ITT: soul

low-poly shallow water is the pinnacle of vidya soul

Attached: bugs.gif (500x375, 3.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rayman 2 is 20 years old

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Back in the early 2000s we always talked about how bad early 3d graphics were and how no one is ever going to be nostalgic about them. We never could have predicted just how shit zoomers taste would be.

The soul can be found in the texture of the ground inside the water.

Nice water in these games.

>basic colors
>basic shapes
>still fully represents the concept that it's illustrating
Ah, soul! SOUL!!!

Is this the prequel to Big Chungus?

I like to imagine he moved on and is traveling the world rating real bodies of water.

>the pinnacle of vidya soul

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oh shit is that big chungus on the ps1

jesus christ this place is really beyond redemption

Low poly is peak soul, prove me wrong

I remember that being a fun game, Bugs Bunny - Lost in Time. I was let down that it wasnt anything like the commercial where you drop anvils on everyone though. I got stuck at the witch's world.


Best PSX game

Or he already did/does admire many real bodies of water, but he just can't get enough. His mii was a pretty old guy.

This shit artstyle

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>had a ps2 demo disk with this game on it.
I miss demo disks

You must've hung around some shit people because the consensus was that they looked great

Not really low poly but Mario Sunshine had THE best water physics ever presented in a video game

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how can realistic 3D even compete

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Wizard of Oz - Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

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I thought you were just meming me but it's actually real.. and it surprisingly looks good.

Low poly with flat textures and hard edges is a corner cutting meme. Unlit low poly with fully painted textures is pretty freakin comfy

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This. And Rare was pretty damn good at it, too. Look at these beautiful colored textures. It would look very boring without.

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>>dat aesthetic

Lovely use of black/shadows in that. What's it from senpai?

Racing lagoon

True beauty

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Words cannot express

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based nice water poster

The ultimate form of pure soul

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No, even as a kid I preferred the look of 2d rather than the awful 3d polygons and blurry textures.


Also can anyone recommend some more ps1 games with nice “soulful” graphics?

Behold, soul

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Looks like an earthquake's going on.

20 years later and N64 kids are still seething

Heart AND Soul

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This is Syphon Filter 1 or 2.

3 never ever


I think it's Syphon filter 1 since that had a mission where you had to sneak(fight, kill, and make war) in a space museum.

Shit, thanks for reminding me I need to finish this game. The camping mechanic was so fucking good.

Why indie dev can't make more low polygon game?

Sauce me bro

The difference between soul and soulless is people who understanding the same concepts needed in film-making or animation needed to make something feel alive and people who went to college specifically for game design. You can tell exactly the point when the latter became the majority in the industry, which was January 1, 2006.

>no attention to color theory or design, just copy popular palettes
>clear that managers and directors were incompetent and didn't properly coordinate teams, get jumbled messes for designs
>little to no sound-theater staged for ambient effect, game worlds feel dead and 2-dimensional
>music and sound design terribly mixed
>uncompressed MP3s take up a quarter of the game's filesize
>textures are improperly compressed and look like shit, objects placed just to make busy space or scene noise rather than structured to create a memorable and easily-navigable environment with lots of things that interests a viewer
>writing doesn't have subtlety in any regard
>designs very clearly based on market testing rather than experienced opinion

>writing doesn't have subtlety in any regard
>designs very clearly based on market testing rather than experienced opinion

Movies and television has these problems as well.

Shame the series totally abandon the aesthetic of this game for a more marketable approach in every future Rayman game

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Same. 5th gen was a disappointment to me at the time. 2D sprites will always be my favorite.

Yes they do. Usually industry problems in entertainment trickle down as so, or at least did:

Film -> TV -> Magazines/Comics/Books -> Social Discourse -> Video Games -> Tabletop shit, toys
It goes from film to social discourse in the matter of a few months, then very slowly seeps into everything below social discourse.

Requires talent and effort, neither of which the average nu-male/danger hair indie dev has

That's why whenever you see them do """low poly""" it's flat shaded unsmoothed shit, it lets them ship an unfinished game with very unfinished assets and hide behind 'it's muh artstyle!' when called out on it

Breath of Fire IV

oh god I got hit by a nostalgia wave. I remember getting this game on a CD and playing the fuck out of it
I don't think I ever beat it because I sucked

I know it gets shitted on a lot thanks to the competitivefags but Melee has this really great techno/cyberpunk aesthetic that no other game has been able to replicate imo.

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That's just one level though, but yeah it really reminds me of TRON.

