What's the vidya equivalent of this?
What's the vidya equivalent of this?
3x3 containing witcher 3 and fallout NV
>tfw I still recognize all those characters
I've been here way too long.
The saddest thing about these pictures is the person who makes them is just as delusional in thinking he is an individual as the people who make those 3x3's.
Demon Souls, MGS3, Mother 3, Majora’s Mask, Fallout: New Vegas, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Planetscape Torment, Silent Hill 2, MGR
pick any 9
>witcher 3
Nah. That's to new. Witcher 1 or 2 maybe.
It's 4 years old which is coincidentally the average age of it's fanbase
almost. replace mgr with deus ex
>dark souls
>fallout NV
>any fighting game
The worst part is that those all are really good too. I hate what this has become.
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei isn't relevant enough anymore to warrant a spot
only four more years to go
you really think that huh
missing the point dude
>hetaliafag being a retarded newfag
checks out
people picking the most popular/acclaimed games instead of their actual favourites
chrono cross instead desu
replace P3 with SMT Nocturne and it would be more accurate
>Metal Geer
>Read Dad
>Mount and Blade: Neverlords
That's it, I don't have 3 more
>havent played a single one besides a few mins of sm64
where should i start?
You can tell some moeshit fag made this strawman
>六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
By thanking Xi Jinping for your gaming experience.
who was the green bitch?
That's the berserker dude and the mc from mushi-shi on the middle row right? I have no idea of the rest.
>tfw ran out of anime to watch
At least I'll never run out of video games.
>Most of them are RPGs
what did Yea Forumsirgins mean by this
Virgins yearn for escapism
Nah but you could make a contrarian version and put nocturne on there
Winnie the Pooh didn't do shit
More like what did zoomers mean by this.
yes to both
top left lain
top center legend of galactic heroes
center left fooly cooly
bottom center eva
Akashi is the girl
Tatami Galaxy is the anime
Memes aside, I highly recommend it
I also recommend the movie The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl
Made by the same studio and takes place in the same universe
my dick
Lain, LOGH, Berserk and Tatami Galaxy are all Kino
Rest is overrated meme shit. I fucking hate FLCL
>limiting yourself to 3x3
truly cringe my bro
Lain is just as bad as FLCL.
The rest are all top tier.
This just seems like the general consensus of what good video games exist if you’re not a drooling retard on the internet. Like if you asked around online this is why you’d get. Definitely not Yea Forumscore. Not elitist enough
Well china-friend I would recommend the Zelda games because I know there are translations. I would also recommend Metal Gear and the Souls series if you could find them. If you liked 3D Mario then I would try the classic 2D Mario games (news ones are shit).
At this point you're just adding any character you find slightly likeable instead of making a top of your actual favorite ones.
Lain is pleb-core pretending to be art-kino. The true art-kino animes are Eva and utena. Anything else is try hard garbage
If only you hadn't opened your dumb mouth about eva, I would have agreed with you.
Lain was decent if you came into it with an understanding of what it was.
and you don't seem to understand
My 3x3 would be just several images of Kaban and Serval-san, and one image containing "Fuck Kadokawa"
>so indecisive he can't even choose 9 of something
this. you don't really care about any of those. I could make a similar image incredibly easily. a 3x3 is slightly harder to make
>Can only pick 7
I realy hate videogames huh
Eva may be try hard shit but at least it was semi-original when it did it and didn’t need to resort to obnoxious overly cryptic episodes for no reason like lain
the fuck do u even play then?
thought it was Welcome to NHK
If you have many favourite characters you don't have favourite characters.
>Witcher 1
>Mother 3
>Final Fantasy X
That's it desu
That's on the bottom right.
kys animalfucker
bottom right isn't Sayounara Zetsubou Sensei?
Post your legit 3x3's
Boomer but good taste
Good taste my nigga
Whoops, that one needs updating more than I thought
Why is Automata there 1.5 times?
7 out of 9 of my 3x3, damn
bayo, warcraft, vampire bloodlines, zelda, castlevania, vanquish, metroid, ninja gaiden, hitman
>Automata 2 times and VTMB
Good taste.
retro but very nice tastes
I can inly recognize about 6 of those.
Who the hell are these supposed to be?
Hotline Miami
lain, logh, texhnolyze
flcl, berserk, mushishi
tatami galaxy, evangelion, nhk
Based digi killed 3x3 threads.
>Dead Rising
>Shadow Hearts
videya game
what the fuck are teknolyze and tatami galaxy, those are like "literally who"s
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
New Vegas
Metroid Prime
I've been coming to these boards for 15 years, one doesn't achieve shit taste just by lurking.
It's not about achieving taste, it's about knowing shit people talk about.
Deus Ex
Fallout New Vegas
Assassin's Creed 4
Also, DeS with DaS1
Please explain further.
"My favourite JRPG? Final Fantasy 6. That and Earthbound are the only really good ones."
It's a short game, you could enlighten yourself much more easily than I could explain
It may come as a shock to you, but people can genuinely enjoy popular things.
