>we need a protagonist
>say no more
>we need a protagonist
>say no more
Other urls found in this thread:
Back to youtube, anita
For lack of visual distinction, each of these characters have unique stories, traits, flaws and personalities.
they look distinct enough
>i'm a brooding 25-40 yo white man with short to medium hair, stubble and mild antisocial behavior
This is a valid criticism but how is making all of them nigger an improvement? The problem is still there
Also why the fuck is big boss there? He's anything but generic
nice cherrypicking
>all look completely different
what are you getting at, OP, that you're gay?
but this is okay
Literally me.
idk I'm just laughing at Alan Wake in there who isn't a badass soldier or criminal or anything but a fucking horror author lmao
He's got nothing in common with any of these characters other than whiteness. They just want black people in there. Fine. Fair enough. Except if they were black, their backgrounds and personalities would be in line with at least a few of these whiteys
I want off this planet.
>big boss
way to invalidate everything
I know this is bait but three characters designed by the same company is not comparable to OP's image.
No one wants to play a game and have tho be an ugly monkey
I don't see the problem
post the anime version
>Nathan Drake
Why do you keep posting this thread?
it's not because their skin is not brown
because people keep replying and my (you) addiction is incurable
yes, that's the idealized stoic hero.
Most people want to fuck brooding white guys.
>a majority male hobby has protagonists that they can reflect themselves onto
swear to god man can women and niggers just actually fuck off because i dont see anything good from what they fucking spout.
lot of shite so it is.
Norman Jayden is my favourite comic relief character.
yeah i got pretty tired of it when i saw ashe has red eyes
it's and old "cold hearted bitch that somehow appeals to edgy kids" stereotype
How many of the games in OP's image were made in the last 5 years?
Not all of them.
The image is pretty old from last gen
>implying anyone here has something resembling a beard stubble above their lower chin
>implying anyone playing vidya has a manly jaw and face
>implying everyone here has dark hair
If you wanted to make a point all those protags should either be fat or skinny as fuck, wearing a fedora, stutter in public and awkwardly stare at the damsel in distress
Atleast they are not niggers
Wrong, most people want to fuck manly Black guys, you white boys are the door prize. You think Nathan Drake can compete with the BBC?
Nathan Drake isn't anywhere close to antisocial
None, most weren't even made in the last 10 years
but silver hair is sexy though, white guys with short hair and stubble are not
>we need a protagonist
>say no more
you stupid nigger, im not saying reflect their entire selves onto the protagonists. theres going to be personality traits that men can relate to regardless of their size, personality, or spaghetti
do you best relate to a whiny bitch of a protagonist aye?
>5 o clock shadow having, short brown haired stoic 20-30 something year old with a scowl on his face
It's the kind of tired that sleeping won't fix
>implying i self-insert like a stupid faggot
well sorry if im implying that based off of your reply that made you sound like one mate
lmao get help
nigga stfu, only thing you white boys is good for is you being the providers of white pussy
>half of those aren't even the protagonist of their game
>claiming GTA, a series that had literally every race represented atleast twice, to have generic protagonists
>MGS is there even though when Snake got replace by Raiden everyone complained
That pic is just as retarded as it was 8 years ago.
Shepard doesn’t count.
nah i was just pointing out that, even if you are a self insertion baby, your argument would be stupid because the only thing these protagonists and the players have in common is being male and white, which is not a lot.
personally i prefer having an interesting story told over experiencing the story, if that wording makes any sense
>They're all male, they're all humans, they all have eyes and skin and fucking breathe
>Thus, they're all LITERALLY a copy-pasted version of each other!
Nice observation skills, sherlock
Uh oh, looks like little Tyrone is getting insecure again about women spitting in his direction every time they see or smell him.
Calm down, don't chimp out now. Wouldn't wanna do something you regret and end up in the penitentiary right.
Niko is Russian.
Honestly all white people look the same
Honestly, we're all the same in the inside and in the eyes of God.
>white guys with short hair and stubble are not
According to vast majority of the worlds women they are the hottest type of man.
Is this whole thread about you feeling insecure because no one likes your kind?
u sound butthurt black incel
You assholes know what to do.
Yeah dude, totally. Except each different tribe in Europe is visually very distinct from each other.
I don't know about you but whenever I see a white European person, I can easily tell from their face what ethnicity they are. Slavic, Nordic, French, whatever it is.
Sorry, women don't spit when I'm around, they swallow. Just ask your mom. White boy.
noobs, this image is before your kind came on Yea Forums, you're just showing that you're foreigners
All look same, roundy eyes and that non-threatening expression on their faces
more games really need a protagonist like max or frank
As opposed to the 12 years old kid in most jrpgs?
