*squeaky linoleum sounds*

*squeaky linoleum sounds*

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Based SOUL poster. Thinking hl2 is better is the ultimate pleb filter.

good shit though


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>tfw this was done in 1998

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They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the test chamberrrr.


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What the fuck were those weird ass noises you heard when moving in vents?

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

Black Mesa is such a terrible piece of shit, the AI is nowhere as good as the original, the nerfed base jump height is laughable, they made it so the normal jump is a cowadoody useless jump. Fuck the retards who made this mod who don't have a clue about what Half-Life was about





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The true star of Half-Life is Black Mesa

Half-life is overrated and popularized the cancerous idea, that story is more important than actual gameplay.

nice, fucking, unneeded, comma, dipshit


>meme-spouting retards who never played HL

i played half life recently in native opengl mode, no fix no patch no modern shit update i played the won version in opengl and god that was impressive for 1998 !

god I love the "big science" aesthetic

the hoover dam, the space age, the giant 3 story tall nitrogen containers outside the giant hospital near my home, CERN, black mesa

I just hate how every iteration of Black Mesa makes it bigger to the point of idiocy. Opposing Force and Blue Shift added a ton of open areas that made no sense and BMS and that Unreal intro just went full retard after that.
You're thinking HL2.

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What story you fucking moron? The entirety of the plot takes place through the gameplay. You put substance in lightning, aliens appear, then you kill them until you find their leader and kill him. The protagonist doesn’t even speak. hl1 is literally perfect and you can’t refute it

*has shittiest """"physics"""" ever*
*thrown projectiles travel through the air frame-by-frame, colliding with the environment stiffly and awkwardly*

They don't make em like they used to. Notice how when they stopped making these everyone else just stopped trying. It seems like everything good in vidya died in 2008.

Attached: manlytears.jpg (400x400, 17K)

It's funny, since Value is just as much to blame for the death of video games with Portal
>the cake is a lie!
>huge success!

Attached: the_cake_is_a_lie_portal.jpg (499x465, 51K)

THEY ruined their own games with updates. Current Steam versions of HL1/HL2 are plagued with issues that weren't in original releases, HL2 has outright broken sequences.

>No one has posted this yet

*vomp* *vomp* *vomp* - these? I think it's because Gordon can't fit in, so thin metal walls bend and pop out.


it's like a buzzing sound

Whats more is it's extremely simple and easy to do and only requires the forethought to do it.

But that was just tumblr retards who didn’t even play the game sperging out. It’s just a very minor gag In the game, written on a wall in a hidden area and glados mentions it once at the end I believe. And the song at the end was a nice little surprise after beating it. But I bet you didn’t even play it when it was released little zoomie

There's no escape

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>always played on normal
>barely used trip mines, snarks and satchel charges
>decide to replay on hard
I wasn't ready. Now I have to constantly rely on AI stupidity and bait tem into trip mines and distract them with snarks. and it's actually fun

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Goddamn I miss this game.


Really no excuse when basically every asset of HL1 and its official expansions/spinoffs has been ported to Source

But then I guess you can't make fahnny meem faec with the HL1 models unless you use the HD pack ones.


>Using snarks for the first time
>They run out of targets

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Elaborate? I played HL2 plus EP1 and 2 two years ago and didn't run into any bugs as far as I remember.

>le reddit boogeyman
>being a nigger

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>hur dur its the gaym's fault for effectively creating a meme despite the line only appearing once on a fucking wall that no one cares about

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cum on snark

Honestly I think it's a nice contrast to Aperture. They're both massive R&D firms, both with massive underground facilities.

Actually if you wanna be real cheeky and ascribe meaning where there isn't any the sheer scale of Black Mesa's and Aperture's facilities can be taken as a cheeky critique of contractors and overinflated government spending.

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This is how you spot the German.

Tи дeбiл, чи шo?

HL1 has probably one of my top 3 settings in any video game I've ever played.