>Any of the shit in the pic
probably dark souls and witcher 3
Nice taste
Wasn't a huge fan of Lisa, but I beat it in one sitting to piss of a friend, so I guess I never gave it an actual playthrough.
Hotel Dusk is great, recently finished Cape West. Sad there's no games like that anymore, they were unique.
Cool taste, One day I'll play all the Ace Combat games.
Deadly Premonition was great, and I love House of the Dead.
FF12 and Cave Story were fantastic.
Based for best ace attorney
god tier taste
Wow you have good taste. Wanna come join my cool kids club?
every anime is "literally who", normalfag
any 3x3 containing a nibntendo game is automatically cringe
entirely correct, unironically
Cursed image
it may come as a shock to you, but people can follow the hivemind without any actual thoughts of their own, and even if you disagree with this, there's no denying that someone whose 3x3 looks like that is probably a terribly boring person
witcher 3
fallout nv
dark souls 2
majora's mask
system shock 2
deus ex
vampire the masquerade
bayonetta 2
I know, it took me 90 minutes to complete. Why do you like it so much?
there you go OP
>all those number 2s
I guess you could say user has shit taste
*le posts le epic picture of the beaner from le schoolbus of magic*
I don't blame you
I'm a fucking anime casual and I know of those 2.
Abloo bloo bloo, stop liking popular games abloo bloo bloo
it's pure videogame. no cutscenes, no story, no love interest or cringey dialogue. no context of any kind. just a challenge to overcome. it is elemental, geometric perfection, masterfully executed. and if you dare to brave the mirror stages, woe unto you
And people can genuinely be insecure leeches who want to "fit in" with a taiwanese basket-weaving forum instead of being their own person. THOSE are the ones being made fun of.
>counting entire series
Cool, but I am not the one saying "you don't actually like the things you told me you like", so I can understand people can like different things.
I guess noone gets the point of the thread
here, let me explain it:
Well I deny that.
What's your logic? Clearly they aren't boring for others with similar interests.
those are all very popular
Deus Ex (but only the first one since the rest suck), Castlevania, Metroid, System Shock, Mega Man, RE, Hitman, Thief and GTA. I see there's no Splinter Cell option tho. What a shame.
Downvoted and didn't watch lol
Get fucked, I'm not watching some faggot tell me "You are not having fun".
Pokemon red/blue
Persona 3
Deus Ex
Dwarf Fortress
New Vegas
Half Life
Pretty much mostly old obscure things that "normies" don't like or haven't heard of.
i really do like this image. having popular things or critically acclaimed works as your favorites makes you an extremely boring person and betrays a lack of critical thinking, abstract thought and ability to handle complexity, causality, and cognitive empathy, and not a tendency to want to simplify things
i legitimately, honestly, lose respect for people who have more than 3 of the following anime in their top 10s:
Tatami Galaxy (or Kaiba)
Paranoia Agent
Serial Experiments Lain
Cowboy Bebop
Mazinger Z
Ghost in the Shell
and a couple others i'm missing
it screams dilettantes/poser with opinions that have been shoved down their gullet by Yea Forums and anime youtubers, which is the best case scenario. at worst, they're the type of dummy who I would not trust with anything more complex than a vacuum. a genuine nematode, barely human. but they were likely already retarded for watching anime in the first place, so who knows
of course this goes for video games as well
katamari isn't that popular
Where did you find my top 18 favorite anime list I thought I hid that.
>linking fucking digibro
Watching this guy try to get on the MiA bandwagon was fucking pathetic
Great taste. Essential boomercore
I’m glad EYE still gets love despite it’s reputation
god hand
mgs 3
gothic 2
dwarf fortress
deus ex
you literally cant name anything more try hard
Sorry frogposting fag, I watched FLCL and loved it before I came here in 06 (so before you were born). Good shows get praise, what a fucking shock.
I can understand pictures like that are exaggerating an actual occurrence for comedic effect and don't apply to 100% of the people that like those games.
i legitimately, honestly couldnt care less about your opinion you baiting frog faggot
>Tatami Galaxy
Legitimately a fine anime with a simple but succinct message. I hate that its become the poster anime hipsters and tryhards cling to due to the artstyle
Most based post itt. Only NPC drones got mad at this
You could have not responded, that would have been caring less.
Only 2. Nice to see some retarded frogposter respects me.
>all the insecure retards replying to this seriously
i dont even like more than 2 chinese cartoons i just wanted to tell him to fuck off on the off chance he was serious, if not he got a (You) big fuckin deal he could use some attention
>pathetic leeches trying to get more (You)'s off of the frog fags bait
stale pasta
Goddamn, it's barely been 10 minutes.
>everything I disagree with or that angers me is "bait"
many such redditors
>have more than 2 of these in your favorites
>"Duuuude you're sooooo unoriginal duuuude like this is the most generic top 10 ever :D"
And its always the kind of person that has shit like FMA and Cowboy Bebop in their top shows, the kind of stuff that would be the 10th and 11th entry in that meme if it wasn't going for 3x3
Anyways Planescape Torment is the kind of game I imagine a lot of people play for a few hours, then claim its their favorite for that gamer cred
I've never made one before so I decided to whip one up.
