.png (595x447, 80K)

How did they get away with selling cardboard boxes?

>460800 resolution for each eye

>Not even a Megapixel

How long until the HONK version of this pepe?


everything. it means youre picking up the tab for some other dudes kid and some womans poor life choices. did you get some huge benefit out of it?

Try 360p and things like mk8 already run at 60fps, imagine if they made a first person mode for it with this thing

This is a nice image. Mind if I save this?

Am I supposed to be mad at this?
I don't usually get mad at toys made for little kids, but you guys all just seem so damn sure of yourselves.


It's really going to suck for the average Yea Forums user when they realise they're too old and have too much responsibility to enjoy VR when it actually takes off, knowing that they missed it by 2-3 years.

>Baby stepson

Attached: brap.png (1024x1000, 895K)


Attached: 1537063957962.jpg (1014x672, 76K)

Dude i dont care if its someone else's kid i love him just as if he were mine, besides i cant have children of my own because i had a vasectomy during my last marriage.

nice bait but barely any (you)s

So what if it's just cardboard?
The hundred dollars worth of VR headsets people buy are just cheap plastic.

It's hypocritical how Nintendo fans shit on anything up until Nintendo does it.

Can't wait for Labo VR owners to shit up comfy VR threads with their manic, port begging.

Th-The Switch is gonna flop in 2019! For real this time! J-Just you tendies wait and see!!

That will be fun.
>Plz port Beat Saber
>Plz port Onward
>Plz port VRChat
It will just get more and more rediculous if it actually happens. Even better once they realize why some of these games cannot be ported (No 6dof).

>Beat Saber
No positional tracking, literally can't work
Oh god, could you imagine the slowdown when more than two people show up in a room on the Switch?

>people try to paint it as an "issue" that a $70 fold-it-at-home VR toy won't be getting a lot of support

People will buy it for the games it comes with and be satisfied and there won't be an issue at all.

Should some phone VR app makers decide to suport it by releasing their "games" on Switch, then hey, that's okay too.

>Plz port VRChat
Miiverse VR

Attached: draw yourself.jpg (508x386, 30K)

Legitimately, is there a reason someone couldn't just build this stuff for their switch with any piece of cardboard?

VRChat already is that.

More miiverse pls

The lenses, the form factor, and then of course, the software, that comes on a cartridge like other games.

So no, I guess, only it'll likely be shittier, and you'll have to steal the compatible software, the production and shipping of which is what you're actually paying for, like with any other game.

Why? You wouldn't be able to pay based Nintendo $80 if you just get the cardboard from the USPS down the street.

Because it wouldn't come with the FUN, COMFY GAME, you SONYBASTARD

Attached: ohmigod.png (547x600, 22K)

Go ahead, I got it from like the 4th post on the twitter annoucement because I was too lazy to make it myself so it's not even mine

>pls, my eyes each need AT LEAST a million informations every 90th of a second.

I learned my lesson at a young age.

Attached: sobad.png (777x518, 645K)

It is pretty much impossible unless you have a lot of dedicated tools.

I didn't even think of that, fuck. VR threads already have enough platform wars despite being niche, there's no need for nintendo fans on top of that.

you could make better ones from wood if you have a shop.

/vrg/ clashing with nintendo is going to be really funny to watch

Hopefully people turn a blind eye for the better. Good VR games could get more traction.

I don’t think even the most diehard Nintendo fan would think of this as a platform for VR. These are clearly just a few mini games for the Labo, like the robot.

Attached: 7CF4B6BE-E561-4896-ACEC-650F99F0D533.jpg (760x497, 153K)

A braptacular.

I am almost certain Nintendo will somehow build a new cardboard contraption that allows positional tracking.

You can as that's kinda the point, but you're mostly paying for the software to tie everything together.

The whole point of LABO is that it is NOT a mess of useless plastic that is both wasteful to manufacture and ship.

You are aware that of those accessories in your picture, Nintendo only produced the wheel, right?

And even then, that's not a official Nintendo wheel.

Can they give us Mario Kart in VR/60FPS?

Unlikely, as none of these kits feature headmounting.

why is it so slow? can you play Phantom speed in VR?


Attached: aaa.png (961x1087, 1.28M)

Dreams isn't VR, it isn't even a unlimited creation platform, also tied forever to a console.

Ok, this is epic



>Dreams isn't VR
it will be
>it isn't even a unlimited creation platform
Nobody said it is
>also tied forever to a console
you're in a thread about Labo VR, also tied to a console

Foreverial Tiedup


Isn't this thing going to be a tiny bit heavy?

No tracking, so they have to rely on gyro. MK8 Deluxe has gyro controls.


The Switch with both joy-con and a game weighs only 400 grams, and dude, the rest is light-weight cardboard.

Honestly, as nearly 40 year old man with a family, a house to run, career to contend with and other adult responsibilities - I just don't have the time to game like I used to when I was a carefree teen, festering in my bedroom all day. I would often start a game and never finish it. I was really starting to think I had just outgrown the hobby. I just don't have the time anymore.
>But the Switch has given me that time back. I can just pick it up and take it anywhere - even just around the house. Whether I'm working in the study, cooking in the kitchen, chilling in the backyard, keeping my baby stepson company while he falls asleep or simply relaxing in bed - the switch is always there to fill in the cracks of my day. And if I get more time to myself, I can drop it in the dock and play on my 60" tv in the lounge.
>The Switch is a fucking Godsend. It's perfect for the busy nuanced lifestyles of adults. Bedrooming dwelling teens can't understand the appeal and are no-doubt baffled by its success.