It does such a good job at immersing you; you're travelling through this crazy, deep underground research facility full of insane experiments, fighting your way through its innards (quite literally traversing through ceiling rafters, maintenance shafts/tunnels, various machinery, and of course, air ducts) as it plunges into chaos and falls apart. It all feels so believable and comprehensive, I can't quite describe it--it doesn't feel overly video game-y. Black Mesa is such a good god damn setting, it's so varied, there's a gripping feeling of claustrophobia, and the way you explore the facility is cool as hell. HL2 had some cool settings, but it just doesn't compare.


My man of high caliber taste. Half Life 1 is the GOAT.

Definitely true, effort was clearly put into HL2, and I still really enjoyed it, but the original I think was the more focused, definitive experience.

The way you see the lab in perfect condition before everything goes south was truly an amazing way to do immersion. It's a great way of impacting the player.

>gauss and gluon effects not working correctly
>no correct weapon and head bob for strafing
>no 357 reloading sound, idle looped
>no hive gun idle
>bodies don't react to bullets
>corpses react to crowbar wrong, receive dozens of hits per second
>lagging animations in certain scripting sequences like blast pit intro

>missing atmospheric effects
>misaligned props
>wrong cubemaps in some areas
>missing cubemaps on metrocops
>troop carrier machinegun script is broken during lighthouse raid
>combine waves not spawning during teleport charging sequence

That's off the top of my head, you can find more on youtube/google.

Especially for 1998, though I think the history has been done to death.

(or not, since those youtube videos about the cut content/backend stuff are actually pretty interesting)

I love how until marines arrive the game feels almost like a survival horror, atmosphere in early chapters and Xen still holds up.

>there's a gripping feeling of claustrophobia
Going through BM makes me so goddamn nervous, I haven't felt like that in any other game (could be because I mostly avoid the horror genre).


Portal was very good. Actually I'd go further and say portal should have been the new template in making games.

It used it's own new mechanics which were based on gameplay and not menus.
It had a short length which allowed for playing it in a single sitting.
That in turn allowed for proper pacing which games generally suck at.
It was modestly budgeted and was sold at a low price.

Imagine if rather then going in the "infinite content" route with online and endless to-do lists in bland open worlds gaming went toward smaller cheaper games focussed on doing one or two things.
Portal 2 showed just how much better the short form model was and how stretching the gameplay time deflates the game.
Half Life 2 did it wrong with the episodes because the episodes were just more half life 2.

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>starts the alarm for lulz

>ruins your casserole

>turns lights off while people work

>slams extremely rare and potent extraterrestrial sample into powerful laser beam

>sign says don't use elevator in case of emergency
>presses the button anyway, 3 scientists killed

>steps on unstable bridge despite scientist saying him not to
>poor bastard falls to his death

>scientist is hiding on generator
>turns it on anyway, making escape impossible
Was Gordon a true sociopath?


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HL:S gamewise sucks balls, it's full of some render/game bugs
Even leaked HL:S plays better than whatever we have right now on Steam, lol

You know that HL:S was outsourced to some interns and misses some features entirely, like alien grunt having no armor?

Gordon just wanted to watch the world burn.

>>bodies don't react to bullets in HL1
what does that mean? because in the original HL bodies do spray more blood if you shoot them

Gordon was going to come to work with a gun the next day and shoot up the place.
It explains his proficiency with guns and his knowledge of the layout.
The alien invasion changed his priorities and gave him a new purpose.

Nothing personnel

>All this 90s dance

This is literally my "absolutely must not fall asleep" driving playlist.

i fucking love this music

i just want to fight one guy who has really good ai and thinks ahead of me. in one location. if the mechanic is good enough you don't need content to create value. i played fear demo about probably 500 times mostly replaying just one corridor.

I would say if anything, the Marines arriving adds even more to the sense of dread, when you see them executing everybody and knowing you're next. Fighting elite, trained soldiers is a jarring shift (and a difficulty spike), and hearing their grumbled radio chatter makes you so uneasy. Suddenly you're not just fighting a mess of aliums, you're being hunted down by organized commandos, and the odds take an even sharper turn against you. This feeling is exacerbated once you start to learn they are -specifically- hunting you down (pic related). Then, finally, when you realize they are actually totally failing to contain the invasion, it just seals the deal that shit is royally fucked and so are you.

