Dragon's Dogma

>Offer up the life of your beloved, here and now, and you shall live as sovereign of this land. Your heart will remain ever in my safekeeping, and with it your mortality.

What would you do?

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get eaten I guess because I don't have a beloved

>powerful dargon gives you immortality
>try to kill him as revenge
Why would I ever do that?

Stupid question. I wouldn't even take this choice were it offered it to me in real life. Why should I choose it in a game where I can beat you with ease?

Otherwise, this sequence is top kino.

Try to kill the dragon. Not only can I not morally justify sacrificing a loved one, I’m also way too stubborn to just do whatever this big scaly bastard suggests.

But my beloved isn't Fournival.

Because he killed your waifu.

Rape and kill children.

are you sure? Because I asked around..

You are all weak. In order to achieve your dreams you must make some sacrifices.

t. Dukecuck

Enjoy being cucked by your own wife.

But dragon you are my beloved

I rushed through the game so it ended up being some random dude who I couldn't even remember where he was from

Fuck off, Griffith.

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If I had the power to kill the dragon then I'd kill the dragon. If you took the deal then you're going to be slowly going insane and waiting for another arisen to come along and kill the dragon then you're as good as dead and your deal doesn't mean shit.

Shoot the Maker's Finger at him

My dream is to kill the dragon and farm wakestones in the Everfall

The thing is, we know for a fact from observing the Duke it's a poison pill. You've already seen how broken he is, or the ancient dude who can't even remember his fucking name

r8/h8 arisen thread?

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That version of the Arisen does, but I imagine most aren’t given the benefit of that perspective. In fact, the player character is actually pretty fucking lucky their reality had two former Arisens chilling around with knowledge of the dragon.

I found dis.

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Because the Duke is a farget, he took Griggy's deal not because he wanted immortality, but because he was afraid of fighting him.
The ancient dude doesn't seem too insane though.

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If I have gotten to that point I have slain a FUCKING LOT of things and Griggs isn't exactly the hardest fight in the game and I would make sure to have a few Wakestones on me.

So obviously fight and take control O'er the Eternal ring.

Makes me wonder how the ancient guy screwed the pooch. We know from Daimon that Arisens can go way off the rails, and even the cycle itself accounts for like four ways you can fuck it all up. I’d like to see how different Arisens failed across reality. Although apparently Daimon was the worst, even if I figure pawn fucking would be common

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What is going to happen after what Arisen did during the ending? Is there going to be another dragon or even an Arisen?

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nice image

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>Is there going to be another dragon or even an Arisen?
No, the cycle is broken.

False. The cycle continues. When you kill yourself at seneschal, you begin a new game --- as your pawn.

See you say that but there is evidence to the contrary. For starters running through a game again will lead you to a new seneschal. And if you're offline then that seneschal will be you as you were when you took the throne. Also savan, and subsequently you, pull the godsbane from your chest. The same place you stuck it into. And seeing as how the seneschal is responsible for creating life it's not a stretch to think that he can create a dragon from scratch. Especially since they just established that without the seneschal most humans are incapable of making their own will and by extension the world dies with the only people left being arisen candidates.

No. I think you as the Seneschal is just an easter egg. Otherwise, the new game + world would literally be in existence for a few days/weeks.

I was 10,000% disappointed that the duke doesn't come back into the story after he turns into a senior citizen

there was a lot that was unfinished. Someone has an image cap of all the crazy shit they had to cut out of the game, including a visit to the moon


Hopefully the success of DMC 5 will allow Itsuno to give Dragon’s Dogma the same treatment.

Hey Arisens,
My name is Daimon, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are base, trifling, slaves to a broken order who spend every second of their day completing stupid ass quests. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pawnssy? I mean, I guess it's fun killing random stuff because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than doing radial quests on Skyrim.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I played 190 lvls as a Sorcerer, and started as a Mage. What builds do you play, other than "jack off to shameless princesses"? I also have every other Vocation maxed, and have a banging hot pawnfu (She just told me wolves hunt in packs; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just godsbane yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my waifu

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It's already been discussed/teased

You made an island out of butthurt over your mommy and your waifu. Go back to crying alone and fapping