I've been coming here since '06, bro. Came for the anime tiddies stayed for the bussies and shitposting.
Are you this retarded? Those are overlaid images on top of each other of thousands of people from each phenotype.
They were told to have an expressionless face for the photos so that they can make these images of what the average person in each tribe looks like.
>we need an MC
>pic related in a doujinshi with a good setting
It's not fair bros
In your mind maybe, but if you would join us here in the real world for a second. Vast majority of non-black women are absolutely repulsed by negroids. How could they not be, you're the ugliest race, you usually smell like shit and from far away, and you talk like you're retarded and can't learn any language properly, not even your own.
Frank isn’t brooding or antisocial.
i like to come back from /vg/ to take a break from tripfags and faggotry in general but im only here for about half an hour before i realise its better to deal with attention whores on the other side than literal niggers here
No he isn't
Why does it say white instead of caucasian?
Everyone on that list are pretty good characters.
You fucking wish these were still our protags
It also says black instead of negroid, even though that is the scientific name for their race. So what is the problem?
Also obviously it does not include Arabs, women avoid them like the plague.
What is the female version of this?
lara croft
seek professional therapy you insecure racebaiting cuck.
>FPS characters
White men need to be executed
What if I'm half-white.
One of them is a loli so it's ok.
White posters pretending to be black need to be executed.
they all have varied backgrounds, personalities and abilities
i thought sex or sking color didn't matter, user
the kind of female with the most broad appeal? slim, athletic brunette with a neotenous face, maybe around 5'6 and with a perfect hip:waist ratio.
you'll be cut in half.
They do matter. Whites need to die.
What about Obama. He's half-white, half-black so it's only fair if he gets cut in half too.
why are you so obsessed with obama.
>Deus Ex Invisible War
>that faggy walking sim with the hipster ghost detective
>some aren't even player characters
you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here
>we need a protagonist
>for mobile games
are you an impersonator?
can't believe the micropenis nigger would still come here
blonde men are unattractive though. you cant blame developers going for mediterranean look.
>A character is defined by his looks and not by his actions
Never write anything in your life.
would fuck his lil bitch ass / 10
As much as Yea Forums likes to hate SJWs and "forced diversity", I think having diversity is actually a lot more fun, and makes for more memorable games/characters than having hundreds of nearly identical young white men in their 20s. You see the same shit in Hollywood.
>game with white man bad!
>game with black man good!
> 2k14
Now is 2019 years since our lord Jesus Christ was born and nowadays all white chiks prefer black and brown bois.
it's almost as if the majority of entertainment is created by white people for white people. you do know that entertainment for minorities by minorities does exist, right? frankly it's pretty fucking racist to try and claim that white people should be the ones to fund and create entertainment for non-white people.
cope harder you cuckbaiting shitposter :^)
No they don't. They all the same generic white dude
>we need a good character in a character-based shooter
>say no more
>handsome white bad
>ugly nigger good
Nigga, nobody wants black women, yall can have em lmao
Even if they're all white it would be nice to have some variety as well. Everyone knows Agent 47 as the bald autistic guy with the barcode tattoo.
Manic pixie dream girl I think
>frankly it's pretty fucking racist to try and claim that white people should be the ones to fund and create entertainment for non-white people.
Changing the protagonist doesn't suddenly make it unappealing for white people, that's retarded. And you don't even have to change the race. Why not give the guy a moustache? Maybe long hair? Maybe throw in a woman every once in a while, or at the very least some unique personality traits?
Making a character a copy-paste of the average member of your audience (entertainment by white people for white people, as you put it) isn't fun. It makes for generic characters and boring storylines.
>this kind of 3/10 roastie is what black "men" have to go for if they want a white woman
2019 edition? Got a bit bored but you get the point.
Asians are ugly as sin with some exceptions for females. Why do you think they all look white in animes?
All races think other races look the same.
Its just the way it is.
the manic pixie dream girl only attracts young and inexperienced "quirky" outcast males
Forced diversity isn't actually about having a cast with varied ethnicity. That was never what it was about, that's just what all shitposting reduced it to. "SJW Force diversity" is when a character is specifically and bluntly created to pander and hit you over the head with some sort of pompous and self gratifying social message without a shred of nuance or subtlety about it.
Left 4 Dead for example had a multi ethnic cast, and there's a reason there never was a shitstorm about it, and that was because the game played it straight and didn't try convey any sort of virtue signaling.
