It's time Yea Forums one will be proven the most SSStylish
Best Dante design
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I have a soft spot for 4 thanks to that Agnus cutscene
mfw 3 has no votes
Thing with DMC3 Dante is that he literally just got out of the shower and only had time to grab his coat.
Honestly, the first, followed by the second.
2 by far
I hope they revisit 2's design at some point, even a costume in 5 would be amazing
Yep that costume is on a level of badass you dont usually see anywhere
Dante's gay ass shirtless design in 3 is one of the things that prevented me from playing it until recently. Anyone who doesn't vote for 1 is a faggot btw. Lol how the fuck is 4 winning? Must be underage retards fucking everything up as usual.
1 or 2 are his best designs
Objectively 5 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
It's not his fault he got attacked just after he got out of the shower, cut him some slack.
The truly most stylish one is Diesel Dante
Lol meanwhile 5 Dante looks like he has stank fumes emitting from him
1 is the best but 3 was good too. 4 is trash, 5 is meh and 2 is overrated.
>attacked in the shower once
>stops showering
now that's character development
>DMC4 above DMC1
Yeah it has some good qualities but the belt specifically over his nipples and being shirtless just makes it seem like some very homoerotic fetish thing to me.
1 is overrated by nostalgiafags and 3 was his most iconic design for years for a reason
Atleast admit that 2 looks the most badass I mean he truly looks like an experienced demonslayer with that design
The power of retards whose first game was 4...
I agree !!! it's SO FRICKN EPIC :D Really cool I wish I had the same outfit i'd wear it EVERY DAY! Might even go well with my trilby and the black and red katana I bought at the mall!
Best is DMC1 without the coat.
It would be best without the buttcape.
>for a reason
Because the game was good.
And he looked good too.
3 looks dope, but the haircut looks so fucking retarded. It's a fucking bowl cut ffa. What were they thinking?
Found the post by the underage zoomer trying to rebel and get back at all of the people who are smarter, wiser, and better at video games than him for calling him retarded
i always liked the weird crushed velvet texture they rendered it with in those promo shots. i dunno if it was intentional or just an odd material choice, but it gives it a different kinda aesthetic a bit
Alright, I'll admit it. I just couldn't ever choose that one since the game was so bad, but I wish it wasn't. 1 is still my favorite because it's a good balance of dark but not ultra edgy though.
DMC3 Dante wearing DMC1 Dante's suit without the coat.
Hobo Dante looks nice too.
source me up, user, can't find anything even with yandex or iqdb
that does look nice. man why did 2 have to be complete shit??
It looks so soft! It's almost like they rendered it incorrectly but it somehow makes it look amazing
Found the actual underaged contrarian zoomer who so desperately wants to be 30
1 is the best
2 is pretty good
3 is bad
4 is kind of bad
5 is very good
2's attire with 5's face.
Am I the only one that likes Dante without the jacket design?
Uncle Dante > hobo Dante > Pre-awakening Dante > Post-Awakening Dante > Edgelord Dante
Dante I’m 1s design is kind of boring, get over it
Makes me wish avgn would review the dmc series to ride the hype of 5 like he did with resident evil, but he's too shit at video games to get anywhere in any of them.
2 is very obviously the best. Donte's white hair alt is a valid contender as well. I'd argue 5 is the worst, doesn't really have anything going on.
Why ya gotta make me sad this early in the morning ;-;
He doesnt know how to play post ps1 games
As much as I hate to admit it, DMC 2.
And phoneposting. Just admit your naiveté.
In 2 he’s a skinny twink and the edge is just way too high
4 is goddamn retarded, the belts are there for no reason, his proportions are fucked, and i have no idea what is going on at his ankles
>p-please just admit that I’m right
You’re the Yea Forums equivalent of a bum
Had to vote for 3 for the SMT Devil Trigger forms
Some day when you grow older you'll snap out of your delusions, hopefully.
I like all of them, but objectively:
4 and 3 get a lot of shit but I think its due to circumstances. 3 because he got caught out of the shower and 4 because he wants to impress his nephew.
2 literally cannot be beaten
Always loved the promotional renders for the game, even by today's standards they look amazing
It isn't a bowl cut, he's a japanese youth. That is the single coolest hairstyle japanese youth can have in all of fiction.
Who hurt him
no u
i wish kaneko would do more for the franchise
He is in a perpetual state of anger since his game is so bad
The baggy pants for 3 were also a good choice to make him seem like a young kid who doesn't give a shit. He pretty much looks exactly like dmc1 Dante in game, though lol.
4 and 5 dante are fuckable as hell, especially 5
How the overrated 2Dante has the most votes is beyond me
5>1>3>2>I do actually like 2's design a lot but it is perhaps a bit too flashy and over the top, considering it was literally used for a JRPG.
