Apex patch

Reddit wins again.

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Good, Yea Forums is cancer

>killing all the fun guns
>nerf-based balancing

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Mozambique, still everywhere, still shit, still literally better to melee the fuckers than to use it. XD

>the two most anti fun guns for use and versing
>"all the fun guns"

Wingman literally feels the same and is just as strong as before these "nerfs"

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good, pistols are supposed to be "Ok i guess?" weapons that you use at the beginning of the game, not a fucking late game S TIER WEAPON

>nerf-based balancing
how else are they supposed to balance it? get every single weapon to their level when they are horribly OP?

>Playing EA hero shooter garbage

gosh you're so cute user

what if patch notes are cosmetic like weapon damage numbers and they actually changed absolutely nothing and shiteaters think it's not balanced due to placebo?

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Won't work. Dataminers can call that shit out in a minute and spam it all over reddit for all to see.
It's not like the old days.
>DICE once "tuned the G3" back in BF2 and literally changed nothing in a patch
>Even with easily available mod tools and an active mod community for BF2, the BF players continued arguing forever about what was actually "changed"

What if I fuck you in your dirty little weebhole?

do not

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I'm going to completely wreck your cute little boypussy. Got a Discord?

>revolver still does more damage than a shotgun at any range despite a faster fire rate and twice as much ammo per reload
a classic

But you gotta aim real gud, it totally requires more skill, user!

>armor and helmets are insanely OP
>literally 95% of the weapons are worthless
>every gun does 12-15 base damage and requires 40 shots to land to kill anyone
>mag sizes of 15 and 18 bullets
>horrible netcode and hitboxes
>ignore all of this and nerf the two guns that are actually good
A fucking tank meta FPS top lel

What does this have to do with Reddit?
>Abusing weapons that are clearly too strong
>Complaining when they get nerfed
Okay then

>does everything except removed extended clip from wingman and normalize ADS movement across the board for every weapon
>Lifeline and Weaith hitboxes left untouched
>Lifeline still has three passives
Wouldn’t be a Respawn game without their absolute retarded balance decisions

I uninstalled it after this
>Character is superuseless
>Let's give him 10% more of his useless gas

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That's because you can move at normal speed while ADS with pistols and it still does 45 body shot damage. Now you just have to pace your shots a bit more, but that usually only makes you more accurate.
So yea, it's a bullshit nerf. They need to down the damage to 35-40 and give it a different attachment than extended mag.

ask me how i know youre a shitter

Ask me how I know you have less games as caustic, than me, fucktard.

You're so full of shit. It's like you haven't even played the game.

>get every single weapon to their level when they are horribly OP?
Yes. Instead of making the funnest weapons worse, make the other weapons fun as well.

>be literally bad
>cry and shitpost

He's only useless because of hitbox. They said they're going to adress that.
Gibraltar has a shield and Pathfinder has mobility. Caustic is just a sitting duck in the open.

>certain weps were actually designed to be weaker on a power curve
I really thought every gun had near equal spawnrates as I usually find a good gun within seconds anyway.
Pistols should start weak but become good with a hopup

Peacekeeper wasn't fun though. I'm glad it's getting nerfed because it was a crutch weapon. Wingman could be fun, but it was just too good.

this and make the game actually optimized for fuck sakes
>comp specs is more than enough to play this game on even max
>have to use an fps config
>game still fucking memory crashes almost every goddamn game

>normalfags get to experience respawn """balancing"""
you retards thought titanfall died because of muh release date? lmao

I mean, you're the shitter that relies on overtuned weapons. Not me or him. Who do think is the bad one?

Wingman deserved nerf, Peacekeeper is still viable as it still does shitloads of damage, you just not have to suck.

He is useless because his gas is useless. Anyone who played more than 10 hours destroy barrels without triggering them or just walk through gas without a problem.

granted i havent played a ton of apex yet (about 50 hours)
i am however pretty good at FPS and realise that his nox gas isn't for directly killing enemies its only to slow them down and making them easy targets for you to shoot while they can't see shit

other than the complaint of his hitbox being massive which results in shitters having an easy time killing you there is no real reason to complain about caustic after they made his poison trigger without delay and with slightly more range

and even the hitbox wont be that big of an issue if they correctly adress it

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>no u!

>Peacekeeper wasn't fun though
I disagree. I thought it was fun. What now, user?