And just to make it clear, it is possible to create a GOOD narrative in a game with a deep political message, but it has to be well written with an interesting angle and a unique perspective, instead of just regurgitating the same tired progressive ideologies and social narratives that circulates the twitter osmosis.
>claims to hate SJWs
>is an SJW himself
>lying through his teeth
Games and movies are absolutely full of nignogs
>we need a black woman
>say no more
and that's unironically a good thing. I don't want to play as ugly niggers or women.
>"SJW Force diversity" is when a character is specifically and bluntly created to pander and hit you over the head with some sort of pompous and self gratifying social message without a shred of nuance or subtlety about it.
With such a vague and subjective definition, do you think it's any wonder that Yea Forums immediately turned it into "any minority"?
That’s because Valve knew what they were doing when they made their characters.
But they don't look alike?
People like Isaac Clarke have a good reason to be brooding.
Frank west sticks out like a sore thumb to me because hes actually pretty ugly.
But in an appealing way you know?
holy shit you got em dude
The point wasn't to cherry pick visually similar characters like the original, but to show how the industry has shifted in the last 6 years or so.
Almost every game prominently features a female protagonist now. (Although most of them don't have the balls to remove the male character option.)
Then he went full boomer in OTR and Case West.
Snake, Drake, Chris, and even Arthur and Nico (despite these two being ugly) still look unique enough. Face shots alone are a very castrated example of character design, though, especially since most of these are Western military games that go for the boring grunt-cuck buzzcut for muh realism.
Is this a new pasta bros?
It's almost as if males are drawn to the idea of the male hero. Wow, this has never been the case throughout human history, surely.
They're ignoring you because you're right.
The problem is that the gruff white guy with short hair design was a product of limited technology and product limitations.
You need a character that is easy to identify even in low resolutions so white with dark hair, you need short hair because long hair is more resource intensive, you need someone gruff/silent because it's easier to connect with and limited storage space in the early days meant having limited room for audio. Male because that's the demographic most interested in these genres and in the hobby in general.
Honestly, the white dark haired protagonist complaint is low hanging fruit, and if someone is grabbing for it they don't have much else.
i'm not sure what your argument is here. that the idealized male protagonist is a bad thing and that we should write, what, effete males that real world men don't relate to or like or aspire to be, thus don't buy the games?
Why are you fixated on genre?
>was a product of limited technology and product limitations.
that's simply not true at all.
Cool argument bro.
>Almost every game prominently features a female protagonist now.
are you implying that games before the past ~4-5 years of idpol didn't feature female protags? every fucking RPG in existence was filled with strong female protags.
also those games that feature females as main playable characters? they're extremely underutilized by players of all genders, i.e. the recent greek asscreed.
So there's literally no reason to still have them nowadays and it should be seen as a sign of laziness and a lack of imagination?
>reeeee why won't anyone "argue" with my baseless retardopinions
Every time.
It was if the game was going for a realist style art design. Which is the majority of western games.
Yes, that is completely what I'm saying and those are literally the only two options.
Yes if they still look so generic.
A good comparison is Snake v.s. Sam Fisher in their latest mainline games. Snake looks incredible and stylish, especially on the promotional and conceptual art (but even in-game too), whereas Sam Fisher looks as much the grunt-cuck as he always did, and like everyone else in the OP pic.
In general, military dudes is a very hard style to do creatively and impressively without it looking unrealistic. That's why generally Japanese designers do it better, since they are used to doing over the top designs and know how to turn it down for military genre stuff without it becoming boring.
As much as I loved Red Faction Guerrilla, Mason was pretty damned forgettable
Stop fucking putting Frank West on here, its effective for bait but immediately invalidates the image.
Mostly Japanese
the majority of popular western games didn't feature human protagonists at all in the early PS1 era, which was the beginning of "technologically limited" low poly games. honestly I can't think of any western games off the top of my head that even utilized the "gruff white male" protag from that era, and the ones that did certainly didn't do it because of limitations because even those had a cast of unique and varied characters, and most characters from the era were also represented with detailed 2D art.
>Nathan Hale from Resistance
>Cole McGrath from inFamous
>whoever that insufferable cunt from Killzone is, Sev wasn't it?
>Norman Jaden from that really badly written David Cage game, where he talks and sounds like a frenchman pretending to be a US-born FBI agent
Wow, Snoy has some real iconic, shakespearean characters right there. Next to Mario, Sonic and Pac-Man they are absolute stars of the industry.
same desu
if you don't write a strong and masculine male character, the majority of men won't care about your game. sorry duder, but your gay and tranny market just isn't big enough to sustain game development.
