What defines if the game has soul or not?
What defines if the game has soul or not?
old game = soul
new game = not
If you kill the game and it goes to Heaven it has soul.
If you kill the game and it goes to Hell it was soulless.
tbqh, she was not that ugly before...
She looked better before, fucking soulless gook rats
Why the fuck would she do that, fucking bugmen with bad taste.
K-pop has been some of the worst mistakes in korean history
artistic vision defines it. When you visuals and game mechanics hand-crafted, you see real emotions put in creating content. Nowadays many jobs in media development outsourced or de-centralized, without good supervision and else. Bunch of new hired part-timers and students developing various important assets or people who dont even like games and want "skip gameplay" button.
Its an arbitrary term
left looks better, right is horrid
The whole thread will be people saying "wtf she looked better before"
this thread is full of roasties and gays plz leave
Koreans are disgusting.
Japan was right
works on my machine :)
what was wrong with left side other than looking like she hasn't slept for a few days?
Is it wrong if I think both look fine?
Also soul is just people saying a game was flawed but excelled in something they biased themselves into focusing on, like one scene or level. Or the game. Was actually fun enough to not care about it's flaws.
Asians have fucked up beauty standards separate from western ones, including wanting everyone to have that perfect egg shaped head, so no chins or cheekbones allowed on women.
The one on the right looks like a fucking drone.
"Hi, how are ya?"
>not even posting best soshi
there's probably a reason for that.
All I'm seeing is that she looks better from a an angle than from straight on, and the surgery didn't fix that
What's their obsession with egg-shaped heads? That shit looks retarded.
both looks good but left is definitely better
>t. gook
>Korea has found a way to mass produce those chicks so everybody will have one eventually
Based. If only Korean girls weren't all bitches.
Well better than america and britbongs who have fucked up beauty standards only in the exact opposite direction instead of chasing artifical beauty they embrace ugliness and push it in all it's forms.
it just werks
if he was a gook he'd say right, dumbass.
left is objectively better
nah after is better
If it looks like shit it has soul
They look like mannequins.
Not fooling anyone, gook.
When a game is done right and still holds up today in terms of quality game play
When a game is redone/a sequel is made to cater to people who only care about what a game looks like instead of how it plays
>remake is vastly inferior to the original
it's cause they're fags with no taste
Left looks better. Removing your fucking jaw does not make you look better, it makes you look like a rat.
A little make up away from cosplaying literal ayys
got you senpai
"Soul" is brainlet critique.
Time will tell.
If you put your soul into something,
even a movie as shitty as The room will be appreciated by many.
Else, you would make plenty of money, but people will proceed to forget about it, just like Avatar.
Soul is when a developers puts their everything into making the game perfect for themselves, it's when they're not motivated by monetary gains but a will to out do themselves and create something special.
This is why most western AAA games feel so soulless, it's all about making the most money even to the point where they'll bait their own fan base into a frenzy just to stir up press to sell more games.
she was really cute before the surgery desu
you people are fucking retarded
plastic surgery is much better than makeup, because it makes women actually look good
makeup just hides the ugliness for a few hours
if you're going to complain about plastic surgery, you should do something about the makeup scam first
Close, but not quite there yet. Yuri is easily the one with the best legs though.
literally a euro mutt, nice try though
anyone saying left looks better is a fucking neet and/or idiot.
left looks like mediocre piece of shit while right looks like a successful go getter.
she turned her style around and it worked perfectly
peopel just say left looks better because mediocre and bland is what they are themselves
Well, they did basically come off an assembly line
you're spending too much time on the internet absorbing content you hate, log off.
i'd say it's more because right looks like a mouthbreathing mongoloid, personally
I'm actually clueless about what people consider good facial feature, mind enlighten me? Serious question.
I only know the stuff that people keep perpetuating in stories and such, like how the japanese people like double eyelid.
Also, what makes a "manly jaw"?
we're not talking about all surgeries, we're talking about this specific case you fucking aspie.
Most things in life are good when done/taken in moderation, which isnt the case here.
you mean "seoul"
lol get your eyes checked incel
true dat. lets see...
>plastic surgery is much better than makeup, because it makes women actually look good
lmfao fucking hell lad
I agree on you, make up, surgery, clothes that form fat shapeless legs and ass into something decent it's all part of the same cancer.
People should take care of their health and bodies because at the end of the day that is what beauty is, a simple mechanism that people evolved to have to screen out less healthy from the more healthy potential mates.