Daily reminder Pathfinder is the only good character in the game

>He can see through the gas
>Enemy can't
Like said; it's not meant to kill them, it's meant to give you a major advantage in a gunfight. And you place Them where they can't immediately see them, and/or bait them towards you.

>sliding and bunnyhopping around and two shotting everybody
>Not fun

yeah, it sure is fun to just walk in and get 100+ damage from a random shot
same goes for wingman

Yeah, it IS fun to walk into a room and deal 100+ damage with a well-placed shot. I don't get your point.

there was literally nothing wrong with the wingman. if you actually thought it was overpowered you probably think the desert eagle in counter-strike is overpowered

It's fairly applicable in this case though. You just say people are bad, because you are yourself a shitter. Everyone even half-decent at the game agrees that peacekeeper and wingman are overtuned as fuck. It's a crutch for shitters, and they're not even fair in the hands of a competent player. If you complain about them getting some slight nerfs, while still being overtuned, just means you probably relied way too heavy on them and are therefor a shitter.
So yes;
>No u

wipe away your tears and say that again

peacekeeper isnt even good
its strong if you initiate with it and bad if you dont, and in any situation where you could use it effectively its probably better to just throw a grenade and stay at midrange
im convinced people only think its good because it looks golden compared to other other two embarrassingly bad shotguns

you're funny

Yeah, you can just slide and bunny hop with other weapons. It's about the two shot without even properly aiming. That's just stupid.

I just want content.
Gimme some challenges to work toward.

The only games ive ever gone 20+ kills ive been using only the wingman.

At some point winning every fight even 1v3 gets boring.

>Enemy can't
It's not smoke, they can see.
It's not major advantage. Wraith hitbox is major advantage. Gas is useless. It's area is too small to hide you

>lorewise all the "legends" are complete shitters that are the equivalent of pro wrestlers and wouldn't last a minute in an actual war

When will we get a pilot legend?

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fucking hell why do they do this every time? the game was MORE fun beforehand.

It needed extended mag removed and maybe slight damage nerf, yet they did everything besides that

You have to go back to resetera

>Well placed
That's the problem. That's what it should be, but wingman allows for insane spam, meanig you barely need to aim to get a single headshot WHILE moving at regular speed, and the PK just lets you aim in the general direction of the head from 10 meters away and get 100 damage.
That's why they're overtuned. After 'nerfs', you're still able to walk into a room and do 100+ damage with a wellplaced shot. If you can actually do that, the nerfs mean nothing.

It's fun for you because it's the only way you shitters get kills.

I frankly don't disagree because it's true in my case.

Do that with the Mozambique, scrub.

>Pin point accuracy
>Faster bullet than the Longbow
>Insane fire rate
>Only 10 less damage than said Longbow
>Huge magazine with extended mag
It outclasses Longbow even at sniper distance. That's not 'balance'. It should be a lot less accurate while moving and have a lower firerate.

>Pistols shouldn’t be S tier
Get the fuck out

>get killed
>call others shitters for killing me
>praise nerfs to weapons that didn't need them because I couldn't out shoot my opponents
neo-Yea Forums

You can't see well through his gas user, not sure what you're talking about. Have you ever played the game?

they should literally just copy the csgo desert eagle and it would be perfect

>people with good aim and knowledge of ingame movement can hit good shots

>shitters who cant aim might get lucky sometimes but wont insta destroy you lolspamming while spamming adadadada

also remove the extended mags and just up the magsize to 7 or 8 rounds 12 on a revolver is fucking stupid especially for the damage it already does

>Win tons of games with wingman + PK because the weapons are just too strong
>Don't think it's fun that two weapons completely dominate over everything else
>Welcome nerfs so that there's more variety in fights


This. I'm fully okay with the Wingman being a weapon with huge potential, if you're good at the game. That's not where it is right now though. Shitters ITT think they are 'skilled' for getting a headshot or two with the Wingman, because they can freely spam it without accuracy penalties. How often haven't you had a stand-off with somebody with a triple take or longbow and won from that distance with a Wingman? The other guy has 5 bullets flying around his head in the time he gets a single shot off, plus he's basically stationary because his ADS movement is so slow. Meanwhile, you're running at him (while shooting) with full movement.

It's just stupid.

EVA is literally the best shotgun in the game.

This should actually help him. The gas size increase is stupid, but the increased proximity will help, especially if they remove the delay on it dealing damage.

