What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Some stupid karate bitch from a series nobody likes over Nep-Nep.
Also picking one of the worst BB characters ever instead of Bang.
get fucked nepfag, you and compile are shit
But realistically they relied too heavily on the puppet mechanic to add depth when in reality damage was so overscaled that combos even simpler then DBFZ are strong enough that there's no reason to even learn TODs despite the fact that you can probably go into the lab and find a new one in a day.
>Compile ever mattering more than Arcana Heart
Letting Rooster Teeth have there way, but can only offer 4 characters.
Pretty sure that was just Mori.
He's been on record for ages as wanting to use RWBY characters in a game he makes. Apparently he's a huge fanboy.
Stupidly long radio silence + letting Scythes run around for far too long. Even japs got mad about it.
At least they put in Naoto Kurogane. He's technical as fuck and fun to use.
No Senran Kagura.
was a great addition to the game
The usual scummy ASW cash grabbing without any of the effort of making new assets. Why play a shitty game with 3 franchises you like when you could just play each of those franchises on their own as good games? RWBY doesn't count, no one ever wanted that.
Also, did they fucking shove Arcana Heart into the raging dumpster fire, too? Come on guys. Why would anyone want to play this mugen shit if they already have UNIST, CF, AH3U and P4AU?
Because asset mash ups are fun
>RUSHED for esperg
>DLC horseshit
>2 buttongs footers
>Rachel is trash in this
So on and so on
Lack of continuous support and radio silence for 8 months
RWBY, auto run, too simplified and boring characters being picked
>What went wrong?
The fact that they added Heart by herself, with no Saki in sight.
because stupid crossovers are fun, user. Do you know what fun is?
>not liking big damage
No I love big damage, but I also love cool combos.
You could have made the basic as fuck combos people do now not do very much and actually force people to go into the lab and learn some of the degenerate shit this game makes possible so they actually do the cool shit in matches.
The longevity of the game was doomed from the start, the simplified gameplay kept all the people who actually care about fighting games away but it attracted all the rwby niggers who picked the game up indulged in playing as their shitty fanfic tier waifus and fucked off after a week when they realized that they didn't like fighting games.
>seth is finally in
>arcana shit and teddie are in
>looking forward to le epic mixup man
>in any game
Scharla made it and honestly that's all I care for out of AH
Lemme break it down to what I think
Reused sprites. The game itself hardly offers anything new and that's not too damning since it makes making the game easier and leaves time to focus on other things. Thing is, aside from a few stages, nothing really stands out. Sure you got a couple unique sprite interactions but they're so few in between than they're hardly worth mentioning. Crossover games thrive on fanservice and in the visual aspect, it hardly delivers because the story mode is piss short and interactions are so few. There isn't even any cool clash intros like BB does because everyone is busy being nice to each other or being passive aggressive. Heart is literally the only sprite who was improved while the RWBY sprites generally look really low quality and jank. The UI is also fucking disgusting
Hardly any new good OST tracks aside from what's reused. Sure you got 4 renditions of Cross Fates but why are there no vocals to it? Not even French Bread is this lazy with having fantastic insert songs
BBTag players do have one thing right, it's not your completely simplistic muh two button fighter. On a surface level, it does have some depth but what really kills it is still the lack of concrete movesets that allows a single character to follow more than one combo path without their usual command normals and on-demand special moves that they didn't get from their original games. The lack of a 5C button that you can combo out of feels like a detriment and should have kept P4A's All Out Attack style where you can combo out of it. Assists breath the game life and I applaud 3 assists per character. Cross Combos are first seemed really cool but in the end I think the simplicity in its usage once you get used to it also adds to some of the monotony. All it boils down to is special move, assist to juggle, special move, assist to juggle, Super, DHC. Once you get the rhythm of that I think even DBFZ combos look more fun to do.
Opinion discarded
It was always an asset flip that's only around so they could stall while BB 3D is in development anyway. Even Mori's admitted that Tag has actually surpassed initial expectations despite how dead it is now. They expected it to flop harder than SNK Heroines
better than anyone else in this pack
Yeesh, they had no faith in this spinoff, did they?
Fans of the respective series would rather play their respective series. Also the casualization/loss of control is bad.
>What went wrong?
-Unist character are too fucking good
-Everything dies too fast
-puppet character simulator
-2 buttons mean gutting some characters
-Counter assault too easily accessible means
some characters struggle a lot
-Some characters have different properties in some moves compared to their original games
-only 1 round
-disastrous framerate on pc
retarded number of dlc
No Tao