I want to fuck Big Boss
I want to fuck Big Boss
Medic Snek is for hugs and cuddles, not fugs.
Nobody wants to fuck you, tubby.
Me to user
Me to
big bussy
Say what you want, but Big Medic's an attractive fuck machine to me and him tilting and tossing the shit out of everyone ingame and the cutscenes wanted to make me fuck him more.
The ponytail, the fatigues, the dick suit, etc. are what make up a major part of Big Medic's character.
Raiden is the cutest!
I really think it's the ponytail.
Raiden is used goods while Medic is pure. But Big Boss is best boy.
>Medic is pure
>Big Boss is best boy
TPP would have happened the same way if Medic's role was swapped with OG Big Boss', what the fuck are you talking about?
raiden is a soiboi
Big Boss brainwashed Medic to serve as his scapegoat while Medic does nothing that's really evil in V.
Especially if you play non-lethal.
You and everyone else, there is a reason why people keep joining Diamond Dogs and it is pretty horny, if you get what i mean.
>Those tapes at the hospital where he sounds like a jolly but hard hatted asshole cunt
>The whole human shield plot
>Him fucking to Africa in secret and dissing everyone else in the way
Nah. Big Boss stepping out as a cunt who can only think of "muh war" at this point would be too taboo for the plot. P.S.: That's partially why this stupid twist even exists in the first place.
>Big Boss brainwashed Medic
Wrong. Zero brainwashed the Medic and Big Boss had nothing to do with the plan other than waking up two weeks before the invasion, having to make a quick recovery.
>Why would you be evil in a Metal Gear Solid game? Just why, user? In a game that vilifies proxy wars and war in general as if they were the biggest evil of all?
Kojima had nothing positive for Big Boss after he became a shield using douchebag, same for how Kojima had nothing positive for Medic after he decided that being a warmonger was cool because he, one was gay for Big Boss, warmonger and two, he drank the "Big Boss, a warmonger, is awesome" Kool-Aid like a slave.
There is a reason why he punched the mirror.
I want raiden to fuck my ass!
I would fuck myself to ...
>he will never beat you unconscious