Why is Valve so fucking inconsistent...

Why is Valve so fucking inconsistent? Just last year they were promising that they were gonna let Steam be a free marketplace, but now they're letting you-know-who influence their publishing decisions. Is it true that it's only 2 rogue members in their team? Someone redpill me on this shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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/pol/tardetties on suicide watch

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I don't join cultural fascists just because they are winning brown points for the same reason I wouldn't have joined Nazis or Soviets just because they were on the uptick when the war started

I don't support fascists and I don't think they'll win.


It was pretty clear they were going to renege on that policy the moment they announced it. Obviously there are games that they don't want to sell regardless of legality or "outright trolling".
If you do care about any kind of lewd gaming you should have bailed on Steam after the waifupocalypse last year.

Stop shilling your shitty game, autist.

It's ok, this will just drive more people into the epic store.

We've already had countless of threads on this topic without your shitty site having anything to do with it. And those threads were all perfectly fine anyway.
You don't need to post every single fucking article you post on your site here on Yea Forums.

Holy fucking based.

>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
you god damn right they did. YEEEHAAW

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Valve like to listen to the NPC's. They are retards.
People getting triggered by fictional games and characters deserve a bullet to the head.

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Just buy it from the companies website


It's a store, they don't have to sell what they don't want to sell.


How long until it become an Epic exclusive?
I doubt the chinese give a shit about moral.

>why steam no let me rape woman

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ResetEra goes over those /pol/ jobbers once again
>It's another squash match episode

False flag attack, trying to bait Steam into a lose-lose situation.
After EPIC's epic failure at taking down Steam (they're not the only ones but they're a major group) they're now trying more subversive tactics.
If Steam doesn't ban them it's all "OH NO, WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" or "Look at all this trash they're letting onto Steam". If Steam bans them it's all "CENSORSHIP" and the stupidly weak "TASTE POLICE".
Someone should audit Billy D for taking money under the table to smear Steam.

Because I’m a TERF. All these “victories”’ don’t change your suicide rates, tranny


>epic store
>when you know they wouldn't host the fucking game either.

Checkmate faglord.

Surprise, selling products that damage your brand just to please a couple basement dwellers who don't even buy games isn't a viable business decision.
Who would have thought?

>being morally bankrupt enough to want to play a game about rape, and bitch about it when it's denied to you
>not being morally flexible enough to just pirate the damn thing instead of demanding that it be on Steam
What did he mean by this?

>Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Rape Day?
>A: As a child I grew up on horror books. Books like goosebumps, scary stories for sleepovers, and scary stories to tell in the dark.
Fucking lol. It's so obvious it's a false flag troll.
He's probably the same type of troll that made them change the illustrations of the scary stories books.

Too bad you’re fuckin gay bud

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I am completely on the side of freedom of speech but Valve really had no choice in this.
I actually applaud them for admitting they only removed it for financial reasons instead of doing it for moral reasons.

But let's be honest here... the game is practically on the verge of trolling. I mean seriously they could have called the game almost anything else.

And lastly... what do you expect valve to do? Keep this shitty looking game in the store which might get some sales and possibly lose a big name publisher on their store like Ubisoft, etc.?

> Someone redpill me on this shit.
America has weird priorities with cultural taboos. Brutalizing fictional people with fictional shotguns is totally fine, but once rape is brought up retards start having difficulty differentiating between fact from fiction.

Valve is caught in this weird spot where they are simultaneously selling extremely violent videogames while banning others because of moral indignation, which again, is completely arbitrary. If Valve doesn't take down Rape Day then they will have to deal with a catastrophically bad PR problem.

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Too bad you won't live to see it 40%er

I don't give a fuck about that game, or loli for that matter.

But uf we don't push back, even cleavage will be too taboo in future games.

I googled re2 sexy mod and I only gor results for the Mr x and Leon mods.

This is not just censorship, it's bias.

How is that Epic store going, Winnie the Pooh?

>harass trans people
>call them mentally ill and "tranny"
>many end up taking their own life because of constant bullying
>"see, this is why it's okay to bully them!"

Minorities and Women win again. Cope harder incel wh*teoids.


>many end up taking their own life because of constant bullying

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>being mad that someone doesn't want a game called rape day on their platform

Do you fags have any sort of cue what real life is actually like

If they host a rape game then major credit card companies could withdraw payment processing and major retailers like best buy could stop carrying their cards. They'd be fucked.

I'm a spic and fuck you

They are mentally ill, you are doing God's work by making them kill themselves with the added benefit of them going to Hell for suicide

If Steam had a game about raping children while killing muslims their store would be shut down.

A store doesn't have free reign, in 2019 everyone is outrage ready and that includes our nations leaders.

that's you

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Reminder that this person has literally admitted to wanting to destroy Yea Forums by inviting Retardera here.

You lost. ResetEra won. Deal with it.

>I googled re2 sexy mod and I only gor results for the Mr x and Leon mods.

The second result is a Claire mod

This thread is lefties pretending to be /pol/ to shitstir and /pol/ is taking the bait.


>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS

Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?

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That's pretty based.

I thought America was capitalist? I thought you guys believed in the free market? Why do you hate people having a choice of what kind of games they want?

If there was a proper Muslim simulator, you could rape children and behead woman.

Oh and throw fags, such as yourself, off buildings.

yeah i'm sure they would just say no to billions of dollars of profit just because there's a game they dont like on steam

Stop ruining my narrative

In the unlikely event that you're being serious.
This isn't why people are mad.

They are upset that a game which did not violate Steam's policy has been removed from Steam for arbitrary reasons. Steam is in the right to do this but ought to update their policy to reflect their actions so that developers and publishers know what kind of games are actually objectionable and can work around it.

>too less

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>Black suicide raters lower than whites despite harassment victim statistics being significantly higher than any other group

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>Valve really had no choice in this.
sure they did, their biggest market segment doesn't give a shit about any of this. the culture around games is substantially different than it was when rapelay influenced billions of soccer moms; steam's audience largely doesn't care about that kind of thing.

>I actually applaud them for admitting they only removed it for financial reasons instead of doing it for moral reasons.
all companies make decisions for financial reasons, especially when they say they're doing them for moral reasons. i guess it's nice they're not lying about it this time.

>the game is practically on the verge of trolling
it's a porn game referencing another porn game, that isn't trolling

>what do you expect valve to do
exactly what they did, but that doesn't mean i'm going to suck their dick for removing games. they did something i don't like, the only means i have with which to signal my discontent to them is to complain. if nobody complained when things like this happened, they'd do it far more egregiously; the backlash is what keeps them from being MORE ban-happy.

What country

>reinforce sexist gender roles
>wonder why people hate you
>pour money and funding into supporting the status quo and shaming people who out your sexist, disgusting behavior
>"wtf y r u meen 2 me???????"

Mark my words: The (((banks))) are going to end up being the final weapon against anyone who doesn't bend the knee, in fact it's already happened
expect it to get worse when the backlash against all this kind of shit becomes more prevalent among the normies, we'll all be financially threatened back into line


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and yet despite being owned by every race on the planet at some point, and being almost universally reviled by brown, yellow, and white folk, niggers are still thriving
whats a trannies excuse

Fucking based

>Risks to Valve

( x ) Doubt

Are any of these sentences lying about something?

>Valve really had no choice in this.
Could have just stuck to their guns, the game is invisible unless you actively log into an adult account and declare that you wish to see violent and sexual content. Nobody is accidentally stumbling into this game. Nobody is accidentally buying it either. it is not being presented on the store page. It is doing no harm.
If people don't wish to see it, they won't.

Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.