>he got baited by the bait talking about bait cause it was his own bait he was baited with
Dude, nobody knows about SMT.
he's better than you :)
Deus Ex: HR
Nier or Nier Automata
Rayman 2
Sonic Adventure 2
SSB Melee
Klonoa 2
Halo 3
nope they're trash
Doesn't get jacked off anywhere near as much as Chrono Trigger.
Precisely. Yea Forumstards always go for the most contrarian choice
lol is this really what v likes? YIKES
this is my first time, senpai...
I seriously doubt anyone on Yea Forums has ever seen Tehxnolyze
>Dark Souls
>Dragon's Dogma
>Resident Evil
What do I win?
Sly 2
Hollow Knight
Guilty Gear Xrd
Fallout NV
TFW you realize you've been playing the same vidya over and over again for your entire life
It’s honestly worst than lain in terms of pretentiousness
ROC and TFT at the same time?!
>kotor 2
>god hand
>metroid(Zero mission)
>Doom(I was surprised by how well it aged)
It sucks that most of these are actually my favorite shows and that I'm labeled as either being a disingenuous poser or an unoriginal schmuck despite people almost never being able to give more appealing options that cater to my individual tastes.
Real talk, what would you consider a good anime 3x3? Because genuinely contains the best anime there is
-Zero Escape series
-Ace Attorney
-Zelda (Majora's Mask and OoT specifically)
-Kirby (Super Star and 64 specifically)
-Rhythm Heaven
-Metal Gear
>No king of the hill
Absolute shit taste
I would say most of them are great. That's not the issue though.
>There are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't seen 0079
Someone is into violence
Hello, fellow Redditor. Upvoted!
Hi NPCs!
Why the absolute fuck wouldn't Card Captor Sakura, YKK, Princess Tutu, Azumanga Daioh or Spice & Wolf be in Yea Forums? They're board classics.
> what would you consider a good anime 3x3?
Every choice being a cel-shaded mecha anime with only 2 being Gundam related.
Ah, good. The Slayers in /tg/ warms my heart
Because it's bait. Except for the /m/ section I guess.
All 3x3s
Just inscure attention seeking faggots looking for approval of their tastes.
Its a troll image, I think the point was never that those shows aren't good, but that a lot of people presumably only put them into theirs for nerd cred. Too bad people took it as "anyone who likes any of these is pretentious and generic"
Doesn't look like bait to me since there's nothing overly condemning in any of those 3 sections
>anime 3x3
It’s like they’re trying but they aren’t at the same time
It should be a list of your own favorites, so in that regard yes it should be. It is not the top 9 anime of all time. Rather, it is your personal 9. I don't mind if there's overlap in opinions though
>mfw I found out about Texhnolyze through this image and its in my 3x3 now
The 90s anime was good.
someone post the gif
Where's New Vegas so I can shit on it
... There's no New Vegas?
Holy shit, this might actually be a decent list then.
I'm a bit disappointed about the Legend of Zelda. Sure, ALTTP was good, and OOT was good due to all the sequence breaking, but the rest are bad.
3D Mario is also only good with romhacks or sequence breaking, and thus while 64 and arguably sunshine are good, the newer ones are trash too.
Hitman has a few good games but also a few really shtie ones, you might want to specify which games are the good ones.
Dwarf Fortress has its flaws. Namely its UI is bad, its pathfinding isn't noded at all so processing time chokes, and its fanbase are a bunch of faggots that want to ban or block those "toxic skill-shamers" with their "gatekeeping" git gud mentality.
>why did you shit on DF's fanbase but not x's
Because DF's fanbase is that fucking bad.
>what would you consider a good anime 3x3?
My 2010s 3x3 of course
It's not on the picture, but I think we can all agree Yea Forums has the best taste in anime.
picked the worst pic for "xeno series" considering X is one of the most unpopular, or slept on if you will, titles in the series
even then, gears saga and blade are way too seperate
>No Rance
This isnt Yea Forums core get thus reddit shit outta here faggot
Is that literally just one guy trying to meme the board into watching it?
I mean I like the show and he probably tricked me aswell but I don't get the correlation
>CTRL+F "Soul"
>Just Dark Souls
Anyone that unironically uses the term "Soul" is a youngfag hipster that wants to look like they're cultured because they play games older than their time.
Play Deus Ex and like it, don't make a post about how "I PLAYED DEUS EX IN 2018 AND LOVED IT, FUCKING ZOOMIES"
I played it when it released, I moved on to other shit, so did anyone else who wasn't mentally ill.
The same what that OP's pic is. Not that the anime are bad but the picture it paints. Yea Forums is all entry level shit. Yea Forums is all cgdct.
Also I doubt the people who post on Yea Forums now even know what YKK or Azumanga Daioh even are, let alone Princess Tutu.
