>here's your resident evil 4 bro
Here's your resident evil 4 bro
I maintain this is the only good dmc game. It was a nice melding of resident evil camera and gothic style. It had its own vibe but still retained a cool creepy atmosphere. The series now is total camp gibberish. I knew i was done with the series whn i saw dante doing the moonwalk.
Definitely the best aesthetic in the series for sure
I will never get why they ditched european castles for ugly urban sprawl. What a mess. I wish capcom would return to the intermediary action game. Not quite survival horror, not quite all out action. But i guess dark souls has that lane now. To me bayonetta and dmc really have become something that are totally seperate (and inferior) to the first devil may cry.
>I will never get why they ditched european castles for ugly urban sprawl.
What about tamen-ni-gru or whatever from DMC3, that was pretty gothic, and the leviathan level felt like something that would fit in DMC1, and they can't just make DMC purely about going to haunted castles
I'm shocked that I am not the only one on the planet who thought this way. I always found the sequels to feel boring in comparison to #1, prolly because the original had those slight gothic adventure game roots.
Dmc isnt bad but they threw out too much re dna to make it happen. I have no idea why there isnt more of a schism in the fanbase between people who prefer the first game or...whatever the rest turned out to be. They are honestly more iterative of god of war than the first devil may cry
>dmc cannot be purely creepy castles
Why? It seems like all it is not is parking garages.
When did gothic castles become a staple of RE? Only a small part of one RE game is set in a castle.
The re dna was fixed camera and some light exporation. The dmc part was the influence of renaisance art and architecture. I mean the title is a play on dante’s inferno. Medieval aesthetic was clearly an inspiration in the beginning.
what would you anons like to see in a remake of this game if it ever happens?
>controllable camera
>weapon switch a la dmc3
>new areas and puzzles
>new weapons
>new enemies
>new moves
>new boss
>trish as bonus character
Some of the sequels had good combat, but the design/aesthetic was NEVER better than the first.
They would just ruin it game design has gotten worse not better and the game still looks and runs just fine.
No DMC had a fully static camera tho. Especially during combat. It did zooms and pans in every room
>Not quite survival horror, not quite all out action.
How is DMC 1 not all out action?
Agree with you. The atmosphere was best in the first.
I even dare say the second one had a better atmosphere than the third.
There are quiet moments, atmospheric camera angles. Hell even some light puzzles. The pacing was much better. I am not claiming it isnt an action game—it is, but it has become a parody of itself, and the urban settings are ugly. Dante should have remained the main character and there should have been a more direct focus on demon hunting.
Because we need more variety
DMC1 was a castle
DMC3 was in Demonic tower of babel
Both are creepy old and gothic
I disagree. The RE2 Remake showed that remakes can still improve a game while still being faithful. the original still looks and plays fine but a remake would be good.
1 is absolutely the only good game in the series. The rest is obnoxious weebshit with "gameplay" that consists of juggling a training mode bot for 40 minutes so people who can't actually play fighting games think they're good at something.
The fact fans clamor for remakes show a lack of creativity in developers and fans. Sure re2 remake was fine, but at this point well trodden ground. Its time for capcom to move these series forward beyond fan service.
I've only played DMC and DMC2
Totally agree. So tired of the weebshit that bayonetta and dmc post 1 are.
The first felt like a black horror comedy...berserk meets cowboy bebop. Now its just a joke
enemy design took a hit after 1 but you're wrong. combat in 4 and especially 3 is still engaging and doesn't solely consist of juggling. Only autists love doing it
>The rest are obnoxious weeb shit
>When DMC1 was literally inspired by anime (cobra)
There is a big dfference between 90’s and earlier anime and the trash that followed
I wouldn't say it's the only good DMC game but it sure is the best. I even like the stupid first person swimming. They never recaptured that feeling of the first game and I'm still sad that we'll never get a true sequel to it.
>DMC1 remake
>controllable camera instead of fixed
What's the point of a DMC1 remake if you're going to take away the best thing about it
And DMC3 and 5 is somehow not inspired by earlier animes?
Why do people hate fixed camera? Its a highly effective wa of communicating important visual information to the player, and it sets mood. People just dont like it because they are branlets who cant comprehend the controls.
>The best thing about it
>when it fucks you over while playing
Asking for the same fixed camera is stupid, the right thing to do is have controllable camera with enemy encounters and fixed camera in exploration sequences
You’re probably that moron who thinks remake is superior to the true re1
I don't, because I haven't played them
And what about what I said is wrong? I just asked for some more control with the camera in some sequences that clearly needed it, while still maintaining a fixed camera most of the time
This solicited a hearty giggle from me thanks;)
That would be fine i think lords of shadow 2 implemented that very feature.
Yeah I too love being blasted by griffon from off screen while the camera is pointing at a wall
If thats what the director intended who are you to question it? Git gud
ITT: peak Yea Forums samefagging
it's a zoomer repellant, like turn based battle systems
Fixed =/= static
>They unironically made a not in a million years joke
So is this them shitting on DmC or what?