Getting really into Binding Of Isaac lately, so uh, Binding Of Isaac thread

Getting really into Binding Of Isaac lately, so uh, Binding Of Isaac thread

Attached: Isaac1.0.jpg (1200x675, 259K)

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I am sorry OP but you cannot discuss video games that you like on Yea Forums.

>you can't fuck the baby
Shit game

Shame we had to wait for the fans to make a proper DLC pack but repentance looks like a ton a fun

Attached: ISAAC.jpg (1920x1074, 76K)

What was that? You're gonna have to speak louder, I can't hear you over the smoke

Attached: 1550747293764.jpg (888x894, 68K)

Never played any of the new versions, sell me on them. Also I heard they don't have the absolute kino OST from the first installment

A man of taste

Attached: 1550186424896.png (1920x1088, 2.18M)

wotl - soul
rebirth - soulless

Rebirth is fun.
Antibirth is ok but full of babies. So many babies.
Antibirth+ introduces even more filler shit like portals, but also the most fun character in the game the Forgotten.

I have repentance gifs from Ed and Tyrone's twitter lined up if you guys would like to see them

Attached: Arg-kun.png (122x104, 4K)

>watching a playthrough and endings of this before bed
why did I do this to myself

Binding of isaac > Nu-Isaac.
Better ost, Better art direction.
WoTL has all the soul

Yeah post some of them

>tfw manage to beat hush for the first time because charm of the vampire works on all the flies he spawns

Attached: IMG_2426.jpg (537x509, 52K)

Alright, lets start from the beginning
Dross squirt that double dashes and a new mechanic of rushing water that pushes everything

Attached: Dross squirt.webm (440x274, 1.81M)

Looks cool for a first floor, also nice active gameplay changes

Apollyon in downpour with lodestone from antibirth

Attached: Apollyon downpour.webm (440x274, 473K)

The lost has ruined me. The most fair and fun character in the game, I've gotten so used to be able to take hit per room that I literally can't get past mom's foot as any other character without retard build.

>Better art direction
Fair opinion but major disagree. The pixelated style lends itself better to a "retro-esque" game like Isaac.

>Thunder in curse of darkness
Fucking kino

Cain in downpour with knockout drops

Attached: Cain downpour + knockout drops.webm (440x274, 1.78M)

Okay can someone please explain what the ps4 copy comes with? I don't know what WOTL is or Repentance, I got the ps4 copy and have just been playing that

I've been getting back into the game again since I didn't really play the latest expansion. Fuck Greedier mode to hell, its not a challenge if its just a tedious slugfest to get through. If I could go back I would tell edmund to delete greed mode AND greedier mode what a waste of time that is.

What is greed/greedier mode?

It's ya boi clog

Basically Isaac had an original version made in flash, solely called the binding of isaac. That had a dlc called wrath of the lamb but due to various limitations of the engine Ed wasn't pleased with how it turned out.
Rebirth was a remake of the original game with all of the content from it and added new stuff. Afterbirth and Afterbirth + are dlcs for the remake, with repentance being the third and final one.

Attached: Clog bois.webm (440x274, 313K)

>its not a challenge if its just a tedious slugfest
what IS challenge in isaac? i always see everything described as a slugfest

Thanks man, so I have the remake, afterbirth and afterbirth +. nice


Attached: Clipboard02.png (320x253, 45K)

>mfw steakmund is gonna sell a mod with stripped content
>people will buy it

Attached: 1551450780397.jpg (852x356, 47K)

Have you played prepatch Lost? Now that was a fucking nightmare to get through

Very spooky webm do not open
Seemingly a new active item or maybe a reskin of clicker

Attached: Spooky dross boi.webm (444x292, 2.9M)

I don't really know how to describe it, but the challenge is isaac to me is learning the game, the patterns, enemy moves, bosses, conserving health. Being able to roll with different builds and make them work. And defeating hard end game bosses. I also love me some bullet hell. Bosses that are damage sponges just take the fun out of the game. Making game modes and goals time consuming just for the sake of it saps out the enjoyment for me.

I did play pre-patch lost and I have to admit, as much as a nightmare as it could be it was also incredibly tense and provided a rush that I had not experienced in Isaac in a long time. Yea you could just hit the R button over and over until you got dead cat but I have to admit getting the Lost achievements actually felt like a proper old school achievement/challenge. It had a real wow factor. It was a torment but it was fun doing it.

Maggie in mines
Final webm but I have a couple of extra thing to show and I'll post some interesting details / announcements

Attached: Mines Maggie.webm (840x530, 2.17M)

Some of you might notice that the game looks a little different to normal: that's because Kilburn is implementing new touches and adding back missing flash effects back into the game!
For example shadows are being added to item pedestals.

Attached: Flash shadow.png (389x313, 21K)

It really is bewildering how Edmund and Nicalis so completely missed why people enjoyed Isaac, making the game incrementally less fun with each update. I just hope Repentance has as little of their "balance tweaking" as possible.