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Devil Daggers perfected low poly.

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this thing is boring as fuck

Ah!!~~ My soulclitty is so big!!

Evening Lake... Home...

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Bugs Bunny Lost in Time is one of those not-so-good games that I replay every now and then just for nostalgia
It's not very good but I love it

t. couldn't last 60 seconds

Bugs bunny lost in time is a pretty darn good game especially for a licensed game
The backtracking is painful tough, the carrot factory level is cancer

spyro is the king of low poly

Fucking loved this game as a kid, always preferred it to Bugs Bunny Lost in Time although both are good. Really comfy game, complimented by some good music, hearing the first level's music always brings good memories to mind.

Back when adventure games actually felt, looked and played like adventure games.

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didnt have to my dude, game isnt a game, its a hugbox

Gex's horror levels are so fucking good.

That's the thing about low poly/resolution, things are far more frightening when you cant tell what they are. if it's a clear, obvious image, you can immediately identify what it is, and therefore it becomes less scary. When you think you're staring at something horrible, but you can't quite tell, that 'unknown' multiplies the fear.

No, no. 3 Someday, but it'll suck.

I'm not a Meleefag, but while I do enjoy the other games, Melee's aesthetic and sound design is the best in the series.

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>low-poly shallow water is the pinnacle of vidya soul
So it's literally pure nostalgia. lol

my man

I don't speak zoomernese what are you trying to say here?

guess Im gonna add soul on word filters

Imagine being a zoomer and growing up with the 7th+ gen of consoles and having nothing to look back fondly on

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>uncompressed MP3s

user, I...

Looks like a runescape fox

do you think in 10 years Yea Forums will have a nostalgia thread talking about how brown shooter graphics are kino and soul?

A hugbox is an echo chamber, but I have no idea what he means. Everything is trying to kill you in DD, literally the opposite of a hugbox

Talk more about the colour and design aspect

pic unrelated

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They better fucking not. At most we'll see it ironically, like people remembering cheap mascot shit like Bubsy from the 90s.

There are already bait threads about "playing Modern Warfare with the bros with not a care in the world"

what game?

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He's trying to say he sucks at the game but doesn't want to admit it because he fetishizes 'skill' in a child's toy.

>Shiny is dead
>Planet Moon is dead
>First Wonder kickstarter failed

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it's like growing up in the vidya crash and all you have are memories of having 20 different pong consoles and getting ripped off constantly

Fuck, man. I'd kill for another game with the vibrant art style of the likes of Giants and Sacrifice.
Stylized early 3d was the absolute tits.

Conker looks amazing for a N64 game, it os a shame that it isnt any fun

Late 90s to early 2000s texture work was apex kino

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It's funny though

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Rayman 2 is overlooked too often. Top-tier comfy.

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I always thought rayman 2 was overrated because the third was better and nobody really cares for it

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what game?

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Sekiro looks good.

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remember when games had soul?

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Megaman Legends

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The fuck you talking about zoomer

People are already having tons of nostalgia thread about Vanilla WoW, a game that was considered to be pretty much the Fortnite back then.

thanks, what game is that also?

God i fucking remember watching this trailer as a kid and wanting SLY so badly, this trailer was literally filled with SOUL

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Among other thing, but that definitely gets me too. PSX platformers had a shit ton of "feel" to them, because all those technical limitations forced your imagination to run wild.

Wasn't that game unbeatable thanks to a game breaking bug involving certain door and certain digimon?

it's trying hard to fit in because it grew up on shitty PS3 games riddled with muddy bumpmaps, motion blur and bloom up the ass

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I don't remember it's name. It's either a Saturn, PS1 or Dreamcast japan only game.

I miss games with soul.

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only in certain Euro releases like Spanish and German Agumon refuses to speak to you in order to proceed to the Ogre Fortress quest. UK is fine.
American release is worse, the translation is horrible, and interacting with a couple of digimon breaks your game (Giromon in the restaurant, BlueMeramon in Mt.Infinity)

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I think its a saturn game

you are not alone user

sick I can finally hear this piece of music by itself

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also, US has the infamous MP Consumption Bonus glitch, where they forgot to end a code which displays your MP cost upgrade if you get above 699, 799, 899, or 999 brains after battle, spilling out into infinity and softlocking your game because it doesn't know what to do

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1000% SOUL

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>retro/low power = soul


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at least it was before PAL fucked it up


no, modern low poly retro indieshit is fucking trash

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this one is bugs and taz time busters, its a co-op version of lost in time with more open world

I gotta find this game again. It was one of my favorites and I wonder if it was even halfway decent.