I'm not 100% on it, but I think his passive is linked to the damage ticks. So with a delay on the damage, his passive generally did nothing. People see the gas, and they immediately just back out. He can't see their location, or if they ever even walked in, so despite all his claims of still being able to see, he is blind.

If this early tick fixes that, he can actually use his traps to his advantage as an information tool.

You can bunnyhop in Apex. It's on the source engine.

Why shouldn't a pistol be good? The wingman is a chunky ass revolver, it should pop heads.

Set your own challenges. I give myself my own daily quests and long term challenges on paper.

You can see through the gas, it limits vision a bit but not as much (just fiddle with your settings). As long as you stay outside, if you're inside, then you're fucked but it's more annoying than dangerous. Also it fucks up your teammates more than the enemy, it's legit pointless.

Because it's literally better than the Longbow and Scout at their intended role.
Sidearms are meant to be fast swapping finishers.
Maybe secure an extra kill if you're lucky.
Not be a primary weapon that can do it all.

Never. Pilots break BR games by being able to be anywhere in 2 seconds. Pilot mode on the other hand would be dank.
>Everyone spawns with an EPG
>games over before the first circle

>wingman shitters assmad because they actually have to try and aim now and not just shoot 15 bullets in your general direction in 3 seconds
good patch, fuck Yea Forums

I agree with the nerfs to the weapons themself but there was no reason to adjust the spawn rates, it's just there to appease the people that were most upset by the weapons, it's no different to bayonetta being nerfed to uselessness instead of just removing the combo that was the actual problem

This. If you are gonna nerf the good weapons then you should be buffing the shit ones.

Nice opinion you have there, user.
I sure am glad you're not a developer, because holy shit you have shitty opinions.

If they want pistols to be underwhelming they should make you drop with one.

They need to make autohotkey detectable by anti-cheat for this game only solely due to the fact of how bad scripting is. This is hemlok with an autofire script, don't even get me started on recoil scripts.

>lol just click fast!

That's not the point. It's the fact that they are doing something which normally takes a shit-ton of skill, and making it effortless by using scripts. There's a reason people rarely use the hemlok.

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>Lifeline and Weaith hitboxes left untouched
But their hitboxs are accurate to their model, it's pathfinder that needs to be fixed.

So buff the other two so they aren't garbage. From what I recall the Kraber is the only decent sniper in this game.
Also you know the wingman is a primary in TF2 right?

Not an arguement, why should pistols be better than Rifles?

No one cares about Titanfall 2, grandpa.

This wouldn't solve anything and would only add more frustration to the game.
Now you land a bit later than others and hope you get a gun before they shoot you.
With starter guns people can literally land before you and shoot you while you're haven't even landed.

they intentionally nerfed it from tf2 so you can't anymore
learn what you are talking about before you speak

Why shouldn't they, faggot?
It's the fucking future, why wouldn't they have improved handguns to the point where they're as good as normal assault rifles and submachine guns?

To balance the hitbox difference, they should have just created an scaling of hp to hitbox size. Wraith should have 70 hp, Bangalore should have 85, pathfinder 95, caustic/gib 100. It's impossible to remove Wraith's inherent hitbox size advantage just by tweaking the base hitbox of the big characters when she's crouched already and does some shitty naruto run when she's running.

I don't know how they feel comfortable saying this when the Mozambique littererly isn't.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

You can bunnyohp


Yeah slowing down your ads speed and removing the mag upgrade completely would make it more in line with normal weapons but also not useless.

And nobody cares about your retarded notion that every pistol has to be a peashooter.

You're missing the point of a loot n scoot game desu. At most it could use a utility buff like firing incendiary rounds to create thermite walls, but other than that every BR needs shitty guns.

>Ed Boon on "nerfing": We ain't going to touch the characters that people are saying are OP, we are going to look at the other characters and see what we can do to bring them to that level.
>Everyone else on nerfing: Just make that shit unusable.

Why is boon the only man in gaming who knows whats up?

You mean the Wingman Elite.
Although I guess this one is more like that, but it doesn't matter when it's the best and most versatile gun in the game while being super easy to find ammo for.
Honestly, it's basically a crate-tier weapon that you can find on the floor.

Okay, so you don't have an arguement, cool.

Literally the smart pistol. Speaking of which that would be some fucking hillarity.

Mozanbique still shit? How about making that piece of crap useful for a change?


why do these weapons exist again?

