RE 6: the final GOOD re entry

This was the last legitimate Resident Evil. The true continution of the epic series narrative, at this point elevating the main characters to near super heroes. The logical resdient evil 7 would have been a post apocalypse game set in a a remote snowy area that changed the rules of resident evil but continued the stories of chris, leon, jake, et. Al.

Instead we got...whatever re 7 was and a competent but soulless RETREAD of re2.
In time people will realize what has happened to re since 6 is equivalent to disney raping star wars to “give the fans what they want”

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Cool thread my dude

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You should be placed in a labor camp for having this opinion.

Childhood is liking re 7 and demake 2. Patrician adulthood is realizing 6 was an amazing game.

Just the thought of you cracking rocks until you drop gets me hard.

Yeah, it sure is *cutscene* an ama- *walk and talk sequence* -zing gam- *atrocious vehicle section* -e *forced camera zoom on a pointless explosion*

I swear capcom could just keep remastering the same games over and over for you boomer plebeians and you woupd continue to lap it all up like so many strands of ropey cum...that’ll be 60 neetbucks plus tip, goyim;)

Simmons is the worst bad guy I ever saw in the series.
His metamorphosis doesn't make any fucking sense.
Now that I think of it, almost the whole game doesn't make any fucking sense, its only saving grace being a competent technical development, so fuck you op I am glad they deviated from this shit.

did remake 2 make you little fuccbois piss your pants so much, you've gotten traumatized, and now deluded yourselves into thinking re6 is great?

im sure thats what happened

Literally only Leon's campaign has this and that one is the worst anyway.
Simmons is just an adafag, so no wonder it was hated by everyone since people saw their pathetic selves in Simmons.

>RE 6: the final GOOD re entry

Imagine if you will a game that takes place in the aftermath of 6 where the global pandemic has worsened and society has fallen. All military and police combatting bows misisng or presumed dead. Jill valentine and jake mueller must survive in post apocalyptic siberia the game would include hunting, jet skis, and new and bizarre mutants. Also jill has fallen mute. Wiuld have been much better.

Who cares about adafags, he is still shit nonetheless.

Better than 5 6 and 7 XD!

is this a joke? Had the worst enemies, areas, and the worst gameplay and controls. Even Revelations 1 and 2 are high above it.

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Resident Evil never had a good villain. Wesker is way worse since he was cool in 1 and made into a completely fucking retarded cartoon villain. Only good thing he has is his voice.

RE wasn't about super hero antics.
I am glad they returned to the roots.
There are plenty of good games similar to what you described already.

Yes it's a joke and trolling NOBODY thinks 6 is good well zoomers do but they are trash and should be ignored.

Well it rapidly became a stroy of hero archtypes, and i dont know if you noticed, but re 7 was just a mishmash of american horror films like texas chainsaw massacre and the hills have eyes. Capcom went small because they are utterly out of ideas. And now because of stupid fanboys we will simply get boring remakes ad infinitum

Imagine if you will, no more tendies, no more jerking off, and no more vidya, just you a pick and a rock.

just aiming in this game is such trash. Even the mouse and keyboard controls feel like shit on the steam version.

And boomers just want to play the same dumb 90s games over and over. And not even the good ones, just overrated titles like ff7 and re2, when panzer dragoon saga and deap fear were both clearly superior to those games...

I have to confess I still have to play 5, but other then that all villains are way better then Simmons, even the crossdressing freak in CV.
Take off your bias, Birkin is what an aberration is supposed to be, not a guy morphing into various animals.
It was so stupid I feel dumber just by thinking of it.

at least this new gen might be able to experience some actual good games

Come back with your RE6 garbage when you learn to spell and capitalize, fucking dumbass.

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>cant critique the argument
>have to resort to the lowest common deominator, the grammar police move

Zoom zoom!

>just overrated titles like ff7 and re2
>panzer dragoon saga and deap fear were both clearly superior to those games...

>still can't spell
Isn't it past your bedtime? Or are you a stupid ESL?

I actually kind of agree with you, but not in the way you might like. RE6 WAS the logical continuation of where the series was going, but it also got to the point where the only option to preserve the IP was to hit the big reset button

I think the series could have taken maybe 1 more big dumb bombastic game, but I think it would've been a sharp fall from there considering how badly 6 was already recieved. The series has redeemed itself from being viewed as a tired joke that should've ended after 5 to a respected title again.

>birkin morphing into various animals
nigger, that's Simmons, he has like 20 or 30 animal forms and i dont care if im exaggerating

Birkin has one form that resembles a big dog/wolf (maybe even a big cat).

are you done? it's time for a mother fucker bedtime NOW!

Even worse, a zoomer revisionist.
I loved my saturn but no way deep fear could be compared to re2....

RE6 is actually one of the worst games from a big name series I've ever played. Its not on the level of Sonic 06 but fuck me its close.

Retard alert

Tfw most RE "fans" are twats who vehemently hate action RE and only think "classic" RE is good.

Wish more people liked all of the games and saw them for the good parts

>Defending RE6 over RE2make

Are you an inter-dimensional traveller from reality where RE6 was actually good?