>People perpetuates that this place is /pol/
This is good

This IS based

All trannies are commies. Don't really care

It depends how big the clamor got. If msm started carrying news stories on it then it would be a youtube adpocalypse situation. Visa and mastercard's businesses are bigger than any one retailer. You are pretending as if steam has amazon clout.

So again, why haven't you joined the side that's against fascists?

Hope you aren't being serious seeing how many Murder and shooter simulators there are on Steam front page?

The trannies would be the first against the firing squad once the commies took control.

This copypasta needs to add Apex Legends succeeding to it. It's been over a month and it's still one of the top games on Twitch. It's beating Fortnite right now.

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>Why is Valve so fucking inconsistent?
>he actually wanted another amateur 3D visual novel

No wonder this board is so fucking shit. Valve is based as fuck for banning it.

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Haven't you noticed by now that companies make it vague as fuck on purpose when it comes to their rules? Do you seriously believe that companies can't just make the rule specific from the start.

>reinforce sexist gender roles
How do you figure? You're clearly just appropriating feminist language in an attempt to lend your transphobia legitimacy.

it's all so fucking tiresome

They did, just shelve it for being a troll game, no muss no fuss policy consistent. Trolling is already a wide enough net to rid yourself of whatever.

I.. I thought daddy valve was BASED!..

Jojo part 9 will be live action ?

Nobody wanted this game because it's garbage.

That doesn't mean it can't exist on a storefront that already has a fuckton of rape and guro content.

>Fortnite niggering itself to try to appeal to the masses

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I have noticed.
And it's a problem.
It leads people on and they invest resources into Steam and then find out their game isn't acceptable only at the last minute after in some cases years of development or localization time.

Absolutely based

not op, i don't think valve's being inconsistent at all, they're very consistently making decisions that minimize their risk
however, it's not about the particular game, it's that next time it could be a porn game that's actually good that they're removing

This is a discord tranny thread they did the same thing yesterday with copypasta they just woke up

>valve equates rape with trolling
That would be the headline on every cum guzzling gaming journalist ssite

How about just remove all adult shit gabe? would that make it better. stop your fucking cherry picking on what stays and goes

It feels so good to oppress and persecute these gamers using our minority status. Anyone else jacking off right now?

cope and obsessed

>Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?

I don't like siding with bullies.

And companies will continue to do it because they don't fear the people. Not giving money to them isn't going to anything, because they'll find other ways to make money such as laying off workers to give to their CEOs.

The "Winning side" does not fight for its own replacement and does not promote its own destruction.
White people invented womens' rights, gay rights, and anti-racism.
White people pushed for womens' rights, gay rights, and anti-racism.
When whites have diminished, you will no longer have support for womens' rights, gay rights, and anti-racism.
This is obviously the point and all the various minority rights are being pushed to purposefully replace whitey, who has an annoying habit of telling foreign bankers to fuck off. Those bankers are gonna profit from it.
But your side isn't the "Winning side", it's a kamikaze trojan horse.

>Nobody wanted this game because it's garbage.

Yes, visual novels are garbage, I'm glad we agree.

And that's why you're losing, sweetie :^)

I'm in your discord right now

They would equate controversy bait with trolling yes. Remember they removed school shooter and AIDS simulator just fine.

just imagine how different things would be if shitcord would never have existed

Our kamikaze attacks will blot out the sun. You cannot escape our mass destruction. RESETERA, BAY BAY!
Everything will fall.
Embrace chaos.

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Oh really? I'm sure you'll have no difficulty whatsoever pastebinning all the chatlogs logs of this discord you are in. I can't wait for you to prove these discord trannies are infiltrating Yea Forums.

Aaaaany second now :^)

Yeah but
Hang on I see what you're doing now. I like it.

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Why do you keep using White when you know it's jews that are pushing for that shit?

Protip: just because their skin color is light doesn't make them "White".

Aw yes, the "secret tranny army". I bet you would say they are a part of pizza gate too

>implying they aren't juggling between SJWs and corporate bootlickers in order to fire people and bring Pajeets that are willing to work for a pack of cigarettes and use the racism/misogyny card everytime somebody complains about the continuous decline of quality in their products

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Tranny discord out, you alredy gave yourselves out on that tranny game thread might as well /wrist earlier so i don't have to put up with your shit early morning.

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The trannies would still exist. They'd just use something else like skype or whatever.

You'd just be using the /leftypol/ boogeyman instead. Or IRC.

Who cares, they can have this shit board, it's not like anything they could do could make it worse

Wow Klei is dead to me.

One word: Evenicle

Uh-uh. I know exactly what you're talking about, obsessed seethie.

I know it's the Jews acting as a catalyst. A catalyst still needs reactants.

He was posting 3D baby gore on DA for 10 months, also got denied from Render Erotica for having shit artwork.

Sounds like a mentally ill tranny shitstirrer

sure you faggots keep thinking this thread didn't exist.

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Guy on the left looks like he could crush puss.

It isn't a problem. They do it so they came make their own judgements instead of being inflexible to a set of very strict rules. Only austists want them defined, especially malicious ones that want to subvert the rules and do something that irritates people and then say "can't do anything about it, rules are the rules." It isn't like you're going to jail so it doesnt need to be clear.

Epic store happened

>It's not discord trannies fellow Yea Forumstards trust me

I'm sure that guy on the inside can provide chatlogs of them making this thread too, then :^)

Not her but trannies insist they are women just because they wear makeup and stereotypically feminine clothes. Not all women wear those things yet trannies define women by sexist stereotypes. Trannies state over and over that they want to be hot women, as if those are the only women who actually exist. It's an incredibly sexist movement. Men will never understand what it is like to be women. Getting implants and growing their hair out doesn't make them biologically female yet they whine and scream at women to accept them as their own. Women hate trannies, they are just afraid to speak up.

>make shitty low effort visual novel with mediocre cg and bad dialogue with spelling and grammar errors everywhere /specifically/ to see how far valve would go, not because you want to, but because you want to be edgy
>valve said in their rules that they wouldn't allow games made for trolling purposes
>"waaaaaaaaaah why won't valve let me take a big stinky shit on steam it's a legitimate game! taste police!!"

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how is degrees of lewdity tranny, there isn't even any tranny shit in it, i know because i play it
THIS thread is legitimately shit, though, i'll give you that

inb4 they say you faked everything

There's even more evidence somewhere they shit up /r9k/ even more

>dude violence is okay
>dude rape is bad as a story device
>dude we dont even make videogames anymore

fuck valve and steam. i just pirate all these shit games nowadays anyways. at least epic gives out two free games a month.

Thank muslims

nice try epic worm

Because they're fascists even if they say they arent.

wtf i want to give money to black people now

Is the game good?

It's probably because rape is easily masturbation material and most of society sees that as degenerate and bad for men to masturbate to. Steam probably doesn't want to encourage young men to be aroused by those things.

What a world this is. I can be on the wrong side, or the losing side. :|

You can go into the thread posted in the screenshot and see it for yourself since what i took is just the discord bit.
Literally posting their trap characters and grooming other people.

You ever notice how all these screenshots are just the posts themselves and never the full Discord. It's weird. You'd think people out to expose the trannies would screenshot the entire Discord so people could see all the users in it. Strange that all the newer screenshots are in a format that's easily faked.

It's a game called "Rape Day" and it looked like just another mediocre, half-assed western 3D porn game. It was obviously made to cause controversy rather than be a legitimate game. I couldn't give less of a shit about it being removed from Steam and if I was running a digital distribution platform I wouldn't want my brand to be associated with this garbage either.

Now if it instead were a porn game where a rape scenario just happened to be included at some point and Valve decided to remove it, then I would be more upset. That would be a more convincing example of "taste police". But this is just internet drama bullshit and, of course, Yea Forums bites right into it.