>not a nostalgiafag

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looks like Pirates!: the legend of black kat. You play as a titty monster pirate

Lost in Time, Time Busters, and Sheep Raider are GOAT games tbqh.
Licensed games used to be legitimately great

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There's just something so mysterious and inviting about low-poly graphics

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I'm not, I'm perfectly capable of playing SNES, SEGA, PS1, and N64 without fault of they're good.
Graphics are literally inconsequential and only the lowest common denominator cares about them.

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me this morning, taking in all this... S O U L

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You’re a dumb fuck, Rayman 2 looks like a moving painting.

Damn, that’s suprisingly gorgeous

Ah yes, the good ol days where literally anything could be a video game.

Oh lord OH LORD all I need is a few screencaps of Jet Force Gemini and Bomberman 64 maybe some chameleon twist?
Comon! COMON!

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Medievil has a very similar aesthetic if you want to check it out.

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Don't forget Castlevania 64

That’s an N64 game? Christ it has the same graphical fidelity as Voodoo Vince and other Xbox Classic titles

Rare was on some next level shit before the buyout


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Is this Tenchu?

The guys were fucking geniuses

I remember this game being hard and creepy as fuck.
It also triggered my edgy autism.

Honestly racing games is some of the only time I'll take newer ones


What are some modern games with soul?

this ones weird. soulless colors, but soulful environment and that house design on the left. feels like something youd see in laguna beach ca. 50% soul

sonic teams dreamcast games, all filled to the brim with soul. the shared graphics engine between pso and sonic adventure 2 gives them both iconic memorable looks.

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spyro 1 = soul

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Sonic Mania

modern devs aren't even trying

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nah they're sterile as shit. NFSMW, Midnight Club 2 and Burnout Revenge will always be peak western arcade racan

I'm playing Rayman 3 for the first time and I must say, it is a very strange game.

shame new Tokyo Xtreme Racer never ever

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Sonic Racing Transformed

Does the game really bore you that fast?

A Hat in Time

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I make a point of exploring the entire moonscape every time I get to this part, just for its atmosphere

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Is Katamari Damacy SOUL?



it's the most overrated meme game.

Soul = nostalgia

soul = proper art direction and sound design

not our fault modern devs are talentless diversity hires.

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Not really

Name me a single modern game with soul that doesn't rely on nostalgia


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Travis Strikes Again

Despite its flaws, I think pic related had soul thanks to its characters and music

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>motion/face capture
Please get out.

Darkest dungeon
Hollow knight

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Late reply, but Mario Sunshine's "water physics" were actually just a super-basic deformation mesh around the player. The water effect was surprisingly simple, too, even if it worked beautifully.

literally every Supergiant game desu

The least soulful Danganronpa by far?
The one for which the whole meta story is that the creator is fucking tired of this shit and wants to be done with it?
I don't even dislike the game, but soulful it is not.

I like that you post the games that are litearlly the most soulless indie game trash out there.

I remember having a lot of fun with 3 a long time ago BUT i got the PS3 version for free on ps+ recently and the grating voice acting and pop culture references just killed it for me.

It only halfway continues the spirit of 2 with those nice gallic locales. It also feels a lot jankier than I remember it being; I remember having a lot of fun trying to get huge combos on the Gamecube version but I just didn't feel it this time.


yes, and NuRE2 is better than the OG one, too.
t.Dino Crisis babby

Kero Blaster

>remove enemies and elements that made the game good
If you like movie games I suppose.


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oh no the moth guy and annoying spiders are gone what will I do?

This looks like the most soulless artstyle out there

>removing stuff that gives the game soul is not a bad thing

REmakes are more soulful than the originals. Both 1 and 2.

To think we took it for granted that games with soul would forever be a thing.

> bad things = soul

You heard it here first, people

At least it was before Toys for Bob fucked everythang up

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The first Dead rising game vs the sequels is a perfect example of soul vs soulless

Despite it beinga pretty short and easy game, everything in Sly Cooper had this fluidity that gave a great cartoon thief feeling.

Fuck head and Cuck man

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That looks decent-ish, better than some of the other butchered designs, especially in the third game

Hollow Knight, though I agree with Sonic Mania too.

why is a robot breathing

Any good dual screen spyro wallpapers?

yeah. It's really not nostalgia either.
I tried DW Next Order and couldn't stand the cookie cutter animu look or the casualized raising mechanics.
I'm at 96 Prosperity Points in OG Digimon World now lol despite never playing it as a kid because some dude said it was the best game of its kind in a thread the other day.
I love it.

