great game Yea Forums I can see why it got 7/10 scores at best everywhere
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
>city is full of generic NPCs and closed buildings, the fuck do I need a city for then? Just create a village instead
>fighting big monsters is worse Shadow of the Colossus
>fighting the trash is about as satisfying as watching the paint dry
>pawn AI is shit
Great game Yea Forums I can see why it got 7/10 scores at best everywhere
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's that (You) you crave so badly.
Sorry sweaty but you're wrong on all accounts
Try harder next time
If you want a Dragon's Dogma thread you don't have to start it with such awful bait
Not op but most of the time it helps to begin the thread with bait. Especially with older games.
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
Only if you’re a minmaxing autist, in which case you won’t have fun with pretty much any game anyway.
Yep, it's trash. Constantly shilled on Yea Forums, but in actuality a shallow single player MMO.
Not OP, but try to counter his arguments.
Mercedes is my wife.
Excuse me but that is incorrect she is my wife, i even gave her a ring
no need, he's a retard with shitty arguments not worthy of addressing
>you can change to the vocation you want as soon as you enter the main city and if you are talking about min/maxing stats then that's your own fault and isn't required in the slightest
>i honestly don't know how to respond to this one. of course there will be generic NPCs, it's an RPG with not unlimited resources to code unique NPC personalities. and why would they live in a village when they can live in a city?
>one game is dedicated to climbing giant monsters and hitting them in their weak point, the other only has it as a mechanic for the melee class
>i assume you play a mage that just sits back and buffs your pawns to get that kind of feeling you cuck
>your pawn AI is shit cuz you failed to make it good, i mean it is literally your fault your pawn is retarded. good news is you can download a mod to fix that
Because the OP is a mentally challenged autist who couldn't even find any of the masterworks.
Trying to argue against bait is exactly why there is so much of it. You don't win when you argue against bait, you never win.
Ya'll don't mind if I take this one, right?
My biggest gripe with this game is the story, its fucking nonsensical and disconnected from the game. The quest that forever made me hate this siht is the one where you save the queen? from the king who went berserk for whatever reason. You get thrown into dungeon because its implied you fucked the queen and assaulted the king, then after you escape no one gives two fucks about you even when you walk up to the mansion and talk with the fucking king
> The only way to get the Golden Idol is by doing this brat's quest perfectly
Fuck you
>he didn't complete it on his first try
I got bored, climbed up the fountain in the market and got reprimanded by her. Didn't care enough to retry the quest.
Only the duke and feste caught you implying only the duke, feste, and the torturer know about it. The duke tells you himself he's going to keep it their secret because he knows you can tell everyone he lost his mind and tried strangling his wife and he doesn't want the population knowing the "chosen arisen" is an adulterer.
Dirty she-goat.
The only fun in Dragons Dogma comes from Bitterblack Isle. The rest of the game is a mess of getting lost and constant shitty fights.
the map is all fucked up
>shows me I need to exit the city to proceed with my quest
>once I leave it it shows the quest is in the city
What quest is this? The only one that comes to mind is the Badge of Vows in Everfall.
This is actually annoying. But at least it isn't skyrim-levels of 'go here get thing'
All of these are minor flaws compared to
>having to run for literally 15 minutes to get somewhere
>Fast travel system is completely retarded
>The inventory is the most tedious system ever created
The game had so much potential, i hope with the sequel they pull the head out of their ass and actually try to make the open world fun before making it as big as possible.
Someone please post the pasta that's along the lines of
>No indication of where roads lead
>Are never told of enemy weaknesses
>Just create a village instead
If they only created villages, you'd complain about that too.
>pawn AI is shit
At first, yes. But they adapt which is something which isn't common in video games.
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
No? I remember you could get all the vocations fairly quickly.
>The inventory is the most tedious system ever created
It's the same as most old school inventory system. So it is nothing new.