>Anyone that unironically uses the term "Soul" is a youngfag hipster that wants to look like they're cultured because they play games older than their time.
dude get over it. Its overused as fuck but its a genuinely good term for when developers noticeably put a lot of passion into something, or when there's some kind of vision behind something. Memers use it as a stand in for "kino" now but that doesn't make it a useless term
It's for faggots who became attached to workarounds for limitations and don't want to give up that "Soul" is literally just some dipshit attachment to shit that got superseded by actual improvements
Yea Forums had daily YKK threads every day spanning from September 2018 to February 2019 and are having a singalong right now to celebrate Azumanga Daioh's 20th anniversary desu.
Shows what I know. Maybe I just see all the isekai and light novel threads and say fuck it.
The best anime 3x3 are the ones that come from the heart.
To be fair it's mostly just a small group of organized oldfags coordinating to revitalize a lot of forgotten classics from early Yea Forums by organizing read threads and streams, but it's working.
Daily reminder he got butthurt at Jojo's Bizarre Adventure of all things.
Hotline Miami / Furi / Rain World
C&C Generals / FTL / Ubermosh series
Helldivers / Diablo 2 / MGS
just updated mine after looking in my old 3x3 folder because it was filled with like 2 games i hadn't even beat.
To be fair only fujos like part 5.
Not denying that, it's the second worst part, but no need to go on the tirade like he did.
>Imperishable Night
Guess we'll have shit taste together then
It's one of the best parts right next to 7 wtf are you on about nigger
Well shit guess I better do a weekly SZS chapter dump or some shit.
Made in Abyss
>Anime e-celebs
Why is this a thing at all? I don't understand, what do they even do? I don't pay attention to video game e-celebs either but I can understand someone wanting a different insight into how to play a game or whatever
I just heard he went off about the art direction or some shit and part 5 was involved. Fair enough, I don't really care to look more into it and I'll admit David fucks up sometimes. Why do I keep hearing about this unshaven fuck anyways?
This is a thread about taste in vidya so I won't go much further than this, but my ranking is
7 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 6
I'll judge 8 when it fucking finishes.
I wouldn't even consider myself as violent, I didn't event notice that most of my games were violent games until you pointed it out...
I mostly agree, I just don't when it comes to 5.
that really updated my journal
>that ranking
Shit are you me? The only thing I'd contest is 2 because I honestly think it was rather overrated
>assuming someone who played planescape would play a jrpg instead of making bait threads
My thing is he was mad about it winning best character design but he was mostly bitching about the backgrounds. Even as as a joke it was weird
Not him, but I think the love for BT gets grating, but that's about where I'd still put it at the end of the day.
>basing your opinion of a peice of art upon other people's perception of it
need to replace nier with automata then its perfect
>people like witcher 3 based on Yea Forums culture peer pressure
wanna try to back that up?
Good products get critical acclaim and is liked by a wide audience. It's as easy as that. It's normal to like all those. If you find yourself NOT liking a lot of critical acclaimed stuff, you are just a contrarian who doesn't get pleasure from the piece of media per se (anime, manga, vidya) but from the fact of being a contrarian.
Metal Gear, Doom, Ghost Trick, Metroid, Half-Life, TLoZ, Castlevania, Kirby, Resident Evil
Digibro's a douche I wouldn't want to share breathing room with but I genuinely like his content since he's so dedicated to it
haven't watched that video but I KNOW that he likes Utena which is in the thumbnail so he probably isn't saying those shows are overrated
You know i own Fallout New vegas, it was one of the first games i ever bought on steam, and I still to this day can't get into it.
I always just end up dicking around with console commands until the game crashes and I don't play it again until like months and months after. What's the appeal of NV? I dont get it
It's not a matter of liking it due to peer pressure, just that it's a very safe thing to like.
Compare it to if I had Watch Dogs 2 on my 3x3. I don't, but I think it's a great game. But it sure as fuck is going to get people hostile toward you if you had it.
>have 100%'d multiple of the games on this list
>have put 200 hours in about just as many of them
Honorary mentions to Persona 4 and MGS3 which probably had bigger impacts but ate less of my time.
while we're being pointlessly pretentious let me just say anime is trash for children and grown men with the minds of children
What SMT's should i start with if i wanna start playing them?
The primary things that make New Vegas special are the depth of the world and how it's connected story wise as well as the importance of player choice in your interactions with the world.
Most quests are designed with multiple options and considerations in mind, with varying end results that effect you or the world around you. Additionally, the Mojave itself has a really rich recent history that ties together most of its locations in an interesting way.
On the surface it appears identical to modern Fallouts, and it is basically Fallout 3 with more interesting perks and better weapons from a purely mechanical perspective, but it's the design philosophy behind the world and quests that make it special.
I like WC3 and AOE2 both are really good games but if I had to make 3x3 and had one free place I would put there Earth 2150 instead because I enjoyed the fuck out of that game so in that department WC3 and AOE2 literally can't compete despite both being better games, it's the same with anime, I really like Lain and it's very good show but fuck me if Symphogear won't get that spot instead. This was the original purpose of 3x3 to show your taste your personal subjective opinion not spam the same 9 shows because they are "objectively" good.