Wow, you got me.

Switch + joycons - 400g
Labo headset mount guesstimate ~ 200g

HTC Vive - 550g
That's not terrible

The Switch is already much heavier than a phone. And the cardboard does add a bunch of weight. I mean I can lift it no problem, but I am sure it will hurt my neck if I were to only use my head.

But you're not.

None of these come with headmounting.

There's all based on holding and manipulating them with your hands.

this cannot be real

It doesn't even have a strap, you have to hold it to your face.

You are now aware that a JoyCon-R can do positional tracking through the IR cam on the bottom.

Why would you have a hard time grasping its realness?

>there are people ITT that have bought the cardboard before and will buy this new batch

Attached: 1527021736424.jpg (711x650, 39K)

You can make games as big as you want if you link multiple Dreams together.

It looks like a meme Yea Forumsggers would put together to laugh at Nintendo like they always do.

I love my switch so much that I thought I would post a picture of myself from fb

Attached: 1551718423810.jpg (640x705, 41K)

Some of the old Wipeout HD players actually complained that VR makes the game easier. I know on one of the A-class 2048 races I had ranked 50-70th place worldwide when I logged it in VR. youtube.com/watch?v=65Q8ru-7WG0

You're paying for R&D, software development, cartridge manufacturing and shipping of an oversized box. Not actually the cardboard.

So it's really the same as any other game.

But sure, you can belittle the LABO software if you want.

You give Yea Forums too much credit.


Someone here on Yea Forums actually predicted this would happen back in October 2016.

Attached: Virtual Boy 2.jpg (634x407, 124K)

what are you even talking about?

stop being a fucking retarded loser

>VR on a 720p screen running at 60hz



Not exactly a hard prediction nostradamus

No, in order to track it needs something /to/ track. One IR camera with a small FoV pointing out the end of one controller without any sort of sensor bar or lighthouse equivalent won't do you any good.

It's not real VR you fucking morons. It's some mini games for little kids. There's no head strap. You don't even wear it around for long periods. It's more gimmick shit

not really
Yea Forums has created some really funny stuff in the past and this is right up their alley

Juses Chirts Im trying to imagine MS or Sony making toys from cardboard and selling them with their consoles. Nintendofags are braindead.

There are legitimate conversations online from adults about this fucking shit too. Like adults interested in this. Literally shows a little kid with an elephant on his face

I love nintendo.

But this is fucking retarded.

I want no part of this and I'm genuinely embarrassed there are nintendo fans talking about "picking this up" in their words.

I can have fun without spending $40+

Not even jews pay that much for pushing bbc.

I don't even really want VR from nintendo. I just want, uh, games.

I still don't get why people get so retarded about a toy for kids. The Switch is currently my favorite platform and I don't care about this. Its designed to get kids to do something creative. If you think its anything more then you have the IQ of a grapefruit.

I think the problem is that this is clearly for a different market yet adults and redditors latch on and take it seriously and discuss it like it's a new thing for them.

When it's like discussing a new dota the explorer

Well yeah I guess its odd for adults to buy it. But still its existence doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

It doesn't but people are talking about it like it's a new VR thing. When it's a kid's toy

Best thing about this? How much it rattles the fucking nerds who the product isn't even aimed at. Carry on crying.

Attached: Labo.png (500x372, 283K)

>wasting time and money on this garbage instead of on first party games

Do you think children enjoy shitty products?

VR is for lonely people who can't cope with the real world so they hide away in the virtual world in their headset. Prove me wrong.


Normalfags love VR

What is it about gamers and their lack of strength?

If I read one more redditor screeching about pokemon snap I'll shoot myself

>Nintendo Life
Most articles on there are now Kotaku-esque clickbait, thanks to them handing the reins to yet another zoom and to some lazy fag who couldn't write. Very rarely do they cover anything newsworthy; the best thing they still do is occasionally retro pieces by one of their classic writers like Damien (who's kind of an IGN-esque dumbass, still), Anthony, or Shiryu. Your point seems to be right, but find another example of "Nintendo fanboy website".

Because people want VR from Nintendo. This is literally VR, from Nintendo. It's the absolute lowest tier for VR you can get, literally google cardboard with DK1 specs, 3dof and zero VR controllers 'n all. You can't release high quality VR content on something like that.
(Test 1/2, stupid spam filter)

>there are people who actually, ACTUALLY, bought VR hardware and/or cardboard

Attached: are_rou_rucking_rerious.jpg (466x404, 26K)

It's a fun toy intended to introduce families to the idea of VR in a way that isn't a commitment, that's not what the people whining want. They want PSVR or better, but from Nintendo. That ain't happening any time soon.

>wanting cardboard-exclusive games

N i n t e n d r o n e is spam for some reason?

I'm unironically gonna buy when they get to gen 3, it just feels flimsy right now and I don't think the next update is gonna be a game changer.

But can it run Borderlands 2?

i remember 2 years go when i said Nintendo would do this and everyone gave me grief because it's not "real VR". bitch if a fucking andorid did this 3 years ago why wouldn't nintendo?

I wish i got paid to be an analyst for videogames. I would be a fucking millionaire by now.

Attached: 1b67172ef33091f34adcedee0312a4ca.gif (350x197, 496K)

Did Labo do okay? It's a pretty niche product but it looked neat for kids who like to build things.

Literal trash. Just buy an actual VR headset instead of this shit.