Start writing response to a thread

>start writing response to a thread
>it gets longer and longer
>delete it cause who's gonna care anyway
Anyone else? Or is it just me

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got the same feeling as well most of the time. i read through pretty much every post though.

I'm too lazy to write long responses, so instead I just summarize what I was going to say, usually in a dickish fashion.

Just you, writing and talking are two very good ways of organizing one's thoughts.

>start writing response to a thread

I always read through the thread too

I talk a lot, and write a lot to my friends. It just feels like screaming into a void on forums though.

Yeah same. You're better off for it. At the end of the day, this is an anonymous message board. Arguing on here is like pissing in the ocean: it won't make any difference. Take comfort in that fact. It allows you to walk away from an argument or thread without losing face and embarrassing yourself.

>get mad at a retarded
>can't reply to it because thread deleted
How do you handle this?

>read long post
>reply tl;dr
>leave thread

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>Get into a thread
>Start writing increasingly longer autistic posts arguing about series lore
>Realise how stupid it sounds and retype it until I can finally express my feelings without sounding like a sperg
>Nobody replies to it anyway

>be frog
>waste space
not a surprise. also VIDEOGAMES


>in an argument
>start writing rebuttal to faggot
>thread 404s
>seethe knowing he got the last word and will get to go on thinking he won

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>want to reply to a post you disagree with
>start typing post
>lose interest so delete text and move on

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>start writing response to a thread
>it gets longer and longer
>thread 404's as I'm about to post it

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Me in every Xenoblade thread

>in group chat for game/community
>only ever respond with answers to questions about the game because I feel I have nothing of value to contribute to small talk, but usually I try and make the wording so clear and easily understood that someone has probably written what I'm about to say anyway
>just don't say anything 90% of the time due to this, and the few times I do say something it's a paragraph of stuff someone could probably google anyway

>in group call for an event like E3
>everyone else is casual and talking naturally, conversation is fast paced and fluid
>try to say something and conversation comes to a screeching halt as I speak in slow, clear full sentences because I don't know how to talk more casually, everyone stops to listen to me
>still stumble on my words anyway
>stop accepting invites to these group calls because "I want to watch it live on my own"

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>join random thread
>quote random user
>"FUCK OFF /pol/"
>leave just as 3 notifications pop up from replies

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>Reply to a post asking a question about something you're pretty knowledgeable about, or reply to a post wherein some user got his facts wrong, or otherwise just generally making a post responding to OP's queries or topic of conversation, something you really put effort into.
>Nobody responds and the thread dies soon after.

I should just kys myself with how often this has happened to me.

No matter how good your argument is they think they won anyway. That's why I samefag my posts pretending to disagree with myself to kickstart discussion from people who actually share my opinion and flood the thread against who I'm arguing with

I do this every day. I've made one too many posts I try to put genuine effort into and make interesting and try to have actual discussion but, nobody ever responds to them anyways.

You're pathetic dude

the lurk to post ratio on almost any site/thread has to be 100:1 or more, if it makes you feel better