Nobody is saying they dislike those. They're saying they're very safe and if your favourites list is nearly identical, you are most likely letting your opinion be defined by the consensus.
You are a colossal faggot
97% of moeshit does suck though
Jesus, not a single one? Are you even old enough to post here?
Fallout NV
Any Top 50 game on Twitch
There seems to be alot of that in this thread specifically
Also why FF4?
wrong, those are my top 1%
FF4 (which I grew up with as FF2) was one of, if not my, first RPG and the music, themes, and cast mean a lot to me.
P4 is a well loved game for loads of reasons, for me it got me into SMT games which is now my favorite game series of all time.
nothing you talk about matters :)
You're all retards, this is pasta.
anyone got a collage/grid generator?
Mine has literally no flaws
and that makes it untrue... why?
>DMC5, Just Chatting, Talk Shows and Podcasts, DMC4, Poker, the entire medium of Art, and runescape are all zoomer tier trash
go to pixlr express
Because no one has played any of the games on your list to point them out
seething incel
Seething retard
Does anyone have the pic from this dude (I think, at least the style and captions are similar) about jojo fans? I've been searching for it for months
Single player games from valve and nintendo, with a wrpg and jrpg thrown in.
this one?
>Dragon's Dogma
not listed
>Company of Heroes
This one.
Fuck yes, thank you user, you saved me
hi seething incel ;)
>SMT: Strange Journey
>Mother 3
>Demon's Souls
5/9 isn't so bad, right?
Yeah it’s dumb when people criticize this shit. Like maybe a lot of people like those same examples because they’re good.
5/5 it's okay.
>if you like video games your insecure about your taste in video games
what point is this trying to make
you will never be able to define or measure it, therefore it means nothing
seething retarded incel
cause it's false
seething retarded incel faggot
nah they like them cause they're dumb
>only played GTA and Mountain Blade from this list (not counting J2ME version of Doom)
Such is life being born as a '94 poorfag, having the same computer from 2003 until 2013, and only gaining unrestricted access to it in 2008. My gaming activity on that computer and on the previous one I had basically boils down to
>Lemmings (the first one, the 3D one and Paintball)
>Mech Commander
>Jungle Strike
>Gubble 2
>Lamentation Sword
>Urban Assault
>Age of Empires series
>Commandos series
>Tough Trucks Modified Monsters
>Heroes 3
>WWII Frontline Command
>C&C (Tiberian Sun and Generals, much later all the games in TFD)
>the demo of Call of Duty
>CoD 2
>Company of Heroes
>F1 2000
>F1 Challenge 99-02
>NFS series from HP2 to Carbon, also NFS 2 SE
>FIFA from 2002 to 2008 (couldn't run 2009)
>PES 2009 (couldn't run 2010)
>PES 6
>all HoI 2 versions including DH
I think this is actually an exhaustive list of what I played back until I got my current laptop in 2013.
seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger
>nuc throne
There are some people that don't have any taste of their own, so they resort to circle-jerking about games that the general community considers great. But many people do like games on these lists because they actually like them and sadly get lumped in with the former bunch.
& Knuckles
>seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger
seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger double seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger triple seething retard faggot incel redditor cuck soiboi numale low t beta virgin manbaby neckbeard nigger
>No Dungeon Meshi for /tg/
Someone clearly doesn't browse the board.
Probablt TWEWY
Also agree with Majora's Mask from This isn't about popular vs unpopular.
It's not just about popular, it's also about dodging the most popular in favour of stuff that's popular with a very small group of people.
It could be that you simply follow what people recommend, and you haven't seen much anime yet. If your favourites consist of a large number of these, you are either a poser, or you are very new to anime and haven't seen much outside of this list.
Most or all of these anime are good (haven't seen all)
The picture isn't saying that these are bad anime. It's saying that you are a bad person if you only like these anime.
Okami was insufferable
A good 5 of those have moe characteristics, sometimes heavily so.
reminder that Yea Forums got mindfucked by some youtube autist trying to justify his love for K-On
>Tails gets trolled
It is the best manga to be fair.
No and I don't think that show is meme popular enough.
Maybe it deserves it though.
It says "Non-Bethesda" Fallout you fucking retard. Holy shit, you can't even read. Why are you on this forum if you can't even read the posts?
>Real talk, what would you consider a good anime 3x3?
>you will never be able to define or measure it, therefore it means nothing
there's tons of shit you can't measure you absolute retard
Oh right there's also a Network Q RAC Rally, Jedi Academy, Bloodrayne and SimCity 4 in there.
Hollow Knight
Metal Gear Rising
Titanfall 2
Sly 3
Halo 3
No More Heroes
Nier Automata
SSBB (for nostalgia purposes)
Can someone give me a rundown on those anime, only ones I recognize from the MS paint drawing are Berserk, Eva and NHK.
this makes it hard to pick any since most series have some bad games
Majora's Mask
Gothic 2
Dark Souls
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red
Megaman 4
Super Metroid
Smash Bros 64
Yeah those Shinkiro faces creep me out.