>having to run for literally 15 minutes to get somewhere
I agree. It gets boring after a while. Luckily the world isn't all that big when you open up caves and passages.
>Fast travel system is completely retarded
I agree.
this aint fuckin debate club
Am i the only one whose never had trouble with the fast travel and actually enjoys it?
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
I’m not sure you’ve actually played this. Not even Bitterblack requires that amount of min-maxing
>city is full of generic NPCs and closed buildings, the fuck do I need a city for then? Just create a village instead
Because defending a kingdom is more dramatic than a village. If you want a village there’s Cassardis
>fighting big monsters is worse Shadow of the Colossus
Maybe early on when options are limited.
>fighting the trash is about as satisfying as watching the paint dry
Throw your pawns at them then
>pawn AI is shit
Because you’re shit and don’t know what the fuck to do. Use the commands. Use books. Use those fucking tables and chat with your pawn.
I liked being able to place my own port points, especially considering the size of the map and how long it can take to travel across on foot
Would have been nice if they gave us more of those stones from the start
Would have also been nice if the map wasn't covered in fog making you waste time just wandering around.
>tedious inventory
Zoomers out
You have bad taste, OP. It's ok, it happens to a lot of people.
Best fucking part is that you are running everywhere but anywhere outside it takes stamina and you have to keep a constant look at your stamina and switch between sprinting and walking really fucking slow.
God its fucking annoying considering how much you run in this game.
>No? I remember you could get all the vocations fairly quickly.
he's probably bitching because he read a faq and it told him magic archer is the best class but only if you level up as sorcerer to stack magic for it.
The MHW system of infinite stamina outside of combat would have been perfect.
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
The game isn't about minmaxing vocations but playing and experimenting.
>city is full of generic NPCs and closed buildings, the fuck do I need a city for then? Just create a village instead
Yeah it's shit but show me one good rpg city.
>fighting big monsters is worse Shadow of the Colossus
Disagree but i get the mechanics are poorly explained and it's hard to grasp some large creature fights.
>fighting the trash is about as satisfying as watching the paint dry
Disagree using their weaknesses to disarm them is the best, only problem is the trash needed more weakness like being able to freeze the lizards and cut off their tails.
>pawn AI is shit
100% fucking true anyone who disagrees with you on this is a fucking lying idiot pawns are mostly bullshit and dumb as fuck and a huge fucking disappointment over all to the point it's maddening.
>100% fucking true anyone who disagrees with you on this is a fucking lying idiot pawns are mostly bullshit and dumb as fuck and a huge fucking disappointment over all to the point it's maddening.
>he didn't raise his pawn to be self sufficient
I think you're just lazy.
Just jog bro
There's a mod for that.
>he didn't raise his pawn to be self sufficient
can't be done
>the fuck do I need a city for then
the only thing I can agree with desu
city is too big for 3 shopkeepers and could have been toned down a bit, everything that gets destroyed after you slay the dragon was unnecessary
>fag wants to run mindlessly so he can get into every fight with full stamina
What's your favorite vocation Yea Forums? Mine is Mystic Knight/Strider
Mine is Immolation-focused Mystic Archer
The only problem it had was the shitty map
Which is attributed to the cut content
Fighter/Assassin, I love shields
Mystic Knight looks cool as fuck but I can't get into it for some reason
>no fast travel
>the same enemy for a 1000th time
>bland empty world
>low amout of combos/skills
>shit tier story
Fuck You all for tricking me into buying this
fighter so I actually participate in the combat
4 fighter party is the best, bring a set of magic swords for ghosts and living armors
>>having to run for literally 15 minutes to get somewhere
the feeling of adventure and setting out of the "safe haven" city was literally the main selling point for most people who enjoy this game
>Fast travel system is completely retarded
Not at all. You get stones to go back to the city and can place your own portals where you want, you can even literally forge more of them.