Attached: Isaac General.jpg (380x540, 144K)

Nice, I love those little touches. I always felt that rebirth was an improvement but a lot of little details were lost. I also preferred the flash soundtrack but I guess we can't have everything.

I hope they bring back tech lasers getting larger and changing color with more damage.

Oh, don’t worry, Kilburn will be making all the balance changes! Enjoy your nerfed Blank Card, nerfed Lost, and damage scaling Witness!

Flash Isaac is still far harder than remake though

i-is that movie good?

There's a very fine line between powerful and instant guaranteed win
I believe the blank card changes are going to be that it only affects cards and not runes now?

So what's everyone's hopes and fears for repentance? I'm looking forward to the new floors but I hope they don't add more daily achievements or make they boss item pool even more bloated with basic health ups.

Reminder that Edmund

>had little design input on both AB and AB+ because he was having a child during that time
>regretted the state AB+ was pushed out at launch and tried to mediate it by doing the booster packs, taking fan input and collaborating with modders
>The Forgotten was 100% his idea, was supposed to be used for an Isaac sequel that never came to be
>any bugs or port issues/delays are all Nicalis's fault since they own publishing rights to Rebirth

kys steakmund shill

What I hope for is that the existing floors get touched up quite a bit with exclusive enemies, new visuals for those that look the same such as dank depths.
I fear that a lot of bosses are going to remain the same and pale in comparison to the repentance ones.

Lewds of The Siren.

Attached: g97ijw033vby.png (2503x1811, 887K)

Why is this game's soundtrack so fucking good?
And where can I find games with music similar to it?
Hell, even the flash game had top tier music.

Siren is a shitty mismatch OC, prove me wrong

Dross is supposed to be an alternate version of Downpour, right?

You mean Afterbirth and Afterbirth+. Antibirth is the fan-made expansion.

Yes, like Basement/Cellar or Caves/Catacombs.

I mean there is a leddit full of isaac porn if you so wish to look at that shit

Did they elaborate on any other floor variants? I can't imagine what they could do to The Corpse considering it's already a fourth womb version.

Is there a date on the dlc?

Summer at the very earliest.

Does nicalis have an e3 presence?

I like Antibirth and all but it always bothered me how separated it felt from the rest of the game. You are basically electing to go to the DLC area. Hush has some extra items as incentives but if you are in a place where you can kill him, the items aren't really tantalizing. I guess I don't like the further separation of streak categories while Eden streaks are still the most balanced way of measuring Isaac skill. That is to say, a methodical look at making sure you have the means to win even if it means forgoing items or making risky bets. Antibirth always felt a little more game skill focused like enter the gungeon than the more tactically focused planning of isaac.
Footage of rep we have so far

Last item I got for my 1000000% too. Just keep trying. It will show up eventually

>tfw brimstone and rainbow tears

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I want more reliable ways to get to the angel room. I want more special rooms in general. The planetarium and library is neat but I think one more could help. I also hope they keep in the charging station but add something like a shrine that can remove curse on the floor. It's so frustrating to give up items because I think it could be cursed eye or isaac's heart. On that note, I would like a sell option to appear sometimes in shops that sells a random passive item for nickel (or sticky nickel) or above. It would be a good way to buy a desperate item that can also backfire which would also fulfill the feeling of "I would do anything to get rid of this." I also want a trinket that can identify things at a range so you can see what cards/runes are behind rocks and maybe even in the store. Not super powerful or anything but there are a lot of whatever trinkets.

fuck the lost, how do I git gud

Played it a bit recently but have no drive to clear the Greed Mode post-it marks. Hate that mode's guts.
Can't wait for Repentance though. Officially recognized Antibirth with even more shit added is pretty exciting.

>It's so frustrating to give up items because I think it could be cursed eye or isaac's heart
Do you not pick up any items if you're on a curse of the blind floor?
I used to do that too but I quickly realized that's no way to live a life. It is pretty unlikely you'll pick up something run-ruining anyway.

be super duper patient, unless you want to go for boss rush or hush, in which case ________________fucking pray for rng_________________

>god head and DSotM prism

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I make judgement calls. If I'm super desperate I go for it based on the loot table. If I'm ahead, it's not worth it. Currently at 237 eden streak and the game can screw you enough without you giving it the opportunity.

I heard the Antibirth composer isn't actually being a part of Repentance officially, but he's making a soundtrack that you can mod in if you want. Pretty shitty that he's been left out, probably just for Ridiculon again.

You can hear that ridiculon is composing the soundtrack in the "13 minutes of off-screen gameplay" at around 3:57.
At least downpour sounds good

I'm a big guy.

Attached: big.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

>There isn't a size cap

Attached: 1551167133611.gif (206x176, 370K)

You can do some weird stuff in this game.

Attached: 500+dmg.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)
