I've played and beaten every single souls game. I have also owned Nioh for 3 years and havent touched it once. What am I in for and should I play it?
I've played and beaten every single souls game. I have also owned Nioh for 3 years and havent touched it once...
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It’s good but very gear dependent, especially compared to souls. I’ve cleared every difficulty and played a lot but getting the gear you need to actually do enough damage is always a massive slog for each difficulty. Most people are actually pretty terrible players and just use the online features to get help, there is also a lot of people who use cheese builds to avoid having to actually fight,ju.
It's very grindy, and combat isn't very fun even though it has interesting mechanics, in the end you have to resort to using your one best move repeatedly because all the other moves are just useless in comparison.
It has like 10 enemy types even though the game is 90-100 hours long, so you'll be really sick of fighting the same enemies all over the endgame that you were already fighting in the very first stage.
All side missions take place in the same areas again, so you actually have to do each zone a few times, otherwise you will have shit tier gear.
Almost all bosses are boring or just unfun and annoying, there are a couple that are pretty fun.
The first playthrough isn't grindy/a slog at all.
Unlearn the souls mechanics. This game looks like DS but you have to remember that it isn't DS. That's it. The rest is easy as pie.
It absolutely was. When I was halfway through I was hoping for it already to be over because it felt like a chore, but it continued for another 45 hours of chore.
sounds like you're just bad at the game
the game isnt nearly that long
For me it was a fun adventure. I loved the level variety.
I've owned this game for two years but I haven't been able to play it because my computer can't run it. Pretty sad.
it only gets very grindy in Way of the Wise and beyond
you always got decent, relevant stuff throughout the first playthrough (Way of the Samurai)
>Nioh is 3 years old
oh wow, anyway here are my top two tips though I finished playing before the DLCs came out:
>block if you're being stunlocked
>armor is important, mix and match of armor types is for loser nerds
I don't agree.
This game is still a "dodge(sometimes block) the enemy, then hit while they're in their attack animation/staggered" game through and through, you can beat the whole game with this in both game serieses.
>ki management is important, ki pulse is the most important skill
>hold block while dodging
>all weapons are good, git gud
>except tonfa
>Tonfa are good they just don't have an exploitable/insta-death stunlock bullshit move like every other weapon
>you'll be able to respec later via a not too rare item
>try to use weapons which share at least 2 scaling stats
>less like darksouls, more like bloodborne (but with no rally to reward HAM)
>put your first few points into the universal samurai skills and experiment with different weapons
>all of your stats will be high by the end of the game
>unless you're heavy magic, only level spirit up to what's needed to get the most out of your guardian spirit. IIRC this caps out at something like 42 or 52 for Suzaku
>if you're going heavy magic, the name of the game is flux - hitting an enemy with two different debuff types gives them a massive overall debuff that makes them into tissue paper
it's about 2 years old
If you play it, try not to be one of these people who exclusively use mid stance light attacks on a single weapon type for 60 hours. They hate this game.
this is true and why the 1st run is the best run
don't play online, or at least don't use the gear you get for killing other player's "bloodstains" it is overpowered and ruins the whole game.
or if you are a retard shit baby that needs a crutch because you suck then go get the warrior of the west gear from the "bloodstains" to make life easier for you.
>don't play online, or at least don't use the gear you get for killing other player's "bloodstains" it is overpowered and ruins the whole game.
That's just not true. I killed hudreds of them in my first playthrough and used less than 10 pieces of gear from them.
Blocking while dodging only works in low stance. Tonfa absolutely has stunlock bullshit, it's just more complex than tempest-backwave-iai. Spirit only needs to go to something like 10 for Kato (the best spirit), and 34 for the highest spirit ability unlock. Confusion (the double debuff) can be abused regardless of leveling magic, using moment talismans, elemental buffs and fire bombs in addition to natural elements on weapons.
The further you get the worse it becomes, high difficulties just turn into you and the game trying to out-cheese each other
Honestly, just wait for Sekiro.
This isn't worth it.
grind to win
DS has more iframe abuse
Nioh has iframes too but they're tighter and less reliable, usually it's better to actually stay out of the danger range
Sekiro is a casualized version of DS3 which was already really simplified compared to its predecessors. I wouldn't hold my breath for it.
it's like souls without any of the good stuff. the combat is fun though
Sekiro is nothing like Ni-Oh OR DS3. Have you fucks even watched the new combat heavy gameplay from the 5th?
Dual Swords/Kusarigama master race here.
Also William was a good MC fite me.
yeah looks much better than souls or nioh
So it's like Pepsi Max compared to Coke Zero?
How could they improve the game? What do you hope they'll change for Nioh 2
>pic unrelated
I wanna do a dual sword/kusi ninja play through but for some reason the unique ninja weapons are like fucking katana or dual tonfa
I could never get into dual katanas, how should I be using them?