>Inventory is the most tedious system ever created
Literally dont know whats wrong with it, since its typical rpg inventory stuff
>fag wants to cut down on the retarded boring backtracking
What adventure? It's the same shitty enemies over and over again while you spend half an hour trying to navigate the fog to get to where the marker is. It gets tiresome after a while.
How hard is daimon as a fighter? I never played fighter for too long
Dur muh Dragon's Dogma combat
>Start game
>go to BBI asap
>play w/e vocation you want
Uh, what?
>look up guide for how to best play a class
>first off you need to play as these other 3 classess until you beat the game teice to make sure your attack stat is higher
>these fucking power level autists
Does min-maxing even matter in an offline only game?
Yeah man exploring is fucking awful why wasn’t the game just one long ass hallway?
>walking around gm_flatgrass is meaningful exploration
>>pawn AI is shit
shitty players create shitty pawns
Would you? I would
It is fucking awful when there's nothing interesting to find but huge walls blocking your progress and endless hordes of shitty boring enemies. They could have at least borrowed some monsters from monster hunter and added them to the world.
bring a fully forged high level holy/fire enchanted sword and you'll be fine, lots of his melee attacks can be blocked but don't use skills that deplete a lot of stamina like Dragon's Maw
Oh and items that boost your stats and double your melee/magic damage
Fuck yeah, Flearonique !
all good pawn actions are Confirmation bias it really is random
shitty players create shitty pawns
how do you even teach him how to catch you?
keep catching then when they are abducted by harpies
What are some fun things to do in Dragons Dogma?
I'm playing it right now and the only thing I don't like about it are the huge 'powerlifts' the game gives the player all of a sudden.
It's like they had a great idea for a game and a nice concept in development but as they began actually working on it the inspiration went away so they hastily scraped everything together.
Anyway, here are my critiques (though I'm not that deep in the game):
>early game is massively boring to walk around from only one camp to a village
They should have added more stuff between them or at least more stuff to do at the village. It's like the early game holds you back from experiencing stuff, instead of making you feel at home/safe in the comfyness of your own village.
>no source of stamina recovery besides items
In the early game there is no stamina recovery item besides fish and they weight you down a shitload
>Gran Soren throws too much at you so you can't handle half of it, and the other half is too boring to do
'Escort to the other side of the map this dumb NPC while we throw Chimeras and a Dragon at your face at level 8-12'. Basically while it makes you explore and clear out the map it also suffers heavily from the enemy placement and the lack of resources fro fast travel so by the time you finish the quest and get back to town you're already overleved to do the other ones.
>Equipment doesn't matter at all besides post game
>Online is bugged as hell/ Pawn Hiring is bugged as hell
>Skills are cool but you're going to mostly use one for damage one for escape/dodge
Get them to stage 3 bestiary knowledge of harpies. Contrary to popular belief you cannot teach pawns to perform specific actions in DD. Their AI is tiered, the higher the tier the more shit they can do that is unlocked. The player's can speed up the advancement through the different tiers but they cannot teach specific things.
how do i make a high tier ai pawn just fill out the bestiary?
This. People with shitty pawns are just lazy fucks who didn't bother training them.
My pawn is shitty because all pawns are annoying and I rather play alone
So I finished the main quest and realise I haven't visited Bitterblack Isle. Is it a good time to get in there now that I started NG+ or should I keep leveling up?
I tend to love underrated gems and obscure games that come up on Yea Forums every now and then but DD is one of the few I can't say it's good, everything is just so average, and not in a skyrim average kind of way where it's still an overall solid experience, here it's just so bland and uninspired, and there are clearly parts where the devs just gave up and left as is.
The dungeons are decent, with my favorite area being soulflayer canyon because verticality is always great, but the open world has to go, and sadly it's the major part of the game.
The bad outweights the good, that's why DD is a very average game.
pic related is my pawn, I've done absolutely all the content and put 125 hours into the game
Nice pawn. Would summon.
I'm going to start playing today user and i've got one question for you.
What type of loli pawn are you most likely to higher?
kill a fuckton of harpies. doesn't matter if you ever catch anyone.