4's design looks like a rejected Tetsuya Nomura design for what he thinks a cowboy looks like. I've always hated just about everything about it.
At this point, who didn't
>don't speak, just die.
Guys I have just noticed now...
Why is DMC 5 Dante head twice as big as all the other Dante's??? Wthell
looks fine to me, I think the issue is that 4's head is comically small rather than 5 being big
buttcape is the best part, the tech just wasn't there to have it billow and flutter dramatically like it was clearly envisioned as doing
Because DMC4 proportions were fucked and everybody had freakishly small heads and tall large bodies
DMC5 uses actual 1:1 real life models and proportions
2, too bad about the game. Liked the music and atmosphere but the game play was just regular, and straight up bad when compared to 1
So according to this poll it's:
>Smokin'SexyStytle Tier
>SickStyle Tier
>Stylish Tier
>Abysmal Tier
1, 3
The vote is for the outfit, not the character or face.
2's outfit manages to be flashy as all fuck while looking luxurious at the same time.
4's outfit meanwhile is trash that looks like a JRPG reject. 3 gold yin-yang symbol belts that lock across the shirt? Those zip-up abomination flame design boot covers? The Hot Topic as fuck giant skull belt buckle? Fucking chaps?
Donte has a better outfit/design than DMC4 Dante
>Donte has a better outfit/design than DMC4 Dante
You shut your whore mouth,
the best thing about 5 is that he has a burgundy coat, it's so much better than the red
Sorry but those 3 gold yin-yang belts over the shirt in DMC4 are absolutely disgusting, so are the zip-up flame design boot covers. I can not get past how bad these are, the jacket in 4 is cool and the chaps might not have been bad if they were pulled off better and on a better outfit.
But Dante's design in 4 is fucking terrible. As much as I hate Donte his outfit doesn't have 3 gold yin-yang symbol belts across the chest.
Just let him do the Devil Triggers. Dante's in 4 seemed based on his design from 3 and Vergil's was the same. I can't tell if I like the 5 DTs yet.
Don't know why but 2's design reminded me of the van helsing movie
It's been years and it still hurts. We'll miss ya kitty.
I like to think he's depressed over having to kill his brother a second time. It's why he's consistently dour in the anime. Then he goes to Fortuna, sees he's got a nephew, and starts turning into the cool crazy hobo uncle.
lol zoomers are so mad that we used to have good games
>all these votes for 2
Holy shit Yea Forums really is infested with fujos huh
why would 2 be the fujo favorite? there aren't even any guys to ship him with except demifiend
>3 has mre votes then 1
Plebs, the lot of you. His dmc 2 one isn't even that great. His 1 outfit, especially the coatless variant in 3 is top tier. I like his 5 one as well, even if its the most simple looking of them.
Jesus Christ I never notices how small Dante's head looks in 4. I don't remember it being like that in the game.
all the actual, legitimate homosexuals openly admit to liking 4 and 5 the most.
4 in particular I have never seen anyone but a faggot try to claim Dante is attractive or cool in.
Dmc2 dante looks like a flaming gay guy. No wonder you guys love that design.
>coatless 1
Never cared much for the two one, like this user said the ass cape looks dumb, 4 was too much going on so I prefer how simple 5 was in comparison.
DMC 1 Dante is the best Dante, fuck you all underage people
vergil's head is also comically tiny in 4
DMC1's design is underrated but also doesn't fit the character much. Dante isn't a fucking 18th century pirate.
2 and 3 are the best
Yes. But it could be good if that sporty undershirt was replaced with a black dress-shirt.
5 Dante looks so plain
i think the best one is the one with the blue coat and he uses a katana
Looking plain is better than looking like whatever the fuck 4 Dante is trying to be.
t.deadbeat dad
3 is the worst one by far
Nah, it suited his personality at the time. The only truly bad one is 4. The belts on his legs in 5 is pretty bad too but aside from that it's good.
>people shit talking butt capes
Not even close when 4 exists. 3 doesn't have gold yin-yang symbol belts spammed on the chest.
2 or 5.
Nothing wrong with keeping things simple user.
after 4's design, I think simple is for the best
in fact it doesn't have clothes on the chest at all
Simple and clean look is far better than overly convoluted JRPG bullshit.
It's why Brave Fencer Musashi is a fondly remembered PS1 classic and Samurai Legend Musashi is only brought up in WORST CHARACTER DESIGNS OF ALL TIME discussions.
that's why it's the best
I vote DMC1 because it has a classy vest
2 and 5 are good too, but I don't care about 4 because of the overdesigned lower half
3 is just gay and retarded
the new one could be top tier if the jacket was more red and the undershirt wasn't some beach bum shit
3 would be better with a shirt of some sort, though, and 2 looks cool but doesn't suit Dante.