Char customization, which is already confirmed
>more weapon types
>more enemy types and behaviors, not just reskins
>don't lock content like enemy behaviors/attacks behind grindy difficulty levels
>more of a straight forward action game/less of an autism grind simulator
>more weapon types
Character customisation is a false idol
I know that Yokai transformations are confirmed so I'm hype for that.
On a more personal note if guardian spirits returned I'd want living weapon mode to grant the PC dope and improved attacks akin to what Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura could do .
Oh and
>more of an interconnected world
at the very least a hub that isn't just a menu screen. I get they aren't trying to make darksouls with it's interconnected maps and instead are doing discrete levels
or at the very least let us summon our spirit guardian into combat with us, ala IZA/moment amul
Just spamming sign of the cross got me through way of the nioh. Windstorm to break horns, and shrike to parry and set up infinite sign of the cross spam on downed human bosses. I don't think I've ever actually used a regular attack with them.
Incredibly innacurate historical setting(too much english and spanish presence in japan) and a weaker souls in general
>spanish presence in japan
yeah japan had demons and nobunaga was resurrected as an undead
That Maria boss and they keep mentioning the spanish and english fighting when it was completely irrelevant to japan at that time,it was more portugal and independent missionaries that were fucking up japan
I wish the game was more popular so that I can get more Okatsu SFM porn
They're a very aggressive playstyle. In Low Stance you have great mobility and if you have an element (Water for defense down or Lightning to slow down enemies) it's very easy to induce multiple status effects to cause yin yang proc that lets you do more damage to enemies.
Your main abilities will be sign of the cross, whirlwind and when you git gud parrying. Those 3 will make mincemeat out of most if not all bosses. Watersword is also very good once you learn enemy attack patterns since it is continuous damage until you get hit or run out of stamina.
As far as loadouts go there is no viable build with any weapon without a Yasakani Magatama. So get one if you already don't regardless of stats. If you don't have one either go to playthrough 2 and it is a reward for the side mission where you fight Nobunaga Oda and that giant multi headed serpent. Or go to the Abyss, defile any charm or pick up defiled charms and the yasakani magatama perk can roll on the charm. The perk in question is all set bonuses require one less piece of armor.
Most builds for dual swords use heavy armor so be prepared to be heavy in the beginning until you reroll armor to make it lighter or dump enough points into stamina and strength to get B agility. Other than that your main focus will be dumping points into skill to raise your base damage.
So what's wrong with the english presence in Japan in that game?
No, I wasn't doing badly at it, and yes, it is that long if you do all missions, which is what I did.
>Maria boss
I mean she was a real person, soooo?
The english had 0 presence in japan.William Adams came in a Dutch east india ship
Significantly better combat, worse level design. I like it more personally.
No she wasn't?
oneshot city
Not to be that guy but the game has the Sengoku Jidai being decided by men using black magick to summon demons powered by the spiritual essence of the dead, ressurecting Oda Nobunaga, and wielding mystic fart animals
And your problem is the Spanish never had a toe in Japan?
I'd remove human bosses that have LV on for 98% of the battle.
When I'm fighting other humans I want the battle to be a strategic exchange of blows, not a constant bait and punish sequence.
Yokai bosses are balanced in a way where they have high "poise" and deal a lot of damage but are slow and have weak points.
Human bosses are fast and smaller and block so you can't just circle around them and spam but they can be parried, staggered and easily guardbroken.
Meanwhile perma LV humans: Same as humans but can't be staggered and hit like trucks + elemental damage means some damage gets trough even if you block. That's just cheap imo
And what else suggests theit presence there besides Hanzl and Okatsu knowing English. Sounds like you're nitpicking this game way too hard.
but Tonfas do have an exploitable thing in Winter Osaka
My problem is that no fucking country in the world would send a stupid fucking woman as a spy
She's japanese there can oyu read?Maria is just her converted name.
its souls but with more RPG and weapon drop shit
>My problem is that no fucking country in the world would send a stupid fucking woman as a spy
>no one would send a woman to spy
arguably that was the ONLY use for women in war for centuries
Are you stupid?They had missionaries there that were less suspicious,they could have just used them to spy on them...
and missionaries not only were successful but even some Date still live on fucking Andalusia
more like Fun-fa
Missionaries weren't well received in many places. Based japan put christian fucks in their place.
Christianity actually had a lot of early success, Tokugawa's kids would kick them out as a threat to their power
If Oda had not died christianity would have survived there.He was a good friend of Luis Fróis
you seem to forget that happened with Ieyasu's grandson and not in the Sengoku era
as Nobunaga even had a portugese nigger with him and tried to make him a goddamn Samurai
as Akechi Mitsuhide converted to Catholicism
as the Date also approved of them and even sent an envoy to the Vatican to later have some sons of that envoy stay in Spain
there are more examples of this, but you get the point
lets be fair, they allied with the portugese because they brought guns and foreign ships. Later the japs would start making their own, arguably better muskets
Sometimes it takes people a while to recognize a threat.