OMFG I am so triggered that you posted that fake Shepard. Shepard is a woman and anyone who chose the fake male version shouldn’t be allowed to play Mass Effect. Nobody played as a man in that game
OK, how about you skip past the period where they weren't even attempting humans to the period where they finally started to but still had to deal with tech limits in doing so. That's the context everyone else is thinking of.
>stuff that works and ppl like is bad
so edgy
>So there's literally no reason to still have them nowadays and it should be seen as a sign of laziness and a lack of imagination?
Yes and no. Despite what a lot of people may believe white males continue to be the most marketable worldwide. Yes, a black protagonist is going to sell just fine in America and possible Western Europe, but it's going to seriously impact sales in Asia and Eastern Europe. And yes, playing as a Tibetan character isn't going to have any impact on Sales in the west, but again Asian countries aren't buying that game.
You hear a lot about how white people are vanilla or considered default, well to most of the world they're a blank slate that appeals equally well to global audiences. It might be a surprising concept, but globally racism is much more biting than it is in America. Outside of the Western bubble people are still openly racist as fuck.
>Yes if they still look so generic.
You should stop approaching this as an artist and start considering the issue as a corporation. I think you'll find that Indie games have traditionally been, and continue to be, hella diverse. The problem is that if you're going for monster numbers you want generic. You want something that's going to offend the least number of people, and right now it's that milquetoast white guy with dark hair.
snake is literally just fisher with an eye patch
>Repeatedly using Don Draper reaction images
>Thinks I just hate strong white male characters
My man. Please.
>So there's literally no reason to still have them nowadays and it should be seen as a sign of laziness and a lack of imagination?
>A good comparison is Snake v.s. Sam Fisher in their latest mainline games. Snake looks incredible and stylish, especially on the promotional and conceptual art (but even in-game too), whereas Sam Fisher looks as much the grunt-cuck as he always did, and like everyone else in the OP pic.
>In general, military dudes is a very hard style to do creatively and impressively without it looking unrealistic. That's why generally Japanese designers do it better, since they are used to doing over the top designs and know how to turn it down for military genre stuff without it becoming boring.
These. But still, the cropping to face-only is reaching hard OP. Most designs don't focus solely on face.
>the period where they finally started to but still had to deal with tech limits in doing so.
because no such period existed. when they could present human characters in semi-realistic poly form, they still had unique and varied characters and not many "gruff white male" protags.
>honestly I can't think of any western games off the top of my head that even utilized the "gruff white male" protag from that era
How old are you? They were everywhere.
What’s wrong with Cole?
If you think they're basless, then by all means demonstrate it. Show how he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
>They were everywhere.
he claims with zero evidence.
Obviously I'm talking about AAA western shit and not JRPG's user. I'd be the first to join you in saying that games have had awesome female characters for a long time now.
I'm aware that the female protags aren't very popular. Which is why it's funny that they are plastering them in the marketing now.
Technology is also why all the female characters have ponytails or similar short hair styles.
Been kind of hoping to get some proper longer hair styles now that hairworks is a thing.
>As opposed to all the evidence in the counter claim.
Cool argument bro.
>You should stop approaching this as an artist and start considering the issue as a corporation. I think you'll find that Indie games have traditionally been, and continue to be, hella diverse. The problem is that if you're going for monster numbers you want generic. You want something that's going to offend the least number of people, and right now it's that milquetoast white guy with dark hair.
Firstly, the quality of the game's art is more important to me than how much it sold. Secondly, in most of the biggest sellers with proper characters (sports and FPS don't count since you're barely a person in those) they all look unique anyway. And the reason for that is that most people at least want their character to look cool rather than generic. White and dark hair is a trivial description, since there are many characters like that who still look stylish and unique.
By your logic, Sam Fisher should sell more games than Solid Snake. But he doesn't because, MGS is way more stylish.
>Been kind of hoping to get some proper longer hair styles now that hairworks is a thing.
Not happening. One of the things that hairworks or TressFX taught developers is that the trade off isn't worth it. Most users don't care about flowing hair. They just want nice looking environments and cool fx. Why do you think the latest line of cards and the latest games have seeming stopped mentioning the tech?
>please provide evidence to your claims
Every time.
Back to discord! Shoo!
>Firstly, the quality of the game's art is more important to me than how much it sold.
Super. You don't matter, though.