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How can one man be this jaded?

All of my boners

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Unironically a better game than Stardew Valley.

I spoke too soon

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I hated and loved this game

that's because they didn't have 100 billion dollar budgets.


Stop living in the past zoomers pretending to be boomers.

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The circlejerk that was the early 2000s sprite community is not relevant

The remake will ruin it but I'm going to end up buying it anyway

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Not a zoomer but I have a huge boner for PS2 era 3D. Before the dark times of obsessive motion blur/depth of field and post processing filters.

nurayman is shit compared to 2 tbqh

That game has always been butt ugly
Grass looks like vomit spread around the mud.

I never thought about it but yeah, it's quite quaint.

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I enjoyed what Origins was going for in style even if it did looked like it needed more time and a budget.

I actually didn't play PSO until very recently but holy fuck it has soul and atmosphere. Can see why so many people bust a nut over it.

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it was okay but nothing spectacular. Art was great tho

Thats just pure nostalgia.
Origins is literally better in every single way possible.

Every fucking thread. Why do 2Dfags seethe at early 3D harder the anything else? Drop the vendeta already.

lmao no it's a sorry ass mobile game looking thing.
Rayman 2 is one of PS1's best

*blocks your path with an inconceivable amount of soul*

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Shut your whore mouth, it's fun. Remember fun?
It's up there with Chibi Robo and Mister Mosquito.

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Behold the power of 「S O U L」

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Fun is just a buzzword

Goemon was the shit

Every video game effect is just "super basic BLANK", the fact it looks good is what's impressive.

yeah okay kike

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low poly games with no texture filtering look awesome

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it makes me wonder what devs were thinking when they used to "smooth" the low-res textures. It just made everything look muddy and shitty.

Persona 5

Fun fact: same developers as Jersey Devil and Scaler.

All SMT games including Persona

zoom zoom

I've seen the Mazda commercials too, thank you for reminding me

Rayman 2 is pure kino

Thank god console games didn't suffer blurry shit until N64 because everyone expected the TV to blur things for you, would rather have something clean that can be fixed if it's look like bad than having something already processed that you can't fix.

It was similar to the over-the-top bloom era, it was a new thing, so devs added bloom to everything because TECHNOLOGY.

oh shit I remember this

>asks for modern game examples
>gets triggered when people mention modern games

bioshock 1, deadspace 1, skyrim (fite me)


>That one glitch in Charmed Ridge where if you hit the magic goop and pause in that split second and return hom, you could swim in the entire level, going up the boundaries in the sky

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>Nearly every game company was obsessed with water towards the end of the 90's and early 20's
>So many beach themed games or hearing waves crushing against rocks
From Sonic to Mario to sony games even to fucking halo, they all mention how water was a big goal/struggle.

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>never beat Rayman 2 as a kid
>got stuck at a part on the ship where you had to carry a barrel across a hallway as bombs flew towards you
>assumed you had to throw the barrel in the air, shoot the bombs, then catch the barrel
>barrel hits the ceiling and explodes
>try this 50 times because this HAD to be the solution
>never figure it out and give up on the first hour of the game

I'm sure if I had it today, I could figure it out in 5 seconds, but 6 year old me just sold it in frustration. I'll never forgive myself.

And that is why it is the best era.

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I did it as a kid by tossing them up in the air and shooting the bombs though
I've played through the game multiple times and the ceiling is high enough

this is bulk slash on saturn

I love low poly, but fuck low rez and low framerate.

Grim Dawn

pure spooky soul

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You were supposed to do that. If I recall correctly, the ceiling is high enough to allow you to throw the barrel straight up, so I don't know what the fuck.

absolute kino

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nigga rayman origins is literally the perfect 2D platformer, personally I do prefer Rayman 2, but seriously man

I'll tell you exactly why you all feel this way about these games. It's because they were all developed in environments with hard limits on what you can do. Making these games was all about the developers taking the time and effort to really push the boundaries to achieve their vision. They had to get creative, really stretch what was available to them to keep pushing the envelope.

Nowadays you just don't see that as much anymore because of the nature of the medium. Technology has changed and progressed in a way where you aren't restrained by the physical limitations of hardware to even remotely a similar degree. It's easy to run away with making a "high fidelity" look for a game and you can end up losing the spark that inspired you in the first place.