There is a slider for the percentage of female NPCS having dicks to rape you with. Come on user.

I have nothing about the content itself, but I saw some of the game and it's just a gallery dump in renpy, without anything done to the default assets. You can learn how to do this yourself in less than a day, and this "game" doesn't deserve all the publicity you're giving it.
I'm thinking you're the "developer" trying to peddle his low effort garbage.

Those are literally legit tho.
They were trying to damage control the entire thread because they couldn't control some horny tranny grooming and exposing it to everyone on Yea Forums

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If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO

Either way, I won.

*takes a rip off a fat stoagie*

Hail to the king, baby

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>It isn't like you're going to jail so it doesnt need to be clear.
Perfectly honest game creators can be caught out and have their game removed for seemingly no reason. They aren't going to jail but they will lose resources such as time and money that will never be recovered as a result.
Maybe you're okay with this but it bothers me personally.
If I was a developer/publisher I'd likely avoid Steam entirely at this point for this reason.

you mean americans

oh ok
then fuck them for ruining a dol thread

oh yeah i forgot about that

There's a pattern that those with autism will notice. When you see in multiple threads followed by directly after you know it's them. It's not even the first time, they've done it with multiple games usually those with some sort of backlash.

Thank for the list, I'll be sure to pirate from these devs instead of buying in the future.

Some are trannies and some are just attention whoring shitposters

How new do you have to be to not see obvious baiting for (You)s? I say this as someone that falseflags as both /pol /and trannies in threads while replying to myself using my phone.

Imagine copy pasting this in every thread.

this just starts a very bad precedent
now rule-wise rape games are fine on steam unless they're mainstream and news sites start to complain

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Pick a side you boring cuck

you're almost as pathetic as the average tranny

>Thinking he's making a difference
That's cute. You're just another casualty.

At least I'm not retarded enough to fall for it.

why's the dude not just sell it on his site or something
im sure thats entirely doable after this publicity

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They can be mainstream too, like Hotline Miami 2 which glorifies rape and murder but it's okay. For some reason.

yeah, you're merely pretending

It's called Rape Day and they're a giant company. Does this really come as a shock?

I kinda miss when how a game played was the focus of video games.

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He did that but no one buys games from non-Steam lol
They also have a client for porn games but it's dead as fuck, because, again, people are too lazy to do anything other than Steam

>Thinking he's making a difference
That's cute. Good job shitposting on various internet forums little buddy. How about you go kill yourself so we don't have to read your retarded posts you fucking stupid cunt.

It's called Hatred and they're a giant company. Does this really come as a shock?


it's a falseflag tranny


Why is this still allowed

>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
this was gay because it was a genuine part of the character and made their story better

>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic

>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
based as fuck

Why can nobody make a fucking readable screencap any more? What the fuck am I looking at?

There is nothing in OP that indicates the source of the image. You're the one that brought up the name of the website. Stupid faggot.

I don't need to make a difference when my side is winning :^)

>O.M.G. the CYBER BULLYING made them do it!

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Q: But really? What’s up with this game?
A: In some way, every good fantasy is a power-fantasy. Even if it’s some odd-ball story about gaining the acceptance of the loss of control, it’s still a form of power. Porn is even more so about power. Or… maybe it’s me trying to work through my own trauma/PTSD.
>Or… maybe it’s me trying to work through my own trauma/PTSD.
yep it has to be troll/false flag

>unironically wanting to distribute your deliberately tasteless and unerotic edgelord zombie smut VN via Steam
>not just opening up a patreon and keeping the game in a perpetual state of incompletion while you endlessly milk wankerbux from psychotic NEETs

Does the dev just not know how low-effort western porno game development works now or...?

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This why I keep telling people that gamers are the most oppressed people today, but no listens do they? When will we rise up before it's too late?

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fake news

Lewds and fanservice is fantastic and all, but actually wanting child porn and actual rape in your games is just sad. You're actually mentally challenged if you try to defend it. "Slippery slope" is a meme.
For the record I enjoy rape in doujins as much as anyone, it's a degenerate fetish specifically for porn though. Porn doesn't have anything to do with a videogame platform.

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Yandere Sim would not be allowed on Steam, it's set in a school.
It's already banned on Twitch also.

>A rape game dev actually has some morals and standards
This is odd.

Suddenly I love these new standards for steam

looks like a code red damage control in trannytopia

Yeah so you should KYS my man

I'd quit gaming if it wasn't for Nintendo.


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D-did she get bullied so hard she ran away from the computer and fell down some stairs?

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>We want video games to be art!
>But it can't have any porn!
You need to make up your mind, sjw. Slippery slope is not a meme, we went from horse armor to video games being chopped up and sold as DLC.

Look at the deviant art archive, fucker has been planning this for a long time but rendererotica said fuck off to the schizo

This is without a doubt some retarded as fuck plan hatched by Tim Sweeney and steamkike

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>this stays

>this doesn't

hey mods: start fucking banning both of these kinds of shitposters

>why doesn't steam allow rape simulators or pedo games
Gee I wonder. Retards uploading shit like this are going to make Valve ban porn games again. Not that I care because who the fuck plays porn games on Steam.

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Is it any good?

>Not her but trannies insist they are women just because they wear makeup and stereotypically feminine clothes.
Right, except it's precisely the opposite. They are women, but society refuses to accept them unless they conform to gender stereotypes (which are related to but distinct from gender roles).

Yes, TERF are just worse than incels, magnitude order, same level than KKK.

I don't perpetuate sjw shit. Rape in gaming is just edgy and pathetic, it doesn't belong, simple as. It's as cringy as thousand fold samurai swords.

Stereotypes weren't created by society lmfao and what the fuck does this have to e to do with video games


BASED and trannypilled.

>Stereotypes weren't created by society
Opinion disregarded

i mean, i bought shit like overgrowth and PoE access when they werent on steam
i have no problem not using steam

It's not real you know. It's just videogame. They let you to murder virtual people so wh is this a problem?

>imagine being so triggered over a couple words

-Not going to 95 for all your lewd game needs.
Who even does that.

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This user is a smart boy, its a false flag tranny journalist that wanted to create an outrage story

>Didn't use >
Guess I'm tired.

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Oh nooooooooo, the rape simulator made in micrsoft exel got shut down. That sucks.

who gives a fuck, it made the company look bad they're not obligated to put dumb shit on their service that is made to be offputting to everybody.

based /pol/tard

>Society told a baby girl just born to want to play with dolls

They are obligated to keep it up if they wish to uphold their own stated policies. They can legally remove it of course but it makes them hypocrites.

Feels good to be on the right side of history.

Attached: She was right in the end.jpg (1056x794, 103K)

Valve has constantly said that they're taking a hands-off approach but reserving the right to intervene if they feel like it.
Only a retard could take this as "free market rulez, shitty outragebait welcome"

Are you saying trans women all play with dolls? And if they want to play with dolls, wouldn't that make them women, then?

Maybe try to figure out what the argument is actually about before opening your fat mouth.

They ded.

Now this is epic


>>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
from console gamers?

that's because blacks are too mentally deficient to be depressed or feel sadness

/pol/ is inmigrants,race mixer and jews pretend be antisemitics,racist and rigth wing

So if I were to masturbate while playing Postal, that makes it ok?

You know what else damages your brand? Showing to everyone that your business is compromised by SJWs.

>Ban retarder game by retarder

But will epic let that game on their store?

Reset era trannies blown the fuck out

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>Bullying trannies leads to them killing themselves.

Sounds ok to me.

advertise your blog elsewhere, fatty

>Porn doesn't have anything to do with a videogame platform.
What are eroge?
>I enjoy rape in doujins
Unga rock good, stick bad, unga.

