Is this movie supposed to be this boring?

Is this movie supposed to be this boring?

I really wanted to like it, but it just feels so unfocused, unlike the other titles.

Attached: Happy Family.jpg (640x359, 43K)

>haha, le MGS is a mubie meme

Shut the fuck up brainlet

Someone hasn't played MGS4 yet.

It's not unfocused, it just uses a different story structure to accomodate the sandbox gameplay.


Literal cancer

wow was right you're a fucking brainlet

Did someone else unlock that hidden Paz cutscene? That handjob was insane!

>Snake doing jobs, rebuilding motherbase over time
>meanwhile metaplot shit happens in the background, slowly unfolding and being investigated until Snake can truly pursue it and get revenge
yeah, nah, youre a cunt

Stop this shitty meme.

It's clearly structured like a fifty episode TV show

>start watching TV series that appears will be mostly "X of the week"
>immediately throws that out and goes full season plotline

Does it bother anyone else how there's no stable for D-Horse or a storage area for vehicles and Walker Gears?

It is actually pretty fun to replay and listen to Guard Convos since they do hint how the plot developments and future missions, but you basically have to go out of your way since it is just easier to Tranq and Fulton entire outposts and bases out while they are mid-conversation then sitting and doing nothing.

What bothers me is that D-Walker is the only Walker Gear you can Deploy with no matter how many you extract and that they aren't used in Free Roam, thank fuck for Infinite Heaven.

It's for balance reasons, I'm guessing.

I'll be frank with you, between Quiet, D-Dog, the Parasite Suit, Cargo Fulton, Wormhole and Tapes "balance" means fuck all in Single Player MGSV, "Normal" Walkers not having DWs skate mode and Scan/AI/Fulton Launcher alone makes them inferior even if selecting one from Vehicles would cost nothing, it more robs the player of a Novelty, especially considering how rarely Deploys that actually use Vehicles pop up at Post-Game/End-Game.

Might also be because normal Walkers are fucking useless. Those things are cumbersome as fuck and make stealth impossible, and unlike Snake's personal walkers, you can't customize their loadout. Walk mode is slower than running with full upgrades too.

if you think mgsv is a movie you better fucking brace yourself if you want to try any of the rest.

Exactly, from a Balance-stand point Walkers are outclassed by both D-Walker and Tanks, but i still wanna used them outside the missions they are in for fun and can't (without modding, as said, thank fuck for Infinite Heaven).

Just use the buddy walkers then.

Since DW is better it ain't the same thing brah, just to clarify, it isn't some game ruining thing to me, something that bothered me when i realized it when i was gonna try using Intercept Mode DW while piloting a normal Walker in free-roam for kicks. since MGS is usually really good at allowing sub-optimal but funny play and MGSV in particular was about making your own experience.


I think you could steal one during the sabotage mission and keep it if you exfiltrate by land, but it'd probably be gone after you return to the chopper, and it'd be limited to Africa.

Then again, you do have the mod so I guess it's moot.