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Sometimes hits to dead bodies don't register and don't produce splatter or correct impact effect.

>It explains his proficiency with guns

Gordon was trained to use a hazard suit and hazard suit training involved weapons training, probably because hazard suits were ultimately something that military eventually wanted to equip troops with.


Damn it, now I have to rewatch Freeman's mind again

Ayo Freeman, let us fuck those combine bumbaclot up my brutha

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Finally, a fucking good thread on Yea Forums

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or maybe he needed weapons training because the scientists were fully aware of Xen having hostile wildlife, given the amount of HEV suits on corpses in Xen, to be able to test stuff with the HEV suit you'll need some survival training if something goes wrong, or if scientists need to experiment with that aggressive wildlife

Oh, and how could I have possibly forgotten to mention the part where your fears become realized and this happens?
>"...and if they find the body?"
>"body? what body?"

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It was most likely because people in hazard suit's were supposed to do research on Xen. Can't have inexperienced people in there if something dangerous happens which is pretty ironic because every human is dead in Xen when you arrive. Hell, Gordon is more efficient than the actual security guards or the goddamn U.S. military which is pretty funny.

that and

I think the only thing that I consider a failure in HL1 world building is that HECU are texan retards
>I killed 9 scientists and not one of them put up a fight, huehuehue

you're a fucking retard. that was 2. after the setup you spend 90% of the game running through a fucked base with zero cutscenes or moments that stop you.
just to reiterate, you are a fucking retard.

What are your peeves with the Black Mesa remake, anons? Other than missing Xen.
The way alien grunts and faces for humans look to me just feel off.


>AI is garbage
>to compensate, they made it so the grunts have 100% accuracy with SMGs from across the map,
>vortigaunts instabolting you instead of charge/dodge gameplay of the first
>most effective way to deal with vorts is to lead their retarded AI to a corner to kill them since dodging isn't there anymore
>lowered jumpheight to the point of uselesness, the base jump in HL1 had its uses, in BM you have to crouch jump for absolutely everything
>I'm pretty sure Office Complex in BM is smaller than in the original
I only played the release version, I played up to the beginning of We've Got Hostiles, then I said fuck this, this garbage mod only has graphics going for it and it only makes me feel like I should play the original instead.

Eh, I kind of agree. I mean, generally speaking, I like that the Marines are extremely violent, gung-ho sociopaths with no qualms about killing shit, it makes them seem much more threatening, but I think the misspellings are unfortunate. It takes away a bit from the idea that they're an elite trained team, and makes them seem more like meatheads. Although, I'd say "Freemen" is an understandable misspelling all things considered--it's not hard to imagine it got misheard over the radio or something. This one, on the other hand...

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Aaah, it's good to see you.

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I meant the assets for use in SFM/Gmod

On a Rail is also ridiculously small compared to HL1

I only played it when it first came out on Steam, so I'm aware that since then many things changed. I remember I thought the beginning of the game after the incident felt too drawn out, vorts timings were all over the place, helicopter boss fight was awful and Surface Tension just wasn't fun because every area was just a desert with dozens of hitscan soldiers running all over the place. Hiding behind the entrance and peeking was the only real tactic of dealing with that shit.

What the fuck were these sounds?

I think they cut On a Rail because it's one of the least popular chapters in the game because of how linear it is. Which I don't really agree with, because it actually has a lot of side areas which you can miss unless you explore.

Well originally they weren't elites, they were regular marines and yeah, that's pretty much a high functioning marine who wrote that one graffiti

*kshhh kshhh*

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>Train for hundreds of hours in combat situations.
>Learn about how best to survivie in coutless hazardous enviroments.
>Train with your unit for years to have good synergy.
>Eat, dring and breath discipline and loyalty.
>Get trick question scenario, covering thousands of scenarios you might face in the field.
>Heavy weapons training.
>Light weapons training.
>Explosives usage and disarming training.