I for one welcome our energy based overlords

>100 posts debating a balance patch to a battle royale
I never thought I would see the day

that's not fucking bunnyhopping you underage retard
you have no concept of what going fast actually is

They are in the game waiting for the dual wield hero.

>they are doing something which normally takes a shit-ton of skill
>clicking fast is skillful

>take all the good guns and make them shit
>leave all the shit guns completely shit
>reduce availability of the good guns thus increasing availability of shit guns
>consistently buildings/containers with nothing but ammo/equipment
Yeah they’re ruining the fucking game lol, when you can search multiple buildings and not find a single gun it kinda makes it so that unless you land somewhere completely isolated you are guaranteed to get fucked in the asshole. Anyone should be able to land anywhere and instantly find a gun.

They are literally there for fights when you first drop.

t.Wraith main with 2000 Wingman kills

Right, life and wraith need to be bigger. Wraith especially needs her stance changed since she huddles, makes her even smaller. Bigger characters getting “more accurate” hitboxes isn’t going to fix anything

there's no point in equality of all guns in a BR

there should be weak guns and strong guns though mozam needs a bit of a buff

been in the game a long time, knows that him and his team know what's best for the game, when is nerfing shit ever good
call of duty mw2 had everything overpowered and it was the funnest multiplayer experience at the time

>that pathfinder buff

Neo Yea Forums has been in full effect since gamergate, how are you not aware of this?

He's right though, neither of those guns requires skill to use. They are crutches in a game full of handicapped characters and weapons.

Guess he should make every other characters hitbox the same as wraith then, because that's what makes her good
>she even fucking hunches over into a weeb run when she moves, making herself smaller
I win often with wraith, it's easy mode

It is definitely strange to see Yea Forums discussing a videogame.

I never said it was a bad thing, just that I never thought I would see it happen
And it was the fappening that ruined this website, gamergate was a righteous cause that got a bit out of hand.

What ever nerd, sorry Apex killed your game nobody cared about.

That's fucking retarded. The guns should be mostly balanced.

I generally don't have a problem with boomers but the way they treat bunnyhopping disgusts me, its a glitch just like the shit people make fun of meleefags for supporting

Melee is better than Mozambique though.

>Okay, so you don't have an arguement, cool.
He didn't, but neither did you

the whole point of BRs is the randomness of loot, so people can blame their loot rather than their own skill

the gap between guns shouldn't be huge but equality shouldn't be neccessary

Clicking fast while maintaining stable aim, tracing enemies, and keeping up the fastest fire rate possible, yeah it is

That wad literaly how Tribes happened. A bug became a feature because it was fun. I see no issue with that. Melee cops shit because they are ugly mouthbreathers and people instinctively know to bullycide them.

You sound mad someone killed you with a peacekeeper and that's your whole argument

>killing all the fun guns
Wingman is not fun, it's so fucking good you feel forced to use it. It's also good in every single situation and can down a person with level 3 shields in 2 well placed hits.

I did have an arguement, Pistol should not be strong than Rifles.
Pistols in this game do not slow movement while ADS(re-45 does slightly, but just barely), the have fast swap times, fast ADS times and have decent hipfire.
These all lean towards a decent finisher weapon.
They should not be able to stand toe to toe with weapons like the R-301, Flatline, Scout, or Longbow at anything past close range.

If they have the same ammunition whats the difference? A 9mm pistol and a 9mm rifle are going to shoot the same bullet.

God I hate Apex it's such a bad game

>Apex Legends
I'm not really interested.
It's yet another matchmaking game with a 20 tickrate and bans for racism. Pass.

They said they still want wingman to be a really strong gun and one that you almost always want to pick up.
Slight nerfs along with making it rarer are the way to go.
Also if you are getting farmed by wingman users everytime git gud nerd

Guns in this game used pooled ammunition not necessarily the same caliber and they don't even exist in real life so why the fuck does caliber matter.

>I did have an arguement, Pistol should not be strong than Rifles.
Please learn what an argument is before you go off and spout nonsense.

Because it makes no sense that a light ammo weapon hits harder than a heavy ammo weapon shot for shot just because the heavy is a pistol.

Correct me if i'm wrong.
But why do they bother with nerfing guns?
Guns are something that anybody can pick up and use it.
So it's fair even if there's a gun that can 1 hit anybody, but is possible to be found by anybody.

Why are they not working on nerfing the characters instead?
Since every character is different, and you can't pick the same characters.