MGS1 is one of my favorite looking games and I think it has a lot to do with this kind of stuff.

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This is fucking infuriating. Maybe if you held the button for too long, it would throw it higher? I vividly remember that this did not work for me.

No because I haven't played it when I was a child so its souless and bad and a ripoff and a cashgrab :)

i miss this game so fucking much

Nothing stopping you from playing the game anyway, user.

Nope, its the same height no matter what button you press
What version did you play?

Death's gambit.
No I'm serious, it's actually jaw dropping.

Was there a port? I'd try to find an original copy, but my PS2 is having problems.

Persona 5 is literally the only Persona game with 0 soul

I just came

But that isn't Persona 4

Gravity Rush 1 and 2

>a game that was considered to be pretty much the Fortnite back then.
Not really, either you are 40+ and was a hardcore gamer or you're a zoomer pretending. Games didn't have normie status in '05.

PS1 is the worst version, you want dreamcast or N64

No matter its flaws, I still eternally will hold Star Ocean: The Second Story on my top 10 vidya gaems of all time list. You do not know true soul until you've played it and enjoyed all the game has had to offer.

Soul is absence of big corporate funding and realization of a nerds dreams. Just like a painter painting what he imagines instead of painting technical pieces to sell.

Xenoblade 1 had soul.


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there was a PC port with better graphics than PS1 and some of the differences from N64.


>tfw you will never fly your dog.

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fuck you're right

>Bugs bunny lost in time
Thats different game tho. It had co-op. I had it on demo. I remember.

gex 2 is the goat

Rayman 2 has been ported to almost every console ever made. I believe the Dreamcast version is often considered the best version (?) but you can play it on most everything.

I miss this game so much. I forgot the name of it also but I do remember gaming magazines giving it mediocre scores but to me it was a solid 8

the new Spyro really had bigger smoke than fire.
Its not bad, and it looks somewhat decent, its just the people behind it are clueless. They don't understand what made the original so exceptionally good. Even if the most skilled dev team is behind it wouldn't help if you don't understand what was the mindset behind the original games.

it is even possible to translate original aesthetic to modern graphics?

I think their original intent was to make a reimagined version of the first game, looking at the concept art it looks pretty good and I'm sure they wanted the new version to be something completely different but with the same gameplay of the PS1 games, but then they told them they had to ship 3 games instead of one and they obviously were never going to live up to that.

Breath of the wild

reminds me of medie--
my negroid

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No mans sky (it’s a really good game now, fight me.)
The metro games, (can’t talk for exodus because I have not played it, looks like shit though.)
Bioshock infinite.
Hitman 2.
Did I miss any?

seriuosly the games are all kinda meh gameplay but 3 and 5 have style and atmosphere

This game was a blast. Ice Age 2

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thank you user

where is this from? looks fun

does this count? (god I miss Spiral Knights.)

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>all these zoomers in this thread

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I mean i like this kind of poly if its stylized and not intended to be "retro"


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holy fucking shit user I have so strong feeling I have played this once
What game is it? I have a feeling that it's something like The Animals of Farthing Wood game

Hollow Knight
Ori and the blind Forest

I fucking loved PSO

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Not if the backbone of your game are underpaid college students while anything above that is spending more time in the cafeteria and taking a break every hour. There is a reason why a lot of modern games have this pretty look, but it doesn't feel right, nor they are not aesthetically pleasing. Technological advancement brought a lot of shit like more dependence on it and due to this the actual developer is a dull as fuck person.

They would never live up to it in the first place for numerous reason. If you compare to the first thing I see is the sky. Its obvious that the team is trying to imitate the old one, but they don't understand why does it look like that. This could be implemented in the whole game, yes I got it you try to emulate the game, but you don't understand the reasons behind them. The old one just reeks from wanting to be explored and it makes you feel comfortable like a home it has warmth in it, while I look at the new one the first message I get is meh fantasy world, where I can't give less shit whats happening because cold dominates.

Also another example: the same goes for crash, the reason why they look so engaging and the color choice is because the old devs tried them to stand out from these worlds. They are basically an alien in the environment, they are not supposed to be in those worlds because they are not a part of it.

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Post processing was a mistake.

This was such a shit comic

Nigger, Rayman was my first platformer
It's my favorite series. I've played each game more times than I can count and Rayman Origins and Legends are fucking excellent

Witcher 1 has a fuckton of SOUL

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ps1 rayman 2 is the butchered version


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I don't think I've posted this one here yet so there you go.

