Thoughts on Battlerite?

Thoughts on Battlerite?

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It died because Stunlock are so fucking incompetent it's hilarious. They killed Bloodline Champions, they killed Battlerite and it's all on them and their decisions.

What's funny is that Battlerite died because of Battlerite Royale, but Battlerite Royale have less players than Battlerite atm, and it was released f2p a few weeks ago

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A gameplay wise worse version of bloodline champions that took away the comfy aesthetic to appeal to surface level weebs that like league of legends' artstyle.

Check out Bloodline Champions on steam. Its Battlerite, but older and dead. When Battlerite dies, they will release the same game again under a different name.

Disney needs to fire up their legal team.

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It's beyond blatant.

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It's just a mash up.

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Try to ignore the shitskin and focus on gender bent Zeke.

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Ghoul Patrol

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I forgot it existed

>disney owns the use of 3d glasses exclusively

Ghoul Patrol is the worse of the two.

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> lock a sponsor behind a paywall and another behind a league rank literally only 5% of the playerbase can get
> remove token reward from getting duplicate champs
SLS just can't stop fucking up, can they?

I love it when my teammates are shit

Disney owns LucasArts and Zombies Ate My Neighbors is their IP. Fucking retard.

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Sorry, can't ignore that disgusting linea alba and ugly belly button.

Why would they create a different game mode (battle royale), make it a complete different game instead of adding it to their already existing client, then charging you money for it when the competition is free

It's hard to find genderbent Zeke.

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Because they're desperate for the Fortnite audience.

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They're desperate for money and tought it would be a good idea to release yet another Battle Royale instead of good Lucie skins

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Made a pretty cool friend playing it You know who you are but it's pretty shallow all things considered
I do keep contemplating coming back to it since it was pretty fun just the maps are a bit lackluster.
Blossom was really cute though!

It was supposed to save Battlerite bros...

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I mean I enjoyed it quite a nice deal but I am played out on it. A shame either way, it just wasn't the time for it.

Arena is pretty fun, but fuck stunlock.
I ain't giving my time and money to someone who leaves you hanging while chasing the newest fad.

They made all the characters look like shit after changing the art style for all of them
Lucie went from cute to some ugly tumblr redesign

They barely changed her
The general character design is pretty good too

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The we want the league of legends audience art style ain't good.

>The we want the league of legends audience art styl
You have no idea what you're talking about, you know we know that don't you?

GOOD argument.

I play the royale with friends after we all stopped playing actual battlerite about a year ago.

Absolute shame there isn't a 3 man team mode, even if it would be chaos.

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Game just need good marketing. V 2.0 released and only the hardcore players knew about it

Players didn't want 2s taken out to appease the reddit crowd
Players didn't want season pass to appease the reddit crowd
Players didn't want armory and royale memes that the reddit crowd calls depth

In the end reddit got their totally informed wishes implemented and it got the game proper killed.


My friends stopped with me because they said it was too hard. I really like the core gameplay even though it's watered down, disappointed it didn't take off.