>Get all spell power increasing traits including that solo one
>Be mArcher
>BBI is easy mode
My sorcerer pawn keeps getting in melee range to cast fucking spells. How do I fix that? Will she ever stop being a fucking retard?
pawn dialogue is what makes this game unique
I don't mind the dialogue, I rather like it. What I find annoying is their positioning in battles, the close they get to you when exploring or those fucking sorcerers that cast the big tornado into fucking golems
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
back to plebbit filth
no matter how many fucking elixirs I feed my ranger she always tries to climb the fucking drakes
The games definitely overrated on Yea Forums but it still has a lot of potential. It's a solid 6-7/10 but if a proper sequel ever comes out that takes into account what the first games shortcomings were I think it could be a masterpiece.
to get like 80% of the good shit for the actual good vocations you gotta play as the really dogshit one's since certain skills / traits cross over.
why is Bolide ass and how do i get it to work as a sorc?
Remember when console fags made those gigantic google docs and pastebins about ways to train pawns?
Including fanfics about meeting devs and talking to them about about AI and neural netwoks? Good times.
you don't HAVE to
but if you want the most OP as fuck character then yes
some Augmentations go well with other classes and there's no way of getting around it
There is no game with more soul than Dragon's Dogma.
If you don't love it, you are a zoomer. No two ways about it.
Damn and I thought my ADHD was bad.
You're just a brainlet that's easily entertained.
And you're a brainlet that wants instant gratification.
What type of pawn will get more rents?
Tanned amazon Warrior
Lithe Loli Mage
Minmaxing is useless when 95% of your stats come from gear
I want some gratification and there's none to be had in this game outside of Bitterblack Isle.
I tried it once but I just couldn't get into it. It felt very janky, especially in the combat.
Anything I should know before I give it a second try?
What are you playing as?
How bad is your computer?
> rent
The game is literally dead. The only way you are going to get hired is by whoring your pawn out on reddit or something.
>The game is literally dead
what? but i just bought it to experience all the pawn shenanigans people were talking about what an awful feel
yeah good luck with that
>paying for games
it's not even online?
oy vey jewed by steam again
Thank you for this image.
No idea, but I heard magic in DD is pretty badass so maybe a mage
Pretty good
My main complaint with the game is that it's boring as fuck.
Nice ADHD, zoomer. Go play DMC instead.
sorc is mage+
mage is only for the heal
You're not alone. I liked the restriction. The eternal ferrystone was a must though.
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
You don't, though.
>city is full of generic NPCs and closed buildings, the fuck do I need a city for then? Just create a village instead
Why not just have a single room where all relevant quest NPCs are housed? Fucking idiot.
>fighting big monsters is worse Shadow of the Colossus
It's almost as if Shadow of Colossus was 100% about fighting huge monsters and DD isn't.
>fighting the trash is about as satisfying as watching the paint dry
Maybe you just hate fun
>pawn AI is shit
If you're a pleb who can't train your pawns sure
>I tend to love underrated gems and obscure games that come up on Yea Forums every now and then
what other games od you like user?
>you must spend most of the time as the vocation you don't want to play as
Maybe if you're a min maxing fag. If your're that desperate for perfect stats just get a trainer gaylord
>city is full of generic NPCs and closed buildings, the fuck do I need a city for then? Just create a village instead
Not every fucking NPC needs to be you're friend and give you some benign fetch quest, that doesn't mean that the city shouldn't exist for ambiance and story sake.
>fighting big monsters is worse Shadow of the Colossus
Are you saying that because there's an added mechanic for melee users they need to delve into as deeply as another game that was ENTIRELY based on that mechanic?
>fighting the trash is about as satisfying as watching the paint dry
opinion based argument
>pawn AI is shit
Sit that fucker in the chair and train him proper dipshit
>not buying 100 ferrystones from the black cat and carrying a minimum of 5 on you