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Melee aesthetic and sound design is just amazing.

hot as fug

ghost of a tale

Auto Modellista.
The physics were a bit jank but otherwise a very solid game

that game was based as fuck

Dark Souls 1

The Witcher 3.

only /vr/niggers hate 5th gen

too many polys

soul as fug

more like nostalgia physics it was cool when i was 10 but ive seen better

I don't think anyone can actually legit hate 5th gen, there's literally something for everyone there.

Sheep Raider and all the Looney Tunes early 3D games were the epitome of soul

Normies fucking hate the 5th gen and so does 2D Sprite elitists.

Are there any new/modern (2010 forward) games with soul?

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normies are dumb and boomers don't matter
what else is new?

You know what I fucking love?
Flat, perspective-incorrect and/or scrolling cloud effects.
It just looks so fucking goddamn cool, I can't explain why.

>it's actually just a shity RTS with dumb physics mechanics and a grindy as fuck Tamagochi attached

fuck this game, I'm still embarrassed how hyped before release and even intrigued at first I was by this dumpster fire.

yes. They're more scarce though.


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Yes, especially on handhelds.

16 years old

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Soul: thing I have fond memories of.
Not soul: thing I do not.

Darkest Dungeon

Then how come I have found soul in games I never played before, either new ones or ones made even before I was born?

High res textures on lowpoly meshes.

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so does this explain why a bunch of movie studios made games in the psx era?

comfiest chapter

Why do people always parrot this? Does it make you feel smart? Does it give you a smug sense of satisfaction? You are just saying reductionist jargons, you are not being interested or smart.

How do you not recognize Quest for Glory?

There was a lot of 2D sprites in gen 5, in arcade at least. Maybe the people complaining about that are all casuals that shouldn't be listened to.

I adore unfiltered textures
I love playing TF2 or GMod and turning the texture quality down low and disabling filtering, it makes them look a lot like this

Attached: 1517533382980.gif (161x168, 377K)

Sekiro looks like a Tenchu game with Dark Souls combat with a different level design, I'm hype for it desu.

same. the writing and reviews in the mags would often be sincere too because you were paying 10€ for a mag every month so they had no reasons to lie to you. shit games would get slammed with 3/10s. now they get handed 8/10s and told how good they are.

Because it reminds you of something else. You don't need to have a direct 1 to 1 for something to trigger nostalgic feelings.

Because it's not hard to just admit that it's a sense of nostalgia, or for the younger peeps a sense of wanderlust for a time that's passed. Meanwhile ironically everyone talking about it in this thread is actually being reductionist.

Can't find any high res pics in a hurry unfortunately. I really enjoyed this game as a kid, despite all the criticism it received (although I didn't hear about it until later in life). There's got to be something about a camera being so "zoomed in" that helps immerse you in the game world. I loved the different environments in the different levels.

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it's often appropiate threads usually aren't this tame and sound.

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I played many PS1 classics, but Sheep Raider, up to this day, talks to me on a spiritual level. That game is amazing.

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>TFW 30 fps on every modern console game
I obsess over this shit. If a game isn't at least 60 fps it goes in the can. I haven't been assed playing consoles since the PS2 over this shit. Fuck whatever moron forces these underpowered consoles to run good graphics. I just want 60 fps.

I think it's the obsession with high fidelity makes people not take on what looked interesting from early 3D

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If you like low-poly shallow water, check out the rivers of Zazen Town:

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 12.59.23 PM.png (1011x691, 973K)

ok game devs today are pathetic

Wow this game has amazing assets.
How do you make it look this good while playing?

internal combustion

Zoomers will never understand.

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And there is literally nothing wrong with that. Not all things must be replaced.

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Truly spoopy

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Sure bro, it's not like jokes about getting sent crates of beer didn't used to go around all the time.

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Having come from playing 2D Metroid games on the Gameboy, I was blown away by the level of graphics in Metroid Prime. I loved the opening level and the fact that the rain left little splashes on the ground and on the visor if you looked up.

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There's nothing retro in this thread.

My fucking Nigerian brother
A fucking god tier game through and through

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It's reductionist in the sense that it implies its all nostalgia and there is no value beyond that. I never cared about Lion King, didn't even watch it fully, but I can say for sure the new movie has worse art direction than the old one and that the exchange from hand drawn to more advanced photorealistic CGI was not beneficial. Yet if I say the same about a game, it's suddenly Nostalgia and nothing more?

