Ive made like 60k from mining and now im bored

ive made like 60k from mining and now im bored
what do

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>game where you can be a slavemaster, drug baron, godlord ninja with a posse, dickmaster supreme and more
>can make a outpost haven, can raid the shit out of people, can become the most technologicaly advanced man to ever walk the desert with godstats
>decides to never risk it, never get caught, never have fun and just mine
You are one of the many unfortunate reasons why devs today have to make bright shinny lights to guide players to thr dopamine doses.

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Recruit a bunch of people and head to the fog islands or the southeast corner of the map.

ive been playing the game for like 3 hours dude, i didnt even know you could do any of that

I finally saved enough for a pack bull but can’t find any animal traders. Is there any easy way to find them? I used to see them wander the desert trails all the time but now I can’t find them.

Also are bed rolls worth it?

Go destroy the United cucks

Aight then, giving you the benefit of the doubt, consider this

60k is a lot. With some good encumbrance and always running youl get yourself some real good training in strength and athletics and with that cash, you should be able to get some companions and food. From now on, you should have the financial power to autisticaly train your crew into being outright broken and to make even more money while not really having any oposition but foghts you cant win, which is why, if you are smart, youl pick your battles with dying folks and get btfo so you get tougher.

The game encourages you to eat shit (figuratively). The more you struggle, the more you gain, and as you continue getting beaten and beating, youl become hella good at what you do, so think of the game as your oyster. Work hard and youl get a pearl or something.

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if he's been playing for just 3 hours he's nowhere near any of those, he may just have a vague idea that those are possible. chill mon

Play the fucking game instead of doing the most boring and autistic task possible

watch sethTzeentch's vid on it so to get a good idea of what exactly is going on in this game

Nibba I just typed out, what more do you want me to do, suck his benis or something?

Bed rolls are def worth it. Thres some nomad towns you can find where they sell animals, fuck if i remember where. Also random encounters youve seen before and they head to taverns sometimes too

so i should let bandits gangbang my party?

Fuck that, figure out the game on your own and use the wiki when necessary.

Bed rolls are worth it if you're gonna get into fights far away from town. If you're just training on bandits near a town I would just rent a bed at a bar to heal up faster.

Stopped reading right there. You are a literal faggot zoomer and you need to stop it.

Okay cool. Wish they had tents and other structures for camping. I’m trying to do a nomad lifestyle. I’ve read that you shouldn’t build anything building wise till late game. What if I want to make shacks everywhere to spend a night or two in then head to next place?

You can build any time you want, there are ways to keep it defended even as a baby character. I havent tried making a bunch of outposts, but im pretty sure you can do that, they will be attacked often but in between attacks you can chill at one of your cribs and run when the priests come a knocking.

Obviously you dont just get banged, to be a boss you bang too, but if you get a guy trashed, assuming you heal em, theyl become much, much stronger. Getting damaged is inevitable, the chances youl eat shit high but of you can both get damaged, heal it up AND fuck up the niggas who fucked with you, then you train your combat, your toughness and you get loot out of the fuckboys who did it user.

Even if you get fucked over, you win, but you can win even more if you dont, get me?

There are tents. You should definitely own one if you're gonna explore an acid rain area.

Hmm might have to experiment. Do raiders destroy unoccupied buildings?

Oh shit where do I get those at?

>figure out the game on your own
Yes, this is how you get the most enjoyment out of games.
>and use the wiki when necessary.
Oh ok, you're retarded.

Newbie question here, just started playing, made like 100k+ from looting ruins and setting up a little mining cottage industry/shopfront in a building I fixed up in a small town etc

But how do I best set myself up for failure? How do I farm my own mortality?

I take it I should build some beds and have people on standby to carry me back to safety, but should I be spending money on good gear or wait until later (how much do bandits typically loot?), should I spend all my cash on stockpiling materials and store them safely to mitigate the losses?

I know people say the game is all about getting knocked down and getting back up again but the few encounters I've had so far left my entire party dead or in such a bad state there was no getting back up and all the misc groups of bandit's i've seen are 10+ strong with stats 5X that of my own.

There are tents etc and there's a bunch of mods that add more camping orientated shit to.

You're the retarded one, faggot. There's plenty of shit you need to remember that the wiki makes easy to recall.

Spend all your money on katanas and the absolute best gear you can find. Build and Train on dummies. If you can't find any ally with the Shinobu theives. Take off backpacks when going into combat. Lure groups on enemies back to a city if you're getting your shit kicked in. If you're too far away from a city attempt to cheese one or two enemies from a wandering group. Don't buy any materials at all and bandits only will raid your food storage at your base so best keep it far out of reach or make it a huge hassle for them to get to it such as locking doors of buildings with your food

Towns near acid rain zones usually sell them.

if you dont want to build beds, you can just use an inn instead.

ignoring slavery, cannibalism and predation, there is one big factor to losing a fight: is the enemy doing blunt or cut damage?
if you get knocked out by blunt damage, you will eventually wake up again (except in some specific cases).
if you get knocked out by cut damage, chances are you are bleeding for more damage than you can naturally heal so you're never going to wake up. this is the main reason you want one or more people to be ready to bandage and rescue everyone. ideally, you will want to fight near a town as well.

there are also more creative ways to level your stats, for example by stealth KOing enemies and kidnapping them to beat them up.

is it actually viable to play with just one character?

Of course. Actually I immediately started having less fun when I started gathering other characters to make a settlement.

>make all my armor, weapons, food and medicine, and my main character uses martial arts
I have no use for money or even meitou weapons. I assasinated the holy nation leaders, and im kinda just thinkin about doin an ironman alave game, having 100 stealth, athletics and assasination makes me feel invincible

So how big can you get in endgame?
Could I conquer the entire wasteland if given enough time?
How many men can be on my side?
I know the game reacts if you kill a faction leader, what happens if you kill them all?


You seriously didn't get the idea to at the very least become a fighting god in this game? The first thing I'd imagine most people would want to do is take over the world. Not make a stack of money and go lolimsobored

>getting my shit kicked in makes my skin hard as steel and my blood clot up instantly
>gear isnt as important as getting beaten within an inch of my life
Still fun game though

Awesome, I think the building i'm currently occupying is relatively safe, it's within a town, but I have been jumped by bandits on a few occasions coming out of the bar when the gates were left unmanned for whatever reason. I have noticed backpacks etc absolutely fucked me up in combat, like I had negative stats on everything and couldn't land a blow if my life depended on it.

>if you dont want to build beds, you can just use an inn instead.
Beds aren't an issue, i've got a decent amount of supplies and a have built a bunch of stuff already. May need to hire a few more recruits for paramedic duties though. And so far i've been entirely taking cut damage. On the upside hungry bandits seem to regularly get themselves beaten to unconsciousness by goats near the town, but i've never really been sure what to do with them aside from looting them. They could be handy as meaty training dummies I suppose.

>hahaha, watch my video! I am le funny meme man!

Gear up and explore.

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Best way to level up weapon skills? My martial arts is like 60, but punching prisoners with like 80 stats or babby leviathans didnt really give me alot of exp