>playing EA shit
This board is Reddit.

You've never played Dota 2.


The real tech is to use your three Moz shots and then melee follow-up


>So it's fair even if there's a gun that can 1 hit anybody, but is possible to be found by anybody.
yeah but that would create a boring meta where every tryhard would use the same guns
>Why are they not working on nerfing the characters instead?
they're trying to the fat characters by either fixing their hitbox or giving them dmg reduction if the hitbox fix isn't enough

Dumb fuck.

good fuck those wingman abusers

>45 body shots
>100 headshots
>can fucking out-snipe sniper rifles
>retarded fire rate
>12 rounds on a fucking revolver
>also easy as fuck to find
no u

>holy shit you have shitty opinions
>Every FPS known to man has all pistols as secondaries used for exactly what user described
Thank god YOU aren't a dev because you'd have no idea what the fuck you were doing and literally no one would play your game.

>Wingman hipfire was nerfed
Literally why. Nobody hipfired wingman at any distance beyond extremely close range.

Doesn't even need to be AHK. Most mice these days have some basic level macro software, and you can easily just change it to "Repeat on Hold" for a left click down/up with a delay in it.
Hell, it takes less then 10 seconds to make an auto-fire macro on any of the Logitech mice.

there are shitters who hipfire with it, 45 dmg body shots are nasty as fuck close range. it's a gun with nearly no weaknesses there's a reason almost every pro player uses it. the only ones bitching are the shits who use it as a crutch

Any game after COD you mean. Even in CS people still use the Deagle as their main weapon when they can't afford the AWP. 2 weapon limits are cancer.

>wanting the same shit over and over again
Yeah man, fuck doing things different!1!

Wingman has 0 spread when hip fired, it is pinpoint accurate. Even after the nerf it is still dead on. You'd be surprised just how many people hipfire it.

fpbp (upvote)

>it's a boomer carries zoomers episode

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>It would be better if every gun killed you in three hits

Buff-only retards need to fuck off

>could've easily just buffed energy weps
>kills fun instead

im honestly going to uninstall if this is their balancing philosophy

anything in the notes about crash fixes?

>anime girl poster
>plays only with the most overpowered and less skill-required shit in the game, of any competitive game ever
why is this always so true and constant

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Actually it revived it retard

>one character has a much smaller hitbox than all the others and still does the same amount of damage
This is your competitive fps on liberalism.

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>10% more
its 21% more

>95% of weapons are bad
>Assault rifles are really good
>SMGs are good booth early and lategame
>Eva-8 is also really good in synergy with full auto weapons.
>Sniper rifles are challenging to use due to rate of fire , projectile dropping and recoil.

Literally the only shitty gun is the p2020

there's bulletdrop and recoil?

yes. energy weapons should have neither.

Nope, I’m just happy your crutch got nerfed, better luck next time :^)

anthem is online only so not everything needs to be client side

like how every weapon does the exact same damage despite UI and damage indicators showing otherwise

I enjoy reading the patch notes without even playing the game. What kind of abomination do you have to be for something as trash as the normal Wingman to be considered OP to the point of needing nerfs.

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sniper rifles are useless due to bullet drop and they don't do enough damage to even warrant running them (maybe expect kraber since it can one shot). you're just going to take 1/3 of someone's hp before they run behind cover and heal themselves. scout is the worst, its like a fucking paintball gun on long distances.
longbow is unironically worse than wingman on any range, triple take is awful without attachments.

>never played the game
>knows if the guns are op or not

>Shotguns are no longer allowed to be good or fun in any game now
What happened?

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>there was no reason to adjust the spawn rates
Everyone landing in Skull Town and there being 12 Peacekeepers that 1 shot everyone is fucking retarded.

>I find it comical that these patch notes explicitly list the Wingman to be nerfed
>wtf how could you know if they felt the Wingman had to be nerfed??
The absolute 5,000 IQ of you Apex Legends™

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Fortnite is still shotguns the game.