>dmc 1 design is last
>not 3 or 4
tasteless faggots, the lot of you
Agni and Rudra was my favorite DT design. Wish they kept the idea of different Devil Arms changing the appearance of the DT, but I guess that's a pain to design and model like 5 different DTs for every release
>overdesigned lower half
the upper half is honestly worse.
why did they make him a midget?
lmao @ all you fags who fell for the "2's Dante design is best" meme. He's literally wearing a fucking skirt
For "realism".
It's no coincidence that the two designs with red pants are the best ones.
It's pretty clearly suede in the renders, which goes with the rest of the leather coat. I agree that it's nice detail though.
I cant ipen sad panda.. source of doujin?
Why are the DMC2 renders so fucking gorgeous? Still hold up.
The character models also look much better in 2 compared to 1 and even 3 to an extent. Fuckin witchcraft
Red pants need to come back
>5 above anything
i like boomer dante but hes not as cool as 1
>3 and 1 at the bottom
fucking lol, this board is a joke
Never played DMC but Nº 2 is by far the best one.
>DMC5 in 2nd place
5 is like 9million times better than 4. 4 Dante might be the single worst character design in the series so far.
3 has the best design for everything
I love shirtless Dante too much, sorry
1 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 3
I'm not a big fan of the art direction of 5, but I like Dante's design otherwise. Manages to avoid the metro-fruit of most of the previous ones.
Actually the belts are for the magnet that holds rebellion
DMC2 was by far the worst game, but Dante was /fa/ as fuck.
>what is going on at his ankles
he has these brownish red leather zip-up boot covers that have a dumb flame design woven into them
they are atrocities to the very art of making clothes
Anyone know whether the EX outfits will just be unlocked within the game, since they aren't shown among the DLC on Steam?
i really dont get the appeal of 2, looks like shit
I can agree with this. There isn't a design I dislike from the mainline games.
2 by far. Bit surprised 5's has a lot of votes, it seems a bit plain for Dante in my opinion.
I hope they rework 2 from the ground up. If they fixed the story elements, enemies, combat and basically just fix everything wrong with it it could be pretty cool. 4 months of dev time were just not enough.
are you fucking retarded?
>DMC 1 last
are you faggots for real?
How the hell did 1 end up at the bottom you tasteless fucks
Also you fags are no better than the fucking stupid shortsighted japs, you're only memeing 5's design because it's new and exciting, it'll probably dip to 3rd or 4th place when it's no longer novel.
2 followed closely by 1
4 is kinda retarded with weird proportions and stupid pants
in 3 he just took the coat straight outta shower and went into the action so not very stylish here
in 5 he probably got old and didn't think it was worth the effort anymore
>no proto Dante
faggot ass poll
>boring stoic Dante
>best anything
good to know that Yea Forums still has abysmal taste
>photorelism garbage over anything
fucking gross
I like 3 because of marvel 3.
>DMC5 so high
>DMC1 on the buttom
the absolute state of the weeb taste
>Weeb taste
It's western cuck.
5 DT is pretty much 4 DT with coat wings
Also 5 Majin is better than 2 Majin imo
>no proto-Cobra-proto-Dante
5's simplicity is much welcome (and 100% necessary) after the fucking eyesore 4's design was.
we are voting on the design, not on the character.
DMC2 Dante has a really great look.
This board is full of weebs, i DMC5 design is Japanese as it can fucking be.
>no Donte
How is DMC5's design not WAY more western than fucking 1, 2, and ESPECIALLY 4?
>5 that high
isn't that one just downgraded Brother Sharp?
Thematically it felt best because it's a matter that earlier in (1 and 3), Dante's lacking in maturing his actual DT and that's why it's so permeable and shifts to reflect the devil arms.
Once he's properly grasped his power over it (2, 4 and 5) it's become much more cemented as his DT, and his look.
>doesn't include the best version
You poll is shit OP
Boomer Dante best Dante.
I unironically think white haired donte looks pretty dope.
Not sure wh they gave him black hair eventhough Vergin has white hair.
They all has western/european motives in it, and first game made by literal westaboo. When DMC5 is looking like anime character in real live, and nothing like characters you would see outside of japan, you rice chasing degenerate.
>Dante's gay ass shirtless design in 3 is one of the things that prevented me from playing it until recently.
>prevented me from playing it until recently
>prevented me from playing
>prevented me
5>3>2>1>>>>5's design is just about perfect and fits the character completely naturally. Keeps his iconic silhouette and color scheme but manages to stay classy. Also completely in line with his relaxed demeanor, looks like he honestly just put on comfortable clothes. The only thing I don't like is the big belt buckle but at least it's a normal belt buckle, unlike 2 and 4.
3's design is great, has what is in my opinion the best coat of the series, which is the key part of the character's design. Big props for him just wearing normal (if somewhat baggy) pants and not having some fucking ridiculous weeb belt buckle. Works in the context of him just putting on what he had before his shop got destroyed as well.
