We have a bunch of major new game releases in the first 3 months of 2019 (Sekiro, DMC5, Metro Exodus, Anthem, RE2 Remake, KH3) and none are on the Switch, why are companies so butthurt about the Switch’s success?
We have a bunch of major new game releases in the first 3 months of 2019 (Sekiro, DMC5, Metro Exodus, Anthem...
They're not on the Switch because development for the Switch is different. Look how long it took for the Switch to get DOOM and compare how much work had to be done in compressing everything to get it running.
>why are companies so butthurt about the Switch’s success?
It's hard to tell whether you nintens are serious or not when you make these kinds of posts.
no horsepower and cartridge size limitations/cost
are you seriously this retarded?
The switch can't run any of those
sure, but the games always become hits on Switch, so it should be worth it
Nintenchildren see their lack of games as a personal insult
It runs Doom 2016 and Wolfenstein II. MK 11 i coming too.
Someone actually fell for the "it prints money" meme unironically. Good lord. It hurts being a business student sometimes.
So? Doom and Wolf II are running on id tech 6, which is an extremely optimized engine, and even then they both run like crap. MK11 is a fighting game which usually aren't very demanding because they need to reach 60fps, and I doubt it will reach that on switch.
The Switch literally just can't run those games. It's nothing to do with some weird grudge your victim complex cooked up
This thread is an obvious false flag, bud.
Will be interesting if the switch is successful if we'll have a situation where it gets weird cut down versions of multiplats, like when the Wii and PS2 coexisted with powerful consoles.
Yeah the PS4 can hardly run Anthem, it’s not something I would have ever expected to see on Switch.
Nintendo actually treats third parties well again but their gimmick machines always discourage third party development since it's harder to design around. Older games will release on it because they don't need to get creative with optimization and can just brute force it.
Switch is basically Nintendo admitting that they have little place in the home console market and moving to a pure mobile dev which is fine, the 3DS and DS both shitsmashed the PSP/Vita even though Nintendo's home consoles ranged from wildly successful to mediocre. Nintendo's mobile machines have basically crushed any competition and survive even in a world with smartphones and tablets to compete with because Nintendo has standards unlike your typical mobiletrash developer.
Snoynegroes seething.
They really don't want to be reminded that the Switch is crushing the PS4 in sales and releases launchaligned
So please be considerate of the dumb snoyim and don't remind them that the Switch is crushing the PS4 in sales and release launch aligned
Remindign snoynegroes that the Switch is crushing the PS4 sales and release wise would be most unkind. Don't do it.
This reads like you’re having a stroke.
I'm just trying to be nice, and make sure who knows that the Switch is completely demolishing the PS4 should not say it out loud since it triggers snoynegroes pretty hard.
I actually preferred the Travis game to other releases in January/February 2019, so I'm not pissed about it or whatever.
Because despite nintendo always lagging behind the compitition when it comes to hardware and amount of games, they still actually put effort into their product and make quality stuff instead of geneic AAA garbage with money scamming practices like sony/xbone.
PC/nintendo is the way to go nowadays.
Why the fuck would you want all consoles to have the same games? Are you stupid?
Its more that the Switch uses a new graphics API and shader format while the Xbone and the PS4 both have last-gen APIs that a large volume of game middleware already supports.
It has nothing to do with the power of the system, GNU/Linux is unquestionably the most powerful platform around and it has essentially the same APIs as the Switch and is also suffering from the same general lack of middleware support.
>Switch is completely demolishing the PS4
Launch aligned, yes
I guess the simple fact short circuited your smooth, smooth brainstem
that's partly true but it also is a lot weaker than the PS4 and even Xbone. Games like Sekiro which already only run at 30fps on PS4 will need heavy downgrades to run on Switch