How do you want your SCP game?

>how do you want your SCP game?
>cyberpunk the shit out of it
Ready to fight 682 with neon laser swords?

Attached: 1551944058889.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

Other urls found in this thread:


go shill your game somewhere else.

What? The game isn't out or have a general or even well known?

China hero introduced some actually interesting games.
Not bad chinks.
But I wonder how this will actually turn out, because it looks like it can go either way.

>ANNO Mutationem Is a Moody, Cyberpunk Metroidvania Heading to PS4
Whew, fucking dropped.

bye shill

This game looks fucking awful.

So what about this screen there OP?
If the game is a metroidvania its a side scroller right?
Because from the looks of that screen, it looks FPS or at least with some depth movement, which I'd love to play.
But if that screen is just promo and the actual game is just regular 2D then you just lost me

I don't get it is it actually SCP or is it just borrowing that 1 character from SCP? Because all the other enemies are random mechs and robots. It has nice visuals but it looks generic combat wise, don't really care.

I know as much as you, but I was thinking the same thing. Like if that was a map.
This part of the trailer you see the main girl in a similar shot running from the back. So unless this is a cutscene and that random radar is there for no reason, I think maybe some walking around a city.

Attached: Untitled.png (1718x986, 2.1M)

How about a literal Nier Automata ripoff, Yea Forums? Personally I think Evotinction looks promising.

Found this pic. The main character in a bar with npcs with speak icons above their head.
Looks like third person city exploring is part of the game.

Attached: ANNO-Mutantionem_2019_03-07-19_006.png_600.jpg (600x338, 143K)

It's SCP

The shadowy Evangelion SOUND ONLY monoliths are probably supposed to be O5. But there's really nothing much different from last year's trailer.

Nice, I'll keep an eye on it then

I think it is an original cyberpunk setting that they put SCP into.

reminder that this shit is what cp2077 would look like if they would cater to the crying zoomer crowd instead of making an actually realized setting.

What the fuck are you on about?

this has nothing to do with SCP, it's just china stealing shit again. it will literally just be a normal skeleton crocodile enemy

You can't steal something that is free to use publically.

a game that actually matters, instead of whatever shit no one cares about is in the OP lmao

Again what the actual fuck are you rambling about?

do you really think thats why no one stole your virginity yet?

a total lack of coherent art direction in this "game" but also it having everything a clueless zoomer thinks a cyberpunk setting should have
do i really have to spell out every implications for you, nerd? learn to communicate

this does look nice, i hope it makes it to release

This game got STYYYYYYYYYYYYYLE. But how the fuck is any of this SCP lmao.

looks interesting

>ugh literally can't even right now - the post

>a total lack of coherent art direction
It has coherent art, it's a cliche stereotypical cyberpunk neon lit city with trashy streets and trashy people.
>but also it having everything a clueless zoomer thinks a cyberpunk setting should have
Yes and most steampunk settings will have cogs. What the fuck are you rambling about? It's a stereotypical city, so the fuck what? Holy shit, take your medicine.

the bar alone looks cool enough that I'm interested.
I love comfy scifi bars.

Holy fuck this looks like absolute garbage, it's like the Yea Forums side of the spectrum when it comes to YIIK.

so it will be free?

I hope it can fill the whole The Last Night dying left behind.

nice projections, retard, go read gibson and educate yourself instead of looking in the mirror and writing here whatever you see there
this is not coherent art, this is a misshappen mush that someone who has no clue what he is doing shat out, you think it has coherency only because you happen to be almost as clueless as the author of those screens
>missing the point of cyberpunk yet once again
>refusing to learn what cyberpunk is once again
no matter how many times i try to make you dummies learn something, you never do
its literally one google query away
why do you insist on persisting in ignorance

There is no needed "point" to cyberpunk you autist, it can be whatever the fuck you want. That's like complaining sci fi lacks fucking aliens. Fuck off and take your paranoia and shitposting elsewhere.

WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. Is this maybe a game of that waifu scp that the foundation created so it doesn´t murders randomly. Or i´m ovethinking it.

The Last Night died?

>this is not coherent art
Based on?
>this is a misshappen mush
Misshappen how?
>go read gibson and educate yourself instead of looking in the mirror and writing here whatever you see there
Oh I get it you're one of those retards who think that a genre has to be identical to the grandfather of the big OC.

Basically. There is always a chance it could rebound from the legal and money trouble but it is basically dead.

Remind me what does OP's game have to do with SCP again?
Looking at this thread is like peeking into the mind of a mad person, nothing makes sense.
There is the odd comment about SCP, and the other part is some sperg sperging out about obvious stereotypical cyberpunk aesthetics. What the actual fuck, Yea Forums. Start making some sense now.

so you also dont know what scifi means, eh?
no, it doesnt need aliens at all
I dont know what to stay
I guess stay mad and ignorant
Genuine care for someone elses intellectual well-being and correction of false facts is shitposting nowadays, huh, okay then, I finally get it, you zoomers literally unironically cant handle a discussion, only circlejerking, thank you very much for making me realize this
Wont bother anymore

So from what I can tell there are SCP monsters in it, and like some other user said the big monoliths are supposed to be the O5. My guess is the setting is different but the SCP foundation still exists and you'll either cross paths with them or are part of them, I'm not sure. It seems like a relatively odd design choice, rather than making your own monsters or whatever.