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They definitely should've made the HECU more cold, clinical. Make them seem like elite sociopaths instead of Rambo Texans

>not playing the new and updated version of BM

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after how bad the release version was, I have my doubts they could ever fix it, no thanks

I'll give it another go when Xen is finally out, but from what I've seen they're making it as action packed as later chapters are, which is a downside in my book. Especially when it was possible to do a stealth run through one of Xen maps in original game.

If they made the HECU edgy it would make the black ops guys seem less edgy.

Also honestly the OpFor dyamic between the HECU and black ops should have been in the original game. It's pretty jarring that in base HL the big tiddy ninja girls seem to be helping the military catch Freeman, but then the xpac comes out and suddenly the black cocks are killing the HECU in sight

Just like any other outsourced expansion ever made, OpFor is not canon
Except Duke Caribbean because it's better than vanilla game.

Aww,Give it another chance....

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Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal is canon

they've added uncut version imho

Only plebs disliked On a Rail, the level has you constantly getting on and off the train to disable turrets and stuff.

I refuse to support them after they kept me waiting almost 6 years for the mod, then procrastinated forever on Xen and then after all that have the gall to go 'we're on Steam now, you'll have to pay us to get updates and Xen now :^)'

Fuck them and fuck Black Mesa

This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere
Out of all the Vortigaunt quotes, this one stuck to me the most.

Was it never mentioned by the grunts in HL1 that the black ops chicks weren't really on their side? When I played it for the first time ever I just assumed because they never show up together they must wanna snuff out the marines too, since it would fit with the government cover-up theme.

>freeman I'm bms

Nope, it's never touched on, OpFor fleshed it out more and I think the blackops adding a third aggressor to the mix was something that was originally planned anyways during HL1s development


>that bug where a dead security guard speaks after dead
shit's mad scary

Hey Yea Forums

Attached: HECU_cigar_model.jpg (414x629, 73K)

user, right? Ive got a message for you.
Make sure you don

serious question: are HL1 speedruns the greatest thing ever or am I wrong


>we'll never see hl3

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>ps2 alien mode
Shit blew my mind. It was like a pc mod on ps2 and got me into pc gaming


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What's his endgame?

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>HL1 has probably one of my top 3 settings in any video game I've ever played
I completely agree. This video puts the entire incident into a perspective:

>feels almost like a survival horror
It's outright scarier than some horror games that I've played.

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Understandable. Guess valvetime even affects fan projects


Fully remodeling alyx's vagina




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>sprint with that weapon animation
I love Call of Duty as well


>teaches you things you never even knew existed in the game
Finding out about Bullsquid AI was quite an eye-opening experience for me.

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Didnt Smod do the same shit ten years back with the weird ass combine soldiers? This is hardly new ai behavior

Back when the guards were also planned to be bad guys.

I wonder what he's up to. He's still working with Running With Scissors right?

>First ever time playing Half-Life was the PS2 version which I bought for $5
>It's actually an incredibly good port

Attached: 1.jpg (185x266, 16K)

He is unironically one of the coolest gaming related (you)tubers. I wish he did more vids on other classic games though but i respect how thorough he is with his half-life vids

>body? What body?
That laugh is forever burned in my brain

One of the best examples of how to do a port right. the PS2 HD model changes isn't for anyone but they were really well done, the facial flexes were even close from the HL2 ones.
Gearbox did a great job with the HL series.

Better question, what is he?

I imagine he was kind of an airhead dude before the incident, but then had to survive in a constant life-or-death war against both humans and aliens where both were after his ass. But his airhead nature still remained, so he screwed up here and there, which killed a person or two in the process.

A breen grub


>the sound of the water screeching in the background in Unforeseen Consequences


*blocks your path*

Entrance to Lambda sector is probably my least favorite part in the entire game just because of these.

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Not to mention that it shipped with new content making it a worthwhile purchase even if you'd already played the PC version.

He says he has employers but that's never elaborated on, some people other than gordon know he exists or have had contact with him, he seems to be everywhere you go, he has the ability to travel across time and space, for all we know he could be another human hired by some other worldly beings or maybe he's a sentient being, maybe he's gordon future. We'll never never know but it's fun to speculate.

those textures haven’t aged well

>maybe he's Gordon from the future

One of the HL writers has said resolutely that this fan theory is not true.