You'd have to replace MGS2 with 3
lol mad
and none of it matters, thanks for agreeing
It can be a good term that actually get's across a feeling you just described without putting a ton of words into it. Often though it's just a hurrr old good, new bad statement by people that don't realize games haven't gotten worse (for the most part), they have
i believe part 2 is the worst part, by a lot. The pacing of virtually every fight was awful because of how much the characters needed to explain nearly everything that's happening. Araki got better about needing to explain less as time went on, even with how complex stands were. Part 2 just had too much of the worst part of Jojo, characters talking and explaining shit when they had no time to do either.
basically what I said but I appreciate that someone agrees
People getting pissed off that someone has the temerity to like something is pretty Yea Forums related.
>Good products get critical acclaim and is liked by a wide audience
And enthusiasts would experience enough of a product in their choice to have preferences. An individual's preference is not a question of "what is the best" but what they personally enjoyed the most. If someone tells me their favorite movies are Jaws, Star Wars and The Shining I'd simply assume they didn't watch movies that much and have yet to develop their own preferences for what they enjoy in a movie.
legitimately amazing sci-fi with a reputation somewhat tarnished by a secondary fanbase of "muh aesthetic" wirehead faggots
long and faithful OVA adaptation of a series of sci-fi political novels (the starship troopers mold but with more naval autism), good stuff overall
criminally underappreciated (literally only mentioned in lain threads or when that autistic OP image is posted) dystopian show about the total breakdown of a corrupt society
cute coming-of-age story as an excuse for Gainax to wank crazy animation concepts
haven't seen it desu
>tatami galaxy
a beta attempts to live college life in a different way each episode, fun and relatable but hilariously wordy
Ah, thank you. I know a bunch of them, actually, just didn't recognize them.
>good bad
>bad good
sage and hide
Gasaraki and Flag were better, though still hardly masterpieces.
Mushishi is a show about a guy who wanders around solving various Mushi-related issues (basically bug-like spirits).
Not exactly complex but very beautifully made and pretty agreeable at the very least. Hardly any reason for anyone to hate it. Give the first episode a shot, it tells all you need to know about the show
loved it at first but got bored of it after the first season
Watch Dogs 2 is fine, the city is really comfy to explore and the missions are semi-varied compared to most Ubishit. It's just the story that was a Reddit-tier cringefest but even that's preferable to the self-serious embarrassment of WD1
I noticed that "ironic-weeb" Yea Forums underage spammer doesn't spam his shit anymore in Yea Forums and Yea Forums. I suppose this retard is dead right?
Eh, he got me to appretiate Maidragon a lot more, so I can't be too mad at his stupid pretentiousness.
hurr durr, you can't say you like something just because it's popular / well regarded, you have to put a bunch of obscure stuff or moe shit to actually have good taste! his point about Aria is also complete fucking shit because it's miles better than any moe trash I've watched because it escapes the trappings of a school setting and still manage to present certain messages about growing up, being insecure about your future and finally having to go out in your own in interesting ways relevant to the setting and the italian / venice culture has really cool "events" that are miles better than just the golden week, school festival with a play and or haunted house, school trip, xmas, new year that every other moe blob follows
>those girls
Jesus, how can one man have such terrible taste?
>his taste still hasn't changed one bit even after 4 years
Jesus Christ, man. What's happening?
Yeah, that's what I thought aswell, but it's actually quite good.
Does anyone have the template for this?
>only 1
call me based everyone
Jokes on you, I barely even KNOW 3 anime from that list.
To each their own.
Chrono trigger is one
Come on, man, it's wholesome in the actual sense of the word. Disliking it because some other fag likes it is the ultimate cuck mentality.
all the western games + dark souls on this 3x3 are good
not because some fag likes it, I couldn't give two shits about his opinion, but because the show itself is shit
Why is it shit?
I only recognize two (LoGH and Berserk) one of which I don't like
What are the rest?
>a good anime 3x3
>entirely /m/
He's not wrong.
Not 9 but I'd pick all of them minus Zero Escape, Non-Bethesda Fallout, Planescape, Ghost Trick, God Hand, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Vampire, Hotline Miami, Morrowind, System Shock, Mount & Blade, X-COM, Bully, Thief, E.Y.E., Dragon's Dogma, Vanquish, Snatcher and Dwarf Fortress.
The rest are all good
Deus Ex, Super Metroid, Majora's Mask, MOTHER, Final Fantasy 1, Final Fantasy 7, Castlevania 1, Ninja Gaiden Black
You just know some SEETHING moeshit fan made this one
I haven't even clicked this and I already know what it is because it was in my recommended all the time
Get fucked
Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, FLCL, Mushishi, Tatami Galaxy, Evangelion, Welcome to the NHK
Are you this new?
Seething JoJofag
>peace walker over any other MGS
what did you think of MGSV in general? for me it's a better peace walker in every aspect
You type like a gigantic sperg
When it comes to games, each one of those has had some sort of meaning to me when I played them, they're on my 3x3 because they made me feel a way that no other game has done before or have some nostalgia behind them. The only two games on there that I would take off would be MGS and NV because they were slapped on there to meet a requirement of 9 games back in 2015 and even then I was iffy about them.