2's design is badass as fuck and deserves extra credit for ditching the iconic jacket entirely but still keeping Dante's iconic red caped silhouette. And extra bonus points for it being made out of luxurious materials. Only reason it doesn't go above 3 is the dumbass Metalocalypse belt buckle.
1's design is classy and simple but just looks anachronistic and out of place for my taste. DMC isn't a period piece that takes place in the 1700s or 1800s and Dante isn't a pirate. Also the fancy look just doesn't compliment his don't give a fuck attitude. DMC1 had an odd development cycle though, it's fully possible Kamiya may have intended the series to take place some time in the past and it just didn't end up that way.
4's design is a clusterfuck of bad decisions, most namely the 3 gold shirt belts (why), the giant demon coin belt buckle (why), and whatever the fuck those things covering his boots are (why). If you got rid of all 3 of these you would have a really nice design but instead it's way too fucking Japanese.
developer self insert
Hair mop Donte> Uncle Dante>Classic Dante>Kid Dante> Edgelord Dante> Stephen Chow Dante
Capcom's higher ups thought the original designs were too similar and kept ordering them to do radical changes until the hair finally just became black.
DMC4 Dante, but with his DMC5 full post-Rebellion-absorption devil trigger, is the best of all worlds. Give us DMC1 and DMC2 outfits as costumes though since they're acceptable looks. Keep the DMC3 nipple bra and the unsaturated new outfit; they're not worth carrying forward.
DMC4 Dante's outfit is a fucking eyesore. Explain how the yin-yang belts are not dogshit, or the giant demon coin belt buckle, or the hideous boot covers.
Or better yet, just say you want daddy uncle Dante to fuck you because you're gay. 100% of the people who defend 4's Dante end up being gay.
I think it's a fun, goofy outfit, user, and Dante's at his best when he's fun and goofy. That's all there is to it. Stop projecting. Your desire to take it in the ass does not apply to everyone. DMC3 is by far his gayest design and if you don't see that you're crazy.
The simple baggy clothes of 3 are better than simple clean clothes of 5
Legitimate opinion. Especially given that 3 has the best jacket out of them all.
Definitely not projecting there.
Lurk in more DMC threads, all the gays openly lust after DMC4 Dante all the time.
These are some terrible fucking votes
DMC4 Dante is for barafags, DMC3 Dante is for bishounenfags and fujos. Those of us who don't have any sexual interest in Dante whatsoever just see costumes and character designs for a character who almost comes off as asexual half the time considering we have no reason to think he's so much as smashing Trish after all these years, let alone Lady. Dante just comes off as a weird pizza-fucking wild jackass who only cares about reckless thrill-seeking, and never in the bedroom. But, I couldn't give less of a shit either way, let the fujos ship him with his twin as much as they want or whatever the shit, I'll keep seeing him how the games present him, which is entirely nonsexually, and I'm not gay so I have no interest in picturing the yaoi and bara/ bishi art that people draw of him.
Yeah it's probably the worst one but I think you're over exaggerating it. With that said it's ranked 3rd here on the poll which is baffling.
2>3>1=5>4 for me
to be someone so sure about his sexuality and his lack of interest on dante's sexuality, you've got a lot of opinions about all that
you sure you're not projecting there user?
also 2>1>5>4>3
I will never not be mad that 2 has the best design while having the worst game in the franchise.
Ah, yes, the laziest card in existence, "thou doth protest too much," AKA "I have nothing to say to any of that so clearly you're lying because what you said isn't convenient for me."
>I don't understand what projection is
He didn't assert a single thing about you
4 ≥ 2 > 1 [P O W E R G A P] > 5 > [literal dog feces] > 3
no, he's projecting on the barafags and fujos or whatever
you're right, i do have nothing else to say except that to be so disinterested in dante sexually he knows all about people who do
also i'm not the previous user he replied to
People love to make fun of the leather strap, but that's Ebony and Ivory/ Rebellion's belt holster wrapping around his chest. It loops through the back of his coat.
And Dante's hair animation looks great even today.
fucking cowboy boots ayy lmao
the only correct answers are 1 or 2, anyone voting anything else is an actual blind retard
They didn't make him a midget. They just adjusted his anatomy.
4 > 1 > 5 > 3 > 2
I hope someone agrees with me so I can feel better about myself.
>"I like costume"
>"you must be gay if you like costume"
>"I don't even look at them sexually but these people who post all the time in these threads sure do even if I'm not a part of those groups"
>"lol u lyin obvi u gay"
>"'kay good talk"
>3 is bad because no shirt and I'm insecure about my homoerotic tendencies
Stay classy Yea Forums
I don't think it's bad. It's goofy in a fun way, like Liquid Snake's similar combo.
I like mid-life crisis Dante's look the best. Then again I'm a sucker for 80s anime fashion style.
Because he never learns.