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What game has the most soul and why is it the Gex series?

god forbid an genre tries to add more depth

Yep, all the replies to this are different/called soulless by other user. Every people using the soul word unironically deserve to get shot.

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that's nu-low poly

Nostalgia has nothing to do with quality you imbecile.


Gravity Rush 1/2


>You don't need to have a direct 1 to 1 for something to trigger nostalgic feelings.
Are we going to pretend "old" video games are actually old now? People are still getting influenced by things that are 30 years old by now because guess what, things (specially videogames) don't change that much, people can find joy in a similar aesthetic because it still resonates well with whatever looks good right now, not because HD graphics were the end of everything good.

>it's comfy so it's bad

The remakes capture that soul. They’re unfortunately the only remakes that have thus far.

Maximo was a mess but that didnt make it any less fun

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No user, don't you see, you are nostalgic for Dumbo, this is why you don't like this gorgeous remake!

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Pic related isnt fucking real is it? One of my fave albums

Breath of the Wild.

Mamma mia

Attached: Dumbo-Remake-Poster-2019-Disney.jpg (798x420, 45K)

Dark Souls 2 without DLC

>before advanced technology
ok we need a lot of detail and we have to do it ourselves so we're going to hand paint all the details so each part is significant
>after cgi and rendering shit
ehh just throw some high poly models in there and run a raytracing app and a bunch of filters over it

It is actually intentional, since its release there have been more things added to the cover.

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based and redpilled

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Sheep Raider is too inntelligent 4 me. You literally need to be a rocket scientist to figure some of these levels out

SOULful remake

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Metal Arms. Home.

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>>it's comfy so it's bad

Where did I say that you fucking retard? I wasn't that guy, I just said it's often appropiate, especially with HURR OLD THING SOUL NEW THING NO SOUL OPs but this one is comfy and good.

>that feel when after a year of playing the game you discover the second thumbstick controls Taz
my life was never again the same

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>Because it reminds you of something else. You don't need to have a direct 1 to 1 for something to trigger nostalgic feelings.
Man zoomers will go to any length to defend their shitty new games

Even with the last gens mass formulization, old game franchises and styles died of comparatively slowly. When the fifth gen game out, the dominant paradigm of play shifted almost immediately and entirely, a time of both mass genesis and exodus of developers, IP and playstyles. You were hard-pressed to find anything similar to what released before outside of niche releases and hand-helds. The people that experienced that shift almost have to seethe, as they saw their entire hobby upended in a year or so

Awww shit you made me remember i got pokerus at this exact location too for the first time.

I don't know what was it with me and pokerus but i received it a few times

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Up on melancholy hill
There's a plastic tree

PSO just hits me hard. I play PSO2 but it's not the same - something about the athmosphere of PSO is so incredibly special. It truly feels like discovering a lost world.

Do to others as you would have them do to you. I love 2D sprite work games, and back in the day I always defended 2D games on the PS1 and PS2 despite the magazines saying they were gone and done. However, I can't help but feel resentment when any attempt to raise some proper nostalgia and appreciation for the 3D side of the 5th gen is shot down in the retro circles by people who are still vengeful for what was done to 2D back then.

DKC is peak soul

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buy the lottery

why is it so "blurry", is this the HD version

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What would an indie dev have to do to make a lowpoly game that you don’t think looks like shit?


Which one is this? I've been considering playing one of the Pokemon games and want one of the earlier ones, this looks gorgeous.
Out of the fucking way losers.

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Look like Megaman Legends

>No high res digital release of Black and White that works on modern systems
It hurts deep

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Have the game look good with zero post processing and don't even include the option.

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I think it's Gold

Just do that but in Higher Rez? It's not how pixelated it is, literally one to one the colors and lighting and it would be fine.

YOU. ARE. A ROBOT. Sequel fucking never.

Gold Silver or Crystal

Trine 2

I'd give a testicle for that.

>Lets shot for shot remake Lion King
>No even better lets do it but make some shots worse
The fuck is this crap

What was the point of the third weapon again?

How much of a zoomer are you?

>rtx on

Then the ambient occlusion would make everything either way too bright or impossible to see

Realism is now an excuse to ignore memorable character designs and creative environments

The Trine series is absolute trash, I don't get why people like them.

Not at all, I just never had Gameboys growing up and did PC instead. By the time I got an SP it was time for Fire Red. Now I'm just looking for a pick up and play JRPG for an emulator, Pokemon's been on my mind.