>dress in all black
>harass and bully their political opponents
>riot in the streets
>send bomb threats
Antifa sure sound like fascists to me, do you also think the Democratic Republic of Korea is a democracy?

Ok user, post your social info so I can bully you online.
I mean, you'll just close your eyes if it gets too rough :)

More free than sjw run nations that is the entire west

You have the shallowest possible understanding of fascism

Yep, they get very upset if they lose an "exclusive".

>"Ok, guys, we hear you that you want porn on our service and we're willing to compromise. We don't want to be the taste police."
You kids today are "special"

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all Kims were elected

Keep fighting bros, soon we will use our powers to bring back actual good games to steam. Our end game should be forcing them to accept actual cp games, only then will we win the war against gamers.

You fucking sociopaths need to get a grip.

Don't worry, so do most leftists

>but now they're letting you-know-who influence their publishing decisions.

You mean "sane people"?

>they are women
no, insisting they are because they fit the stereotype of how woman should be is, inherently, sexist. There is no such thing as "mental female" or "mental male". Sex does not determine your personality or vice versa. Plants can be sexed, and they have no brains. The only thing that should be considered intrinsic to a certain sex are the base defining elements, that is, their gametes. This allows us to recognize that these elements are superficial and move towards equality. Trannies really are like wiggers, but if wiggers wore blackface and claimed they were "mentally black", thus reinforcing harmful stereotypes about black people.

Who are you talking about? The perverts who want to enjoy a video game or the moral busybodies who want to control what other individuals have access to?

God, anonymous is free money. All I had to do was make a game too controversial for steam, and just sit back and watch Yea Forums shill my game for free, even getting thousands to buy it to "support" me and freedom of speech, far more than if it was just released on steam without drama. Thank you, kids, you made me rich.

No one here over the age of 16 actually cares about this. It's just usual Yea Forums bullshit made-up controversy.

Why do you think arbitrary decision are ok?

The psychos who are really angry that they can't have their rape simulator

>company removes item literally made to bait them from service platform because of bad press
Eventually you'll grow up
Or hell, maybe not, you might be this fucking stupid forever.

Attached: serioustarfire.png (602x609, 487K)

>comparing the mental abilities of women to that of vegetation

Attached: 1540162593336.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

And using piece of ahit 3D render

>no, insisting they are because they fit the stereotype of how woman should be is, inherently, sexist.
Just saying "no" doesn't automatically refute something. Again, this is the exact opposite of what it is. They experience gender dysphoria first, and as a consequence of that they seek to conform to the gender they identify more closely with, as constructed by our society. Chromosomes don't even really enter into it, at least, not in any way that science has thus far been able to identify.

>the moral busybodies who want to control what other individuals have access to?
Valve is a company. They can give or take access however they want. Welcome to the free market.

If you want to control what Valve does and doesn't do maybe go to Venezuela or Cuba, you'll love it there.

You don't know what arbitrary means.

A game getting delisted from Steam doesn't delete the source code from existence

What bad press?
Oh the bad press coming from people who think this game is morally abhorrent.

They aren't hurting anyone or denying anyone else basic freedoms.

the game is fucking called "rape day"
fuck outta here

This decision was not based on Valve's internal policies but based on moral outrage pressure coming from outside their company.
Read their announcement.

Reminder that a 12 year old bong raped his sister after playing GTA. But let me guess, that doesn't count, right?
Trump needs to grow some balls and actually ban violent/sexual degeneracy in games. Faggot even knows it creates monsters and a whole generation of ill losers.

how is this not an obvious troll game? y'all are retarded

So... the psychos who are really angry that they can't have their rape simulator on steam? This "scandal" makes less and less sense

stop conflating sex and gender, you're literally arguing about definitions while defining two separate things.

It's really not hard to agree on. Sex is biological expression, a phenotype. There's male (XY) and female (XX or XY with androgen insensitivity preventing the shift from female to male as a fetus - we all start female)

Gender is a related but separate concept involving personal identity and social expectations.

Stop arguing over definition.

>Over the past week you may have heard about a game called ‘Rape Day’ coming soon to Steam. Today we’ve decided not to distribute this game on Steam. Given our previous communication around Who Gets To Be On The Steam Store?, we think this decision warrants further explanation.

>Much of our policy around what we distribute is, and must be, reactionary—we simply have to wait and see what comes to us via Steam Direct. We then have to make a judgement call about any risk it puts to Valve, our developer partners, or our customers. After significant fact-finding and discussion, we think ‘Rape Day’ poses unknown costs and risks and therefore won’t be on Steam.

>We respect developers’ desire to express themselves, and the purpose of Steam is to help developers find an audience, but this developer has chosen content matter and a way of representing it that makes it very difficult for us to help them do that.

Which part says "SJWs made us do it"?

But they hate it, so we must support it. Remember, if you don't buy this great game you're against freedom of speech, logic and is a leftist pedophile supporter

It is seemingly arbitrary when there's no clear justification as to why some abhorrent games are okay to be sold on Steam but others are not?
What's the difference between this game and other games like Hatred or GTAV(Best selling game of all time) or Witcher 3 or Mass Effect.

And buy these shirts

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The fact they're afraid of natural sex?

>What bad press?
>Oh the bad press coming from people who think this game is morally abhorrent.
Yes? Are you of the opinion that people who disagree with you don't have freedom of speech or press? Are you of the opinion that Valve has no right to its own property?

>They aren't hurting anyone or denying anyone else basic freedoms.
So you're a libertarian who doesn't want an owner to have the right to curate content on his own platform. You realize how retarded that is, right?

>Which part says "SJWs made us do it"?
>Much of our policy around what we distribute is, and must be, reactionary

Valve bowing down to the true lords of gaming, ResetEra.
ResetEra wins again.

is this bait

This tribalism is killing me inside

Chromosomes aren't gametes. Also by seeking to identify with harmful socially constructed "genders" you uphold their existence. We should simply get rid of the concept entirely and only recognize the basic, real biological differences. Then we can recognize that these differences don't require us to act a certain way, that our personalities don't need to be restricted by our biology. There's also no reason for any person to "identify" themselves, what your "identity" is is only to people who wish to control you, hence why advertisers and media want everyone's personality to be able to be summed up in a twitter bio.
Stop supporting retarded concepts like gender

For one, those are actual games and not a renderotica slideshow

>It is seemingly arbitrary
>There's no clear justification
C'mon, user, you know that's not true.

You're either being disingenuous or you're really that fucking stupid that you think a literal bait game with bad press being removed is arbitrary and either way we're done here

Who said they were afraid of natural sex? Valve? Do you have a quote?

This is any company's policy. Have you ever heard of "the costumer is king" or "supply and demand"

>we should get rid of this concept
That's not how concepts work, user.

Ok can we all just drop the fake outrage?
Free marketplace may have been a neat idea but you can't seriously believe that a game where the focus is you literally go rape women isnt gonna cause somebody to step in. Hatred barely got away in the end so rape, something that's always been a very NO subject, you thought was gonna be fine? And they're not even being subtle. The words in the title!

How are /pol/tardetties ever gonna recover from this? Valve was supposed to be their based barricade against muh SJW oppression LMFAO

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Valve created a contract with it's partners when they promised a free and open platform with no restrictions based on the morality of content. Their words were "We will not remove games unless they are illegal or outright trolling."
This game is neither and was removed.
I agree to Valve having the right to platform whatever they want but not if they've made a promise prior to that stating that they will allow any game then refusing any game later on.
There's no reason for Valve to have created this false contract, and since they did create a contract they should be held to it.
Liberty doesn't mean you can go around deceiving your business partners.

