Did this company basically prove that innovation in the AAA industry never works?

Did this company basically prove that innovation in the AAA industry never works?

Like, they basically buried their IPs with bad innovations and gimmicks like RE5 and RE6, monster hunter on 3DS, DMC reboot, MMX7 and X8, Dead Rising 3, and so on and brought it back with DMC5, RE7 and 2, MM11, MHW, Dead Rising 4, and etc.

MHW, both REs in particular are now literally capcom's best selling games of ALL TIME, DMC5 is one of the most anticipated games ever, etc.

Attached: VG-RP-Top10-Capcom-Games-480i60.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

What was so gimmicky about monster hunter on 3ds?

>monster hunter on 3DS
>innovative, gimmicky, or buried

you're a fucking retard.

Every 3DS MH game combined were outsold by MHW.

>RE2 remake
Okay, but overhyped
>Dead Rising 4
Mega stinky shit

They proved nothing

>Buried their ips with bad innovations and gimmicks like...dead rising 3
>Brought it back with 4

Dead Rising after 1 is the worst example of saying "They brought it back" in terms of quality returning

For every one good innovative vidia there are 9 others absolutely horrid ones.

Attached: Age_of_Empires_2_Farm_Placement_Guide.jpg (840x440, 266K)

>Says the faggatron with shit taste
Top kek

But that doesn't make a game "gimmicky". Sure mh4 and mhx had jumping, climbing and mounting, but those aren't weird gimmicks.

They learned bad ideas suck, and good ideas are great

>Studio closed right afterwards and projs got cancelled
>Mostly copy pasted weapon models for plebeians
>Monster are easy as shit yet there are retards still screaming hard
No thanks

Shut the fuck up you Capcum nutguzzler.

and world is the most gimmicky shit mh.
your reasoning is retarded.

I feel like making the games on 3DS at all IS the gimmick, sce you lose a lot of the spectacle/scale of the big monsters when they're on such a tiny screen.

It's like putting shadow of the colossus or such on a mobile phone or something, you can't make the monsters as big or as menacing when you can hardly see them all

I see, you're a faggot.

RE5 and 6 wasn't "innovative", it literally just made the series more generic and catered to current trends instead of embracing what makes the series unique
Dead Rising 4 didn't "brought the series back", it is literally the least DR-like and simplified entry in the series and it also killed both the series and it's current studio
Monster Hunter never needed to be "brought back", it was always consistently popular, the only thing that changed is that now the realistic graphics also appeal to the west
MM is not MMX. MM was always a traditional 2d sidescroller, 11 is just a new entry in the series.

RE and MonHun were Capcom's best selling franchises since like 15 years, this shit isn't anything new. Literally everything you said is uninformed, retarded bullshit.

Not really. Innovation is great when innovation is good. What Capcom learned is that sometimes people just want iteration rather than innovation, and you shouldn't force change for the simple sake of it.

*it is literally the least DR-like and MOST simplified entry in the series

>literally capcom's best selling games of ALL TIME,
>google it
>RE6 and SF2 are their best selling games
Stop larping shill

Capcom are trash but they are just trying to get in on the sheckles by making quick and cheap content and catering to zoomers more than the boomers who made them what they are

>a game series on a handheld was outsold by a game that came out on 2 home consoles and pc
You sure you're not an incel? Because I can't see you ever figuring out how to get laid

>~7 games get outdone by 1 multiplat on 1 home console, PC, and a home console nobody owns.