Did you play her game Yea Forums?
Did you play her game Yea Forums?
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>waifufaggots infecting Civ now
Is this better you gigantic cocksucking cumrag?
What if — stay with me here — we talked about the game instead of posting the same two characters over and over like an autistic meme template robot?
Ok then faggot, what do you think of rockbands and do you think GDR are fun?
Favorite civ?
Favorite theme?
Any obscure pro strategies?
Eleonore is pretty fun
you just absorb other cities without trying
post nudes and i will
I downloaded the Codex version but haven't installed it yet. Convince me then.
You already ruined the thread. Try again next time with less “her game” incel faggotry.
How does one achieve that, I don't get it. GW give -1 loyalty. So even if you have 4 amphitheatres with 8 slots, that's -8 loyalty. How are you supposed to flip cities with that. And that requires you to settle really close to enemy civs.
You could you know, answered him instead of doubling down your faggotry user
CIV6 music is pretty good, but it still can't beat CIV5 music
Q. Why are jews making me want to fuck the King of Poland?
Is this related somehow to the most recent game acting like global warming is a big deal?
Are jews going to use the massive overhype surrounding global warming somehow?
If so how does the King of Poland factor into this?
Why not make a female version of land above sea level and make me want to fuck that instead?
Overall civ5 musics are pretty low tier. Not BAD but certainly not on par with civ6. Zulus theme is the only I like and remember from V but it's even better in VI. Christopher Tin is a god.
Global warming has been in every civ game and the main complaint is that in VI it's not a big deal at all. Waiting for the GW mods to be uploaded on civfanatics, can't get them on steam.
>Start a game as Mali. Settle near deserts, rush Petra.
>Realize i am surrounded by mongols, kaffir with spears, macedonians and krauts.
>Bribe them with gold to leave me alone, they fucking do.
>Get allied with everyone.
>Make my money back from trading.
>Win diplomatic victory while autistic neighborhood dukes it out.
Is this how it feels to be a Jew?
Well then I'm outright fucking stumped why they want me to sexually desire the King of Poland then. I just don't see how anyone profits.
No, that's how it feels to be a Venetian.
If you were a Jew you'd promise gold to someone else in exchange for mercenaries, invade the kaffir, get the entire international community to blame the kaffir for the attack somehow, extract endless gold payments in disaster relief for the attack that the kaffir """started""", and use that to pay for the mercenaries.
But the best part is, you didn't even pay gold for the mercenaries. you paid with the -promise of- gold. If someone ever alleges that that isn't the same thing as actual gold, you hire mercenaries to attack them too.
Sorry I meant hire mercenaries to "Defend yourself from their unprovoked attack"
Yes and it sucks. Go fuck yourself shill.
Haŋadĕg tå kitå, hinar pakĕn mahawiryå Gajah Mådå, rìŋ Nuswantårå!
Explain. I think it's more or less on par with BTS. What don't you like?
I like that civ 6 has music for each civ that changes with the eras but I don't like that you just hear random songs from other civs when you play. makes it feel less special
>Rome atomic theme kicks in