Did you watch the trailer? It straight up says SCP.

It outright says SCP in the trailer, and 682 shows up as a boss.

Thats the least SCP lookin' SCP game I've ever seen.
Just because you have one of the monsters doesn't mean its SCP.
fuck outta here shill

You're not actually making a proper argument it all comes down to "it's X but I won't explain why I just say it is so it is, go read Y, I won't tell you why, just do it. You don't understand the message. What message? Well I'm not going to tell you, but this isn't it" user do YOU even understand what you are talking about? I'm going to guess you don't, but are parroting shit you once heard in a cyberpunk 2077 thread during those shitposting days to make yourself seem smart and educated. You don't understand what you're talking about, at all. I'm going to guess, very accurately I assume, that you now equate "dark rainy city = bad trite garbage" because, hey, that's what the arguments were boiling down to in the later stages of those threads. It's stupid of you, stop being stupid.

>having to quote my post in a weirdass way from middle to bottom to the very top only so your point stands and sounds incredibly cool
the absolute state of narcissism in your zoomer asses is downright worrying

Show me the gameplay.

Oh, i remembered is a JP SCP so i dont think you know about it.

Oh, I don't know how I missed that, I must have tuned out completely.
Really weird choice, I see 0 reasons for making this game into SCP.

With how much fucking multiverse shenanigans exist in the SCP canon, it could totally be considered canon

>reality in which a major broken masquerade-type scenario happens that reveals the truth to the entire world
>In response the foundation gets even more funding and support from nations all over
>They basically become NERV
>build a massive Tokyo-3 style facility as a final means of containment for everything anomalous
>shit happens
>all hell breaks loose

Nah I quoted the shit you were talking to me first, then the other user. Don't act like I did it to look cool you scitzo freak and try go 1 post without a buzzword like "zoomer"

I'd say name recognition but who in 2019 gives a shit about SCP?

>based Chinese Chad's made a better cyberpunk than western cp2077 developers
How will western cucks ever recover?

It kind of has that worldwide spanning secret organization thing you sometimes get with megacorps in these things. But I don't know. Horror is the first thing I think of when I hear SCP not cyberpunk.

They aren't even similar games, can Yea Forums not go one thread without false flagging and shit posting?

That's not how CC Attribution-ShareAlike works. This game can't use any SCP material that's freely available without also being freely available.

>Horror is the first thing I think of
For me the first thing I think of is "massive meme" followed by "copied bullshit" since even since the beginning only 5% of the SCP's, you know the one people always talk about, have ever been interesting. Such a mishandled concept, but I guess thats what happens when you let anyone get involved. I hear it's gotten a lot worse but I don't dare check.

Y'know, 682 would actually make a really cool boss. It takes damage as normal at the start of the fight, but every hit it takes less and less damage from a specific method of attack until it becomes completely immune, so you have to use everything in your arsenal to reduce its health bar to zero.

And then a cutscene plays because your character now has nothing that can actually harm it, since it's adapted to everything you can throw at it, and you have to be bailed out by a third party.

Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.

That sounds like kind of a giant gimmick doesn't it? Just spam 1 attack then when you can't spam the next over and over until cutscene plays, it actually sounds rather tedius. Actually it sounds like a meet and fuck game with violence.

AiLimit was the best out of the bunch imo
Really reminds me of BLAME!

I imagine that's exactly how his boss fight is going to play out, it looks like he gets impaled by a shitton of rubble at the end in the trailer

Hey, it worked in Arkham City with Mr Freeze. It'd probably play out like a final exam boss or something, testing your mastery with all the weapons the game gives you.

Attached: arkham-city-mr-freeze.png (1279x719, 932K)

Maybe you fight him then the fight ends with him immune and you run away, and then everytime you get a new weapon he bursts in for a new fight with that weapon forcing the player to learn to use it.

>Really reminds me of BLAME!
anyone calling it a nier automata copy is fucking retarded

>Including the phrase "SCP" in OP

good luck
assmad janny will probably delete it sometime soon

>building too dense
>no sun
not REAL cyberpunk

lol I already caught some Evangelion and GITS plagiarism. What is it about chinks and their inability to create something without stealing from others??

It's just faux faux 3d

Evangelion didn't invent giant robots.

If you're gonna imitate something, imitate the best.

>Generic dark alley with neon lights

Not that, genius.

Attached: SEELE.jpg (770x442, 12K)

this is in turn a reference to 2001 a space odyssey

Mel Gibson is the only Gibson I would read you nigger gibmonkey.

>Wubba dubba wub lub - the post

Oh wow it also invented the stock standard "guy in a dark room surrounded by icons of the mysterious council he's talking to"? I never knew.