>Valve created a contract with it's partners when they promised a free and open platform with no restrictions based on the morality of content.
Stopped here. You're retarded.

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Banning a game is literally the opposite of supply and demand.

Dumbshit, as in we should stop legitimizing it and supporting it's use. You probably understood this but needed to pretend you didn't because all you have left to argue with is the most petty of semantics.

>Liberty doesn't mean you can go around deceiving your business partners.
Welcome to the free market son.


Is this the hourly resetera falseflag thread?

>Valve created a contract with it's partners when they promised a free and open platform
No they didn't you dumb fucker.

You think it's so ridiculous that a company should be taken at their word?

Great idea user, next let's "de-legitimize" the concept of sadness!

>If it makes me look bad, it's a falseflag
Is OneAngryGamer run by the tranny discord too? :^)

The customer is always right user, if he doesn't like a product it has to go

>walking sims aren't even games
>slideshows are high art though
Would any of you retards have even bought this?
Valve dropped it because they knew it wouldn't make enough money for them to justify dealing with the bullshit from this le epic troll game

What was the point of the policy they updated a year ago then?

Let's be real here, the women in the game looks shit. Other WIP patreon Bullshit games looked better.

Also does this game have animations?

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If he doesn't like a product he is by definition, not a customer.

>Get woke, go bro-

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Ok you faggots I don't give a shit about your political shit. Where the hell is the download link?
I googled the name of game and company and.... nothing. Went to 8ch, f95, svs comics, etc and nothing. I'm starting to think this was really a false flag by some tranny.

I think it's ridiculous to claim that a random blog post with the wording "what WE DECIDE is illegal or outright trolling" is somehow a binding contract to never remove anything from the store. You believing as such tells me that you're a moron, a child, or both.

Have a nice day.

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Let me ask you something user, don't you think an edgy amateur-made rape VN falls under "trolling"? To me it seems like Hate all over again.

Yes, valve you stupid nigger. Rape has always been a natural aspect of male-female relationship for thousands of thousands years and only stopped very recently due jews pushing for white genocide, it's why Jews runs schools with the sole purpose of telling niggers and mudslimes that it's okay to rape whites, but if a white man dies it, they must kill him

>oh man this game is low quality
No shit, retard, it was literally made as bait to get removed from the store.

How fucking stupid are you kids

>When Yea Forums is so /pol/tarded that you can't even tell if this guy is serious or not

Things change. It's kind of just how life works.

So only paying people can be considered customers? Where does that place Yea Forums who pirates pretty much everything? Guess we shouldn't have any say in anything in this industry then

>implying this game wasn't a false flag to get steam to just ban porn games entirely

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That's just straight up wrong lol. When people refused to by New Coke in the 80s they didn't magically stop being customers.

So it's like a little child having to learn about sharing then. Guess this is good for them in the long run.

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More like /pol/'s law, am I right?

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The concept of sadness isn't sexist and isn't used to control people and only to control people. Also ask a hundred trannies to define gender randomly without influence from one another and see that none of them actually agree with each other. The term has no unified definition and is used for nothing else but to add an emotionally charged buzzword to non arguments.

Their announcement regarding removing it specifically stated the reason was the morality of the content and not the game being an example of straight up trolling. This is not "what I think", it's what Valve stated.

Official correspondence from the company regarding their policy should be considered their official policy. Don't you think?
What was the point of the post at all otherwise?
Did someone at Valve write it up for fun with the intention of never acting on those policies to begin with?

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They are. Billy is a known cuck who fucks trannies. That's why actual redpilled anons always use the Daily Stormer. An actual credible journalism site.

>Hehe, this one is our exclusive, censore gaaaaang!

Attached: Sony.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Oof, looks like this guy took too many """redpills"""

>So only paying people can be considered customers?
Literally yes.
What do you think a customer is?

Wow I didn't know this kind of game was morally okay in 2018. How times change.

The loli games (and games that aren't loli but they are say are loli anyway) are because of rogue employees but it was clear from the start that "straight up trolling" was a codeword for "we will remove anything that gives us bad press"

Then it seems we can finally agree on something. /pol/tards and SJWs together mocking OneAngryFaggot

>game not out yet
Ah, the retardation of libshits and centrists..


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OAG is an entirely separate brand of retarded, but sadly he won't 40% himself like your people

I still don't see the problem with being an non-binary autist in a gasmasked scarecrow suit.
Literally just chimping out about a buzzword that doesn't have to mean anything lbqtbbq at all.

What reason other than trolling could someone have to make a fucked up rape game? He's either a troll or a genuine sociopath.

Maybe we should get rid of gender but just like we should get rid of poverty in some utopian future that doesn't mean it's useless to help poor people in the here and now.

Can we also unite in making fun of TheQuartering? Cause he's a humongous faggot lmao

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A customer is a potentially paying person perusing your wares. So if he gets scared away, you fucked up and lost a customer who could potentially purchase from you.

The concept of gender isn't sexist and isn't used to control people and only to control people. Also ask a hundred depression sufferers to define sadness without influence from one another and see that none of them actually agree with each other. The term has no unified definition and is used for nothing else but to add an emotionally charged buzzword to non arguments

concepts by definition are nebulous and ill-defined you fucking dipshit read a goddamned philosophy book - scratch that READ A BOOK

It hasn't ever been morally okay. If there was another game like this on Steam that didn't get removed, I'd genuinely like to know.


>people think this is about morality
lol wat
Steam doesn't want bad press you mouth-breathers

and nothing of value was lost
why you'd want your creepy rape game associated with your steam account is beyond me

>What reason other than trolling could someone have to make a fucked up murder game? He's either a troll or a genuine sociopath.

The difference between you and me is that I don't care why people create fiction. It's self-expression and exploration of various themes. Why they do it is unimportant to me.

Am I arguing with ESLs here?
Customer implies purchase by definition.
You may be mistaking customers with potential customers.

>What do you think a customer is?
Anyone is a potential customer

Imagine being so bored, so sheltered you make up a grand conspiracy by valve, trannies, everyone except your gang to explain why steam don't want low effort direct rape VNs. Surely an ill faggot making baby guro must be a falseflag out to attack YOU, none among billions of people have actually been mentally ill after all, except everyone who disagree with your politics. Somehow.

...which would be because of peoples' morals.

Forget Valve. Use the libertarian storefront.

You put him on his place, fellow trannies

Which aspect in particular?

A game which received heavy moral outrage from the public? Hatred.
A game with non-consensual sex? Hotline Miami 2
A game with a plethora of unwanted social behaviours? Grand Theft Auto
A game with vulgar depictions? Genital Jousting

hes clearly autistic
but at least he seems to care about video games

Get an education you clueless zoomer cucks. Are you saying rape never happened now? Yet you will happily accuse innocent white men of rape at the drop of a hat because you're that brainwashed. Let me guess, public school education?

This isn't about what you or me think about an artist's motivation behind the project, it's about Valve's.

There is reason to believe Rape Day was made for "trolling" purposes and therefore Valve's action is justified. You've said it yourself, they're contractually obligated to do something against illegal and troll games.

>Leftists think potential Xs are Xs
Makes sense, that's why we're all labelled as criminals for our thoughts now.

As I said before, leave politics out of my post, you fucking cunt. This is the only stuff I found about the tranny false flagger: a badly put website. Why doesn't he have a patreon or something like that? where are the games' demos and screenshots? how come this game got initially accepted by steam and not other porn games? why is his website asking for your email? lmao

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>Asking for people to leave politics out while going on about trannies

>This isn't about what you or me think about an artist's motivation behind the project, it's about Valve's.
I'm okay with this IF Valve updates their policies to let people know that this is in fact the case and they revoke their previously stated claim that they wouldn't remove games based on moral decisions.
They can sell what they want but I would appreciate some clearer communication from them and don't see how this is an unreasonable thing to ask for.