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Zoomers just zoomin LOL

user, take a deep breath and read my comment again.
You will maybe notice that we shared the same opinion all along.
Fuck simmons, guy was horrendous.

RE6 is good, queer.

I'm probably one of the few people that actually liked RE6 and even I'm not delusional enough to believe that this isn't a bait thread.
Honestly the RE2 remake's gameplay is an obscenely fun attempt at focusing on ammo conservation and resource management through choosing when and how to disable/bypass enemies rather than just which rooms you can afford to clear out entirely.
I'm really hoping they keep working on that base gameplay, but RE6 was still a fun game in its own way.
This guy honestly puts it very well, and I think it's funny how people's opinions on the RE games got stronger and stronger as the games became worse and worse amazing co-op games to play with a friend.

Thanks for answering my question.

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You missed a coma you dumb nagger. Birkin what what an abberation is supposed to be(flesh monster), not a guy(Simmons) morphing into animals.

Don't fucking reply to me.

Re 6was the natural escalation of events, similar to the big sacrifice at the end of the band of the hawk arc/golden age arc. They were setting it up for a terrifying new chapter without society or military orgs to contain the terror. But like shortsihted fans who prevented us from seeing jar jar revealed as a sith lord, we will never see the TRUE conclusion or rather true continuation arc of re. Its doomed to be a soulles consumer toy from now on.

Literally yes.

Not a problem chuckle nuts.

Guy you originally responded to. Not saying that Simmons is a good villain just that he's, at least for me personally, not as bad as 5 Wesker since he didn't ruin a nice character with it. Though in CV he's just as stupid.

>why don't people just like everything

Because action RE got really fucking bad. You wont find many people who don't consider 4 to be a fantastic game, it's just that they only managed to make one good game of it's style.

>You wont find many people who don't consider 4 to be a fantastic game
That's because it is were done here keep 5 and 6 LOL

RE6 is an unholy mess of every shitty trend of last gen with an RE skin.

RE6 is a great TPS though.
The only swith the game is the story going full retard and the QTEs. I honestly do not care about how well written RE is. I only care about the gameplay. They patched the game to remove the faggotry of the QTEs

but the gameplay was bad. the melee attacks had no range, the dodge and shoo system was jank and the aiming sensitivity was also way too loose. Enemies didn't feel very good to hit either.

The best thing about RE6 was all the Chris x Piers porn it spawned

too bad they killed off the twink before chris actually got the chance to ride him

>the melee attacks had no range, the dodge and shoo system was jank and the aiming sensitivity was also way too loose. Enemies didn't feel very good to hit either.
I disagree with literally all of this

The gameplay was a hell of a lot more engaging then RETREAD 2. You CANNOT roundhouse people in 2 or vault over even the simplest of obstacles. The characters are boring and dont add to the epic stakes of 6. Admit it you miss the old vision

To fully experience Resident Evil 6 you should play it with your girlfriend
it's a pretty mediocre game otherwise

Can you send a copy to our reality? We could use another good RE game because our RE6 was hot garbage.

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I love 6 but RE2make isn't trying to be a balls to the wall TPS.
It's trying to stay as true to the original RE2 as it can while still moving to a 3d OTS view

Is RE6 the Dark Souls 2 of the Biohazard franchise?

>love 6
This post gave me cancer and aids.

Has the best mechanics and plebs hate it because groupthink?


If by dark souls 2 u mean dark horse for one of the best in the series, than yes.

RE6 was a good game because it was unapologetically an RE game, campy and absurd as hell

RE7 tried to hard not to be an RE game, that it fucking succeeded, but unfortunately they still thought slapping RE in the title made it one

RE2 remake is fine, but it feels like the equivalent to a live action Disney remake

I miss fun campy unapologetic RESIDENT EVIL games, maybe if RE:R3 is ever a thing it will bring us back to a better time

i hope you get the worst kind of cancer really

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You cant go back user...look what tryig did to indian jones, star wars, and now re. The only thing to do is let series evolve like resident evil was TRYING to do before brainlets effed it all up. Another saga ruined due to petulant and clueless fans

I like 6. Chriss story was unironically the best since he actually gets character development in there, which was a first. Piers is also likeable making his death at the end actually emotional. Jake was also unexpectedly likable and so was his relationship with Sherry. These 2 campaigns were clearly what the game was trying to be which is way I like Leons the least since he has no character and Helena is annoying. It's also the campaign that takes control away from you the most. Though the actual story of Leons campaign is still entertaining enough for me. Were it gets completely retarded is with Ada, this one shouldn't have existed. Her talking with herself all the time is also creeping me the fuck out and is pretty cringy.
Gotta admit that it took me a while to like this game mostly because of the controls but once I got a hold of them it started to become pretty cash. Especially in Mercenaires which is still the best version of that mode.

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Ahh yes, the survival horror innovator turning into the worst third person shooter imaginable was a great evolution.

No DaS2 is good. Reeee6 is garbage.

Fuck off kid. RE died after CVX/REmake and Zero. They were the last true RE.