Half-Life is one of my favourite games but man the guns in this series have never felt particularly satisfying to use (except maybe the crossbow in HL2)

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I always felt the guns in HL1 felt a lot more satisfying than HL2. The former had more of a feeling of power and recoil behind them.

I think that's a pretty common criticism of source engine games though.

That’s private property

it's not on an hidden wall

Nothing. He was made to be mysterious for the sake of being mysterious. The leaked story about Episode 3 kind of confirmed that Gordon would have died literally never figuring out anything about G-Man or his employers, other than he has some interest in Alyx and is possibly going rogue against his employers.

>at the end of hl1 he says his employers have control of xen
>everyone though it was the combine
>forgetting that the combine don't have access to very good teleportation technology
>gman has access to this technology
He's probably working for another alien race even more powerful than the combine and xen.

>I think that's a pretty common criticism of source engine games though.
Boy do I have the source game for you

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Portal was too short.

Being another pawn in a greater scheme. Surprisingly from what little we could gather from his speeches he's not even the biggest puppeteer in the scene, as he's working for even greater higher-ups.
With the Combine in one side an gman and his superiors on another Gordon might be being a piece between two lovecraftian-tier cosmic powers' dispute.

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He probably stretched out the Revenant jokewads a bit too much but his channel is still interesting

HL1 guns were fine, but HL2 guns were really shit (except for the revolver).
I suggest playing Mmod - it makes the guns in HL2 feel much better (the whole thing feels a lot like the original F.E.A.R.), but it doesn't change anything about the game itself.

>I think that's a pretty common criticism of source engine games though.
Like Apex?

>>combine waves not spawning during teleport charging sequence

lol, doesn't matter, i autiscally block the entrances.

time to replay hl1

my biggest problem with BM was how fucking viersal it is,
>go into fight
>loose all energy/health
>smash boxes
>get back to full 100%
>rinse repeat.

like taking a fucking breath guys.

They made the marines way too aimbot in BM.

Doom is better desu

>caused the resonance cascade
>re armed the nuke at black mesa
>brought back freeman from stasis
>all of these had severe consequences
He's not a pawn, he's the chessmaster.

anyone remember snark cafe

retard parroting stupid opinions. as the other user said it all takes place naturally. half life 2 is what shit things up.

They made the soldiers to have perfect aiming to compensate how fucking terrible their AI is in BM. In Half-Life the skirmishes with them were great, it was a cat and mouse game, with them retreating, throwing grenades and such, and they were considerably sturdy. In BM, I was thinking that I must kill them ASAP because they're essentially snipers with perfect precision from across the map with automatic weapons. They're so accurate with the submachinegun, and the same weapon if used by the player isn't as accurate from long range. It's a fucked up retarded system.


>Half-Life: Done Enormously Warped - Speedrun in 6:26
lmao what the fuck


I think most of his content is interesting but sometimes he really stretches to pad out videos. That CS deaths one was genuinely padded with stupid shit.

I think it's because people keep asking for more HL stuff and he really did everything there was to show already. I'd like to see him do more Build or Doom stuff.

I would be okay with this. Another guy who's really good with vidya facts stuff is MadSeason for WoW.

Which Myst game is this?

source version is better


Holy shit, I miss when online games were like this with a bunch of shit-talking nerds playing a game, sometimes griefing but all having fun. I used to play a lot of GMOD JailRP around 2008-10 and that was the peak for me. No other non-Source games have this vibe anymore. Though I recently tried a CS: Source JailBreak server and it was like taking a trip back to 2008, it was brilliant, but made me feel aged

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My God! What are you doing!?

And then the event breaks and you're left in a black screen forever.

Why would they be, canonically? It doesn't make sense

>hit box with crowbar
>*metal clang*
I like it because people who made it really cared.

Half Life was a different game back then.

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werks on my machine

Of course. I played the shit out of that server, hopped on every day as a teenager when it was like 2004 or something. It was when Sven Co-op kinda peaked and everyone was playing it. I wanna go back.