>never would have known about this f95 reject if it wasn't for all the news articles telling me how awful it is

Huh, I guess it's irrelevant in what light these bad actions are portrayed. A game depicting rape as a vile act is just as bad as a literal rape simulator.

Rape was not the clear focus of any of those games, nor was it in the fucking title. Well arguably Genital Jousting but that was obviously super tongue-in-cheek and ridiculous in tone whereas Rape Day is not.

How can we leave politics out when EVERYTHING is political? Take a stand, choose your principles and side or fuck off you spineless cuck. I respect sjws more than apathic cucks like you who thinks he can avoid politics.

>zoomers don't understand how the market works

Whats the point of releasing retarded controversial games like this to start? At least with something like VN's theres a lot more volume and characterization. The retard behind this is just going out of his way to press buttons.

Lolbertarians support pedophilia though. Just as bad as lefties

You're missing the biggest question:

Why the fuck did this bare-bones VN get so much attention immediately after being put on steam?

Where is the download link or a proof this is an actual game, you tranny false flagger fucks?

What if I said that this is also tongue at cheek? Easy to argue since it looks like the creator put less effort into it than Genital Jousting. If it's not a bad joke then what is it?

>Asks for examples
>Moves goalposts
Okay, I'll never win this one.
You're right. Bad stuff is bad and we should hide it.

Is the game even real?

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exactly! when I googled the name of the game all I got was like 100 articles talking about it. not a single thread in patreon or f95. come the fuck on.

>western visual novel
>riddled with spelling errors
>no animation or voice acting
>crudely hodgepodged together with shitty 3D rendering software and pure autism

Shouldn't this be getting sold off to some scummy company that runs those "XXX adult sex game. Click here!" pop-up scams?

Attached: GOTYAY.png (1200x654, 509K)

there is no free market. nowhere in the world.

This is ironclad proof this shit was thrown together in order to attempt to revert Valve's stance of not banning sexual games.

That's fair enough. I'd agree that "straight up trolling" was a poor choice of phrasing on Valve's part because it can mean so many different things.

>If it's not a bad joke then what is it?
A troll game with rape in the title that focuses on raping. That alone is enough for any responsible company to remove it. And are you seriously going to retardedly imply that Genital Jousting is in the same ballpark as this shit?

Buy the game, poorfag. Support freedom of speech or fuck off from Yea Forums

>Moves goalpost
No user, it's just really basic logic. Comparing Rape Day to HM2 is like comparing Hatred to Schindler's List.

>in the same ballpark as this shit?
There is no game you retard, It's all a stunt.

Making this shit was really a win-win for socjus types.
>game gets the ok
Steam has literally no standards and supports rape, time for articles and boycotting!
>get gets removed
Lol steam isn't based and redpilled silly fashies, time for articles and boycotting!

Its like the conceot of free speech. It exists but it doesn't protect wht you think it does and it does not carry the unspoken obligation to be heard.

I don't see anything but a company wisely removing content from its marketplace to remain a marketplace

Is that why /pol/yps make dozens of threads about this shit and bitch and moan about it

How come all OAG ops are cropped the exact same way, and is always a Billy article?

Thank you God, that R*setEra bait has been banned.

/pol/ literally fabricates sjw articles to make themselves upset about. Don't take anything they say without mountains of salt.

We fight for justice, they fight for censorship.

Basic logic sounds like something beyond you.
What you're suggesting, I think, is that it's okay to depict a crime in a video game as long as the crime is vilified. You glossed right over GTA, or I could throw in Yakuza as another example, as games that glorify criminal behaviour and are generally accepted to be okay.
I don't need to dig hard to find a plethora of examples and contradictions in censorship selection. It's basic logic.
The decision was ultimately irrational and based on a human kneejerk reaction. It was based on someone somewhere saying "I feel like this is over the line.", feelings being the important thing here. Not logic or rationality.

they are legally required to ban all kinds of stuff depending on the country they offer their services in. there are games on steam that chinese or german players cannot even see on steam for example because in their countries its forbidden to even say they exist.


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We seriously need to rise the fuck up

How does that change my point?

>take away rape

but you can still rape and be raped :^)

Don't forget:
>low effort rape simulator made only to illicit an reaction

SJWs would be upset if Dream Daddy got pulled to comply with Chinese or Russian standards or moral decency.

based and redpilled

This but unsarcastically
What's happening here is basically like book burnings

You have a poor grasp on decency if you think it’s ok to destroy property and terrorize people you disagree with physically
You are simply a fascist group that’s akin to reddit on steroids


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I know I shouldn't but...

For who?

All things good, fair and sane.

Consider this. Someone had to both manually enter adult section and then find this specifically amongst hundreds of other games scheduled to enter the marketplace in the near future. Then report it to potent SJW shills. I believe in spoiled beans amongst valve. They just changed tactics to social outrage instead of denying games they don't like from within.

>he actually believes this
How is the game getting destroyed and made unavailable to anyone?

You're a radical feminist?

>An American company forgoing America in favour of our enemies
1 yuan has been reported to your traitors ass. I bet you'd support Chinese or Russian dominance huh?

Define good.

Define fair.

Define sane.

I can understand valve not wanting their platform affiliated with this edgy shit

I've already looked it up both youtube channels were made late FEB, his DA account is deactivated and has been used for 10 months according to last records on archive, all it had was 3D renders of baby gore, he was denied from Render Erotica because his artwork was extremely shitty. Only twitter mentions were by hue monkeys mar 3rd and someone on Steam community forum already had an inkling it was a false flag back in FEB

Smells like a honeypot

That thing needed to create it (money) is being taken away

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Except when it's black or gay people in vidya, then you try to start a boycott

Yeah when would American companies ever redirect their games to the Chinese market at the cost of the American players?

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If anyone actually wants this horseshit they can still purchase it elsewhere.

I don't need to define shit for you, agent of discord and chaos, I see what you're trying to do here you fucking rat

its painful how dumb you fucking people are

Defending a rape simulator made for masturbatory purposes seems a little irrational to me user

Traitors, that's who, and so far valve isn't bending over for foreign interests.

How old are you?



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But what has this to do with book burnings?

They said that they won't ban content that breaks the law. This game might not break the law but it could give Steam a very bad public image. They act in self interest here.

>Rape Day
>Rape Lay

Attached: int.jpg (400x307, 44K)

Seriously though what sort of person gets upset about not getting to play a game about murdering and raping people? I'm glad this was taken down. Maybe you guys should get some help. This isn't meant to be some 'jab' or some sort of 'bait'. This is some fantasy you actually get emotionally upset over if you can't have it. Please seek help.

That's an aspect of sanity yes, we must resist the unnatural, unless it puts them in a realistic light (slaves, degenerates)

>I'm literally going to have to download rape NVs that are actually competently-made and cost me absolutely nothing instead of being able to financially support this unrefined gem of a game


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Attached: da vinci code.jpg (477x268, 10K)

So, you fight for censorship


None of your fucking business, you're not getting my data to sell to sjw hit squads

Sanity is not about censorship, it's about morals. Censorship is evil and used to falsify truths (blacks being humans, trannies aren't ill etc)

>made for masturbatory purposes
Who said that? Did you decide it yourself?