I know not everyone hated them, just smart people.
Warrior of the West set is the shitters crutch. Don't worry about soul matching or forging much until the second playthrough
If christianity had never appeared in japan,anime would have never existed.If christianity was sucessful anime would have n ever happened
>>more of an interconnected world
I;m just gonna assume we get a few generic villages we run around in instead of a dojo submenu.
Better/more in depth combat than souls, better build variety, worse enemy variety (very worse), Diablo style gear system that can be a pain to sort through, levels are kinda samey. The combat carries it, making the game pretty good overall, but if they decide to make a sequel there's a lot they can improve on.
thats what I hope for at least, yeah
the fact that the core combat carries it so well when the game otherwise clearly suffers from it';s decade long development hell and feature creep speaks a lot for the design put into it's central core
Why did you buy it on pc then?
It pissed me off whenever someone who clearly hasn’t played the game decides to say something like “it’s not worth it” and “it’s grindy”
Fuck off
okay i haven't played but i watched some souls vets stream it and they shit on it pretty hard
Best thing about the game is the customization and the weapon drops as far as story,characters and bosses it pales in comparison
What is Nioh 2 gonna be about?
i have dropped it 4 times now. same enemies in same looking areas,shit story, broken weapon arts and only thing to explore is butt naked kodomas.
>i watched some souls vets stream it
there's your problem, the only similarities between the two are a gothic aesthetic and stamina management
>iai chain cheese
What's that?
and nioh dont do well anything outside of combat and bosses. and even thy are ruined by op weapon arts.
When does it get grindy?
I'm about 90 hours in and still haven't done anything grindy
It's a bit repetitive but I love the combat
It's one of those games I play a mission or two, put down having had my fill... then the next day I really want to jump back in
It's not like Souls. If you expect that you will just be disappointed
after third level when you have seen every enemy in the game and have to kill them trough rest of the game over and over again.
No one gives a lick of shit about what you watched your "souls vets" stream, you stupid faggot. kys
A mistake some people make when going from Souls to Nioh is that they tend to just stick to one stance and take little pot shots at enemies, like how they're used to from the Souls games, when in reality the way to play Nioh is to keep up the pressure and switch between your different stances to maintain combos.
Iai to knockdown
Iai to knockdown
Iai to knockdown
you basically flow from one Iai into another, endlessly, stunlocking the enemy
False. Granted enemy variety IS low, but it's not that bad.
>mfw sheathing a weapon for the first time in nioh
Why have dark souls kept this away from me for so long?
this is what butthurt nioh fag sounds like, well in two weeks sekiro will remove every reason why nioh had to exist. keep jerking to your waifus.
My one wish would be an option for a "soft-lock" when attacking without a lock on. It worked really well in Dragon's Dogma when dealing with large enemy groups, and in Nioh it can get pretty dicey with three or more enemies having a go at you.
Go back to watching streams instead of actually playing games, you pathetic fuck.
As a person who hasn't played much Souls at all and finished Nioh i'll say that the game is challenging, sometimes unfair because of the camera. The only bosses I had extreme trouble with were the frog and the hydra at the end.
Had no issues with Frog
This girl though, holy h*ck
And even worse when fighting her and Oda Nobunaga together
yeah she was a pain in the ass. I didn't even attempt the dual boss fights i'm too much of a shitter.
>start game for the first time
>stuck at captain steel balls for an hour or two
>finally learn about summoning
>guy debuff steel balls and applies magic to his sword
>kills him in 5 seconds
>continue onward
>summon help for every boss
>get to giant skelly
>summoning doesn't help as i keep dying in the bullshit field of monsters
based zoomer
The most common strat for the dual bossfight with her and Nobunaga I've seen is focusing either one with hand cannon shots while keeping distance, and then fighting the other normally.
>What am I in for
fun combat
>casual soulsfags try to play a real game
you are retard, i dont watch streams. you are speaking to wrong person idiot.
dropped after frog because next area was in beta. that how shit your waifu weeb game is.
just wish it was less gear-based in WotW and WotN, everything up to and including WotD felt like it scaled nice and linearly, though it is NG++ and NG+++
maybe separate Abyss per NG and it starts dropping gear past the ceiling value of that NG after floor 200 or something just to smooth getting into WotW and WotN
current weapon types are fine just maybe add chinese crossbows
then just more of everything else
great game after going through hell for over a decade
i bet you dont have blue eyes you 51% amerimutt.