Yet everybody ignore the core of what it is and trys to cheat the system.
It's all so disgusting and wrong.
are you retarded
or you could keep your unrealistic expectations to your anime waifus and leave real women for the rest of us.
hes right tho. some people fuck their faces up, true, but if it works then its actually way better than throwing paint at your face, hoping that the lighting will be favorable so you can con someone into fingering you
You can remove your cheekbones entirely, but the Japanese will still be superior.
mad af
>bland is what they are themselves
The ironing. Imperfections add character and make a face stand out. You chose the one that looks like thousands of others. You're probably an uggo crushed by his own self-consciousness.
no but apparently you are. plastic surgery is and always will be shit.
that's the thing though, it rarely works.
>real women
this is so reddit its not funny anymore
>Yet everybody ignore the core of what it is and trys to cheat the system.
a person wealthy/intelligent enough to afford plastic surgery and a person meticulous enough to dress themselves to be attractive IS showing off their health.
Good to know that you are happy to exclude yourself from gene pool by your own standards.
Symmetry, cuteness and naturality.
you should go back, user.
>Imperfections add character and make a face stand out
spoken like a true 4/10.
go find your uggu user
this unironically
lol seething incel
Left is way hotter but I think it's not just the headshape but also the haircut.
maaan, lets go to the obvious then
oh no it's retarded.
>dressing yourself
>showing your HEALTH
I didn't say "nobody should be allowed to breed if they are inferior.
I said people should drop the fucking ducktape solutions, stop painting their face because they eat shit and have acne, stop using tight clothes that shape your fat shapeless body and instead adopt healthy lifestyles to maximize your health and in turn your looks.
Have a healthy diet, do regular exercise, get enough sleep. Basic hygiene so you aren't a dirty fuck.
There done.
The issue with that is it takes more effort and is a more long term solution, why do all that when you can buy clothes in 5 min and apply make up for 30min and be done with it (lets ignore that you have to do it every day and it's all just a fat lie in the end).
Spoken like a true incel raised on porn and anime. Surely you're only a virgin because no girl can live up to your standards.
nah just not a mouthbreather. you do realize any woman shallow enough to change herself to this extent through plastic surgery wouldn't give you so much as a passing glance anyway, right?
the first ones to say seething are usually the ones seething
you're actually mentally challenged my dude, go back to your mukbang binge you tasteless gook
>beautiful women don't exist because none has ever wanted me unlike 250pound ledasha the hooker.
>You chose the one that looks like thousands of others.
Ye. Thousands of good looking women, while the left looks like thousands of ugly cunts.
>literally no change between a 7-year-old and a 27-year-old (or whatever)
Yeah, sure, that's very natural.
>i went on Yea Forums and found an incel
>and leave real women for the rest of us.
yikes. i bet you also defend virtual women from wearing unrealistic clothes
>oh no it's retarded.
>>dressing yourself
>>showing your HEALTH
yes, user. you know how GDQ has to tell people they have to bathe? people who are mentally unfit don't clean and present themselves properly. it's a symptom of a whole bunch of mental defects.
they age like fine wine
of course beautiful women exist you dolt, they usually just don't need plastic surgery lol
Ok, so now your argument is the plastic surgery is too good?
Can't win with you retards.
I wanna get a nose job but I'm afraid they'll fuck up because it's too big and fat
how old is it
>Spoken like a true incel raised on porn and anime
>anyone who doesn't like ugly women must be a weeb who's constantly masturbating
what a sad world you live in. your reasoning would actually be totally lost on me if I wouldn't have two fat neckbeard friends who talk just like you. otherwise you'd get no empathy from me.
This confirms all incel who want asian gfs are just pedos.
so many roasties ITT getting butt blasted over the surgery they can't afford lmao
>yikes. i bet you also defend virtual women from wearing unrealistic clothes
what the hell are you even talking about user? put the crack down my dude
You are absolutely retarded if you apply men beauty standards, that are mostly outdated to boot, to women. The worst thing you can have as a woman is stand out imperfection. It gives you attention sure, but not the positive one. Inb4 any attention is positive attention, that is not how it works.
On top of it you are applying western naturalism, which is more east european in origin, and individualism beauty taste to asian which have very different culture. Cult of young and perfect if uniform look was always their shtick.
>basic hygiene
>same as painting your face everyday to give an illusion and hide your poor health
>same as buying clothes to hide your misshapen and neglected body
Missing the point. You're not only ugly, you're stupid as well.
t. seething :)
Where did I say that?