Yeah, higher resolution makes it look better

wish it had no dithering, though

Attached: quakespasm-admod_2018_12_27_01_38_39_938.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Yep, agreed. I hope it gets fucking filtered. Fuck English users, I wish I wasn't associated with this shit language.

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Back before Ass is Red and Farcry killed Ubisoft.

Does Yo-Noid 2 have soul?

Attached: yonoid2-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 74K)

Who the fuck wants a realistic Lion King. Who the fuck asked for it? They going to have realistic lion cubs jumping on giraffes head? Realistic hyenas goosestepping to Scar? Fuck you Disney.

I'm afriad not.

Was pretty cool, music was amazing.
Combat is alright.

Nu-Disney audience is loving it so far so it must be working, it doesn't has to make sense as long as they like it.

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Not really, while the original Ni No Kuni looks fantastic, there's just something about the low-poly low-res 3DS version seen here

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I never found a full copy of this game but I played the fuck out of it on a demo disc.

The little bomb niggers in the boss fight screaming "KOONYAAA" still makes me smile.

>moth guy
>annoying spiders
>hasn't played the original but pretends to know that the remake is better
Nothing against the remake, but don't be an idiot.

yeah, quake is a million times better
wish I had a better webm

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I'm too fucking old.

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It's quite literally the only thing it has going for it

t. didn't play Devil Daggers
The game is purely survival, 60 seconds is a score. World record is like 20 minutes.

Fuck that, I hated it at the time. Every other RPG on PS1 had realistic looking main characters but FF7 didn't for some reason.

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Physics platformers are rare, none is made this beautifully either.


That something is better colors, if your pic is a game

pixel shaders were a mistake

No, you Dingus, this god tier low poly art style.

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You know what sucks, I found my old Pokemon Silver cart and found out the battery went bad to where I could only get one save out of it before it deleted itself, as soon as I get out of town I find and catch a shiny Weedle, then I make my way to the town with the lottery and win a Master ball, and as I'm looking through my shit I find my Weedle has fucking pokerus, I only fought one Pokemon with it, so I gently took out the game set it on my nightstand and proceeded to go to bed, only to be woken up by my brother throwing a pillow at me for apparently screaming in my sleep.

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>boo hoo, cooling towers and roads and housing
Do you not use electricity? Do you not drive? Do you live in the woods? Do you not cause a much more massive imprint than most people by not having millions of your albums produced for sale?
God I hate these hypocrites. If they were genuinely sincere they'd kill themselves to stop burdening the planet.

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SolaToRobo also had a lot of Soul

this is pretty soulless desu
anything that edges towards "very light blue" and "yellowish green" are soulless as hell

he's very advanced

Water can't have soul but it can be soulless.

What a shitty opinion

Can newer games have SOUL?

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what the fuck is wrong with me bros
these images ... they feel more real than real life
why did this happen to me
this shouldnt happen to people
im broken because of video games

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me too bro... me too :(

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Name a game with more soulful UI

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NieR Automata

At least it was before Blizzard fucked everything up

yes it does it's pretty fun

If you're dead set on a GB era game play Crystal

It's not even bait at this point

Sorry I don't enjoy your washed out colors and three frame animations, cocksucker

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Rayman 3 was always my fave

Stormwind. Home.

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>Make a really great game with plan for sequels
>Thanks to your success get hired to make a game for Blizzard
>Game is never to their satisfaction and gets canned
>Get bought out by Blizzard
2005. I am forgotten.

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>not the superior successor


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>ctrl F spikes

really guys

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You forgot
>Activision has no intention to rerelease the game or make a sequel but still refuses to sell the rights back

>Full 3D environment with 360 degree camera
>2D sprite characters

I love this.

Attached: wild arms 2.png (500x375, 191K)

One probably exists, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Oblivion was maximum fucking comfy.

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Me too, wish there was more like it.

Replayed this last year, peak comfy

>Focus the power of the Eighty-six-thousand-four-hundred-and-twenty-nine fans into one funkified force!

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Wild Arms 2 has been on my backlog for 14 years

I stopped doing the true end of this game because I was so sad to see the island sink.

>Sheep Raider/Sheep Dog n' Wolf

What a phenomenal game. Truly underrated.

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it gets said every thread but there is a very clear distinction between artists working with what they had and random folks nowadays trying to yank your nostalgia bone
>the original version is fucking gone, same for Eagle Eye 2
just kill me sempai

Attached: heather.jpg (1024x768, 98K)

>soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul soul
My GOD what a terrible fucking meme

It's just the new "comfy"



What the fuck is this garbage