What happened to compression?

>Modern Warfare remastered is 70 gigs, around 10 times the original.

Are the mission briefing videos 4k?

Attached: cod remastered.jpg (500x335, 75K)

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They're competing for hard drive space.

Fucking joke, I have hadly any harddrive space left. I noticed that R6 siege dropped their filesize from 90gb back to 36gb. Just devs being lazy fucks

Also Activision sold the remastered Variety map pack separately for five dollars more than its last gen counterpart.

they also added loot boxes to it

Everything is more detailed. The upscaled textures are probably 16x bigger (400% larger per dimension)

Suits think big filesizes stop torrenting. Suits are oblivious.

Attached: 1508129916973.jpg (850x850, 264K)

This. Easier player retention if you have fewer games competing for your attention, also retard "it's only 15gb so it's shit" shitposters

Do they really have 16x the graphics?

works for me im not waiting 20 hours for it to download

Yeah you are only waiting for 10 hours instead, what a gigantic difference.

dude you could run the original cod4 on like a geforce 5200gt

Attached: cod4rvsoriginal.jpg (1500x1200, 119K)

Uncompressed audio I'm guessing. It's usually the case. That's including localized audio. A lot of devs just include all the localization in the main package nowadays so they only have one release build instead of one for each localization. In games like Skyrim for instance, to change the language in the Steam version, you had to exit the game and change the language through Steam, after which Steam will download the appropriate text and sound package.

In a number of games now, you just have to change it in the game options. This is why I really like having different names for each language for the audio packages so I can just delete what I'm not going to use.

??? Install size was 30gb on PS4

Which is still excessive

30gb was the "to play" size
it was 74 gb in total

20 hours? Hah! I'm on day 3 of waiting for this shit to finish.

Unpopular opinion: CoD 4 is one of the best games ever made. It was military FPS kino, and encouraged my young self to start researching military history, and eventually major in military history and go to law school for national security law.

It's a massive nostalgia trip every time I see a screenshot, and makes me think of better days when I had no worries other than my create-a-class and my parents still pretended to love each other.

Attached: Imagejnm,.jpg (333x279, 12K)

70 gigs is nothing in 2019

I dunno what engine they're using but if they're using a PBR the material maps they have to include are like 4-fold now. Metal, roughness, height, normal, albedo. Used to be normal/albedo, and at like a quarter the size. Then there's sound, video, models and the cycle saving allowance for compression which I imagine is a zero tolerance policy.

No its just lazy developers who are fine with shitty engineering for the sake of graphics
graphicsfags will forever be a cancer on this industry

Attached: 0c4167b5e0c9d8e7e4eed553adedf418f7ad225f725eae77e96fb867a449708f.jpg (1398x562, 280K)

I feel like games are getting bigger on purpose. I remember being annoyed that Max Payne 3 was around 30 gigs when it came out. It was the largest game I had on Steam at the time.

>What happened to compression?
Shareholders and publishers unironically think that bigger is better, they demand the entirety of a bluray be filled to the brim, that their game occupies more hard drive space on a console than other games.

>playing objective modes
>its nothing but grenade spam on small ass capture points
>your teammates will most likely not even bother with the objective and just run around and get kills
Now I remember why I left this series.

Attached: 1541447923452.jpg (396x478, 52K)

Which is the bigger culprit in general anyway? Audio or textures? I mean, for dialogue heavy games with audio localization I expect audio to be a bigger issue than textures.

I tried playing this today, since it's "free" on PS+, and it's not as much fun as I remembered it being

>have a ps2
>pop in game and play
>have a ps4
>wait for download then play

Attached: angrydoomguy.png (400x400, 154K)

same I played for a few level ups on TDM and it's dated af. Not a bad game but the changes made since then are more prominent.

I forgot how much of a risk it was to vault over shit since it's so slow.

And 99% of todays games are digital.

It's a very pretty game tho.

Attached: Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Screenshot 2019.02.03 - (1920x1080, 2.28M)

So how good is this game compared to the original? If I can only play one, which do I play?

you know the worst part is they fucking never say that on the website. nope. i saw 38gb and i was like ok, a bit much more than expect but fine
time to download and it is 77gb, HALF IS FROM PATCH. what the fuck, did they include a new game or what?

obv the remaster will look better but, keep in mind it's "new remaster of old game" and not "new game"
it's kinda hard to describe but you'll feel you're playing a last gen title

Siege is like 80+GB

>unpopular opinion

Sounds like you just need to go on Facebook and make a post about cod and see all the normalfags come out of the woodwork.

not anymore retard

>he didnt play cod4 during its peak

Attached: Mile High Club PC.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

I just checked and mine is 116GB without the hd pack.

It's basically a remake of the original. Looks pretty and plays the same. It does play the same. Nostalgia fags may disagree but they're delusional.

Attached: MacTavish Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

are there bounces

>excited to download MW remastered to play multiplayer!
>Go to download CoD
>"Would you Like to download Single player or Multiplayer?"
>22gigs for multiplayer and it's all I wanna play! Yes!
>1 hour later, download complete
>updates...30 mins later
>"To continue playing multiplayer, please install singleplayer mode"

>shut off PS4

Thanks for the headsup dude your sacrifice wont be in vain

>caring about a 3.5min donwload


Did they fix the grenade spam? The "noobtube"?

I have either never played or bothered to finish any CoD game since MW1 (except MW2 and MW3), could Yea Forums rate them so i can decide which ones i should try and which avoid
>World at War
>Black Ops
>Black Ops 2
>Advanced Warfare
>Infinite Warfare

Attached: Shipment_Load.jpg (1280x720, 252K)

I am having fun. I wish newer CODs have less killstreak bullshit. Its so bad in Black Ops 4 right now




Fuck you

uncompressed audio for multiple languages and high res textures.compression saves disk space, but uses cpu resources to uncompress them and devs would much rather have the little extra cpu power pcgamer.com/how-game-sizes-got-so-huge-and-why-theyll-get-even-bigger/

Attached: kf2.jpg (2424x1080, 1.35M)

Play WaW, BO, BO2 and WW2

SP they're all the same. MP wise try to avoid w@w. For zombies w@w, BO2 and IW. Oh and Ghosts for Extinction.

I played it 2 weeks ago on PC. It was around 81GB without HD dlc. I highly doubt it's only 36 now.

It is 38GB the new patch makes you reinstall the whole game.

The big kicker is that those PS exclusives have significantly smaller file sizes for what they offer. Especially TLG on the bottom left, clocking at 15GB full.

No. It's still a viable strat.

consoles cant into stream compression

Fucking BOTW is 16 gigs and it’s a huge ass world
They busted Crash from 60 gigs to 5 gigs and made him look better
Serouisly these devs are lazy faggots

I genuinely enjoyed the Treyarc single player campaigns.
Pretty neat soundtrack and take on the both theaters. Also is probably one of the gorier titles.
>Black Ops
Neat era and locales. Really dig the whole cold war vibe and weapons. Also the soundtrack is neat again.
>blacks ops 2
The branching storyline is interesting as you're constantly going to the past and present. There's also moments where you can change the outcome without it letting you know.

>on the both theaters
I never understood why is pacific theater is so overlooked in vidya. Almost every AAA FPS title about WW2 is most likely set in Europe and/or North Africa

MOH Rising Sun. Already perfected.
As for MP there's WAW. Arisaka is god tier there.