Nintendo are tainting the VR brand

This is gonna be horrible shit. Probably so bad that it could completely kill VR in the eyes of the general public. This is really bad for the medium.

VR has been rolling high these last few years and is becoming a widely accepted for of gaming. PSVR is the main runner and is delivering fantastic games and experiences such a RE7 and Astro Bot. Because of this, people are starting to take VR seriously and more than just a "dumb gimmick", which it is not.

And now Nintendo are throwing their shit into the ring with more cardboard shit that is going to make VR a fat fucking joke again. WOOO I CAN BE AN ELEPHANT WOOO I CAN BE A BIRD. This is not VR. This is not what people should think of VR and this is not the impression that it needs right now as it is making progress.

Basically, nintendo are fucking up the public perception of VR just like they are fucking the public perception of gaming as a whole by making cartoon children shit that people look at and don't take seriously. Fuck them.

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Good luck with 720p screen on vr

I imagine people will bulid this wrong and i can hear peoples switches hit the floor already

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People can make distinctions between low effort/cheap VR experiences and high end tech VR. Especially when it comes to prices. Dont be such a faggot.

Ok retard

>Nintendo are tainting the VR brand
>praises the fucking psvr

VR is just a dumb gimmick.

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>Google has cardboard VR
Ah nice
>Nintendo has advanced cardboard VR

Most normies don't want to spend $1000 on a computer just to spend $700 on a good VR set anyway. Assuming VR was anywhere near its peak in the first place is fallacious.

>VR is just a dumb gimmick.

Just like HD gaming is a gimmick
Just like analog sticks are a gimmick

Can i watch VR porn with this?

>Probably so bad that it could completely kill VR in the eyes of the general public

>no web browser
Not without hacking then, you can watch youtube vr videos with it since theres a youtube app.

Probably the one time I actually smiled at this meme.


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VR is a fad

I already hack my Switch so that's ok

lol "it's gonna kill VR"
You faggots are ridiculous


I'm dissapointed that this headset is basically a viewmaster. There is no headstrap so you're constantly having to support the headset with your hands meaning fuller gameplay experiences like a Super Mario Odyssey VR mode seem out of the question. Something like that would have made this worth it.

>thinking a cardboard kid's toy will kill VR
Yeah just like how Labo killed racing games and music makers.

>think Nintendo should do "full" VR instead of this cardboard shit
>take more time to develop for the VR MEME that no one wants

it being a low quality cardboard toy is the problem, it could give people a bad first impression of VR so they never want to try the actual headsets

What if it's actually fun and gets people into VR? Huh faggot? Ever thought about that possibility instead of "NINTENDO IS KILLING VR WAAAAH"

the switch is 720p. it will look like absolute cancer

It's a children's toy, I doubt it's going to hurt anything.

Cardboard is technically free if you build the headset yourself.

Kinda sad it won't have the power to render switch games in 3D, either as VR or a VR big screen. Can't expect much from a console that wasn't designed for it though.

VR on my iphone 7 (1334x750) looks fine in google cardboard. The Switch will be barely worse

>let's combine the extremely fragile, defensive demographic of VR headset early-adopters with the extremely fragile, defensive demographic of Nintendo fans
>and let's put it on the cardboard thing we announced and then said nothing about for 9 months

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vr is a meme.

It looks like shit, 60fps 720p is very bad for VR, too big pixels and flickering

Not comparable in the slightest because VR is in no way useful
Hence why it's a gimmick, one that's dead already so I'm not sure what OP is on about

VR failed long ago

Round 2, it's time for Nintendo to make VR fade into obscurity again.

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Considering how detailed the instructions are and the sheer amount of folded 1000 times, you have to be an actual idiot to mess it up.

The biggest problem with this is definitely the 720p resolution of the switch. With it on you'll definitely always see jaggies on the edge of models no matter how high the anti aliasing is. It's already a problem when playing the switch in handheld, just imagine it magnified in front of your face.

This was an obvious idea they were going to do (they took the patent out for it when the switch came out.) It just has too many problems due to the hardware. I just can't see the Switch becoming a system popular for VR.

imagine typing out all of this but unironically

This shit is going to create so many furries.

>It's a children's toy, I doubt it's going to hurt anything
tell that to the sonegros


It doesn't have to be the best VR. It just has to be good enough to play games. No one here is planning on rending super realistic porn here. It's going to be little kids playing pretend tank/camera/whatever. At the very least, it's showing just how versatile the Joycons are.

vr is a fucking awful gimmick. hopefully this cringefest that nintendo just announced makes vr too embarrassing for normal people to be associated with and ends the fad. then sony japan studio can go back to making regular games without forced vr gimmicks.

VR has so few useful applications in actually good games that I hope it won't be gimmick forced too much by good developers. It was bad enough when Microsoft jumped to motion control bandwagon with the whole Kinect thing.

fix your eyes nigga

>Probably so bad that it could completely kill VR in the eyes of the general public
Based. Once again Nintendo are the heroes saving gaming.

>kill VR when this shit was made for porn and weebgames

Imagine being this retarded

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airy VR porn when?

Maybe it’s intentional?

You'd WISH it was 720p

More like 360p, and probably at 60fps max.

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it's not VR gaming, it's a collection of VR minigames. You can't play Zelda in VR, stop complaining

How can someone get triggered about kids vr toy? there's already bunch of those out there.

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Unironically, since everything is wireless, you can theoretically make a true open-world VR game if you can find a way to use one of the Joycon to measure distance.

