>2 cat
10 Int is average for D&D
please stop bullying my daughter-wife
>playing shit game
Her stats are otherwise not bad for a person her age, but 2 int is barely sentient.
Your what now
its a real thing. you adopt a child with the intention of making her your fuckbuddy when she's older.
The daughter-wife.
except she's not up for adoption. She's not homeless or anything like that.
I liked this game but 10fps animations killed it for me
What the fuck were they thinking
Yeah! Plus she's already in a happy relationship with someone she loves.
Does anyone remember Andrew even exists, or is the yuri hivemind that strong?
>barely sentient
I think the minimum for some tiny modicum of self-aware sentience is 3.
If I'm not mistaken, you can't build a human character with int lower than 3, because 3 is the tardiest of tards.
That’s a lot I wish I had half that
Dude still has his super loyal fanbase on Twitter. There's like 2 people there trying to make Andrew/Diana a thing and I'm one of them, but mostly for porn.
"Hey, Xrd is pretty cool right?"
"Yeah it's like a playable anime!"
"Hey let's do that here but with a fraction of the budget and skill and on Unity!"
He's still around. Surprisingly enough he doesn't really have a hate base for his type of character which is pretty impressive. Helps that he's kind of a non entity and art that features him and Akko is super nice on average.
delete this
She's level fucking 11 with 2 int
You can't make a character with less than 8 int usually, and with negatives from race 3 is the absolute lowest you can go and still be sapient, and is basically unga bunga level. 2 is the same as your smarter animals, like wolves and house cats.
but why
Me on the left
I want to sniff her feet and lick them all over.
>house cat
>2 int
House cats are fucking stupid, why w-
>they actually DO have it in SRD
Well I'll be damned, D&D makers are kalemale faggot cat-lovers.
user you don’t look like that!