>Secondly, in most of the biggest sellers with proper characters (sports and FPS don't count since you're barely a person in those) they all look unique anyway
>proper characters
See that's where you start to mess up. When you start to justify your position by qualifying. Look, I agree with you, the current protag situation is not ideal, but if you want to engage with the problem you have to engage with reality first. Boring white dudes fucking move games. It's that simple. How we fix that problem? We don't. Just accept that that sort of game with that sort of philosophy is going to exist and do your own thing. Play the games you like and continue to vote with your wallet.
Except that the original claim was the opposite. The counterclaim you're pointing to was simply asking for proof. You played yourself, user.
really actives the almonds
He's nothing special. Another shaved headed dude with a gruff voice and a name only Star Wars characters could have.
At least it's not as silly as Delsin Rowe from Second Son. Tell me, who the fuck on god's green earth has a name like Delsin Rowe? What's up with boring, generic characters having odd, edgy names? Cole McGrath, Aiden Pearce, Delsin Rowe, Jack Joyce, Jet Brody, Alec Mason. Knock it off.
>See that's where you start to mess up. When you start to justify your position by qualifying. Look, I agree with you, the current protag situation is not ideal, but if you want to engage with the problem you have to engage with reality first. Boring white dudes fucking move games. It's that simple. How we fix that problem? We don't. Just accept that that sort of game with that sort of philosophy is going to exist and do your own thing. Play the games you like and continue to vote with your wallet.
You saw that I was "qualifying" and then decided not to read my post properly. If you read it then you'd realise that I am saying that the situation is already ideal, and that a character being white or dark-haired is an irrelevant fact when most of the best sellers with those characteristics are still stylish nonetheless.
I think you have some narrative in your head about race and gender, that only brunette white male protags sell well, and that they are not stylish. I disagree with the former because I think you fail to recognise that protags could easily be even more uniformally like that considering those protags are literally the protags of global culture generally, and secondly I disagree that such protags are unstylish, at least in the best-selling protag heavy games, which makes race and gender completely irrelevant topics since the protags are already cool and varied "despite" being mostly white brunettes.
In short, I think you are artistically dense so instead you invert reality to meet some political-corporate narrative you have about the world. You should take that kind of logic and posting to a business or politics forum, not a gaming board.
Fuck off back to your discord, tranny.
Pretty sure Thorton doesn't brood.
If all these look the same to you, then you are affected by face blindness, a symptom of autism.
The last names are a bit weird, but I’ve heard of worse. The first names are just regular names. What would you prefer?
I dunno, normal people names. Richard Adams, Thomas Michael Smith, Christian Patterson, Peter Parker (though it's an alliteration). Hope you catch my drift.
This is basically just the black woman version of OP.
We need more blondes and redheads
how come barely anyone bothers with weird protagonists anymore in the west? everything has to be a serious human that needs to be taken seriously.
You don't need to browse this board for a decade to see that this is an old image
damn most of those guys are from good games, we need more brown hair white male games it seems
>here's your antagonist origin story bro hope you feel bad when you kill him
This is why people loved Arthur, because he's blonde.
Better than
>teenage boy with spiky hair who saves the world with his best friends.
>tfw no redhead make mc
Ok Yea Forums, what's your perfect protagonist design then?
A redhead fat strong
first-person game with a faceless, voiceless, protag
This has got to be the shittiest feeling in the world
It's almost as if the majority of people who buy those games are brown haired white dudes.
>slavic survivor of ethnic wars
>goes to the us on a revenge mission
>is the protagonist of a grand theft auto game
>expects him to not be brooding and antisocial
True, but they all have the same uninspired design which makes them very forgettable. The only ones in that image with traits that set them apart are Nico and Snake, the rest are shit excuses for character design.
self-made character (Fallout, Dark Souls)
Dante (the embodiment of coolness)
Doomguy (strong silent type, who lets his actions talk)
Duke Nukem (strong loud-mouthed type kicking ass and spewing one liners. Also counting other Build-Engine games like Blood and Shadow Warrior)
Gordon Freeman (a scientist with glasses)
Agent 47 (no empathy, no joy, just a proficient killer. he does only one thing and he does it very well)
Plenty of iconic male action game characters.
Postal Dude
Niko Bellic (one of the few slavic protags)
Max Payne (I know has face was in OPs image but his personality and monologues make him stick out)
Garrett from Thief (only interested in stealing things and paying the rent)
Serious Sam (a Duke Nukem knockoff but also a badass)
>i've wasted more time than you on this shit-heap, therefore i am better than you
Never understood this logic.
go back, you shitter
you clearly can't even pretend to fit in
I'd honestly play another game most of these guys were in. Or one with splinter cell: conviction's original premise at all
>I can paint people only in broad strokes and that makes them bad
Mother Teresa