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>cardboard shit AGAIN
Pfff ahahahaha they're doing it again
And níntendies will eat up this as usual lmao

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>The elephant controller looks like an elephant


>VR has been rolling high these last few years and is becoming a widely accepted for of gaming.
What fucking reality are you living in

>based Nintendo killing off the shitty VR meme for good
I see literally no downsides to any of this

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There's hardly even 2D porn of her so never

On the other hand, success of Fortnite has proven that normie gamers don't care about nice graphics as much as they used to.


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What do you mean how? The robot kit shows they can simulate hands and feet movement. Just strap the VR googles onto the headset and you have a fully autonomous VR roaming kit. You will need to charge it after a few hours but for those few hours, you are not tied down by any sort of wires.

but why? so you can walk around outside in VR and stumble into traffic?

>Holding VR to such high standard
That is one big massive Yikes! From me!

Not saying you should, but just that you can. I mean, the potential is there.

A virtual one

How sweat absorbent is Labo™? This is really important.

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Because you're ignorant. VR is pretty great and has the potential to be better but only if it's full tracking stuff. Switch VR is more like phone headsets, where you're literally holding a screen to your face to see 3D.

Woah nigga, you think I'm going to read

>All That Shit

by You?

With a headline like THAT?

Enjoy your (you)s and your trolling. VR was a joke long before Nintendo got there.

Meh, they might opt for supersampled 1440p and simpler graphics. Which could look pretty alright.

Very unsure about framerate and update speed on this shit though.

There's a lot of black girls in thongs practicing their twerking on YouTube, I guess.

>VR is pretty great


>and has the potential to be better

It oozes potential, but right now, all commercially available forms of it are pretty shit.

So far my experience with the robot kit is that cardbord at the outset is just a lot more breathable a material than solid plastic casing, so there isn't the same kind of moisture farming going on in the first place.

Like I said. You're ignorant. Wilfully so too.

Until VR has a way to give me an IRL blowjob, it will always be just a novelty.

In sort for those who don't want to read OP's slog:

Nope. Organized an entire public event around VR last year. Got to try it all. It's legitimately bullshit, bro. And it will be for another five years or so.

That's not to say you aren't allowed to enjoy yourself though. I got certain tastes for sub-par products myself.

Yeah and your dad works at Oculus too, I bet.

VR isn't going to get its killer app until people put together a game that uses the virtual surroundings in a way that doesn't have a clumsy interface and isn't just "regular PS4 game necessitating the same control scheme but now you can look around a bit". You either pay an exhorbitant price to have a headache and a bunch of shallow simulator/rail shooter games, or a lower price for belief-shatteringly low resolution and the ability to look inside a duck's arse.

If you think VR will sink because Nintendo sells toys for kids with VR technology you're just desperate.

If not, this shit will give a last breath to the dying fad that is VR before it eventually dies for good. The general public will never, ever take a 300$ vomit machine seriously. Just give up.

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It's like comparing foldable devices to touch screens and fingerprint readers. Not every gimmick actually turns out useful and is worth the price.

The bigger question is why is Nintendo still pushing Labo as a product if the initial idea wasn't too successful to begin with? Nobody except really bored manchildren and a few kids bought it, this isn't going to be a hit either.

Phones nowadays have 4K screens, it's more than enough for simple VR like Cardboard.
But how the fuck are you planning on doing it on a goddamn 720p screen? And how will you use it? There will be no games for it, and no 3D porn or anything.

Ah, bless you Nintendo.

Just like most of Nintendo's stuff, the concept was very successful but the execution (and especially the software support) was lackuster and not worth it in general.
Except this time they're literally selling cardboard, so the hardware costs nothing to make, making it worth the risk.

>The bigger question is why is Nintendo still pushing Labo as a product if the initial idea wasn't too successful to begin with?

>rolling high these past few years


I didnt even know these things existed.

>The bigger question is why is Nintendo still pushing Labo as a product if the initial idea wasn't too successful to begin with?
If it wasn't successful to some extent, then they wouldn't have continued making them.

exactly my thoughts

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Nintendo had said their Labo sales were entitely within expectations. Only the media were thinking it's going to some gigantic hit. Whatever the case, Labo does seem to be somewhat of a media darling as the gimmicks are rather novel and unique, and parents do appreciate the educational value of it. At the very least, it's reinforcing the idea they are THE family friendly console maker in the market.

can't wait for the wojak edits with this shit

Here's a garbage one

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>VR has been rolling high these last few years
It hasn't
>and is becoming a widely accepted for of gaming.
It isn't
>PSVR is delivering fantastic games and experiences
It has about 1 game (RE7) and a fuckload of crappy tech demos sold as actual games
>Because of this, people are starting to take VR seriously
They really aren't
>more than just a "dumb gimmick", which it is not.
But it is.
VR is a stupid gimmick that is nowhere near being worthwhile, and the fad is dying already, with people not wanting to spend a few thousand bucks to play barely interactive movies or minimum wage job simulators.
Nintendo shitting this up by trying to get people to tape their 640x360 tablet to their faces will only speed up the inevitable.

>they have toons of switch/wiiu unsold boxes ready to recicled and sold for 80$ a pack

Thats a typiczl respnse of some poorfag who cant afford a wireless vive pro

People constantly bitch that their $99 Android chink phones are so bad and slow, and how their new $1500 iPhone is so much better. They do not understand anything, they're animals.