Why are Japanese games so much better than Western ones?
Why are Japanese games so much better than Western ones?
No politics
I have those headphones. Absolute rip off for the quality, but as a D.Vafag the novelty makes me happy as fuck.
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The vast majority of Japanese games are utter dogshit.
i want to softly kiss her quadriceps
T. Soiboi
Fun things are fun
>he's only played the AAA that hte normies pick up
Really activates the onions
The majority of Japanese games are complete and utter shit and use contrived gameplay mechanics the west learned to avoid like the plague decades ago
shit like:
>hurr durr have this one item in this one spot at this specific time in the story
>the only hint we're giving you about it is hidden in flavor text
>you don't do that you can't play half the fucking game
Because Japanese people are better than western ones
Japan churns out tons of trash, user. You just don't hear about any of them unless they're from big name companys. They make tons upon tons of generic visual novels and dungeon crawlers with shitty generic anime art.
Post your dva merch pls
Japanese studios are 100% Diversity
Here. Old pic though.
I also have a poster signed by her voice actress. Nice lady.
lol i knew it was you
I can't imagine that many people own the headset so that makes sense.
Post more
Only got old pics, sorry user.
Where can I find a girl like Lilypichu?
Not ruined by puritanical christfags
You have very long fingers
The best Japanese games are ones that try to emulate Western style games. It's been that way since the beginning.
Because look at that gorgeous creature compared to “thicc” a la fat american girls. Asians a.k.a Japan are doing things correctly and optimally on all fronts of life
Twitch, with all the other whores.
they focus on gameplay
Fuck the west i genuine hope for a nuclear winter they need it
Their classical RPG's are usually better, but other then that....
They aren't, western studios have won more goty awards than Japanese studios.
But Quake is a western game...
How'd you hide your dick?
Is that the girl in OP?
The vast majority of games are utter dogshit.
>bait title
>cites no examples and provides no argument
>somewhat dubious picture with Discord filename
Guaranteed to hit bump limit well done OP.