When it comes to vidya, I love those games for specific reasons and I see no need to change them. If I really wanted to, I would replace MGS with Cave Story and that's about it. It's not that I don't play vidya or anything, I just haven't found anything else to really put on that list that made me feel anything more than "wow, this is a fun video game". It's just who I am as a person, it's why I haven't made an anime 3x3 or music 3x3, I barely found anything that really makes me go "holy fucking shit, this is incredible" or affect me personally.
Also laziness.
>2 buzzwords in one post
thanks for proving his point
Why are Zelda 1, the Oracle games, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild "bad"?
They're good, its literally the "trying to fit in" starter pack
>based Joe not on this list
>I don't like thing: the image
wonder how butthurt the guy was when he made that image
How is it?
Missing KOTOR2.
Yea Forums worships any unfinished buggy junk that Obsidian shits out.
its less the 3x3 stuff and more not being able to explain why the games are good. kinda like the Citizen Kane problem
why is there some demon bitch avatar by DMC
Fallout: New Vegas
Xenoblade Chronicles
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Red Dead Redemption
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
looks to me like their preference is star wars, the shining, and jaws
seethe harder :)
Just picked one of my random dmc pictures.
seething :)
Don't lie to me tranny lover.
no explanation is necessary
which is that one for?
i would actually put FLCL and mushishi on my 3x3 but i dont participate in those threads
why isn't cowboy bebop on there?
Just because they're transexual doesn't make them a bad reviewer.
So you like DMC because your husbando gave it a good review. right
Nah, I liked it before then. I also posted it because I knew it would get replies from whiny kids like you.
>All these Newfags that never seen this pasta before also hate Frogposting and actually do only watch what YouTubers tell them to watch
It’s not a pretentious enough pick.
Not really I just don't watch anime
Dude Sex
Max Payne
>Non-Bethesda Fallout
end yourself
Here's my thing
They are my genuine favorite games though.
>If you like well liked (aka good) games and put them as your favorites you are just a poser.
>You have to put in obscure games that are mediocre in order to get REAL gamer cred
Do you see what you are doing here? You all are just creating a more pretentious standard for people to replicate
>someone redrew it
I never know if people tend to base theirs off nostalgia, replayability or genuine suggestions. I try to go for the first two but then just end up with a ton of games people have heard of already.
then berserk shouldn't be on there. it makes no sense
>6 games from my top 9 are on this list
oh shit
That's actually a very good chart, fuck off contrarians.
why is paper mario drawn so terribly?
Fight Club, Godfather, Scarface, Blade Runner and The Thing
>NMH2 instead of 1 or TSA
If it wasn’t for Mother 3, Hotline Miami, and Ghost Trick I’d call you a pleb.
>obscure and somewhat pretentious shows/games are too popular on my hobby forum and so I will make fun of people who like them so I can be more pretentious
But a lot of those games are mediocre user.
NMH2 is way better than the first one and i haven't played TSA since i don't have a switch
>No Madoka
Bad taste
The point is they're entry level safe picks. No one except contrarians thinks they're bad.
But it’s not. The writing’s a lot worse, and that’s the reason why people play Suda51 games. Also that fucking parking lot and all those fat dudes with loads of HP can fuck off.
Unironically what are all the anime in the OP? I only recognize about half. Wanna check the rest out because if people on this website hate them they're probably pretty good.
LoGH is too good to be in such an awful shitpost comic.
>tfw none of the plebs on Yea Forums have ever played the game on the bottom right
eh, NMH2 was pretty good... it just pales in comparison to the first one
What the fuck is going on in the right?
>Tfw I like FLCL but hate people who say it's art
These are all shit.
>The writing’s a lot worse
Debatable, i think it's on the same level
I prefer NMH2 mostly because the bosses are better and have more personality (except for the last one), they removed the boring open world sections, the minigames are more fun, the overall game have better controls, etc
I also hate the fat guys, but the parking lot part was honestly ok
Why bother taking the time to make a 3x3 when yours is identical to every other one in the thread? They're supposed to spark discussion but there are people who post their generic one in every thread trying to farm "10/10" replies.
Hundreds of EVE Online players on each side, enacting the exact same strategy Yang Wenli likes to use in the anime.
Are they winning?
Xeno Series
Shota Icarus
Rhythm Heaven
the fight with Alice would have been the perfect way to end the game...
emphasis on "would"
But moeshit DOES suck
Those guys who pick nothing but western PC RPGs or RTS.
>Nintendo games suck amirite?
>RTS games are for true hardcore gamurs!
>Yeah, western RPGs sure are deep guise, unlike those Japanese shit ones.
We really should exploit this image more. It's got that weird property that twists everything into being bad.
