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Other urls found in this thread:


now I'm glad Kojima dropped him

>still calling yourself snake after Konami and Kojima has ended the story without him long ago

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What did you expect? Hollywood is the most liberal place on Earth, and their view of trans people is never going to change. Even if you disagree with it there's nothing you can really do, so just move on with your life and stop getting upset when a celebrity espouses a liberal worldview? Because you're gonna be pretty fucking angry for the rest of your life if you do

Kojima supports faggots too. Time to cope.

I guess Kiefer Sutherland was the real Snake after all...


>be an actor
>become a rabid leftist shill to boost your standing in the industry

business is business

is that Jordan Peterson?

>h-he secretly agrees with me you guys!


>clean my shit

>What rights do they not have?

ITT, righties cry and rage.

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give up already alt cringers
people don't hate faggots anymore just you and your retarded internet friends

He was literally paid to say this, he runs a site where people can pay others to say things.

>trans rights are human rights
you know that no drumpftard wants to take away your peepee?

what more do they fucking need, especially in ameriburgerstan where they are pandered to

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Konami got Him back for all the recent snake cameos in other games.

Also for all the tards, this video was commissioned by a guy who paid for it.

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>trans rights

I don’t get it. What does this mean?

Based David dabbing on the /pol/fag incels

lmao he can't even do the voice right anymore


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Am I having deja vu? Or have I seen this video and thread before? I'm spooked.

Things like free therapy and meds to cure your mental disorder.

You can pay him to say almost anything in Snake voice.


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It's true though.
It's a human's freedom and rights to destroy his own body and live in delusions.
It's also one's freedom to ultimately take his/her own life.
Why should somebody else be qualified to decides if you should live or die??
We should start selling cyanide pills in pharmacy in support of human rights

its very out of character for a grizzled solider born in the 70s to say that sort of shit

Why do people even care about trans, women, minority etc. rights? They are already covered under human rights, which are protected by law in all Western countries.

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I hate everyone who didn’t sage this thread

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the right to have a mental illness but everyone is forced to pretend its normal
might as well have drink driver rights amd crack addict rights

That is incredibly inhumane. Japan needs to join the rest of us in 2019

what purpose does that serve? it's not like they're going to impregnate someone with their disgusting wounds

What's sage???

No wonder why fag lost his role kek
Fucking Pozzed

Paying more taxes for these freaks

This is now an age gap Yuri thread, face the consequences

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they don't want this disgusting "man" giving birth shit to happen

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I think it means they should be sterilized before changing gender in legal meaning

Some trannies don’t transition all the way, which is how you get FtM pregnancies and degenerate shit like that. Japan wants to avoid that.

Reminder that mentally ill people still have rights and we should pity and help rehabilitate these people instead ridiculing them and allowing themselves to mutilate and destroy themselves.

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I hate newfag zoomers

Taxes paying for the doctor to carve their cock and balls into axe wounds

Actually this is now a brown loli thread

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Do some research before you go saying idiotic nonsense again.

i can get behind this

>implying you won’t get a ban along with OP.

Saging doesn’t work newfags

yes snake
>"trans rights? human?"

Very cute

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give me shota or give me death

Is Hayter dare I say it, a Snake Eater?

>Reminder that mentally ill people still have rights and we should pity and help rehabilitate these people
This I agree with, but putting it as an okay thing to do isn't.

>newfag who unironically believes that “sage goes in all fields” calls someone a newfag



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This is now a horse cock thread.

>horse cock

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Why do you fags care about some guy who makes funny voices in front of a mic for a living? You faggots are worse than women I swear to God.

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Look at all the seething 4channel incels ITT

To be fair it wouldn't be that hard to provide general health care if hospitals and insurance companies stopped trying to jew every sick person out of all their money.
If America every goes through with public health care like that, of course transsexuals would also get their medical junk.
To expect special free medical care external to an overhaul of the entire system is just being an entitled fucking baby, though.

More of your hard earned tax money will always be going to undue corporate welfare than to paying for the three hormone goblins per 100,000 people in America.

Why do you care that we care?

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Every girl that owns a horse thoguht about sucking horse cock at LEAST once

god I love brown lolis

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that's already covered by burgerstan law, it says in the fucking article, what more do you need, tranny?

Every horse-girl is batshit crazy, no exception.

Because you flood the board with nonvidya threads? Dumber than women too.

imagine getting fucked by a horse and then die
god I wish that were me

goddammit my niece has like 3 horses...kinda hot...kinda sickening...

But he is not a gay

why is it always white women fucking horses? did all the inbreeding get to them?

>a single thread is flooding
>but tons of eceleb and other non vidya threads are fine

what rights don't trans people have that every other person does?

And? The mentally deficient are still humans so they deserve the same rights. What they don't deserve is any sort of respect due to their illness.

Ridicule is good here. It makes the ones about to permanently mutilated themselves think twice. It also makes the peoplw who are spreading this cancer (the ones it's too late for) kill themselves sooner.

>Mr. Hands died over 15 years ago
God, where does the time go.

>this retard

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Nice casual misogyny. Very high IQ. /sarc

No it's called being a decent human being with empathy. Also calling someone gay isnt an insult. If anything it is a compliment because you're special.

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You know why they love horses so much?
The riding-movement rubs their clit just right whenever they take the furball for a spin.

>my shitpost is better than they're shitpost
I'm 100% sure you are a woman.

Jannies only are here where CP is involved.
they probably download some since you need to be a complete degenerate to moderate Yea Forums everyday for free.
i hope they don't do that for real, Pedos are scums.

