Image e being dumb enougenough to buy Fromshit Activision GARBAGE like Sekiro: Shadows Flop Twice instead of buying the...

Image e being dumb enougenough to buy Fromshit Activision GARBAGE like Sekiro: Shadows Flop Twice instead of buying the greatest action game in the history of this industry

Attached: DMCVOPUS.png (1570x720, 660K)

>not buying both

Fuck off, faggot.


how about stop being a retard and stop taking (((JOURNOS))) 's review as the holy gospel?

>Barry are you okay
>Barry are you okay
>Are you okay Barry

SEKIRO is so shit Activision isn't even sending out review copies despite granny journos fellating the Soulsshit series.
Face it. Sekiro is SHIT

Sekiro is a game about exploration and combat, not a Mahvel sandbag practice mode sim
I'm getting both

we need the webm now

KH3 is better than both though.

>Muh lock on and roll for 30 hours
>Muh sandbag enemies

Fuck off. KH3 is objectively better than both

kek, didn't even know about that. Also no, tell OP to stop being a faggot, I am not shilling Sekiro.

>KH-kun trying to shitpost hate between multiple games again

Hello, Barry.

hello barry, nice try

Dmc is so much better than Soulsshit it's not even fun ti make fun of thses fromfagots

Why not both?
It is possible to like multiple games. Im not a massive DMC fan, but im glad the fans got a true DMC game from based itsuno, after that ninja theory disaster.

>Barry evading a ban and is trying to stir up a fanbae war

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x768, 153K)


>artificial "fanbase" war
>literally different genres

Enjoy, your next DMC game will be in 10 years

Why does everyone try to make this a "us vs them" thing? The important thing is that based japan is blowing the fuck out the bullshit western AAA garbage.

I’m getting both. What are you, poor or something?

This, Japan got behind the times for a few years but not anymore, they finally got used to HD games and the west literally can't top it since the only studio that gives a shit is R*

i'm getting both even if some sekiroshitters are annoying as fuck

Im a massive Fromfag so im getting sekiro day 1. But i hope DMC does well, the fans deserve it after all this time.

This. Im not a big fan of the R* formula but they do put a lot of love into their games. Cant say the same for any other western dev at the moment.

>tfw shitposters get BTFO
Is there a more glorious feel?

As he came into the KH thread
It was the sound of a SCHUM
He came into his RE thread
He left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread
He could see he was unable
So he ran into the DMC thread
He was struck down, it was his despair

Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?

Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by
A smooth DMCfag

So they came into the DMC thread
It was Friday - what a red day
Mouth to mouth
Sounding heartbeats - intimidation

Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?

(Then you
Ran into the DMC thread)
(You were struck down)
(It was your despair)

(You've been struck by
A smooth DMCfag)

Okay, I want everybody to clear
The area right now!


(Barry are you ok?)
I don't know!
(Will you tell us that you're ok?)
I don't know!
(There's a sign in the KH thread)
I don't know!
(That he struck you - a SCHUM Barry)
I don't know!
(He came into your RE thread)
I don't know!
(Left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread)
I don't know why baby!
(Then you ran into the DMC thread)
I don't know
(You were struck down)
(It was your death - Barry!)

Dag gone it - baby!
(Will you tell us that you're ok?)
Dag gone it - baby!
(There's a sign in the KH thread)
Dag gone it - baby!
(That he struck you - a SCHUM Barry)
Woo! Hoo!
(He came into your RE thread)
Dag gone it!
(Left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread)
Woo! Hoo! Yeah!
(Then you ran into the DMC thread)
Dag gone it!


So who the fuck makes these epic score charts with cool characters looking at you in the background?

I'm going to crack Sekiro, because fuck Activision.

Attached: 2lz95b229.png (900x790, 1.1M)

I haven't heard of any of these review sites besides destructoid.

KH-kun doesn't even exist, dumbass. It's that stupid Australian falseflagging.

who is Barry? did he give the game a bad review or something?



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Attached: py0p9i6l.png (1570x720, 3.25M)

What the fuck is this fake war between sekiro and dmc? Both look like fun games.

game one
>AMAZING combat, everything else is bad
game two
>good combat, but the rest is also pretty good

I'm gonna spend my 60 euros on game two this month and wait for game one's special edition