The game wasn't removed because it was considered a troll game. It was removed because of moral reasons. This goes against Valve's previous announcement that they wouldn't remove games because of moral reasons. If Valve doesn't consider this game as "straight up trolling" and they still don't want games like this on their store then they shouldn't have made a big announcement saying that they would allow such content.
It's no wonder people are upset when companies are lying straight to their face while other people are defending the company by leaving out crucial information in order to make the displeased people's standpoint seem ludicrous.

yeah, seems like we are doing god job here

somebody than dont love their own body dont need to live

You censor blacks and gays out of vidya, no?

Oh, no, I think it's wrong to terrorize people for disagreeing. Which is why Nazis are scum. That goes beyond disagreement. Which is why Nazis are fair game. Because they'll do it to you if given the chance.

>Fictional work depicts something uncomfortable
>Censor it to solve the problem
>Factual work depicts something uncomfortable
>Censor facts to solve the problem
That's right boys, if you want to be a woman, you can become one! You just need to believe!

You're right, maybe it was made for people who find delight in rape for other reasons.

I've read somewhere that rape is less about the sex itself but rather about the power fantasy.

Didn't the dev say it was made for sociopaths?

God fucking damnit, who keeps making these Pepe and Wojak edits?

Attached: 6d4ac0d52fac0da3ad07247a30f2d762.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

No, we bring the truth out, no matter how unpleasant or fragile feeling hurt. This is an aspect of good.

Discord trannies, obviously

>Didn't the dev say it was made for sociopaths?
Could be a useful tool desu

Let people buy it and you've got yourself a tailor-made watchlist

But you also want to censor blacks and gays out of vidya, no?

No, that is insanity.

I mean one thing is some homosexuality and the other is rape and murder. What's with people trying to stand next to homosexuality and make out that their shit is the same struggle?
>What the fuck I can't look at cp? You got our backs, right fags?
No, we don't. One is a relationship between two adults and the other is abuse. In the same vein why do people think we'd advocate for rape and murder? A lot of us just want to be left alone and be allowed to pursue relationships with people we love. We can't help that some fags get AIDS because they're dumb and irresponsible. We can't help that some make a mockery of us at pride parades. Not all of us are hyper degenerate.

Sure, but you lose 99% of customers, so the product can no longer by financed

The game can no longer be consumed by the public like a book that has been burned
Now of course some people that go out of their way may still be able the acquire a copy
But to the general public it essentially no longer exists

redditors and the kind of people who browse /trash/

>somebody than dont love their own body dont need to live
kek, tell that /fit/

>Rape Day
Come on now, this is just begging for a shitstorm.
What's next ? Nigger Beaters ? White Supremacy Simulator ? Capitalism Utopia ?

Here's an unpleasant truth that's going to hurt your fragile feelings: males commit 90-95% of all crime.
>inb4 muh niggers
Nope, it's the same in mostly-white countries (e.g. Eastern Europe).

Why are males so violent, user? Should we gas them all?

Are you a bot or just too stupid to see the difference? Blacks and fags can be in vidya, but never falsified like an intelligent black or non degenerate fag

Seething tranny.

Men and whites can be in vidya, but never falsified like a non-violent man or a white that's smarter than an Asian or Jew.

Pretty sure bullies go to hell to, especially those who indirectly murder and encourage murder. I bet the ironic punishment would be you forced to suck off hundreds of trannies for all eternity.

Because homosexuality is banned in China and Russia. The revelation is that if public perception shifts ever so slightly, whatever you care about may become subject to censorship, that's why free speech is important to protect out of principle.
I'm sorry if you can't understand this I don't think you ever will.

And cp isn't illegal because it upsets people to look at, if that were the case it wouldn't need to be illegal, it simply wouldn't have a market. It's illegal because actual real life children need to be harmed to create it. It's very different from works of fiction and shouldn't be brought into an honest discussion.

There is no culturally pervasive stereotype around whites having lower average IQ than asians or jews like niggers being dumb as a people.

There it is. The discord agents revealed. Once again I have outplayed them and shown Yea Forums that they are among us, pushing false narratives and made up charts to lessen our noble race's contribution to this world.

Attached: 4a5.jpg (600x859, 110K)

I agree, it's just a stereotype and there are plenty smart black people in the world.

Yes there are, but so few that niggers as a whole are known as the dumbest people.

>culturally pervasive stereotype

Attached: map.png (800x472, 41K)

Weak bait, gg no re.

The game can still be consumed by the general public. And it is even more accessible due to the press coverage. Don't make it out to be some sort of societal action from the established power groupings that book burnings historically are.

Attached: 1550340014726.jpg (839x1067, 101K)

*TING TING A toast my fellow brothers.

>sex and love
I agree that it's bad if someone rapes a scared child or threaten them with pain, but consensual sex between a loving man and a boy or girl is entirely possible and beautiful.

Attached: science.jpg (300x250, 19K)

That contents of that map are not a culturally pervasive stereotype, yes. Except for niggers being retarded.

Localize this shit.


And it shrieks as the blanket gets ripped from its face. Wake up Yea Forums, these people are here, and they try to manipulate our board.

Vidya trying to push against this stereotype is a good thing

>but what if the child consents?
Uh oh, the ancaps arrived.
Look out for the recreational McNukes flying any minute now.

I'm mostly concerned about the rape here. But I honestly believe there's a leap here between 'shoot a guy' and 'torture him to death'. There's a sick fascination in the latter. It's very deliberate.

There's an element of survival in most other games, like arenas or war games. There's other motivations to someone joining the army. Sometimes that's an obligation to protect one's country, honor, perhaps there's no motivation and their hand is forced by a draft.

Killing in these games is not the same. It's why games that take place from the perspective of a murderer or rapist drive outrage in the media. It's no longer under the same sort of context. I do believe the driving force behind this is rape though. It's believed to be very traumatic and unlike murder, the victim is left alive. So one of these victims could stumble across disturbing content like this and take it very personal. I'm not gonna make some silly statement like rape is worse than being murdered, but can you see why it hits hard for these people? It's something they've been involved in. This is why Valve wants nothing to do with it.

Yeah, I'm sure those starving malnourished north Koreans are as intelligent and developed as Japanese

they are mentally ill and they are trannies you cuckold

Typing like a buzzfeed journalist makes you seem retarded like a nigger.

How many years have you been here user? Genuinely curious.

Attached: 1545006183671.jpg (475x375, 32K)

Attached: AIDs.png (1032x2291, 769K)

in which country of the world does the IQ of people get tested on a regular basis? in my euro country absolutely noone is ever officially tested for IQ yet this graphic claims to know the IQ of the people here.

be careful what you believe.

None of your business, data thief.

Typing like a zoomer just makes you seem like a zoomer. Are you a zoomer?

>poverty related

Attached: idk.jpg (540x494, 59K)

call me when steam bans something that has any artistic merit at all

cringcels on suicide watch. based

Why steam let me kill people?

How about torture in the pursuit of gaining information? Is that better than torture for pleasure?

Because you have to be a SJW to ban a shitty unity game with rape in its title, right?

just making it clear.
is my post

this sick fuck's post isn't.

You have to go to school first Mohamed, they do the IQ tests there.

I too automatically believe stories on forums, especially one full of revitalized 8ch lingo close to gamergate

People of all generations call niggers niggers. Get out more.

If Kara no Shojo doesn't have "artistic merit" then I don't know what does.

It's my business because I don't like seeing this board being overrun with deranged little non-white mongrels such as yourself.

Attached: BLDM.jpg (1173x4248, 1M)


Yeah, a starving child gets less developed physically, including the brain. Shocker, I know, my faterican friend

I'll take that as a "yes", zoomer.

I assume it is an IQ world map, since no title or sources are shown. Assuming that, I assume it shows that countries with well-developed educational systems gets better results on IQ tests than non-developed educational systems?

That's hardly a surprise. Someone trained to complete tests, complete tests better.