As someone pointed out on leddit it's not really that big of a nerf>both still only need a couple attachments to be god tier while regular guns need to slowly accumulate a shit ton to still not be as powerful as either the wingman or peacekeeper
>the reduced availability along with minor nerfs means they're going to be just as meta because now less players have access to them, so getting one is even more important

Caustic is my g the traps are tight

Man longbow is a shitty wingman in almost every respect. Triple meme can't snipe without choke and has damage falloff (LOL), it's a decent early game wep close to midrange tho. Scout is probably only decent weapon but it's literally a bootleg 301 at mid range. Kraber is good but it's airdrop. R99 is really good. prowler is a shittier r99 and completely useless without selective fire. Idk what you even mean with eva 8 but it's a full auto shotgun with less damage output than PK and r99. Flatline is a shitty spitfire, hemlock only ever usefull with single fire and spitfire is the only heavy auto weapon that isn't bad. Mozameme = p2020

They didn't nerf the damamge, only the firerate.


Also, the main complain was that wingman could out match snipers, wich is true. They should buff the longbow instead.
The problem are snipers, not the wingman. The only decent sniper is the G7 to be used hip fire on short range to med range.

Hey user if you hit those bullets and learn some math you only need 17 hits with 12 damage each. Good luck!

>still no L-Star
>still none of the grenadier weapons
removed all the fun and unique weapons in favor of super generic smgs, assault rifles and shotguns

Well the peacekeeper is more effective at range than the sniper rifles.

>Nerfed Wingman
Good the gun was just plain Broken to use even without Skullpeircer
>Nerfed Peacekeeper
The gun deserves the nerf

It depends on what you mean stand toe to toe. Wingman in a straight up lose dps race to a handful of weapons (even worse now after nerf). The damage isn't really the problem but it's "jack of all trades" far outweighs the other guns.

If a gun were to do too much damage, why would it be unreasonable to lower that amount vs increasing the damage of every other weapon to compensate and then increasing everyone's health pool's to balance it back to intended? That sounds like retarded busywork at best.

If you can only go higher, why not just skip to the end and make a gun that disconnects everyone it hits and wins the game?

They purposefuly cut Havoc from launch to re-add it as a "free patch" thing. Starting from season 1 they are probably going to add more weapons from TF2 or maybe even make brand new ones. I don't see why grenadier weapons wouldn't fit as a legendary weapon like Mastiff or Kraber, so you should expect them too.

But they don't 1 shot anymore so its no longer an issue

Because playing against people with wingman/peacekeeper 24/7 is boring as fuck. You can get by with using other weapons but as soon as you meet someone who isn't a paraleptic grandma and has a wingman you're severely fucked.

The devs said a bunch of time already, that certain weapons are supposed to be stronger than others. You aren't meant to use a mozambique or alternator for the whole game, they are early game weapons that you use until you find a wingman or a peacekeeper. Still, the spawn rates were too high, devs can easily track that by the amount of kills done by certain weapons.

L-Star from tf2 would be absolute trash in apex unless they completely change it somehow. It's dps is lower than most other auto guns and with the delay when you stops shooting you're just asking to get killed by using it. It was only barely viable in tf2 only because of the wallrunning system because you could chase people down with it.
Softball and EPG maybe as a drop weapon, Coldwar is definitely a no.

>normal Wingman

as opposed to?

except you can strip an entire shield + HP off somebody in a single scout mag
It's not a solo down weapon, it's for tapfiring a cunt whilst your teammates rush him.

Hey you just need to hit your shots instead of relying on spamming until you accidently one shot someone.

>Lol this weapon wasn't good in the other game so it must be bad here

lul. Tf2 players

Die you samefag

Good job nerfing wingman and PK while not doing anything against all those aimbots

user played the game once and thought it would be the same as it was in Tf2 where the normal wingman is bad and the Elite Wingman is better, please forgive his retardation

>saw tons of level 100 players with aimbot
>even saw chinese bots advertising hacks by chatting in the character select screen and dc right after
F2P games are a mistake

You mean the people playing the FOTM f2p battle royale game, but this time it's from EA?

>Playing Battle Royale games

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I don’t know about nerfing guns, but I know I am bad at this game. I have played for two days, and I have about 4 kills.

As an event or casual mode that would be amazing. I would play the shit out of that.

You must be bad at them. Get gud scrub

They need to patch the sjw stuff

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>Peacekeeper nerfs
Fug, at least I don't have to feel bad for using it I guess.

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Play Titanfall 2 instead

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just dont be a coward and youll get better friend
everyone has a bunch of bad games in them no matter what

Thanks I do a decent job at surviving, evading, and letting my teammates know about enemies, but I usually drop the ball when I try to save my teammates or get in a fight.

>probably still best weapon in the game
sensible approach to balance, fuck unga bungs sweeping overnerfs or turbobuffs