Tfw favorite franchise is dead and buried

>tfw favorite franchise is dead and buried

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Its best that way user. It means they can't hurt it anymore.

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I will not stand for yet another mockery of feel guys.

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>game is shit but is closest in concept to dream game so can't stop playing it
I would try writing to get the same feel of creating a character but I'm not creative enough for it to be interesting, even to myself. I can't play pen & paper RPGs either because none of my friends are interested and I don't want to have to socialise with smelly fa/tg/uys.

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WHat's with this gay ass wojack, fucking delete it. Are you like fucking 10?

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Hey nigger

Hopefully he can make it into smash

>tfw EA revived it as a FPS and now it's double dead

>it was killed by EA / Activision

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This Wojak is too clean, if you're going to be derivative do it in MS Paint or not at all.

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>tfw you will never see it become a shell of its former self because the genre is dead and there's no profit to be made from fucking its corpse
feels mostly good man

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>another vapid thread made only to force yet another shitty wojak edit meme

>game becomes casualized and soulless with no hope of restoration
>it's also more popular than ever so it will keep getting worse

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>tfw franchise is dead and copycats are raping its corpse for money
New Advance Wars when

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Make that like 20 favorite franchises.
Not sure why i'm still alive.

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>we're putting deus ex on the back burner for now.

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>Favorite franchise is dead
>Protagonist is featured in a semi-current a female...that's a male.

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Hey nigger

>tfw you realize its best that way since modern entry would just suck ass and you can always just enjoy the classics

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Nujak is reddit tier shit,

Wojak edits are reddit tier shit, but that doesn't stop you fags from posting them constantly.

What even is this? Mario shooting still players?

>"nujak bad"

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Wargroove is nice tho