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If you think you're being discriminated against based on LGBT status, you can sue the fuck out of the company because that's super illegal.
Just do that instead of whining about it

while true on the tax money going to corporate and bank bullshit, it's still stupid to spend more cash on other dumb bullshit

You want to get an elective fucking surgery, it should be elective and cost you money.

White girls fuck dogs

transphobics gtfo

>nunagatoro at that
fuck off

You really don't know how the legal system works do you? Not a fucking clue.

But i don’t see you spamming cp and whining in those threads.

I'm sure quotas for minorities demonstrate negative discrimination towards these minorities, user.

Hello friends your kind are welcome here. You don't have to go back to r*ddit if you don't want to.

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MtF transdudes without having their vagina removed can still get pregarnt by stopping taking their test-e for the time of the pregorncy.
I don't hate transgender people but that shit is disgusting desu

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>putting it as an okay thing to do isn't.
I never said that it was.
No, it's not good. If we continuously ridicule them they may find comfort in a group of trannies and actually listen to the propaganda that would be fed to them. You don't go around ridiculing people with depression and schizophrenia so you shouldn't do it here. We should try to re-assimilate these people back into normal society.

white men too

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>he gets paid to say some shit
>say it after getting the dough
>trans are losing their shit and crying in happiness over fakeness
The absolute state of lefties.

eh i meant to say FtM dudes sorry for the confusion

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What rights do trannies not have that other people don’t?


she isn't really brown either


Gas all trannies and tranny supporters, no matter snake or not. They are disgusting monsters.

jesus imagine getting filled up with semen until your stomach starts to bulge and you feel the warm moisture dripping out of you the whole time

The only monster here is you.

That's already illegal, dipshit.

The nature of public services is that you're going to pay for, in part, services that you may not explicitly benefit from. That's just how paying taxes works.
Honestly I'd be more pissed about the exorbitant salary that your local congressmen make for doing fuckall half the time that comes straight out of YOUR taxes. Even worse when they openly take bribes from lobbyists; you're paying them a whole lot of money and they're not even representing your interests. But you don't see people rioting much over how their tax money is going to government officials they didn't vote for and don't want to pay for.

If America expels the jewery from hospitals and implements free health care, an elective transsexual surgery being paid for isn't really gonna be any skin off your back, dude.

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Trans people aren't hurting anyone just by existing though like people who drive drunk. It's more like "might as well have a 'can't fire black people for being black' law."

this is sad, I think it's the online era that's driving kids to this nonsense, the internet was a mistake

As far as I'm concerned, you can LARP your own life away all you want, but shit like this is where I draw the line. This kid is going to grow up so fucked up.

This is actually true though. Trans rights are human rights, no more and no less. You don't get special treatment for being trans and you dont get treated like less because of it. You don't get special privileges for choosing to cut off your dick and you shouldn't be discriminated against it unless the aforementioned dick-cutting is inherently detrimental to those around them.

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>that picture
Kek but holy fucking cringe

If they're breaking the law, take them to court.
If they're not breaking the law and you can't take them to court, fuck off and stop whining.

I don't even know what this is supposed to mock.

gonna kill yourself yet, tranny?

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when you think about it Yea Forums has not right complaining about trannies. remember the whole "traps aren't gay" and "it's okay for boys to look and dress like girls because it's cute"
thats where it all started, and you're to blame

>how dare people do something that makes them feel comfortable, everyone should be miserable like me

having instant global communication is a massive change for the world that i think has been severely understated. society is still very much getting used to it, but i believe that it will adjust more and more as time goes on.

that filename

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my kid, my property =)

Less than a third of the people posting here now were here before 2015.

Sounds like you dont

He said on Twitter he agrees with the message

>Trans people aren't hurting anyone
they are though
theres probably a lot of emotional pain in their loved ones having to watch them do that to themselves and refuse help

How can you tell that just from that image? You have no idea what these people are like. They could be the most kind, loving parents in the world.

You're right, if cutting up peepees and kids and kids peepees makes people comfortable who am I to complain

>Think of the hateful assholes :(((


I know you're being sarcastic but that's exactly how society functions. Let people do what they enjoy as long as they aren't hurting others. Getting mad that someone cuts off their penis accomplishes nothing.


Cute and dare I say funny.

Niggers should be slaves again because seeing them free made their former owners sad :((

>post mentions cutting up kids
>"as long as they aren't hurting others"

i'm conservative, but he's right

i'd also fuck a hot trannie, but i'm still straight

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>exactly how society functions
This is wrong though. Every society has a set of taboo ideas and things that are illegal in order to keep society largely homogenized. Why do you think USA is so segregated at this point? It’s modern society has become so permissive that people are self-segregating because the society at large no longer holds the same values.

what if he was tricked and he isnt actually trans? by the whole trens is cool now crowd, imagine how hte dad feels too, actually gender reassignment surgery often leads to suicide not happiness

You're not straight you dumb falseflagging nigger.

of course he will say it, he won't say "huh fuck trans people" and get banned of twitter and the industry.

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>kid decides he wants to be a girl
>nooooooo you can't do what you want despite the fact that you're not hurting others, only adults can do that sweety

better safe than sorry



>i'd also fuck a hot trannie, but i'm still straight
same, and im also conservative, but real trannies though, not permavirgins that couldnt get a gf so they "became" hte gf (Yea Forums trannies)

>"huh i don't get the jo-"
>that last second

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This but unironicly
Based and trap pilled

Protip: Being trans is not illegal.

oh boo hoo someone else is making their own decisions :(

But the only people cutting up kids is the Christians and the jews and they hate transsexuals and goyim

>Konami got Him back for all the recent snake cameos in other games.
What other games?