It’s a pretty good console but no one gives the love that they give to Switch.
Seriously why do people like sucking Switch’s cock so much?
It’s a pretty good console but no one gives the love that they give to Switch.
Seriously why do people like sucking Switch’s cock so much?
>6 years
>1 game
PS4 stinks
Nyggers game. I'm sitting here with my DualShock 4 right now. I don't give a single fuck about Nu–tendo. Haven't cared since the GameCube.
I don't argue over platforms much since I can purchase whatever I want. I'm not happy with the PlayStation 4 hardware, but I always have a new game to experience. My backlog's retarded long.
>but no one gives the love that they give to Switch.
mmm muh ports and same games over and over again
top meme
>1 game
I think you mean 1 exclusive.
Bloodborne, Spider-Man and GOW is already three so you're objectively wrong
>inb4 b-but I don't like those so they don't count
that's right, shitty games don't count
go play a fucking vita if you're happy playing garbage just because it's exclusive
it isnt garbage.
Your favourite game is objectively garbage in comparison.
>mmm muh ports and same games over and over again
That’s not what i meant.
I mean nobody gives any kind of praise to PS4.
Because the Switch is a trendy gadget like an ipad or something.
>no one gives the love that they give to Switch.
? You need to go outside of Yea Forums for a while.
Because there's nothing to praise.
I got KHIIFM without 8000 year loading times out of it, that's cool I guess.
Also the version of Automata that doesn't have a significant chance of just not werking
...and a port of a 10 year old Japan only multiplayer arcade game into a gacha f2p that is almost tolerable
It’s not that good tbqh. Honeslty it has maybe a 3-4 good exclusives but that’s about it. This gen has been a huge blunder tbqh
>tfw Chad Warden will never make a video about the PS Quadruple.
>Outside Yea Forums
>YouTube is full of videos nonstop praising Switch and begging for Switch ports
>other social media sites and forums are no different
No thanks i think i’ll stay here.
I think thats his point retard
because Switch is the hipster alternative console this gen for people to pat themselves on the back about how different they are from the rest of the crowd, and how they only like the old-school of games / reject the new-school
How can you "people" accept 30fps?
eh you get used to it. After like an hour you can't even tell.
I feel sorry for you "people" whose autism prevents you from doing this. You miss out on a ton of games every generation
honestly stable 30 is a hell of a lot better than the previous version, where a ton of exclusives would run at subHD resolutions with unstable framerates
I'd rather have a stable 60 and consoles need to start getting their shit together and offering graphics options but 30 is tolerable
They will generally always prioritize getting more impressive looking graphics at 30fps than getting less impressive ones at 60. We could have every game on PS4 today be 60fps if they'd made all of them with worse graphics.
Maybe we will see some graphics options next gen with everyone having either 1080p or 4k TVs though. Just have an option to uncap the FPS when the game is rendered at only 1080p
Switch actually has an identity and is not just a multiplat machine.
>Also the version of Automata that doesn't have a significant chance of just not werking
>he doesn't know
user...when did you last play it
The switch identifies as a dildo covered in Shit while in your mouth
>You don't notice how bad you have it because you get used to it.
Wow I feel sorry for you. Also, "a ton" of games every generation? Like what? Bloodborne? Wow, 6 years and the POS4 has 1 exclusive worth playing at 30fps. Grats.
Switch/PC is the ONLY combo that makes sense. You can play multiplats at 100+fps with mods and you have a Switch for exclusives/ portable gaming. Stop deluding yourself.
pfahaha based
Both of those shitty platforms are redundant is you own PS4.
PS4 has all the multi-plats plus the best exclusives, on the other hand swith/pc combo is garbage. Indie shovel ware upon broken, delayed multi-plats with shitty 'exclusives'. With your shitty combo you can't even experience one of the biggest game. RED DEA 2.
Those platform could disappear and nobody would bat an eyelid. They are irrelevant and obsolete.
Imagine being this delusional of a so(y)nyboy
>why do people like sucking Switch’s cock so much?
Switch has soul.
>It’s a pretty good console but no one gives the love that they give to Switch.
You obviously havent been around the first year of the console.
>Switch has soul.
This but unironically.
I love this r/meme
imagine thinking any of these games apart from bloodborne are worth buying a console for
>Nov 2013
>Mar 2019
That is less than five and a half years, you stupid nigger. Just because it says "2019" doesn't already make everything that happened in 2013 6 years old
fpbp, death to all niggers and fuck women aswell.
