Let's face it, even if it were to come out it would have been shit

Let's face it, even if it were to come out it would have been shit.
They will give a demo to EA, they will play it, see all the forced politics and cut funding. Bioware is done.
Get woke, go broke.

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They completely fucked up the tone of the series the original is dark as fuck and it's right from the start almost never letting up

check these dubs
check this 8

*dabs on the jannies*



Fuck off Jeremy. You're just assblasted because wotc banned you from MtG so now you're clawing desperately at relevancy by posting these "controversial opinions"

he got banned because he exposed wizards for protecting pedophilia in their circles, especially with judges
he chose not to be associated with them for these reasons, fucking cancerous faggots

I'd be unironically alright with politics if they were based on the fictional world and work of the game.
comparing a video game with real life while also forcing an opinion of real life through something fictional is peak retardation.

also, pic related.

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kys jeremy

The only reason that won't work is tha the writers don't know their own lore.
What political message could they make.
Person 1: "The Blight is bad, we see it literally corrupt and destroy everything when it manifests in the world"
Person 2: "The Blight is good, even if thousands die, the world just turns to shit so we should do it."

This is the major problem with politics and fantasy, in fantasy there is typically a literal evil that no one can justify so anyone who supports them is evil.

In politics we call those people communists.

Bioware was done years ago.

You're retarded if you think there's a difference

>In politics we call those people Nazis

Don't even try to pretend otherwise

The quarterburguer is just a gender flipled anita sarkeesian , change my mind

Anita Sarkeesian has some good points sometimes

How is it retarded? Depending on the game you most likely will have some internal politics of the setting to drive conflict. Problem is when people add modern day US politics to it.

Yea, except unless the game literally contains a corrupt Lord Drumpf leading the Republican Order, then there's always going to be some degree of interpretation, and there isn't a fictional political situation that couldn't be interpreted in a way that's relevant to real world politics.

KYS Jeremy you fake nerd

Sure, but people are free to do that, not like it stops them looking for poltical agenda in things that don't even have it.

>not like it stops them looking for poltical agenda in things that don't even have it.
Bingo. So what's the difference really?

>he got banned because he exposed wizards for protecting pedophilia in their circles, especially with judges
So then hes an antisemite since its part of their religion meaning he should be in jail for accusing them not just banned.

Fact that people make opinions should not stop you from adding in-settig politics into games.

I feel like we've got a slight language barrier here.

is this a youtube recommended thread?

Attached: soyboy incel.png (310x84, 19K)

I love it. Quarterpounder, Mundanefatt,Soigon, Count Fatula are now getting their long deserved karma for 24-hour ops and shutting down stream.me.

Attached: rrern0dpcrh21.jpg (1345x879, 360K)

>the original is dark as fuck
The original is corny as fuck. Shitty wannabe Whedon trash like all Bioware games.