All of these games have shut down or are going to

>Blacklight: Retribution (Closing March 11th)
>Just Survive
>Evolve Stage 2
>Marvel Heroes
>Drawn to Death (Closing March 25, 2019. A fucking PS4 game.)
>Deformers (remember when that faggot Dunkey shilled this?)
>Ghost in the Shell
>Super Monday Night Combat
>Radical Heights
>Demon Souls
>Age of Empires Online
>Ace of Spades
>Batman Arkham Origins online (online on PS3 and 360 still work)
>A lot of PS3 games like MAG, PSABR and Twisted Metal
>Literally anything powered by Gamespy like older Battlefield games


Attached: shut down games.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Planetside 2

I didn't expect it to hurt this much even after all this time.

Attached: bags of sand.webm (1200x675, 1.63M)

Stop making multiplayer games that rely on unlockable shit and ranks for fun

>he's been creating this threads for years
Imagine the smell.

Attached: Yikes.jpg (1920x8851, 2.23M)

>youll never play nogoth again
feels bad man

I never got to play it but Gigantic looked pretty good.

For real?

Just give players the fucking tools to keep servers going after the game gets shut down, or better yet, make the game have dedicated servers from the start.

No loss there

blacklight was special. sad to see it go

and i enjoyed gits. it was a decent fps

99% of multiplayer games made today are shallow interchangeable garbage designed solely to ring money out of suckers.

Ten years ago I was a multiplayer person, fuck single player games I wanted to compete against other people. Today, I'd much rather play a well-designed singleplayer game with a good story and gameplay that only lasts for 8 hours or so than touch a multiplayer game.

It's not just that multiplayer games are all trash now. It's that the pool of players has taken a nose-dive in terms of quality of people and quality of skill.

>Blacklight: Retribution

I didn't even know Gigantic came out. Was it shitty?

>playing fee-to-pay fleecing simulators
>wasting copious hours on something that will be deleted and forever forgotten

Attached: concave_self-fap.jpg (356x436, 67K)

Funny how this is a completely made up problem that didn't exist 15 years ago. Good multiplayer died along with dedicated servers.

not gonna lie, but I kinda miss First Assault, it have a great weapon customization options and motoko in it

>shut down
What do you think?

Once/if Planetside Arena comes out in the summer, they'll probably divert all attention to it and establish its faction vs faction battle royale mode and leave PS2 to fall apart.

And some people wonder why I value single player

Gigantic was great, but some unrelated corporate bullshit basically left the devs not getting paid for half a year while they still worked on it, then it just quietly died as no other investors came around to pick it up.

stop making multiplayer games that stop functioning without dev support*
fixed it for you. just let the community host servers. but i guess then someone might host a server where saying nigger is okay and devs are too retarded to just say "whatever happens on community servers isn't our responsibility" disclaimer

How's your neopet doing?

>Battlefield fanbase fixes old BF games and makes them playable online
>EA tells them to stop

Multiplayer cucks BTFO

>tfw BLR
It was a good run guys

I got 200 hours out of Evolve Stage 2, and at this point it's like... I miss it, but can't do anything about it now.

And it really does make you wonder what the point of multiplayer only games is

Never heard of any of these shit games.

>Marvel Heroes
>Demon Souls
>Global Agenda
Oh God why did you remind me of all of this OP?

Attached: v and video games.png (1000x1400, 713K)

when did lawbreakers get removed from steam lol

Exactly this. MP games used to last for fucking ever with a solid playerbase (that takes a long time to dwindle) if said playerbase could manage the dedicated servers themselves. Everything being "games as a service" and on some official matchmaking server gives all of them a very short expiration date as they become literally unplayable.
I can still fucking install Enemy Territory and find about ten to twenty servers that have people in them.

Wresting control away from the players across all kinds of games has been killing the medium overall.

I miss hawken
There we voice chat at the end screen so you couldnt see who was talking so I would just burp loudly

"Multiplayer game" is a code words for "I can't level design for shit".

>remember when that faggot dunkey shilled this?
so I googled "dunkey deformers"

and got this video

to me this says OP is obviously a dunkey fan because without watching his videos how could you even know this video has deformers footage featured for about 30 seconds?

What will happen when Destiny 2 shuts down? All the fags who wasted money on that shit, what will they do?

Not a Dunkey fan, but somebody mentioned it in one of my previous threads

This is why lack of dedicated servers is the biggest red flag for me on multiplayer centered games
They PLAN for their games to eventually die with the servers so you need to buy the next installment

Mutliplayer games make far more money than single player games, even if the game shuts down after a year it's still made vastly more money because people are far more likely to spend money on micro-transactions if they can show them off to other people.

> loadout
it hurts

Attached: IMG_20181028_141326.png (300x300, 77K)

>Blacklight: Retribution
Really? Always tought was one of the best.

>leave PS2 to fall apart.
Very generous of you to believe they haven't already done that ages ago

>>Blacklight: Retribution (Closing March 11th)
Dont tell me they drop a good game for the (maybe) vampire game with paradox?

this happens if you don't support dedicated servers