What happened to her being top tier in Ultimate?

What happened to her being top tier in Ultimate?


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Her Nair is overrated and only scrubs complain about it

Everyone learned the match up

not to mention her only good tool is nair

She'll always be top tier to me

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It's almost like her boxing game is still shit like the last game.

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She's still pretty good, just that she's boring so she doesn't have that many good players, or said players are going somewhere else

But she is number 2 in overall tourney wins

Fuck this bitch.
t. Pac-Main

She's still the most attractive woman in Smash next to :D

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god I wish that was me

As pit or palutena?

What kind of question is that? Palutena of course

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she still is
what the fuck makes you think otherwise

God DAMN what is it with Yea Forums making absolutely retarded assumptions about characters in Smash.
All of Palutena's aerials are great, barring dair. Back air is a great kill move, fair is a great spacing/poking tool, up air can juggle or kill. And these moves have minimal grounded end lag.
Palutena may not be the best but she's definitely one of the more formidable characters in the game. High tier at worst.
Just a shame she's so dull to play as.

RIP user who died fapping to her

really good face, but too bad the anatomy is fucked on this image

I die to her Up Smash more than anything else in her kit. Fuck that tall as motherfucking move.

How so?

Stay out of that zone then.

The hair is too long.
Also, I suppose he means how the chest is pushed out way too far, and the allignement between the neck and back is weird.

I just dont get smash. Every time I play it just feels like im fishing for stray hits with no reward. Yay i got someone off stage now what?

Edge guard them. Jump after them and kill them with an aerial. Learn to follow up on your stray hits.

I dunno why her dair doesn't meteor grounded opponents. It's significantly worse than a bunch of other characters' similar dairs because of it.

>already has amazing options
>is top tier
>why cant she be 100% broken?
You waifu fags disgust me.