Everyone knows that
Good taste
Jokes on you I like literally none of those characters
except maybe saber a little
Kirby, 3D Mario, Monster Hunter, Grand Theft Auto, Mount and Blade, Shin Megami Tensei, Katamari Damacy
You need to add Armored Core to this list
>Yuru Yuri
>honestly don’t know
>The Tatami Galaxy
>Welcome to the NHK
moeshit isnt that bad but i would put lucky star in a 3x3
is nichijou moeshit? thats totally fine
How can somebody not like Rem? I can understand her not being your favorite but she's a good girl.
>Gravity Rush
entire list disregarded
>granblue anime
Implying anybody actually watched it instead buying BD for in game shit, also replace Nico with Maki, Nico is a meme and nobody actually like her.
If you didn't, you'd be a newfag
Moeshit is just something i dont like. So it's not moeshit
That's not what moeshit is
I don't sympathize with girls that are co dependent on people for self validation or anything else. Therefore i dont like rem, I dont hate her i just dont like her.
They are not hated retard, you are missing the point
Red dead is zoomer garbage though
>tfw 5 of those are could potentially be in my 3x3
i feel attacked
Don't fret, user. Just means we have good taste.
I've played all of those except for hollow knight and DF.
Mostly tried to go by games I know I spent a long ass time playing and finishing where applicable. This was a bit harder than I thought it would be.
Forced myself to not repeat any franchise
Impeccable taste user
>Forced myself to not repeat any franchise
>3 square\squenix games
>companies don't have multiple franchises
Literally anyone who tries to put n64 Zelda anywhere near their favorites list
>Square/Squenix games aren't all pretty much basically the same grindy jrpg shit in the east
Maybe in the east but not over here
>twewy ff7 and vp arent weebshit
Look at the games I've posted
One is a squaresoft game, one is an enix game, the other is a square-enix game.
Don't even pretend that square and enix had similar styles before the merger.
Also, the games are vastly different in gameplay, the only similarity is the character design in ff7 and twewy
I really don't give much of a shit for jrpgs, but no that doesn't make them the same franchise.
but moeshit does suck indeed
what a manchild
>Souls Series
>Silent Hill
>Grand Theft Auto
>Vampire: THe Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Mount & Blade
>Dragon's Dogma
>Resident Evil
>Persona 4
>and that touhou autism
truly the worst taste
For me the game ends there, and it's amazing
nigger you fucking suck ge tthe fuck off my image board with that piece of shit picture you spic loving ultra faggot nigger face
post your god tier 3x3 then retard
I just realized 3x3 equals 9 and that's why these charts always have 9 games on them.
but this fucking thing shows up, absolutely ruined the game for me
smt 4, its the best in the series.
And my fav game of all time, more than killer7 or godhand (also the only good persona's are 1, 2, and half of 5)
> 4
> best in the series
Don't agree at all with the persona shitpost but I'll check it out thanks
You can't judge the whole game because of a shit ending
I also hated it as everyone else, but the rest of the game is so good that i don't care
well yeah I loved it, but the final boss just left a really bad impression on me
I liked all the other bosses tho, Captain Vlad being the best
For me, it's Margaret
These 3x3 things are so stupid. No one cares what some anonymous faggot likes, and I doubt anyone cares what some anonymous faggot thinks about their taste. The only good ones are ones that are intentionally so shitty to farm for (you)s.
If you out good shit on there people call you out for liking stuff that everyone likes. If you put stuff the average pleb here hasn't heard of no one replies. It's like an endless treasure hunt to get the most obscure shit possible and hope someone asks you about your super cool and rare games that probably suck ass anyway and are worse than games we all agree are good.
this image singlehandedly killed 3x3 threads. Fuck off, we can still have them here
>tfw watched and loved texhnolyze and lain before coming on this garbage site
>still going to be my favorite no matter what seething contrarians may say
forgot to spoiler image
it's not the fact that they are bad. they are just very basic bitch choices and are easy indicators that someone hasn't watched very much anime.
Absolutely, unabashedly, completely based and undeniably redpilled
Have you actually played these games? TWEWY and FF7 couldn’t be anymore different when it comes to gameplay and settings.
goddamn it...
Margeret is pretty cute tho
You’re a special kind of retard, huh?
seethe more weeb
Why has "weeb" become the goto word for when someone literally has nothing of worth to say? It's lost all meaning at this point
>complaining about weebs
>on Yea Forums
What are bottom-left and bottom-right supposed to be?
FLCL is my favourite anime but I wouldn't call it art, though it really does have a lot of good story telling and metaphorical scenes, it's not pretenious or self wanky enough to be art
Tatami Galaxy and Welcome to the NHK
Apparently liking anything Japanese makes you a weeb or something.
Tatami Galaxy, NHK ni Youkoso
You need to go back.
>You're not allowed to say you like those because they're good and everybody likes them
>You can only say you like some other shit anime that no one watched
Right? These people would fucking die from "cringe" if they saw an actual weeb.
Am I back in 2011? I swear to god I haven't seen anyone bitch about this since then.
Thanks. Now I can say that is a faggot, those are all good, and moe is trash.
I feel like this 9x9 makes more sense if instead of using individual games you just mentioned the franchises. Everyone is completely pretentious about Fallout, Metal Gear, games drawn by Akira Toriyama, and pre-4 Persona.