Got a ps4 pro for my birthday, does anyone have some charts of worthwhile ps4 games?
So far I'm getting Bloodborne, Gravity rush 1+2, Tearaway, the last guardian, the last of us remastered, Infamous second son, Horizon zero dawn, Uncharted collection, Utawarerumono and a few multiplats that I couldn't be assed to get to work on my pc (nier, monhun). I'll wait for the prices to go down on spiderman and god of war. What else is there?
I'm more looking for the hidden gems that are exclusive to the system. That chart sucks ass.
>tries so hard to make the games seen diverse by using screenshots that aren't gameplay
>11 of the 19 games are third person action adventures
>inferior 30FPS motion blur movie tie-in of a PS2 game
>one game not even out yet
I'm laffin
I need more bloodborne box art with big tiddy japanese women
Because it's only pretty good. It doesn't have many great exclusives and the main reason it's become so successful is because Microsoft failed the Xbox One reveal so badly and keeps fucking up their own exclusives.
DESU, PS4 PRO with 1080p is the best Sony console experience games-, quality- and performance-wise.
And it's coming from someone who owned all PS consoles (aside from VIta).
The only thing that separates it from past gens is the amount of exclusives, but it's the shift of the market - there's less and less exclusives overall unless it's 1st party, because it's easier to port the games across multiple platforms and make money out of that.
It's also gonna be the 1st Sony console I'm not going to sell after next gen rolls out (unless it's fully confirmed that PS5 has full back compatibility).
Also, PS4 + PC is best combo overall. Maybe a Switch if you're a sucker for Nintendo games.
Swap Horizon with GoW
Honestly, I didn't expect anything from GoW due to Yea Forums's memes, but it turned out to be great.
Horizon on the other hand was boring as fuck.
My recommendations are:
- Wipeout collection
- Dragon's Crown PRO
- Persona 5
- Detroid (I know, I know, but it's easily the best movie game there is)
- Yakuza Kiwami 2
Thanks. I keep forgetting wipeout. I think I'm going pc with yakuza. Already got 0 there. I'm expecting a new version of persona 5 this month, so I'll wait on that. Dragon's crown is nice but pretty expensive for an old ass port, but I'll have my eyes on it.
I don't know man. I hate hollywood movies. This just seems like a hollywood movie game to me. Maybe if it's really cheap.
PS4 isn't awful, just mediocre. A Gravity Rush/Bloodborne box. Otherwise, it plays multiplats well enough I guess. At least Switch lets me play stuff on the go if I care to which is some kind of distinguishing element.
You're on Yea Forums home of the Nintendo fanboys, ps4 is without a doubt the best console this gen.
No logical argument can dispute that.
t. I have a memebox, a Nintendo Shit and a ps4 but PC is always better for non exclusives
>I don't know man. I hate hollywood movies.
I wouldn't say Hollywood - it's from a frogeater studio after all.
The plot is meh and nothing out of the ordinary, but the choices really do affect the progression. It's the only game of this sort which I played and which had legit new locations and scenes that aren't accessible depending on the choice you made. Also some characters are pretty charismatic. So yeah, get it for cheap when you're in the mood.
GT Spork is a better game than Forza Motorshit 7 and nothing can't disprove that fact
not on launch but now it is
>ps4 is without a doubt the best console this gen
Not saying much, really.
What changed?
actual post-launch support
truly new tracksI still miss Trial Mountain, Deep Forest and Grand Valley
not a single paid DLC(to the point they literally name all their updates as FREE updates)
surprise announcements(like the 2019 Super Formula, which will be ingame this 29th)
they also have worked a lot of physics, making it way better and fun to play
also Sport Mode ain't a crashfest anymore
>It’s a pretty good console
It's fucking not. Compared to the ps3 it's absolutely fucking garbage, and the ps5 is already confirmed as being more of the same.
Cool, I might have to play it then. Got it for free but I don't usually play car games.
This entire gen has been pretty shit honestly.
This entire generation was kinda underwhelming. It needed until 2 years after release that actual good games were developed and until 2016 that the PS4 got exclusives worth to play.
In that time frame the PS3 already had several dozens of interesting exclusive titles.
I use my PS3 more than the PS4
>PS3: PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP games
>PS4: PS4 only
sometime I wonder why did I even buy this thing