Zoomers do grow up one day. Niggers always stay niggers.

Where are you from?

For being such a critical thinker, /pol/ sure didn't understand the slogan of Yea Forums
Guess that's what happens when the gateway isn't Yea Forums

Need to have above nigger-tier IQ to create an educational system.

A different title as a book and i bet woman would buy it to get off to. Hell maybe even the same title know how degenerate they are.

Personally I don't have an issue with murder/torture in games. Games can be violent. Compromising stories to censor fictional happenings is unheard of in novels. I don't believe it should be any different for video games. Would you agree though that 'Rapeday' may have been crafted specifically to drive out rage though?

I'll commend him for going this far in his attempt to troll but seriously, his Q&A is so weak and blatant it's just dumb.

I'm nordic and far older than you, that's all you get from me, Hiro


Sorry Jamal, you're just a subhuman

I'm from the EU and they don't take regular IQ tests in any school in any country

What planet are you from my dude?

Lewd handholding

Attached: interlocking.gif (500x275, 827K)

not in my country.

Imao, nope, your generation will stay manchildren forever because you got too spoiled

Europe, they do IQ tests in schools here

>Yea Forums is trying to defend rape is wrong
This is it this place is full of shitters from reddit
This website is just fucking dead. Fuck you all redditors for ruining Yea Forums.

Attached: 1547068009160.png (496x317, 94K)

>I'm from the EU
That certainly gives you insight in all schools in all EU countries, slav subhuman.

>I'm nordic
Sure you are Mitja. I could smell the slav on you the moment I entered this thread.

I'll just wait until someone gains the upper hand and then join the winning side.

Attached: bazooper.jpg (377x466, 35K)

>get bullied when I was a kid
>don't give a fuck about it at this point since I'm a grown up
>tranny gets bullied
oh fuck off

Because I have rudimentary knowledge of my neighbor countries' school systems, yes.

You think nigger zoomers don't exist? Let me spell it out for you like I've been spelling out everything else you don't understand. Niggers are always the niggers of their respective generation.

>/pol/ have an average IQ of 162 proven by polls
>Yea Forums has an average of 79
>Yea Forums: ugh /pol/ is dumb don't believe what their fact finders and men of reason say, trust grug instead, trannies are fine!

>the good
>two paragraphs long
>the bad
>eleven paragraphs long
>go on holidays here btw
not even gonna bother reading. guy sounds like a mongoloid.

Where in Europe?

So you don't know anything. Nobody said this IQ data is updated with school tests.

Zoomers are the niggers of generations

Shame I can't tell the difference between zoomers and niggers anymore. Truly a failed generation. We need to eradicate this filth and try again, if we let zoomers live, humanity gets wiped out.

And niggers will always be niggers. At least we agree on that.


So adults are sent to IQ tests? I'm in my late twenties when is it my turn?

I've been browsing here since 2006 and not once have I ever thought rape was fine. I think you need to realise that there's more than just you sick fucks browsing the board. Although it at times may not always become apparent considering we're supposed to be talking about VIDEO GAMES. Get help, retard.

Tenk å ta så feil. Drep deg selv.


Death is worse than rape. But rape has more psycological consequences (obviously) on the victim and those victim have to live with them everyday.

When is it your turn to participate in any representative study? Come back when you understand how results like these are produced.

You're a zoomer and therefore a nigger. Glad that we agree on that indeed

You have a double digit IQ if you think internet IQ tests are accurate.

>me and my wife laying bed
>she's not wearing any panties, just bare butt
>bully my wife's butthole
>she says NO! and slaps my penis away
>bully it anyway
>she farts on my dick after a very spicy beef vindaloo
>it stinks and left brown stains on my penis and the bed
>i actually look at her and she turned into a hairy poojeet
>i jump out of bed and into the bathroom, i look in the mirror
>it all makes sense now
>i'm in clown world

Attached: 75um50a35df21.gif (607x609, 388K)

I'm sorry you're so asshurt about someone calling out the flaws in your non-arguments here that you felt it necessary to deflect to this point.

who gives a shit? nobody wanted to play this game anyway, let alone buy it. if they want to distribute the game let them do it on their own website if it's so damn good.

Attached: giphy (2).gif (500x319, 616K)

>It's okay to break the law because the other guys would do it too

And that's the exact mentality that confirms to us that we want nothing to do with you. You are just as bad as the thing you claim to fight. And as I disagree with the 'eye for an eye' mentality, I disagree with antifa on all levels.

I only disagree with Nazism on most.
That's how terrible your terrorist support group is.

So you are just talking out of your ass?


>rape has more psycological consequences (obviously)
How is that? What about the npc's family feelings?

what about people who survived getting assaulted or shot at?

I'm sorry you'll be always a nigger, zoomer. Best kill yourself now and get it over with.

>it doesn't count!
Kek, classic chimp Yea Forums argument

Seething niggerlover cope.


>defending rape
And Yea Forums yet again proves they're the niggers of Yea Forums

Sounds like the unpleasant truth hurt your fragile feelings.

Attached: 1531117048480.jpg (600x647, 81K)

Death has irrecoverable psychological consequences. The psyche is completely and permanently destroyed. It's obviously the worst possible outcome. Being alive is a prerequisite to having a comfortable life, hedonism always comes second to existence.

Get fucked Nazi sympathiser

Fascists will NEVER WIN, only over my dead body dressed in all black.

Pieces of SHIT

Attached: VDbChg-9_400x400.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Rape in moderation is A-OK.

Figures it had to be the dystopic Orwellian hellhole. Anglos are such a fucked up "race"

You fucking wish someone loved you, nigger

Violent games have got to go!
GTA taught my child how to dab!

>niggerlover reveals xerself to be an anime tranny

The UK doesn't systemically test IQs. Also, you aren't even trying anymore, are you?

that is 1 school dude who does it arbitrarily on a non regular basis and doesnt even publish the results.

>going from defending niggers to using it as an insult
This is your brain on HRT.

Said who?

>being this new

Attached: 1546536745111.png (640x632, 312K)

>using le smug anime girl to fit in
>while at the same time defending niggers

basic scientific reason, to get actual comparable data?

Just googled that shit and got pics of claire and ada. Maybe google thinks your a faggot user.

>/pol/ constantly gets shit wrong and flip-flops what rhey want based on whos in office
>At first they called porn degenerate but now that sjws hate it it's conservative
>Republicans were anti-slavery but now since sjws don't immediately hate all blacks like the old democrats Slavery iis conservative and the dixies dindu nuffin
>Constantly says the government is controlled by Jews yet they get "goverment" statstics to prove their theories
>2 years ago on April fools showed us most /pol/ posters are from /mlp/

rent free, seething etc

So you are saying schools in West Europe are testing for IQ based on the UK mensa site that offers tests for schools? Okay.

>There is nothing in OP that indicates the source of the image.
>looks like every other oneangrygamer post, with the same fonts, format, and colour
>By Billy
Billy stop spam shilling your shit and get off of Yea Forums. Your site is awful.

It was very cute watching you believe anyone would take a child seriously.

You're a teenager, why would anyone care about what you think as long as it's nothing but hateful drivel?

You didn't read this at all, did you?

anyone who defends this games right to exist on fucking steam is a retard

No, that's just something you made up because you realized your white-nigger asian-white comparison made no sense, and now you are trying to damage control.

>There is nothing in OP that indicates the source of the image.
This does not change that OP's source is that website. And that every single article of that website is posted on Yea Forums. Often several times a day.

Jews and Asians score higher in IQ tests than whites. The truth hurts doesn't it?

Do I need to repeat for you why that is meaningless in the context of the post that first mentioned it? I'm not used to riding the retard carousel so help me help you out here.